/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Nordix Foundation * Modifications Copyright (C) 2021 Pantheon.tech * Modifications Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Bell Canada. * Modifications Copyright (C) 2022 TechMahindra Ltd. * Modifications Copyright (C) 2022 Deutsche Telekom AG * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.cps.api.impl import org.onap.cps.TestUtils import org.onap.cps.api.CpsAdminService import org.onap.cps.notification.NotificationService import org.onap.cps.notification.Operation import org.onap.cps.spi.CpsDataPersistenceService import org.onap.cps.spi.FetchDescendantsOption import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.DataValidationException import org.onap.cps.spi.model.Anchor import org.onap.cps.spi.model.DataNode import org.onap.cps.spi.model.DataNodeBuilder import org.onap.cps.utils.ContentType import org.onap.cps.utils.TimedYangParser import org.onap.cps.yang.YangTextSchemaSourceSet import org.onap.cps.yang.YangTextSchemaSourceSetBuilder import spock.lang.Specification import org.onap.cps.spi.utils.CpsValidator import java.time.OffsetDateTime import java.util.stream.Collectors class CpsDataServiceImplSpec extends Specification { def mockCpsDataPersistenceService = Mock(CpsDataPersistenceService) def mockCpsAdminService = Mock(CpsAdminService) def mockYangTextSchemaSourceSetCache = Mock(YangTextSchemaSourceSetCache) def mockNotificationService = Mock(NotificationService) def mockCpsValidator = Mock(CpsValidator) def timedYangParser = new TimedYangParser() def objectUnderTest = new CpsDataServiceImpl(mockCpsDataPersistenceService, mockCpsAdminService, mockYangTextSchemaSourceSetCache, mockNotificationService, mockCpsValidator, timedYangParser) def setup() { mockCpsAdminService.getAnchor(dataspaceName, anchorName) >> anchor } def dataspaceName = 'some-dataspace' def anchorName = 'some-anchor' def schemaSetName = 'some-schema-set' def anchor = Anchor.builder().name(anchorName).schemaSetName(schemaSetName).build() def observedTimestamp = OffsetDateTime.now() def 'Saving multicontainer json data.'() { given: 'schema set for given anchor and dataspace references test-tree model' setupSchemaSetMocks('multipleDataTree.yang') when: 'save data method is invoked with test-tree json data' def jsonData = TestUtils.getResourceFileContent('multiple-object-data.json') objectUnderTest.saveData(dataspaceName, anchorName, jsonData, observedTimestamp) then: 'the persistence service method is invoked with correct parameters' 1 * mockCpsDataPersistenceService.storeDataNodes(dataspaceName, anchorName, { dataNode -> dataNode.xpath[index] == xpath }) and: 'the CpsValidator is called on the dataspaceName and AnchorName' 1 * mockCpsValidator.validateNameCharacters(dataspaceName, anchorName) and: 'data updated event is sent to notification service' 1 * mockNotificationService.processDataUpdatedEvent(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/', Operation.CREATE, observedTimestamp) where: index | xpath 0 | '/first-container' 1 | '/last-container' } def 'Saving #scenario data.'() { given: 'schema set for given anchor and dataspace references test-tree model' setupSchemaSetMocks('test-tree.yang') when: 'save data method is invoked with test-tree #scenario data' def data = TestUtils.getResourceFileContent(dataFile) objectUnderTest.saveData(dataspaceName, anchorName, data, observedTimestamp, contentType) then: 'the persistence service method is invoked with correct parameters' 1 * mockCpsDataPersistenceService.storeDataNodes(dataspaceName, anchorName, { dataNode -> dataNode.xpath[0] == '/test-tree' }) and: 'the CpsValidator is called on the dataspaceName and AnchorName' 1 * mockCpsValidator.validateNameCharacters(dataspaceName, anchorName) and: 'data updated event is sent to notification service' 1 * mockNotificationService.processDataUpdatedEvent(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/', Operation.CREATE, observedTimestamp) where: 'given parameters' scenario | dataFile | contentType 'json' | 'test-tree.json' | ContentType.JSON 'xml' | 'test-tree.xml' | ContentType.XML } def 'Saving #scenarioDesired data with invalid data.'