/******************************************************************************* * ============LICENSE_START================================================== * * org.onap.dmaap * * =========================================================================== * * Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * * =========================================================================== * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * * ============LICENSE_END==================================================== * * * * ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. * * ******************************************************************************/ package org.onap.dmaap.datarouter.node.config; import com.att.eelf.configuration.EELFLogger; import com.att.eelf.configuration.EELFManager; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Reader; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONTokener; import org.onap.dmaap.datarouter.node.config.NodeConfig.ProvFeed; import org.onap.dmaap.datarouter.node.config.NodeConfig.ProvFeedSubnet; import org.onap.dmaap.datarouter.node.config.NodeConfig.ProvFeedUser; import org.onap.dmaap.datarouter.node.config.NodeConfig.ProvForceEgress; import org.onap.dmaap.datarouter.node.config.NodeConfig.ProvForceIngress; import org.onap.dmaap.datarouter.node.config.NodeConfig.ProvHop; import org.onap.dmaap.datarouter.node.config.NodeConfig.ProvNode; import org.onap.dmaap.datarouter.node.config.NodeConfig.ProvParam; import org.onap.dmaap.datarouter.node.config.NodeConfig.ProvSubscription; import org.onap.dmaap.datarouter.node.eelf.EelfMsgs; import org.onap.dmaap.datarouter.node.utils.NodeUtils; /** * Parser for provisioning data from the provisioning server. * *

The ProvData class uses a Reader for the text configuration from the provisioning server to construct arrays of * raw configuration entries. */ public class ProvData { private static final String FEED_ID = "feedid"; private static final EELFLogger eelfLogger = EELFManager.getInstance().getLogger(ProvData.class); private final NodeConfig.ProvNode[] provNodes; private final NodeConfig.ProvParam[] provParams; private final NodeConfig.ProvFeed[] provFeeds; private final NodeConfig.ProvFeedUser[] provFeedUsers; private final NodeConfig.ProvFeedSubnet[] provFeedSubnets; private final NodeConfig.ProvSubscription[] provSubscriptions; private final NodeConfig.ProvForceIngress[] provForceIngresses; private final NodeConfig.ProvForceEgress[] provForceEgresses; private final NodeConfig.ProvHop[] provHops; /** * Construct raw provisioing data entries from the text (JSON) provisioning document received from the provisioning * server. * * @param reader The reader for the JSON text. */ public ProvData(Reader reader) throws IOException { ArrayList provNodeArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList provParamArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList provFeedArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList provFeedUserArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList provFeedSubnetArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList provSubscriptionArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList provForceIngressArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList provForceEgressArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList provHopArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); try { JSONTokener jsonTokener = new JSONTokener(reader); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(jsonTokener); char nextCleanChar = jsonTokener.nextClean(); if (nextCleanChar != '\0') { throw new JSONException("Spurious characters following configuration"); } reader.close(); addJSONFeeds(provFeedArrayList, provFeedUserArrayList, provFeedSubnetArrayList, jsonObject); addJSONSubs(provSubscriptionArrayList, jsonObject); addJSONParams(provNodeArrayList, provParamArrayList, jsonObject); addJSONRoutingInformation(provForceIngressArrayList, provForceEgressArrayList, provHopArrayList, jsonObject); } catch (JSONException