/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Nordix Foundation * Modifications Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Bell Canada. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.cps.spi.impl import org.onap.cps.spi.CpsAdminPersistenceService import org.onap.cps.spi.CpsModulePersistenceService import org.onap.cps.spi.entities.YangResourceEntity import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.AlreadyDefinedException import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.DataspaceNotFoundException import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.SchemaSetNotFoundException import org.onap.cps.spi.model.ModuleDefinition import org.onap.cps.spi.model.ModuleReference import org.onap.cps.spi.repository.AnchorRepository import org.onap.cps.spi.repository.SchemaSetRepository import org.onap.cps.spi.repository.YangResourceRepository import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired import org.springframework.test.context.jdbc.Sql class CpsModulePersistenceServiceIntegrationSpec extends CpsPersistenceSpecBase { @Autowired CpsModulePersistenceService objectUnderTest @Autowired AnchorRepository anchorRepository @Autowired SchemaSetRepository schemaSetRepository @Autowired CpsAdminPersistenceService cpsAdminPersistenceService static final String SET_DATA = '/data/schemaset.sql' static final String EXISTING_SCHEMA_SET_NAME = SCHEMA_SET_NAME1 static final String SCHEMA_SET_NAME_NO_ANCHORS = 'SCHEMA-SET-100' static final String SCHEMA_SET_NAME_NEW = 'SCHEMA-SET-NEW' static final String NEW_RESOURCE_NAME = 'some new resource' static final String NEW_RESOURCE_CONTENT = 'module stores {\n' + ' yang-version 1.1;\n' + ' namespace "org:onap:ccsdk:sample";\n' + '\n' + ' prefix book-store;\n' + '\n' + ' revision "2020-09-15" {\n' + ' description\n' + ' "Sample Model";\n' + ' }' + '}' static final String NEW_RESOURCE_CHECKSUM = 'b13faef573ed1374139d02c40d8ce09c80ea1dc70e63e464c1ed61568d48d539' static final String NEW_RESOURCE_MODULE_NAME = 'stores' static final String NEW_RESOURCE_REVISION = '2020-09-15' static final ModuleReference newModuleReference = ModuleReference.builder().moduleName(NEW_RESOURCE_MODULE_NAME) .revision(NEW_RESOURCE_REVISION).build() def newYangResourcesNameToContentMap = [(NEW_RESOURCE_NAME):NEW_RESOURCE_CONTENT] def dataspaceEntity def setup() { dataspaceEntity = dataspaceRepository.getByName(DATASPACE_NAME) } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Store schema set error scenario: #scenario.'() { when: 'attempt to store schema set #schemaSetName in dataspace #dataspaceName' objectUnderTest.storeSchemaSet(dataspaceName, schemaSetName, newYangResourcesNameToContentMap) then: 'an #expectedException is thrown' thrown(expectedException) where: 'the following data is used' scenario | dataspaceName | schemaSetName || expectedException 'dataspace does not exist' | 'unknown' | 'not-relevant' || DataspaceNotFoundException 'schema set already exists' | DATASPACE_NAME | EXISTING_SCHEMA_SET_NAME || AlreadyDefinedException } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Store new schema set.'() { when: 'a new schemaset is stored' objectUnderTest.storeSchemaSet(DATASPACE_NAME, SCHEMA_SET_NAME_NEW, newYangResourcesNameToContentMap) then: 'the schema set is persisted correctly' assertSchemaSetPersisted(DATASPACE_NAME, SCHEMA_SET_NAME_NEW, NEW_RESOURCE_NAME, NEW_RESOURCE_CONTENT, NEW_RESOURCE_CHECKSUM, NEW_RESOURCE_MODULE_NAME, NEW_RESOURCE_REVISION) } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Store and retrieve new schema set from new modules and existing modules.'