() { given: 'schema set for given anchor and dataspace references test-tree model' setupSchemaSetMocks('test-tree.yang') when: 'save data method is invoked with test-tree json data' objectUnderTest.saveData(dataspaceName, anchorName, invalidData, observedTimestamp, contentType) then: 'a data validation exception is thrown' thrown(DataValidationException) where: 'given parameters' scenarioDesired | invalidData | contentType 'json' | '{invalid json' | ContentType.XML 'xml' | ' dataNode.xpath[0] == '/test-tree/branch[@name=\'New\']' }) and: 'the CpsValidator is called on the dataspaceName and AnchorName' 1 * mockCpsValidator.validateNameCharacters(dataspaceName, anchorName) and: 'data updated event is sent to notification service' 1 * mockNotificationService.processDataUpdatedEvent(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/test-tree', Operation.CREATE, observedTimestamp) } def 'Saving list element data fragment under existing node.'() { given: 'schema set for given anchor and dataspace references test-tree model' setupSchemaSetMocks('test-tree.yang') when: 'save data method is invoked with list element json data' def jsonData = '{"branch": [{"name": "A"}, {"name": "B"}]}' objectUnderTest.saveListElements(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/test-tree', jsonData, observedTimestamp) then: 'the persistence service method is invoked with correct parameters' 1 * mockCpsDataPersistenceService.addListElements(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/test-tree', { dataNodeCollection -> { assert dataNodeCollection.size() == 2 assert dataNodeCollection.collect { it.getXpath() } .containsAll(['/test-tree/branch[@name=\'A\']', '/test-tree/branch[@name=\'B\']']) } } ) and: 'the CpsValidator is called on the dataspaceName and AnchorName' 1 * mockCpsValidator.validateNameCharacters(dataspaceName, anchorName) and: 'data updated event is sent to notification service' 1 * mockNotificationService.processDataUpdatedEvent(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/test-tree', Operation.UPDATE, observedTimestamp) } def 'Saving collection of a batch with data fragment under existing node.'() { given: 'schema set for given anchor and dataspace references test-tree model' setupSchemaSetMocks('test-tree.yang') when: 'save data method is invoked with list element json data' def jsonData = '{"branch": [{"name": "A"}, {"name": "B"}]}' objectUnderTest.saveListElementsBatch(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/test-tree', [jsonData], observedTimestamp) then: 'the persistence service method is invoked with correct parameters' 1 * mockCpsDataPersistenceService.addMultipleLists(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/test-tree',_) >> { args -> { def listElementsCollection = args[3] as Collection> assert listElementsCollection.size() == 1 def listOfXpaths = listElementsCollection.stream().flatMap(x -> x.stream()).map(it-> it.xpath).collect(Collectors.toList()) assert listOfXpaths.size() == 2 assert listOfXpaths.containsAll(['/test-tree/branch[@name=\'B\']','/test-tree/branch[@name=\'A\']']) } } and: 'data updated event is sent to notification service' 1 * mockNotificationService.processDataUpdatedEvent(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/test-tree', Operation.UPDATE, observedTimestamp) } def 'Saving empty list element data fragment.'() { given: 'schema set for given anchor and dataspace references test-tree model' setupSchemaSetMocks('test-tree.yang') when: 'save data method is invoked with an empty list' def jsonData = '{"branch": []}' objectUnderTest.saveListElements(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/test-tree', jsonData, observedTimestamp) then: 'invalid data exception is thrown' thrown(DataValidationException) } def 'Get data node with option #fetchDescendantsOption.'() { def xpath = '/xpath' def dataNode = new DataNodeBuilder().withXpath(xpath).build() given: 'persistence service returns data for get data request' mockCpsDataPersistenceService.getDataNode(dataspaceName, anchorName, xpath, fetchDescendantsOption) >> dataNode expect: 'service returns same data if uses same parameters' objectUnderTest.getDataNode(dataspaceName, anchorName, xpath, fetchDescendantsOption) == dataNode where: 'all fetch options are supported' fetchDescendantsOption << [FetchDescendantsOption.OMIT_DESCENDANTS, FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS] } def 'Update data node leaves: #scenario.'