/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (C) 2022 Bell Canada * Modifications Copyright (C) 2022 Nordix Foundation * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.cps.api.impl import org.onap.cps.TestUtils import org.onap.cps.spi.CpsModulePersistenceService import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.DataValidationException import org.onap.cps.yang.YangTextSchemaSourceSet import org.onap.cps.yang.YangTextSchemaSourceSetBuilder import org.spockframework.spring.SpringBean import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest import org.springframework.cache.Cache import org.springframework.cache.CacheManager import org.springframework.cache.annotation.EnableCaching import org.springframework.cache.caffeine.CaffeineCacheManager import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration import spock.lang.Specification @SpringBootTest @EnableCaching @ContextConfiguration(classes = [YangTextSchemaSourceSetCache, CaffeineCacheManager]) class YangTextSchemaSourceSetCacheSpec extends Specification { @SpringBean CpsModulePersistenceService mockModuleStoreService = Mock() @Autowired YangTextSchemaSourceSetCache objectUnderTest @Autowired CacheManager cacheManager Cache yangResourceCacheImpl; def setup() { yangResourceCacheImpl = cacheManager.getCache('yangSchema') yangResourceCacheImpl.clear() } def 'Cache Miss: Fetch data from Module persistence'() { given: 'cache is empty' yangResourceCacheImpl.clear() and: 'a schema set exists' def yangResourcesNameToContentMap = TestUtils.getYangResourcesAsMap('bookstore.yang') def expectedYangTextSchemaSourceSet = YangTextSchemaSourceSetBuilder.of(yangResourcesNameToContentMap) when: 'schema-set information is asked' def result = objectUnderTest.get('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset') then: 'information fetched from cps module persistence' 1 * mockModuleStoreService.getYangSchemaResources('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset') >> yangResourcesNameToContentMap and: 'stored in the cache' def cachedValue = getCachedValue('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset') assert cachedValue.getModuleReferences() == expectedYangTextSchemaSourceSet.getModuleReferences() and: 'the response is as expected' assert result.getModuleReferences() == expectedYangTextSchemaSourceSet.getModuleReferences() } def 'Cache Hit: Respond from cache'() { given: 'a schema set exists' def yangResourcesNameToContentMap = TestUtils.getYangResourcesAsMap('bookstore.yang') def expectedYangTextSchemaSourceSet = YangTextSchemaSourceSetBuilder.of(yangResourcesNameToContentMap) and: 'stored in cache' yangResourceCacheImpl.put(getCacheKey('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset'), expectedYangTextSchemaSourceSet) when: 'schema-set information is asked' def result = objectUnderTest.get('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset') then: 'expected value is returned' result.getModuleReferences() == expectedYangTextSchemaSourceSet.getModuleReferences() and: 'module persistence is not invoked' 0 * mockModuleStoreService.getYangSchemaResources(_, _) } def 'Cache Hit: with invalid #scenario'() { when: 'schema-set information is asked' objectUnderTest.get(dataspaceName, schemaSetName) then: 'an data validation exception is thrown' thrown(DataValidationException) and: 'module persistence is not invoked' 0 * mockModuleStoreService.getYangSchemaResources(_, _) where: 'the following parameters are used' scenario | dataspaceName | schemaSetName 'dataspace name' | 'dataspace names with spaces' | 'schemaSetName' 'schema set name' | 'dataspaceName' | 'schema set name with spaces' 'dataspace and schema set name' | 'dataspace name with spaces' | 'schema set name with spaces' } def 'Cache Update: when no data exist in the cache'() { given: 'a schema set exists' def yangResourcesNameToContentMap = TestUtils.getYangResourcesAsMap('bookstore.yang') def yangTextSchemaSourceSet = YangTextSchemaSourceSetBuilder.of(yangResourcesNameToContentMap) when: 'cache is updated' objectUnderTest.updateCache('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset', yangTextSchemaSourceSet) then: 'cached value is same as expected' def cachedValue = getCachedValue('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset') cachedValue.getModuleReferences() == yangTextSchemaSourceSet.getModuleReferences() } def 'Cache Update: with invalid #scenario'() { given: 'a schema set exists' def yangResourcesNameToContentMap = TestUtils.getYangResourcesAsMap('bookstore.yang') def yangTextSchemaSourceSet = YangTextSchemaSourceSetBuilder.of(yangResourcesNameToContentMap) when: 'schema-set information is asked' objectUnderTest.updateCache(dataspaceName, schemaSetName, yangTextSchemaSourceSet) then: 'an data validation exception is thrown' thrown(DataValidationException) and: 'module persistence is not invoked' 0 * mockModuleStoreService.getYangSchemaResources(_, _) where: 'the following parameters are used' scenario | dataspaceName | schemaSetName 'dataspace name' | 'dataspace names with spaces' | 'schemaSetName' 'schema set name' | 'dataspaceName' | 'schema set name with spaces' 'dataspace and schema set name' | 'dataspace name with spaces' | 'schema set name with spaces' } def 'Cache Evict:with invalid #scenario'() { given: 'a schema set exists in cache' def yangResourcesNameToContentMap = TestUtils.getYangResourcesAsMap('bookstore.yang') def yangTextSchemaSourceSet = YangTextSchemaSourceSetBuilder.of(yangResourcesNameToContentMap) yangResourceCacheImpl.put(getCacheKey('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset'), yangTextSchemaSourceSet) def cachedValue = getCachedValue('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset') assert cachedValue.getModuleReferences() == yangTextSchemaSourceSet.getModuleReferences() when: 'cache is evicted for schemaset' objectUnderTest.removeFromCache('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset') then: 'cached does not have value' assert getCachedValue('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset') == null } def 'Cache Evict: remove when exist'() { when: 'cache is evicted for schemaset' objectUnderTest.removeFromCache(dataspaceName, schemaSetName) then: 'an data validation exception is thrown' thrown(DataValidationException) where: 'the following parameters are used' scenario | dataspaceName | schemaSetName 'dataspace name' | 'dataspace names with spaces' | 'schemaSetName' 'schema set name' | 'dataspaceName' | 'schema set name with spaces' 'dataspace and schema set name' | 'dataspace name with spaces' | 'schema set name with spaces' } def 'Cache Evict: remove when does not exist'() { given: 'cache is empty' yangResourceCacheImpl.clear() when: 'cache is evicted for schemaset' objectUnderTest.removeFromCache('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset') then: 'cached does not have value' assert getCachedValue('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset') == null } def getCachedValue(dataSpace, schemaSet) { yangResourceCacheImpl.get(getCacheKey(dataSpace, schemaSet), YangTextSchemaSourceSet) } def getCacheKey(dataSpace, schemaSet) { return new String("${dataSpace}-${schemaSet}") } }