/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Nordix Foundation * Modifications Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Pantheon.tech * Modifications Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Bell Canada. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.cps.api.impl import org.onap.cps.TestUtils import org.onap.cps.api.CpsAdminService import org.onap.cps.spi.CascadeDeleteAllowed import org.onap.cps.spi.CpsModulePersistenceService import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.DataValidationException import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.ModelValidationException import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.SchemaSetInUseException import org.onap.cps.spi.model.Anchor import org.onap.cps.spi.model.ModuleReference import org.onap.cps.yang.YangTextSchemaSourceSetBuilder import spock.lang.Specification import static org.onap.cps.spi.CascadeDeleteAllowed.CASCADE_DELETE_ALLOWED import static org.onap.cps.spi.CascadeDeleteAllowed.CASCADE_DELETE_PROHIBITED class CpsModuleServiceImplSpec extends Specification { def mockCpsModulePersistenceService = Mock(CpsModulePersistenceService) def mockCpsAdminService = Mock(CpsAdminService) def mockYangTextSchemaSourceSetCache = Mock(YangTextSchemaSourceSetCache) def objectUnderTest = new CpsModuleServiceImpl(mockCpsModulePersistenceService, mockYangTextSchemaSourceSetCache, mockCpsAdminService) def 'Create schema set.'() { given: 'Valid yang resource as name-to-content map' def yangResourcesNameToContentMap = TestUtils.getYangResourcesAsMap('bookstore.yang') when: 'Create schema set method is invoked' objectUnderTest.createSchemaSet('someDataspace', 'someSchemaSet', yangResourcesNameToContentMap) then: 'Parameters are validated and processing is delegated to persistence service' 1 * mockCpsModulePersistenceService.storeSchemaSet('someDataspace', 'someSchemaSet', yangResourcesNameToContentMap) } def 'Create a schema set with an invalid #scenario.'() { when: 'create dataspace method is invoked with incorrectly named dataspace' objectUnderTest.createSchemaSet(dataspaceName, schemaSetName, _ as Map) then: 'a data validation exception is thrown' thrown(DataValidationException) and: 'the persistence service method is not invoked' 0 * mockCpsModulePersistenceService.storeSchemaSet(_, _, _) where: 'the following parameters are used' scenario | dataspaceName | schemaSetName 'dataspace name' | 'dataspace names with spaces' | 'schemaSetName' 'schema set name name' | 'dataspaceName' | 'schema set name with spaces' 'dataspace and schema set name' | 'dataspace name with spaces' | 'schema set name with spaces' } def 'Create schema set from new modules and existing modules.'() { given: 'a list of existing modules module reference' def moduleReferenceForExistingModule = new ModuleReference("test", "2021-10-12","test.org") def listOfExistingModulesModuleReference = [moduleReferenceForExistingModule] when: 'create schema set from modules method is invoked' objectUnderTest.createSchemaSetFromModules("someDataspaceName", "someSchemaSetName", [newModule: "newContent"], listOfExistingModulesModuleReference) then: 'processing is delegated to persistence service' 1 * mockCpsModulePersistenceService.storeSchemaSetFromModules("someDataspaceName", "someSchemaSetName", [newModule: "newContent"], listOfExistingModulesModuleReference) } def 'Create schema set from new modules and existing modules with invalid #scenario.'() { when: 'create dataspace method is invoked with incorrectly named dataspace' objectUnderTest.createSchemaSetFromModules(dataspaceName, schemaSetName, _ as Map, _ as Collection) then: 'a data validation exception is thrown' thrown(DataValidationException) and: 'the persistence service method is not invoked' 0 * mockCpsModulePersistenceService.storeSchemaSetFromModules(_, _, _) where: 'the following parameters are used' scenario | dataspaceName | schemaSetName 'dataspace name' | 'dataspace names with spaces' | 'schemaSetName' 'schema set name name' | 'dataspaceName' | 'schema set name with spaces' 'dataspace and schema set name' | 'dataspace name with spaces' | 'schema set name with spaces' } def 'Create schema set from invalid resources'() { given: 'Invalid yang resource as name-to-content map' def yangResourcesNameToContentMap = TestUtils.getYangResourcesAsMap('invalid.yang') when: 'Create schema set method is invoked' objectUnderTest.createSchemaSet('someDataspace', 'someSchemaSet', yangResourcesNameToContentMap) then: 'Model validation exception is thrown' thrown(ModelValidationException.class) } def 'Get schema set by name and dataspace.'() { given: 'an already present schema set' def yangResourcesNameToContentMap = TestUtils.getYangResourcesAsMap('bookstore.yang') and: 'yang resource cache returns the expected schema set' mockYangTextSchemaSourceSetCache.get('someDataspace', 'someSchemaSet') >> YangTextSchemaSourceSetBuilder.of(yangResourcesNameToContentMap) when: 'get schema set method is invoked' def result = objectUnderTest.getSchemaSet('someDataspace', 'someSchemaSet') then: 'the correct schema set is returned' result.getName().contains('someSchemaSet') result.getDataspaceName().contains('someDataspace') result.getModuleReferences().contains(new ModuleReference('stores', '2020-09-15', 'org:onap:ccsdk:sample')) } def 'Get a schema set with an invalid #scenario'() { when: 'create dataspace method is invoked with incorrectly named dataspace' objectUnderTest.getSchemaSet(dataspaceName, schemaSetName) then: 'a data validation exception is thrown' thrown(DataValidationException) and: 'the yang resource cache is not invoked' 0 * mockYangTextSchemaSourceSetCache.get(_, _) where: 'the following parameters are used' scenario | dataspaceName | schemaSetName 'dataspace name' | 'dataspace names with spaces' | 'schemaSetName' 'schema set name' | 'dataspaceName' | 'schema set name with spaces' 'dataspace and schema set name' | 'dataspace name with spaces' | 'schema set name with spaces' } def 'Delete schema-set when cascade is allowed.'