() { given: 'schema set for given anchor and dataspace references test-tree model' setupSchemaSetMocks('test-tree.yang') when: 'update data method is invoked with json data #jsonData and parent node xpath #parentNodeXpath' objectUnderTest.updateNodeLeaves(dataspaceName, anchorName, parentNodeXpath, jsonData, observedTimestamp) then: 'the persistence service method is invoked with correct parameters' 1 * mockCpsDataPersistenceService.updateDataLeaves(dataspaceName, anchorName, expectedNodeXpath, leaves) and: 'the CpsValidator is called on the dataspaceName and AnchorName' 1 * mockCpsValidator.validateNameCharacters(dataspaceName, anchorName) and: 'data updated event is sent to notification service' 1 * mockNotificationService.processDataUpdatedEvent(dataspaceName, anchorName, parentNodeXpath, Operation.UPDATE, observedTimestamp) where: 'following parameters were used' scenario | parentNodeXpath | jsonData || expectedNodeXpath | leaves 'top level node' | '/' | '{"test-tree": {"branch": []}}' || '/test-tree' | Collections.emptyMap() 'level 2 node' | '/test-tree' | '{"branch": [{"name":"Name"}]}' || '/test-tree/branch[@name=\'Name\']' | ['name': 'Name'] } def 'Update list-element data node with : #scenario.'() { given: 'schema set for given anchor and dataspace references bookstore model' setupSchemaSetMocks('bookstore.yang') when: 'update data method is invoked with json data #jsonData and parent node xpath' objectUnderTest.updateNodeLeaves(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/bookstore/categories[@code=2]', jsonData, observedTimestamp) then: 'the persistence service method is invoked with correct parameters' thrown(DataValidationException) where: 'following parameters were used' scenario | jsonData 'multiple expectedLeaves' | '{"code": "01","name": "some-name"}' 'one leaf' | '{"name": "some-name"}' } def 'Update Bookstore node leaves' () { given: 'a DMI registry model' setupSchemaSetMocks('bookstore.yang') and: 'the expected json string' def jsonData = '{"categories":[{"code":01,"name":"Romance"}]}' when: 'update data method is invoked with json data and parent node xpath' objectUnderTest.updateNodeLeavesAndExistingDescendantLeaves(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/bookstore', jsonData, observedTimestamp) then: 'the persistence service method is invoked with correct parameters' 1 * mockCpsDataPersistenceService.updateDataLeaves(dataspaceName, anchorName, "/bookstore/categories[@code='01']", ['name':'Romance', 'code': '01']) and: 'the CpsValidator is called on the dataspaceName and AnchorName' 1 * mockCpsValidator.validateNameCharacters(dataspaceName, anchorName) and: 'the data updated event is sent to the notification service' 1 * mockNotificationService.processDataUpdatedEvent(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/bookstore', Operation.UPDATE, observedTimestamp) } def 'Replace data node using singular data node: #scenario.'() { given: 'schema set for given anchor and dataspace references test-tree model' setupSchemaSetMocks('test-tree.yang') when: 'replace data method is invoked with json data #jsonData and parent node xpath #parentNodeXpath' objectUnderTest.updateDataNodeAndDescendants(dataspaceName, anchorName, parentNodeXpath, jsonData, observedTimestamp) then: 'the persistence service method is invoked with correct parameters' 1 * mockCpsDataPersistenceService.updateDataNodesAndDescendants(dataspaceName, anchorName, { dataNode -> dataNode.xpath[0] == expectedNodeXpath }) and: 'data updated event is sent to notification service' 1 * mockNotificationService.processDataUpdatedEvent(dataspaceName, anchorName, parentNodeXpath, Operation.UPDATE, observedTimestamp) and: 'the CpsValidator is called on the dataspaceName and AnchorName' 1 * mockCpsValidator.validateNameCharacters(dataspaceName, anchorName) where: 'following parameters were used' scenario | parentNodeXpath | jsonData || expectedNodeXpath 'top level node' | '/' | '{"test-tree": {"branch": []}}' || '/test-tree' 'level 2 node' | '/test-tree' | '{"branch": [{"name":"Name"}]}' || '/test-tree/branch[@name=\'Name\']' } def 'Replace data node using multiple data nodes: #scenario.'