/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (C) 2021 Pantheon.tech * Modifications Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Nordix Foundation * Modifications Copyright (C) 2022 Bell Canada. * Modifications Copyright (C) 2023 TechMahindra Ltd. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.cps.utils import org.onap.cps.spi.model.DataNodeBuilder import spock.lang.Specification class DataMapUtilsSpec extends Specification { def noChildren = [] def 'Data node structure conversion to map.'() { when: 'data node structure is converted to a map' def result = DataMapUtils.toDataMap(dataNode) then: 'root node identifier is null' result.parent == null then: 'root node leaves are top level elements' result.parentLeaf == 'parentLeafValue' result.parentLeafList == ['parentLeafListEntry1','parentLeafListEntry2'] and: 'leaves of child list element are listed as structures under common identifier' result.'child-list'.collect().containsAll(['listElementLeaf': 'listElement1leafValue'], ['listElementLeaf': 'listElement2leafValue']) and: 'leaves for child element is populated under its node identifier' result.'child-object'.childLeaf == 'childLeafValue' and: 'leaves for grandchild element is populated under its node identifier' result.'child-object'.'grand-child-object'.grandChildLeaf == 'grandChildLeafValue' } def 'Data node structure conversion to map with root node identifier.'() { when: 'data node structure is converted to a map with root node identifier' def result = DataMapUtils.toDataMapWithIdentifier(dataNode,dataNode.moduleNamePrefix) then: 'root node leaves are populated under its node identifier' def parentNode = result.parent parentNode.parentLeaf == 'parentLeafValue' parentNode.parentLeafList == ['parentLeafListEntry1','parentLeafListEntry2'] and: 'leaves for child element is populated under its node identifier' parentNode.'child-object'.childLeaf == 'childLeafValue' and: 'leaves for grandchild element is populated under its node identifier' parentNode.'child-object'.'grand-child-object'.grandChildLeaf == 'grandChildLeafValue' } def 'Adding prefix to data node identifier.'() { when: 'a valid xPath is passed to the addPrefixToXpath method' def result = new DataMapUtils().getNodeIdentifierWithPrefix(xPath,'sampleModuleName') then: 'the correct modified node identifier is given' assert result == expectedNodeIdentifier where: 'the following parameters are used' scenario | xPath | expectedNodeIdentifier 'container xpath' | '/bookstore' | 'sampleModuleName:bookstore' 'xpath contains list attribute' | '/bookstore/categories[@code=1]' | 'sampleModuleName:categories' 'xpath contains list attributes with /' | '/bookstore/categories[@code="1/2"]' | 'sampleModuleName:categories' 'xpath contains list attributes with [' | '/bookstore/categories[@code="[1]"]' | 'sampleModuleName:categories' } def 'Data node structure with anchor name conversion to map with root node identifier.'() { when: 'data node structure is converted to a map with root node identifier' def result = DataMapUtils.toDataMapWithIdentifierAndAnchor(dataNodeWithAnchor, dataNodeWithAnchor.moduleNamePrefix) then: 'root node leaves are populated under its node identifier' def parentNode = result.get("dataNode").parent parentNode.parentLeaf == 'parentLeafValue' parentNode.parentLeafList == ['parentLeafListEntry1','parentLeafListEntry2'] and: 'leaves for child element is populated under its node identifier' assert parentNode.'child-object'.childLeaf == 'childLeafValue' and: 'leaves for grandchild element is populated under its node identifier' assert parentNode.'child-object'.'grand-child-object'.grandChildLeaf == 'grandChildLeafValue' and: 'data node is associated with anchor name' assert result.get('anchorName') == 'anchor01' } def 'Data node without leaves and without children.'() { given: 'a datanode with no leaves and no children' def dataNodeWithoutData = new DataNodeBuilder().withXpath('some xpath').build() when: 'it is converted to a map' def result = DataMapUtils.toDataMap(dataNodeWithoutData) then: 'an empty object map is returned' result.isEmpty() } def dataNode = buildDataNode( "/parent",[parentLeaf:'parentLeafValue', parentLeafList:['parentLeafListEntry1','parentLeafListEntry2']],[ buildDataNode('/parent/child-list[@id="1/2"]',[listElementLeaf:'listElement1leafValue'],noChildren), buildDataNode('/parent/child-list[@id=2]',[listElementLeaf:'listElement2leafValue'],noChildren), buildDataNode('/parent/child-object',[childLeaf:'childLeafValue'], [buildDataNode('/parent/child-object/grand-child-object',[grandChildLeaf:'grandChildLeafValue'],noChildren)] ), ]) def dataNodeWithAnchor = buildDataNodeWithAnchor( "/parent", 'anchor01',[parentLeaf:'parentLeafValue', parentLeafList:['parentLeafListEntry1','parentLeafListEntry2']],[ buildDataNode('/parent/child-list[@id="1/2"]',[listElementLeaf:'listElement1leafValue'],noChildren), buildDataNode('/parent/child-list[@id=2]',[listElementLeaf:'listElement2leafValue'],noChildren), buildDataNode('/parent/child-object',[childLeaf:'childLeafValue'], [buildDataNode('/parent/child-object/grand-child-object',[grandChildLeaf:'grandChildLeafValue'],noChildren)] ), ]) def buildDataNode(xpath, leaves, children) { return new DataNodeBuilder().withXpath(xpath).withLeaves(leaves).withChildDataNodes(children).build() } def buildDataNodeWithAnchor(xpath, anchorName, leaves, children) { return new DataNodeBuilder().withXpath(xpath).withAnchor(anchorName).withLeaves(leaves).withChildDataNodes(children).build() } }