() { given: '#numberOfAnchors anchors are associated with schemaset' def associatedAnchors = createAnchors(numberOfAnchors) mockCpsAdminService.getAnchors('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset') >> associatedAnchors when: 'schema set deletion is requested with cascade allowed' objectUnderTest.deleteSchemaSet('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset', CASCADE_DELETE_ALLOWED) then: 'anchor deletion is called #numberOfAnchors times' numberOfAnchors * mockCpsAdminService.deleteAnchor('my-dataspace', _) and: 'persistence service method is invoked with same parameters' 1 * mockCpsModulePersistenceService.deleteSchemaSet('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset') and: 'schema set will be removed from the cache' 1 * mockYangTextSchemaSourceSetCache.removeFromCache('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset') and: 'orphan yang resources are deleted' 1 * mockCpsModulePersistenceService.deleteUnusedYangResourceModules() where: 'following parameters are used' numberOfAnchors << [0, 3] } def 'Delete schema-set when cascade is prohibited.'() { given: 'no anchors are associated with schemaset' mockCpsAdminService.getAnchors('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset') >> Collections.emptyList() when: 'schema set deletion is requested with cascade allowed' objectUnderTest.deleteSchemaSet('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset', CASCADE_DELETE_PROHIBITED) then: 'no anchors are deleted' 0 * mockCpsAdminService.deleteAnchor(_, _) and: 'persistence service method is invoked with same parameters' 1 * mockCpsModulePersistenceService.deleteSchemaSet('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset') and: 'schema set will be removed from the cache' 1 * mockYangTextSchemaSourceSetCache.removeFromCache('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset') and: 'orphan yang resources are deleted' 1 * mockCpsModulePersistenceService.deleteUnusedYangResourceModules() } def 'Delete schema-set when cascade is prohibited and schema-set has anchors.'() { given: '2 anchors are associated with schemaset' mockCpsAdminService.getAnchors('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset') >> createAnchors(2) when: 'schema set deletion is requested with cascade allowed' objectUnderTest.deleteSchemaSet('my-dataspace', 'my-schemaset', CASCADE_DELETE_PROHIBITED) then: 'Schema-Set in Use exception is thrown' thrown(SchemaSetInUseException) } def 'Delete a schema set with an invalid #scenario.'() { when: 'create dataspace method is invoked with incorrectly named dataspace' objectUnderTest.deleteSchemaSet(dataspaceName, schemaSetName, CASCADE_DELETE_ALLOWED) then: 'a data validation exception is thrown' thrown(DataValidationException) and: 'anchor deletion is called 0 times' 0 * mockCpsAdminService.deleteAnchor(_, _) and: 'the delete schema set persistence service method is not invoked' 0 * mockCpsModulePersistenceService.deleteSchemaSet(_, _, _) and: 'schema set will be removed from the cache is not invoked' 0 * mockYangTextSchemaSourceSetCache.removeFromCache(_, _) and: 'orphan yang resources are deleted is not invoked' 0 * mockCpsModulePersistenceService.deleteUnusedYangResourceModules() where: 'the following parameters are used' scenario | dataspaceName | schemaSetName 'dataspace name' | 'dataspace names with spaces' | 'schemaSetName' 'schema set name name' | 'dataspaceName' | 'schema set name with spaces' 'dataspace and schema set name' | 'dataspace name with spaces' | 'schema set name with spaces' } def createAnchors(int anchorCount) { def anchors = [] (0..> moduleReferences expect: 'the list provided by persistence service is returned as result' objectUnderTest.getYangResourceModuleReferences('someDataspaceName') == moduleReferences } def 'Get all yang resources module references given an invalid dataspace name.'() { when: 'the get yang resources module references method is invoked with an invalid dataspace name' objectUnderTest.getYangResourceModuleReferences('dataspace name with spaces') then: 'a data validation exception is thrown' thrown(DataValidationException) and: 'the persistence service method is not invoked' 0 * mockCpsModulePersistenceService.getYangResourceModuleReferences(_) } def 'Get all yang resources module references for the given dataspace name and anchor name.'() { given: 'the module store service service returns a list module references' def moduleReferences = [new ModuleReference()] mockCpsModulePersistenceService.getYangResourceModuleReferences('someDataspaceName', 'someAnchorName') >> moduleReferences expect: 'the list provided by persistence service is returned as result' objectUnderTest.getYangResourcesModuleReferences('someDataspaceName', 'someAnchorName') == moduleReferences } def 'Get all yang resources module references given an invalid #scenario.'() { when: 'the get yang resources module references method is invoked with invalid #scenario' objectUnderTest.getYangResourcesModuleReferences(dataspaceName, anchorName) then: 'a data validation exception is thrown' thrown(DataValidationException) and: 'the persistence service method is not invoked' 0 * mockCpsModulePersistenceService.getYangResourceModuleReferences(_, _) where: 'the following parameters are used' scenario | dataspaceName | anchorName 'dataspace name' | 'dataspace names with spaces' | 'anchorName' 'anchor name' | 'dataspaceName' | 'anchor name with spaces' 'dataspace and anchor name' | 'dataspace name with spaces' | 'anchor name with spaces' } def 'Identifying new module references'(){ given: 'module references from cm handle' def moduleReferencesToCheck = [new ModuleReference('some-module', 'some-revision')] when: 'identifyNewModuleReferences is called' objectUnderTest.identifyNewModuleReferences(moduleReferencesToCheck) then: 'cps module persistence service is called with module references to check' 1 * mockCpsModulePersistenceService.identifyNewModuleReferences(moduleReferencesToCheck); } }