() { given: 'schema set for given anchor and dataspace references test-tree model' setupSchemaSetMocks('test-tree.yang') when: 'replace data method is invoked with a map of xpaths and json data' objectUnderTest.updateDataNodesAndDescendants(dataspaceName, anchorName, nodesJsonData, observedTimestamp) then: 'the persistence service method is invoked with correct parameters' 1 * mockCpsDataPersistenceService.updateDataNodesAndDescendants(dataspaceName, anchorName, { dataNode -> dataNode.xpath == expectedNodeXpath}) and: 'data updated event is sent to notification service' 1 * mockNotificationService.processDataUpdatedEvent(dataspaceName, anchorName, nodesJsonData.keySet()[0], Operation.UPDATE, observedTimestamp) 1 * mockNotificationService.processDataUpdatedEvent(dataspaceName, anchorName, nodesJsonData.keySet()[1], Operation.UPDATE, observedTimestamp) and: 'the CpsValidator is called on the dataspaceName and AnchorName' 1 * mockCpsValidator.validateNameCharacters(dataspaceName, anchorName) where: 'following parameters were used' scenario | nodesJsonData || expectedNodeXpath 'top level node' | ['/' : '{"test-tree": {"branch": []}}', '/test-tree' : '{"branch": [{"name":"Name"}]}'] || ["/test-tree", "/test-tree/branch[@name='Name']"] 'level 2 node' | ['/test-tree' : '{"branch": [{"name":"Name"}]}', '/test-tree/branch[@name=\'Name\']':'{"nest":{"name":"nestName"}}'] || ["/test-tree/branch[@name='Name']", "/test-tree/branch[@name='Name']/nest"] } def 'Replace list content data fragment under parent node.'() { given: 'schema set for given anchor and dataspace references test-tree model' setupSchemaSetMocks('test-tree.yang') when: 'replace list data method is invoked with list element json data' def jsonData = '{"branch": [{"name": "A"}, {"name": "B"}]}' objectUnderTest.replaceListContent(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/test-tree', jsonData, observedTimestamp) then: 'the persistence service method is invoked with correct parameters' 1 * mockCpsDataPersistenceService.replaceListContent(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/test-tree', { dataNodeCollection -> { assert dataNodeCollection.size() == 2 assert dataNodeCollection.collect { it.getXpath() } .containsAll(['/test-tree/branch[@name=\'A\']', '/test-tree/branch[@name=\'B\']']) } } ) and: 'the CpsValidator is called on the dataspaceName and AnchorName twice' 2 * mockCpsValidator.validateNameCharacters(dataspaceName, anchorName) and: 'data updated event is sent to notification service' 1 * mockNotificationService.processDataUpdatedEvent(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/test-tree', Operation.UPDATE, observedTimestamp) } def 'Replace whole list content with empty list element.'() { given: 'schema set for given anchor and dataspace references test-tree model' setupSchemaSetMocks('test-tree.yang') when: 'replace list data method is invoked with empty list' def jsonData = '{"branch": []}' objectUnderTest.replaceListContent(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/test-tree', jsonData, observedTimestamp) then: 'invalid data exception is thrown' thrown(DataValidationException) } def 'Delete list element under existing node.'() { given: 'schema set for given anchor and dataspace references test-tree model' setupSchemaSetMocks('test-tree.yang') when: 'delete list data method is invoked with list element json data' objectUnderTest.deleteListOrListElement(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/test-tree/branch', observedTimestamp) then: 'the persistence service method is invoked with correct parameters' 1 * mockCpsDataPersistenceService.deleteListDataNode(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/test-tree/branch') and: 'the CpsValidator is called on the dataspaceName and AnchorName' 1 * mockCpsValidator.validateNameCharacters(dataspaceName, anchorName) and: 'data updated event is sent to notification service' 1 * mockNotificationService.processDataUpdatedEvent(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/test-tree/branch', Operation.DELETE, observedTimestamp) } def 'Delete multiple list elements under existing node.'() { given: 'schema set for given anchor and dataspace references test-tree model' setupSchemaSetMocks('test-tree.yang') when: 'delete multiple list data method is invoked with list element json data' objectUnderTest.deleteDataNodes(dataspaceName, anchorName, ['/test-tree/branch[@name="A"]', '/test-tree/branch[@name="B"]'], observedTimestamp) then: 'the persistence service method is invoked with correct parameters' 1 * mockCpsDataPersistenceService.deleteDataNodes(dataspaceName, anchorName, ['/test-tree/branch[@name="A"]', '/test-tree/branch[@name="B"]']) and: 'the CpsValidator is called on the dataspaceName and AnchorName' 1 * mockCpsValidator.validateNameCharacters(dataspaceName, anchorName) and: 'two data updated events are sent to notification service' 2 * mockNotificationService.processDataUpdatedEvent(dataspaceName, anchorName, _, Operation.DELETE, observedTimestamp) } def 'Delete data node under anchor and dataspace.'