# ============LICENSE_START======================================================= # org.onap.dcae # ================================================================================ # Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= # # ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Provides the mock catalog """ import os import json import contextlib import itertools from functools import partial from datetime import datetime import six from sqlalchemy import create_engine as create_engine_, event, and_, or_ from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound from sqlalchemy_utils import database_exists, create_database, drop_database from dcae_cli import _version as cli_version from dcae_cli.catalog.mock.tables import Component, Format, FormatPair, Base from dcae_cli.catalog.mock.schema import validate_component, validate_format, apply_defaults_docker_config from dcae_cli.util import reraise_with_msg, get_app_dir from dcae_cli.util.config import get_config, get_path_component_spec, \ get_path_data_format from dcae_cli.util.logger import get_logger from dcae_cli.util.docker_util import image_exists from dcae_cli.catalog.exc import CatalogError, DuplicateEntry, MissingEntry, FrozenEntry from dcae_cli.util.cdap_util import normalize_cdap_params logger = get_logger('Catalog') #INTERNAL HELPERS def _get_component(session, name, version): '''Returns a single component ORM''' try: if not version: query = session.query(Component).filter(Component.name==name).order_by(Component.version.desc()).limit(1) else: query = session.query(Component).filter(Component.name==name, Component.version==version) return query.one() except NoResultFound: comp_msg = "{}:{}".format(name, version) if version else name raise MissingEntry("Component '{}' was not found in the catalog".format(comp_msg)) def _get_docker_image_from_spec(spec): images = [ art["uri"] for art in spec["artifacts"] if art["type"] == "docker image" ] return images[0] def _get_docker_image(session, name, version): '''Returns the docker image name of a given component''' comp = _get_component(session, name, version) return _get_docker_image_from_spec(comp.get_spec_as_dict()) def _add_docker_component(session, user, spec, update, enforce_image=True): '''Adds/updates a docker component to the catalog''' image = _get_docker_image_from_spec(spec) if enforce_image and not image_exists(image): raise CatalogError("Specified image '{}' does not exist locally.".format(image)) comp = build_generic_component(session, user, spec, update) session.commit() def _get_cdap_jar_from_spec(spec): jars = [ art["uri"] for art in spec["artifacts"] if art["type"] == "jar" ] return jars[0] def _add_cdap_component(session, user, spec, update): '''Adds/updates a cdap component to the catalog''' comp = build_generic_component(session, user, spec, update) session.commit() #PUBLIC FUNCTIONS @contextlib.contextmanager def SessionTransaction(engine): '''Provides a transactional scope around a series of operations''' Session = sessionmaker(engine) try: session = Session() yield session session.commit() except IntegrityError as e: session.rollback() _raise_if_duplicate(str(engine.url), e) raise except Exception: session.rollback() raise finally: session.close() _dup_e = DuplicateEntry('Entry already exists. Try using the --update flag.') def _raise_if_duplicate(url, e): '''Raises if the exception relates to duplicate entries''' if 'sqlite' in url: if 'UNIQUE' in e.orig.args[0].upper(): raise _dup_e elif 'postgres' in url: # e.orig is of type psycopg2.IntegrityError that has # pgcode which uses the following: # # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/errcodes-appendix.html#ERRCODES-TABLE # # 23505 means "unique_violation" if e.orig.pgcode == "23505": raise _dup_e def create_engine(base, db_name=None, purge_existing=False, db_url=None): '''Returns an initialized database engine''' if db_url is None: if db_name is None: # no url or db name indicates we want to use the tool's configured db config = get_config() url = config['db_url'] else: # if only a db name is given, interpret as a sqlite db in the app dir. this maintains backwards compat with existing tests. db_path = os.path.join(get_app_dir(), db_name) url = ''.join(('sqlite:///', db_path)) else: # a full db url is the most explicit input and should be used over other inputs if provided url = db_url if not database_exists(url): create_database(url) elif purge_existing: drop_database(url) create_database(url) engine = create_engine_(url) _configure_engine(engine) base.metadata.create_all(engine) return engine def _configure_engine(engine): '''Performs additional db-specific configurations''' str_url = str(engine.url) if 'sqlite' in str_url: event.listen(engine, 'connect', lambda conn, record: conn.execute('pragma foreign_keys=ON')) def get_format(session, name, version): '''Returns a single data format ORM''' try: if not version: query = session.query(Format).filter(Format.name==name).order_by(Format.version.desc()).limit(1) else: query = session.query(Format).filter(Format.name==name, Format.version==version) return query.one() except NoResultFound: msg = "{}:{}".format(name, version) if version else name raise MissingEntry("Data format '{}' was not found in the catalog.".format(msg)) def _create_format_tuple(entry): '''Create tuple to identify format''' return (entry['format'], entry['version']) def _get_format_pair(session, req_name, req_version, resp_name, resp_version, create=True): '''Returns a single data format pair ORM''' req = get_format(session, req_name, req_version) resp = get_format(session, resp_name, resp_version) query = session.query(FormatPair).filter(and_(FormatPair.req == req, FormatPair.resp == resp)) try: return query.one() except NoResultFound: if not create: raise MissingEntry("Data format pair with request '{}:{}' and response '{}:{}' was not found in the catalog.".format(req.name, req.version, resp.name, resp.version)) pair = FormatPair(req=req, resp=resp) session.add(pair) return pair def _create_format_pair_tuple(entry): '''Create tuple to identify format pair''' req_name, req_version = entry['request']['format'], entry['request']['version'] resp_name, resp_version = entry['response']['format'], entry['response']['version'] return (req_name, req_version, resp_name, resp_version) def _get_unique_format_things(create_tuple, get_func, entries): '''Get unique format things (formats, format pairs, ..) Args ---- create_tuple: Function that has the signature dict->tuple get_func: Function that has the signature *tuple->orm entries: list of dicts that have data format details that come from streams.publishes, streams.subscribes, services.calls, services.provides Return ------ List of unique orms ''' src = set(create_tuple(entry) for entry in entries) return [get_func(*yo) for yo in src] def verify_component(session, name, version): '''Returns the orm name and version of a given component''' orm = _get_component(session, name, version) return orm.name, orm.version def get_component_type(session, name, version): '''Returns the component_type of a given component''' return _get_component(session, name, version).component_type def get_component_spec(session, name, version): '''Returns the spec dict of a given component''' return json.loads(_get_component(session, name, version).spec) def get_format_spec(session, name, version): '''Returns the spec dict of a given data format''' return json.loads(get_format(session, name, version).spec) def build_generic_component(session, user, spec, update): '''Builds, adds, and returns a generic component ORM. Does not commit changes.''' attrs = spec['self'].copy() attrs['spec'] = json.dumps(spec) # TODO: This should really come from the spec too attrs['owner'] = user # grab existing or create a new component name, version = attrs['name'], attrs['version'] if update: comp = _get_component(session, name, version) if comp.is_published(): raise FrozenEntry("Component '{}:{}' has been pushed and cannot be updated".format(name, version)) else: comp = Component() session.add(comp) # REVIEW: Inject these parameters as function arguments instead of this # hidden approach? # WATCH: This has to be done here before the code below because there is a # commit somewhere below and since these fields are not nullable, you'll get a # violation. comp.cli_version = cli_version.__version__ comp.schema_path = get_path_component_spec() # build the ORM for attr, val in six.iteritems(attrs): setattr(comp, attr, val) # update relationships get_format_local = partial(get_format, session) get_unique_formats = partial(_get_unique_format_things, _create_format_tuple, get_format_local) try: comp.publishes = get_unique_formats(spec['streams']['publishes']) except MissingEntry as e: reraise_with_msg(e, 'Add failed while traversing "publishes"') try: comp.subscribes = get_unique_formats(spec['streams']['subscribes']) except MissingEntry as e: reraise_with_msg(e, 'Add failed while traversing "subscribes"') get_format_pairs = partial(_get_format_pair, session) get_unique_format_pairs = partial(_get_unique_format_things, _create_format_pair_tuple, get_format_pairs) try: comp.provides = get_unique_format_pairs(spec['services']['provides']) except MissingEntry as e: reraise_with_msg(e, 'Add failed while traversing "provides"') try: comp.calls = get_unique_format_pairs(spec['services']['calls']) except MissingEntry as e: reraise_with_msg(e, 'Add failed while traversing "calls"') return comp def add_format(session, spec, user, update): '''Helper function which adds a data format to the catalog''' attrs = spec['self'].copy() attrs['spec'] = json.dumps(spec) name, version = attrs['name'], attrs['version'] # TODO: This should really come from the spec too attrs['owner'] = user if update: data_format = get_format(session, name, version) if data_format.is_published(): raise FrozenEntry("Data format {}:{} has been pushed and cannot be updated".format(name, version)) else: data_format = Format() session.add(data_format) # build the ORM for attr, val in six.iteritems(attrs): setattr(data_format, attr, val) # REVIEW: Inject these parameters as function arguments instead of this # hidden approach? data_format.cli_version = cli_version.