/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Bell Canada. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.cps.notification import java.time.OffsetDateTime import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import org.onap.cps.utils.DateTimeUtility import org.onap.cps.api.CpsAdminService import org.onap.cps.api.CpsDataService import org.onap.cps.event.model.Content import org.onap.cps.event.model.Data import org.onap.cps.spi.FetchDescendantsOption import org.onap.cps.spi.model.Anchor import org.onap.cps.spi.model.DataNodeBuilder import org.springframework.util.StringUtils import spock.lang.Specification class CpsDataUpdateEventFactorySpec extends Specification { def mockCpsDataService = Mock(CpsDataService) def objectUnderTest = new CpsDataUpdatedEventFactory(mockCpsDataService) def dateTimeFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd\'T\'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ' def 'Create a CPS data updated event successfully: #scenario'() { given: 'an anchor which has been updated' def anchor = new Anchor('my-anchorname', 'my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset-name') and: 'cps data service returns the data node details' def xpath = '/xpath' def dataNode = new DataNodeBuilder().withXpath(xpath).withLeaves(['leafName': 'leafValue']).build() mockCpsDataService.getDataNode( 'my-dataspace', 'my-anchorname', '/', FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> dataNode when: 'CPS data updated event is created' def cpsDataUpdatedEvent = objectUnderTest.createCpsDataUpdatedEvent(anchor, DateTimeUtility.toOffsetDateTime(inputObservedTimestamp), Operation.CREATE) then: 'CPS data updated event is created with correct envelope' with(cpsDataUpdatedEvent) { type == 'org.onap.cps.data-updated-event' source == new URI('urn:cps:org.onap.cps') schema == new URI('urn:cps:org.onap.cps:data-updated-event-schema:v1') StringUtils.hasText(id) content != null } and: 'correct content' with(cpsDataUpdatedEvent.content) { assert isExpectedDateTimeFormat(observedTimestamp): "$observedTimestamp is not in $dateTimeFormat format" if (inputObservedTimestamp != null) assert observedTimestamp == inputObservedTimestamp else assert OffsetDateTime.now().minusSeconds(20).isBefore( DateTimeUtility.toOffsetDateTime(observedTimestamp)) assert anchorName == 'my-anchorname' assert dataspaceName == 'my-dataspace' assert schemaSetName == 'my-schemaset-name' assert operation == Content.Operation.CREATE assert data == new Data().withAdditionalProperty('xpath', ['leafName': 'leafValue']) } where: scenario | inputObservedTimestamp 'with observed timestamp -0400' | '2021-01-01T23:00:00.345-0400' 'with observed timestamp +0400' | '2021-01-01T23:00:00.345+0400' 'missing observed timestamp' | null } def 'Create a delete CPS data updated event successfully'() { given: 'an anchor which has been deleted' def anchor = new Anchor('my-anchorname', 'my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset-name') def deletionTimestamp = '2021-01-01T23:00:00.345-0400' when: 'a delete root data node event is created' def cpsDataUpdatedEvent = objectUnderTest.createCpsDataUpdatedEvent(anchor, DateTimeUtility.toOffsetDateTime(deletionTimestamp), Operation.DELETE) then: 'CPS data updated event is created with correct envelope' with(cpsDataUpdatedEvent) { type == 'org.onap.cps.data-updated-event' source == new URI('urn:cps:org.onap.cps') schema == new URI('urn:cps:org.onap.cps:data-updated-event-schema:v1') StringUtils.hasText(id) content != null } and: 'correct content' with(cpsDataUpdatedEvent.content) { assert isExpectedDateTimeFormat(observedTimestamp): "$observedTimestamp is not in $dateTimeFormat format" assert observedTimestamp == deletionTimestamp assert anchorName == 'my-anchorname' assert dataspaceName == 'my-dataspace' assert schemaSetName == 'my-schemaset-name' assert operation == Content.Operation.DELETE assert data == null } } def isExpectedDateTimeFormat(String observedTimestamp) { try { DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(dateTimeFormat).parse(observedTimestamp) } catch (DateTimeParseException) { return false } return true } }