jse) { NodeUtils.setIpAndFqdnForEelf("ProvData"); eelfLogger.error(EelfMsgs.MESSAGE_PARSING_ERROR, jse.toString()); eelfLogger .error("NODE0201 Error parsing configuration data from provisioning server " + jse.toString(), jse); throw new IOException(jse.toString(), jse); } provNodes = provNodeArrayList.toArray(new ProvNode[0]); provParams = provParamArrayList.toArray(new ProvParam[0]); provFeeds = provFeedArrayList.toArray(new ProvFeed[0]); provFeedUsers = provFeedUserArrayList.toArray(new ProvFeedUser[0]); provFeedSubnets = provFeedSubnetArrayList.toArray(new ProvFeedSubnet[0]); provSubscriptions = provSubscriptionArrayList.toArray(new ProvSubscription[0]); provForceIngresses = provForceIngressArrayList.toArray(new ProvForceIngress[0]); provForceEgresses = provForceEgressArrayList.toArray(new ProvForceEgress[0]); provHops = provHopArrayList.toArray(new ProvHop[0]); } private static String[] gvasa(JSONObject object, String key) { return (gvasa(object.opt(key))); } private static String[] gvasa(Object object) { if (object instanceof JSONArray) { JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) object; ArrayList array = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { String string = gvas(jsonArray, i); if (string != null) { array.add(string); } } return (array.toArray(new String[array.size()])); } else { String string = gvas(object); if (string == null) { return (new String[0]); } else { return (new String[]{string}); } } } private static String gvas(JSONArray array, int index) { return (gvas(array.get(index))); } private static String gvas(JSONObject object, String key) { return (gvas(object.opt(key))); } private static String gvas(Object object) { if (object instanceof Boolean || object instanceof Number || object instanceof String) { return (object.toString()); } return (null); } /** * Get the raw node configuration entries. */ public NodeConfig.ProvNode[] getNodes() { return (provNodes); } /** * Get the raw parameter configuration entries. */ public NodeConfig.ProvParam[] getParams() { return (provParams); } /** * Ge the raw feed configuration entries. */ public NodeConfig.ProvFeed[] getFeeds() { return (provFeeds); } /** * Get the raw feed user configuration entries. */ public NodeConfig.ProvFeedUser[] getFeedUsers() { return (provFeedUsers); } /** * Get the raw feed subnet configuration entries. */ public NodeConfig.ProvFeedSubnet[] getFeedSubnets() { return (provFeedSubnets); } /** * Get the raw subscription entries. */ public NodeConfig.ProvSubscription[] getSubscriptions() { return (provSubscriptions); } /** * Get the raw forced ingress entries. */ public NodeConfig.ProvForceIngress[] getForceIngress() { return (provForceIngresses); } /** * Get the raw forced egress entries. */ public NodeConfig.ProvForceEgress[] getForceEgress() { return (provForceEgresses); } /** * Get the raw next hop entries. */ public NodeConfig.ProvHop[] getHops() { return (provHops); } @Nullable private String getFeedStatus(JSONObject jfeed) { String stat = null; if (jfeed.optBoolean("suspend", false)) { stat = "Feed is suspended"; } if (jfeed.optBoolean("deleted", false)) { stat = "Feed is deleted"; } return stat; } private void addJSONFeeds(ArrayList pfv, ArrayList pfuv, ArrayList pfsnv, JSONObject jcfg) { JSONArray jfeeds = jcfg.optJSONArray("feeds"); if (jfeeds != null) { for (int fx = 0; fx < jfeeds.length(); fx++) { addJSONFeed(pfv, pfuv, pfsnv, jfeeds, fx); } } } private void addJSONFeed(ArrayList pfv, ArrayList pfuv, ArrayList pfsnv, JSONArray jfeeds, int fx) { JSONObject jfeed = jfeeds.getJSONObject(fx); String stat = getFeedStatus(jfeed); String fid = gvas(jfeed, FEED_ID); String fname = gvas(jfeed, "name"); String fver = gvas(jfeed, "version"); String createdDate = gvas(jfeed, "created_date"); pfv.add(new ProvFeed(fid, fname + "//" + fver, stat, createdDate)); addJSONFeedAuthArrays(pfuv, pfsnv, jfeed, fid); } private void addJSONFeedAuthArrays(ArrayList pfuv, ArrayList pfsnv, JSONObject jfeed, String fid) { JSONObject jauth = jfeed.optJSONObject("authorization"); if (jauth == null) { return; } JSONArray jeids = jauth.optJSONArray("endpoint_ids"); if (jeids != null) { for (int ux = 0; ux < jeids.length(); ux++) { JSONObject ju = jeids.getJSONObject(ux); String login = gvas(ju, "id"); String password = gvas(ju, "password"); pfuv.add(new ProvFeedUser(fid, login, NodeUtils.getAuthHdr(login, password))); } } JSONArray jeips = jauth.optJSONArray("endpoint_addrs"); if (jeips != null) { for (int ix = 0; ix < jeips.length(); ix++) { String sn = gvas(jeips, ix); pfsnv.add(new ProvFeedSubnet(fid, sn)); } } } private void addJSONSubs(ArrayList psv, JSONObject jcfg) { JSONArray jsubs = jcfg.optJSONArray("subscriptions"); if (jsubs != null) { for (int sx = 0; sx < jsubs.length(); sx++) { addJSONSub(psv, jsubs, sx); } } } private void addJSONSub(ArrayList psv, JSONArray jsubs, int sx) { JSONObject jsub = jsubs.getJSONObject(sx); if (jsub.optBoolean("suspend", false)) { return; } String sid = gvas(jsub, "subid"); String fid = gvas(jsub, FEED_ID); JSONObject jdel = jsub.getJSONObject("delivery"); String delurl = gvas(jdel, "url"); String id = gvas(jdel, "user"); String password = gvas(jdel, "password"); boolean monly = jsub.getBoolean("metadataOnly"); boolean use100 = jdel.getBoolean("use100"); boolean privilegedSubscriber = jsub.getBoolean("privilegedSubscriber"); boolean decompress = jsub.getBoolean("decompress"); boolean followRedirect = jsub.getBoolean("follow_redirect"); psv.add(new ProvSubscription(sid, fid, delurl, id, NodeUtils.getAuthHdr(id, password), monly, use100, privilegedSubscriber, followRedirect, decompress)); } private void addJSONParams(ArrayList pnv, ArrayList ppv, JSONObject jcfg) { JSONObject jparams = jcfg.optJSONObject("parameters"); if (jparams != null) { for (String pname : JSONObject.getNames(jparams)) { addJSONParam(ppv, jparams, pname); } addJSONNodesToParams(pnv, jparams); } } private void addJSONParam(ArrayList ppv, JSONObject jparams, String pname) { String pvalue = gvas(jparams, pname); if (pvalue != null) { ppv.add(new ProvParam(pname, pvalue)); } } private void addJSONNodesToParams(ArrayList pnv, JSONObject jparams) { String sfx = gvas(jparams, "PROV_DOMAIN"); JSONArray jnodes = jparams.optJSONArray("NODES"); if (jnodes != null) { for (int nx = 0; nx < jnodes.length(); nx++) { String nn = gvas(jnodes, nx); if (nn == null) { continue; } if (nn.indexOf('.') == -1) { nn = nn + "." + sfx; } pnv.add(new ProvNode(nn)); } } } private void addJSONRoutingInformation(ArrayList pfiv, ArrayList pfev, ArrayList phv, JSONObject jcfg) { JSONArray jingresses = jcfg.optJSONArray("ingress"); if (jingresses != null) { for (int fx = 0; fx < jingresses.length(); fx++) { addJSONIngressRoute(pfiv, jingresses, fx); } } JSONObject jegresses = jcfg.optJSONObject("egress"); if (jegresses != null && JSONObject.getNames(jegresses) != null) { for (String esid : JSONObject.getNames(jegresses)) { addJSONEgressRoute(pfev, jegresses, esid); } } JSONArray jhops = jcfg.optJSONArray("routing"); if (jhops != null) { for (int fx = 0; fx < jhops.length(); fx++) { addJSONRoutes(phv, jhops, fx); } } } private void addJSONIngressRoute(ArrayList pfiv, JSONArray jingresses, int fx) { JSONObject jingress = jingresses.getJSONObject(fx); String fid = gvas(jingress, FEED_ID); String subnet = gvas(jingress, "subnet"); String user = gvas(jingress, "user"); if (fid == null || "".equals(fid)) { return; } if ("".equals(subnet)) { subnet = null; } if ("".equals(user)) { user = null; } String[] nodes = gvasa(jingress, "node"); pfiv.add(new ProvForceIngress(fid, subnet, user, nodes)); } private void addJSONEgressRoute(ArrayList pfev, JSONObject jegresses, String esid) { String enode = gvas(jegresses, esid); if (esid != null && enode != null && !"".equals(esid) && !"".equals(enode)) { pfev.add(new ProvForceEgress(esid, enode)); } } private void addJSONRoutes(ArrayList phv, JSONArray jhops, int fx) { JSONObject jhop = jhops.getJSONObject(fx); String from = gvas(jhop, "from"); String to = gvas(jhop, "to"); String via = gvas(jhop, "via"); if (from == null || to == null || via == null || "".equals(from) || "".equals(to) || "".equals(via)) { return; } phv.add(new ProvHop(from, to, via)); } }