__version__ data_format.schema_path = get_path_data_format() session.commit() def _filter_neighbors(session, neighbors=None): '''Returns a Component query filtered by available neighbors''' if neighbors is None: query = session.query(Component) else: subfilt = or_(and_(Component.name==n, Component.version==v) for n,v in neighbors) query = session.query(Component).filter(subfilt) return query def get_subscribers(session, orm, neighbors=None): '''Returns a list of component ORMs which subscribe to the specified format''' query = _filter_neighbors(session, neighbors) return query.filter(Component.subscribes.contains(orm)).all() def get_providers(session, orm, neighbors=None): '''Returns a list of component ORMs which provide the specified format pair''' query = _filter_neighbors(session, neighbors) return query.filter(Component.provides.contains(orm)).all() def _match_pub(entries, orms): '''Aligns the publishes orms with spec entries to get the config key''' lookup = {(orm.name, orm.version): orm for orm in orms} for entry in entries: if "http" not in entry["type"]: continue key = (entry['format'], entry['version']) yield entry['config_key'], lookup[key] def _match_call(entries, orms): '''Aligns the calls orms with spec entries to get the config key''' lookup = {(orm.req.name, orm.req.version, orm.resp.name, orm.resp.version): orm for orm in orms} for entry in entries: key = (entry['request']['format'], entry['request']['version'], entry['response']['format'], entry['response']['version']) yield entry['config_key'], lookup[key] def get_discovery(get_params_func, session, name, version, neighbors=None): '''Returns the parameters and interface map for a given component and considering its neighbors''' comp = _get_component(session, name, version) spec = json.loads(comp.spec) interfaces = dict() for key, orm in _match_pub(spec['streams']['publishes'], comp.publishes): interfaces[key] = [(c.name, c.version) for c in get_subscribers(session, orm, neighbors) if not c is comp] for key, orm in _match_call(spec['services']['calls'], comp.calls): interfaces[key] = [(c.name, c.version) for c in get_providers(session, orm, neighbors) if not c is comp] params = get_params_func(spec) return params, interfaces _get_discovery_for_cdap = partial(get_discovery, normalize_cdap_params) _get_discovery_for_docker = partial(get_discovery, lambda spec: {param['name']: param['value'] for param in spec['parameters']}) def _get_discovery_for_dmaap(get_component_spec_func, name, version): """Get all config keys that are for dmaap streams Returns: -------- Tuple of message router config keys list, data router config keys list """ spec = get_component_spec_func(name, version) all_streams = spec["streams"].get("publishes", []) \ + spec["streams"].get("subscribes", []) def is_for_message_router(stream): return stream["type"] == "message router" \ or stream["type"] == "message_router" mr_keys = [ stream["config_key"] for stream in filter(is_for_message_router, all_streams) ] def is_for_data_router(stream): return stream["type"] == "data router" \ or stream["type"] == "data_router" dr_keys = [ stream["config_key"] for stream in filter(is_for_data_router, all_streams) ] return mr_keys, dr_keys def _filter_latest(orms): '''Filters and yields only (name, version, *) orm tuples with the highest version''' get_first_key_func = lambda x: x[0] # itertools.groupby requires the input to be sorted sorted_orms = sorted(orms, key=get_first_key_func) for _, g in itertools.groupby(sorted_orms, get_first_key_func): yield max(g, key=lambda x: x[1]) def list_components(session, user, only_published, subscribes=None, publishes=None, provides=None, calls=None, latest=True): """Get list of components Returns: -------- List of component orms as dicts """ filters = list() if subscribes: filters.extend(Component.subscribes.contains(get_format(session, n, v)) for n, v in subscribes) if publishes: filters.extend(Component.publishes.contains(get_format(session, n, v)) for n, v in publishes) if provides: filters.extend(Component.provides.contains(_get_format_pair(session, reqn, reqv, respn, respv, create=False)) for (reqn, reqv), (respn, respv) in provides) if calls: filters.extend(Component.calls.contains(_get_format_pair(session, reqn, reqv, respn, respv, create=False)) for (reqn, reqv), (respn, respv) in calls) if filters: query = session.query(Component).filter(or_(*filters)) else: query = session.query(Component) if user: query = query.filter(Component.owner==user) if only_published: query = query.filter(Component.when_published!=None) orms = ((orm.name, orm.version, orm.component_type, orm) for orm in query) if latest: orms = _filter_latest(orms) return [ orm.__dict__ for _, _, _, orm in orms ] def _list_formats(session, user, only_published, latest=True): """Get list of data formats Returns ------- List of data format orms as dicts """ query = session.query(Format).order_by(Format.modified.desc()) if user: query = query.filter(Format.owner==user) if only_published: query = query.filter(Format.when_published!