Feature: VSP Example File Background: Init Given I want to create a VLM Then I want to submit this VLM Scenario: Create and submit VSP Network Package When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/BASE_MUX.zip" And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP Then I want to commit this Item And I want to submit this VSP And I want to package this VSP Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" When I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/VSPPackage.zip" Then I want to compare the content of the entry "Artifacts/CB_BASE.yaml" in the zip "resources/downloads/VSPPackage.zip" with file "resources/yaml/CB_BASE.yaml" When I want to load the yaml content of the entry "Artifacts/CB_BASE.yaml" in the zip "resources/downloads/VSPPackage.zip" to context Then I want to check property "parameters.vnf_name.description" for value "Unique name for this VF instance" When I want to load the json content of the entry "Artifacts/MANIFEST.json" in the zip "resources/downloads/VSPPackage.zip" to context Then I want to check property "description" for value "for testing" Scenario: Create VSP Manual When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "Manual" Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "Manual" Then I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{item.id}/versions/{item.versionId}" When I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{item.id}/versions/{item.versionId}/components" Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 0 When I want to add a component Then I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{item.id}/versions/{item.versionId}/components" Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 Then I want the following to fail with error code "VSP_VFC_COUNT_EXCEED" When I want to add a component Then I want to commit this Item Then I want the following to fail When I want to submit this VSP Scenario: VSP Questionnaire Examples Given I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "Manual" When I want to get the questionnaire for this item When I want to add a component Then I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{item.id}/versions/{item.versionId}/components" Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 Then I want to get the questionnaire for this item And I want to update this questionnaire with value "15" for property "general/storageDataReplication/storageReplicationSize" And I want to update this questionnaire When I want to get the questionnaire for this item Then I want to check this questionnaire has value "15" for property "general/storageDataReplication/storageReplicationSize"