() { given: 'schema set for given anchor and dataspace references test tree model' setupSchemaSetMocks('test-tree.yang') when: 'delete data node method is invoked with correct parameters' objectUnderTest.deleteDataNode(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/data-node', observedTimestamp) then: 'the persistence service method is invoked with the correct parameters' 1 * mockCpsDataPersistenceService.deleteDataNode(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/data-node') and: 'the CpsValidator is called on the dataspaceName and AnchorName' 1 * mockCpsValidator.validateNameCharacters(dataspaceName, anchorName) and: 'data updated event is sent to notification service' 1 * mockNotificationService.processDataUpdatedEvent(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/data-node', Operation.DELETE, observedTimestamp) } def 'Delete all data nodes for a given anchor and dataspace.'() { given: 'schema set for given anchor and dataspace references test tree model' setupSchemaSetMocks('test-tree.yang') when: 'delete data node method is invoked with correct parameters' objectUnderTest.deleteDataNodes(dataspaceName, anchorName, observedTimestamp) then: 'data updated event is sent to notification service before the delete' 1 * mockNotificationService.processDataUpdatedEvent(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/', Operation.DELETE, observedTimestamp) and: 'the CpsValidator is called on the dataspaceName and AnchorName' 1 * mockCpsValidator.validateNameCharacters(dataspaceName, anchorName) and: 'the persistence service method is invoked with the correct parameters' 1 * mockCpsDataPersistenceService.deleteDataNodes(dataspaceName, anchorName) } def 'Delete all data nodes for given dataspace and multiple anchors.'() { given: 'schema set for given anchors and dataspace references test tree model' setupSchemaSetMocks('test-tree.yang') when: 'delete data node method is invoked with correct parameters' objectUnderTest.deleteDataNodes(dataspaceName, ['anchor1', 'anchor2'], observedTimestamp) then: 'data updated events are sent to notification service before the delete' 2 * mockNotificationService.processDataUpdatedEvent(dataspaceName, _, '/', Operation.DELETE, observedTimestamp) and: 'the CpsValidator is called on the dataspace name and the anchor names' 2 * mockCpsValidator.validateNameCharacters(_) and: 'the persistence service method is invoked with the correct parameters' 1 * mockCpsDataPersistenceService.deleteDataNodes(dataspaceName, _ as Collection) } def setupSchemaSetMocks(String... yangResources) { def mockYangTextSchemaSourceSet = Mock(YangTextSchemaSourceSet) mockYangTextSchemaSourceSetCache.get(dataspaceName, schemaSetName) >> mockYangTextSchemaSourceSet def yangResourceNameToContent = TestUtils.getYangResourcesAsMap(yangResources) def schemaContext = YangTextSchemaSourceSetBuilder.of(yangResourceNameToContent).getSchemaContext() mockYangTextSchemaSourceSet.getSchemaContext() >> schemaContext } def 'start session'() { when: 'start session method is called' objectUnderTest.startSession() then: 'the persistence service method to start session is invoked' 1 * mockCpsDataPersistenceService.startSession() } def 'close session'(){ given: 'session Id from calling the start session method' def sessionId = objectUnderTest.startSession() when: 'close session method is called' objectUnderTest.closeSession(sessionId) then: 'the persistence service method to close session is invoked' 1 * mockCpsDataPersistenceService.closeSession(sessionId) } def 'lock anchor with no timeout parameter'(){ when: 'lock anchor method with no timeout parameter with details of anchor entity to lock' objectUnderTest.lockAnchor('some-sessionId', 'some-dataspaceName', 'some-anchorName') then: 'the persistence service method to lock anchor is invoked with default timeout' 1 * mockCpsDataPersistenceService.lockAnchor('some-sessionId', 'some-dataspaceName', 'some-anchorName', 300L) } def 'lock anchor with timeout parameter'(){ when: 'lock anchor method with timeout parameter is called with details of anchor entity to lock' objectUnderTest.lockAnchor('some-sessionId', 'some-dataspaceName', 'some-anchorName', 250L) then: 'the persistence service method to lock anchor is invoked with the given timeout' 1 * mockCpsDataPersistenceService.lockAnchor('some-sessionId', 'some-dataspaceName', 'some-anchorName', 250L) } }