=None) orms = [ (orm.name, orm.version, orm) for orm in query ] if latest: orms = _filter_latest(orms) return [ orm.__dict__ for _, _, orm in orms ] def build_config_keys_map(spec): """Build config keys map Return ------ Dict where each item: : { "group": , "type": } where grouping includes "streams_publishes", "streams_subscribes", "services_calls" """ # subscribing as http doesn't have config key ss = [ (s["config_key"], { "group": "streams_subscribes", "type": s["type"] }) for s in spec["streams"]["subscribes"] if "config_key" in s] sp = [ (s["config_key"], { "group": "streams_publishes", "type": s["type"] }) for s in spec["streams"]["publishes"] ] sc = [ (s["config_key"], { "group": "services_calls" }) for s in spec["services"]["calls"] ] return dict(ss+sp+sc) def get_data_router_subscriber_route(spec, config_key): """Get route by config key for data router subscriber Utility method that parses the component spec """ for s in spec["streams"].get("subscribes", []): if s["type"] in ["data_router", "data router"] \ and s["config_key"] == config_key: return s["route"] raise MissingEntry("No data router subscriber for {0}".format(config_key)) class MockCatalog(object): def __init__(self, purge_existing=False, enforce_image=True, db_name=None, engine=None, db_url=None): self.engine = create_engine(Base, db_name=db_name, purge_existing=purge_existing, db_url=db_url) if engine is None else engine self.enforce_image = enforce_image def add_component(self, user, spec, update=False): '''Validates component specification and adds component to the mock catalog''' validate_component(spec) component_type = spec["self"]["component_type"] with SessionTransaction(self.engine) as session: if component_type == "cdap": _add_cdap_component(session, user, spec, update) elif component_type == "docker": _add_docker_component(session, user, spec, update, enforce_image=self.enforce_image) else: raise CatalogError("Unknown component type: {0}".format(component_type)) def get_docker_image(self, name, version): '''Returns the docker image name associated with this component''' with SessionTransaction(self.engine) as session: return _get_docker_image(session, name, version) def get_docker(self, name, version): with SessionTransaction(self.engine) as session: comp = _get_component(session, name, version) spec = comp.get_spec_as_dict() # NOTE: Defaults are being applied for docker config here at read # time. Not completely sure that this is the correct approach. The # benefit is that defaults can be changed without altering the stored # specs. It's a nice layering. docker_config = apply_defaults_docker_config(spec["auxilary"]) return _get_docker_image_from_spec(spec), docker_config, spec def get_docker_config(self, name, version): _, docker_config, _ = self.get_docker(name, version) return docker_config def get_cdap(self, name, version): '''Returns a tuple representing this cdap component Returns ------- tuple(jar, config, spec) jar: string URL where the CDAP jar is located. config: dict A dictionary loaded from the CDAP JSON configuration file. spec: dict The dcae-cli component specification file. ''' with SessionTransaction(self.engine) as session: comp = _get_component(session, name, version) spec = comp.get_spec_as_dict() cdap_config = spec["auxilary"] return _get_cdap_jar_from_spec(spec), cdap_config, spec def get_component_type(self, name, version): '''Returns the component type associated with this component''' with SessionTransaction(self.engine) as session: return get_component_type(session, name, version) def get_component_spec(self, name, version): '''Returns the spec dict associated with this component''' with SessionTransaction(self.engine) as session: return get_component_spec(session, name, version) def get_format_spec(self, name, version): '''Returns the spec dict associated with this data format''' with SessionTransaction(self.engine) as session: return get_format_spec(session, name, version) def add_format(self, spec, user, update=False): '''Validates data format specification and adds data format to the mock catalog''' validate_format(spec) with SessionTransaction(self.engine) as session: add_format(session, spec, user, update) def get_discovery_for_cdap(self, name, version, neighbors=None): '''Returns the parameters and interface map for a given component and considering its neighbors''' with SessionTransaction(self.engine) as session: return _get_discovery_for_cdap(session, name, version, neighbors) def get_discovery_for_docker(self, name, version, neighbors=None): '''Returns the parameters and interface map for a given component and considering its neighbors''' with SessionTransaction(self.engine) as session: return _get_discovery_for_docker(session, name, version, neighbors) def get_discovery_for_dmaap(self, name, version): with SessionTransaction(self.engine) as session: get_component_spec_func = partial(get_component_spec, session) return _get_discovery_for_dmaap(get_component_spec_func, name, version) def get_discovery_from_spec(self, user, target_spec, neighbors=None): '''Get pieces to generate configuration for the given target spec This function is used to obtain the pieces needed to generate the application configuration json: parameters map, interfaces map, dmaap map. Where the input is a provided specification that hasn't been added to the catalog - prospective specs - which includes a component that doesn't exist or a new version of an existing spec. Returns ------- Tuple of three elements: - Dict of parameter name to parameter value - Dict of "config_key" to list of (component.name, component.version) known as "interface_map" - Tuple of lists of "config_key" the first for message router the second for data router known as "dmaap_map" ''' validate_component(target_spec) with SessionTransaction(self.engine) as session: # The following approach was taken in order to: # 1. Re-use existing functionality e.g. implement fast # 2. In order to make ORM-specific queries, I need the entire ORM # in SQLAlchemy meaning I cannot do arbitrary DataFormatPair queries # without Component. name = target_spec["self"]["name"] version = target_spec["self"]["version"] try: # Build a component with update to True first because you may # want to run this for an existing component build_generic_component(session, user, target_spec, True) except MissingEntry: # Since it doesn't exist already, build a new component build_generic_component(session, user, target_spec, False) # This is needed so that subsequent queries will "see" the component session.flush() ctype = target_spec["self"]["component_type"] if ctype == "cdap": params, interface_map = _get_discovery_for_cdap(session, name, version, neighbors) elif ctype == "docker": params, interface_map = _get_discovery_for_docker(session, name, version, neighbors) # Don't want to commit these changes so rollback. session.rollback() # Use the target spec as the source to compile the config keys from dmaap_config_keys = _get_discovery_for_dmaap( lambda name, version: target_spec, name, version) return params, interface_map, dmaap_config_keys def verify_component(self, name, version): '''Returns the component's name and version if it exists and raises an exception otherwise''' with SessionTransaction(self.engine) as session: return verify_component(session, name, version) def list_components(self, subscribes=None, publishes=None, provides=None, calls=None, latest=True, user=None, only_published=False): '''Returns a list of component names which match the specified filter sequences''' with SessionTransaction(self.engine) as session: return list_components(session, user, only_published, subscribes, publishes, provides, calls, latest) def list_formats(self, latest=True, user=None, only_published=False): """Get list of data formats Returns ------- List of data formats as dicts """ with SessionTransaction(self.engine) as session: return _list_formats(session, user, only_published, latest) def get_format(self, name, version): """Get data format Throws MissingEntry exception if no matches found. Returns ------- Dict representation of data format """ with SessionTransaction(self.engine) as session: return get_format(session, name, version).__dict__ def _publish(self, get_func, user, name, version): """Publish data format Args: ----- get_func: Function that takes a session, name, version and outputs a data object either Component or Format Returns: -------- True upon success else False """ # TODO: To make function composeable, it should take in the data format # object with SessionTransaction(self.engine) as session: obj = get_func(session, name, version) if obj: if obj.owner != user: logger.error("Not authorized to modify component or data format") return False elif obj.when_published: logger.warn("Component or data format has already been published") return False else: obj.when_published = datetime.utcnow() session.commit() else: logger.error("Component or data format not found: {0}, {1}".format(name, version)) return False return True def publish_format(self, user, name, version): """Publish data format Returns ------- True upon success else False """ return self._publish(get_format, user, name, version) def get_unpublished_formats(self, comp_name, comp_version): """Get unpublished formats for given component Returns: -------- List of unique data format name, version pairs """ with SessionTransaction(self.engine) as session: comp = _get_component(session, comp_name, comp_version) dfs = comp.publishes + comp.subscribes dfs += [ p.req for p in comp.provides] dfs += [ p.resp for p in comp.provides] dfs += [ c.req for c in comp.calls] dfs += [ c.resp for c in comp.calls] def is_not_published(orm): return orm.when_published == None formats = [(df.name, df.version) for df in filter(is_not_published, dfs)] return list(set(formats)) def publish_component(self, user, name, version): """Publish component Returns ------- True upon success else False """ return self._publish(_get_component, user, name, version)