() { given: 'map of new modules, a list of existing modules, module reference' def mapOfNewModules = [newModule1: 'module newmodule { yang-version 1.1; revision "2021-10-12" { } }'] def moduleReferenceForExistingModule = new ModuleReference("test","2021-10-12") def listOfExistingModulesModuleReference = [moduleReferenceForExistingModule] def mapOfExistingModule = [test: 'module test { yang-version 1.1; revision "2021-10-12" { } }'] objectUnderTest.storeSchemaSet(DATASPACE_NAME, "someSchemaSetName", mapOfExistingModule) when: 'a new schema set is created from these new modules and existing modules' objectUnderTest.storeSchemaSetFromModules(DATASPACE_NAME, "newSchemaSetName" , mapOfNewModules, listOfExistingModulesModuleReference) then: 'the schema set can be retrieved' def expectedYangResourcesMapAfterSchemaSetHasBeenCreated = mapOfNewModules + mapOfExistingModule def actualYangResourcesMapAfterSchemaSetHasBeenCreated = objectUnderTest.getYangSchemaResources(DATASPACE_NAME, "newSchemaSetName") actualYangResourcesMapAfterSchemaSetHasBeenCreated == expectedYangResourcesMapAfterSchemaSetHasBeenCreated } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Retrieving schema set (resources) by anchor.'() { given: 'a new schema set is stored' objectUnderTest.storeSchemaSet(DATASPACE_NAME, SCHEMA_SET_NAME_NEW, newYangResourcesNameToContentMap) and: 'an anchor is created with that schema set' cpsAdminPersistenceService.createAnchor(DATASPACE_NAME, SCHEMA_SET_NAME_NEW, ANCHOR_NAME1) when: 'the schema set resources for that anchor is retrieved' def result = objectUnderTest.getYangSchemaSetResources(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1) then: 'the correct resources are returned' result == newYangResourcesNameToContentMap } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Retrieving all yang resources module references for the given dataspace.'() { given: 'a dataspace name' def dataspaceName = 'DATASPACE-002' when: 'all yang resources module references are retrieved for the given dataspace name' def result = objectUnderTest.getYangResourceModuleReferences(dataspaceName) then: 'the correct resources are returned' result.sort() == [new ModuleReference(moduleName: 'MODULE-NAME-005', revision: 'REVISION-002'), new ModuleReference(moduleName: 'MODULE-NAME-006', revision: 'REVISION-006')] } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Retrieving module names and revisions for the given anchor.'() { given: 'a dataspace name and anchor name' def dataspaceName = 'DATASPACE-001' def anchorName = 'ANCHOR1' when: 'all yang resources module references are retrieved for the given anchor' def result = objectUnderTest.getYangResourceModuleReferences(dataspaceName, anchorName) then: 'the correct module names and revisions are returned' result.sort() == [ new ModuleReference(moduleName: 'MODULE-NAME-003', revision: 'REVISION-002'), new ModuleReference(moduleName: 'MODULE-NAME-004', revision: 'REVISION-004')] } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Storing duplicate schema content.'() { given: 'a new schema set with a resource with the same content as an existing resource' def existingResourceContent = 'module test { yang-version 1.1; revision "2020-09-15"; }' def newYangResourcesNameToContentMap = [(NEW_RESOURCE_NAME):existingResourceContent] when: 'the schema set with duplicate resource is stored' objectUnderTest.storeSchemaSet(DATASPACE_NAME, SCHEMA_SET_NAME_NEW, newYangResourcesNameToContentMap) then: 'the schema persisted (re)uses the existing name and has the same checksum' def existingResourceName = 'module1@2020-02-02.yang' def existingResourceChecksum = 'bea1afcc3d1517e7bf8cae151b3b6bfbd46db77a81754acdcb776a50368efa0a' def existingResourceModelName = 'test' def existingResourceRevision = '2020-09-15' assertSchemaSetPersisted(DATASPACE_NAME, SCHEMA_SET_NAME_NEW, existingResourceName, existingResourceContent, existingResourceChecksum, existingResourceModelName, existingResourceRevision) } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Delete schema set'() { when: 'a schema set is deleted with cascade-prohibited option' objectUnderTest.deleteSchemaSet(DATASPACE_NAME, SCHEMA_SET_NAME_NO_ANCHORS) then: 'the schema set has been deleted' schemaSetRepository.findByDataspaceAndName(dataspaceEntity, SCHEMA_SET_NAME_NO_ANCHORS).isPresent() == false } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Identifying new module references where #scenario'() { when: 'identifyNewModuleReferences is called' def result = objectUnderTest.identifyNewModuleReferences(moduleReferences) then: 'the correct module reference collection is returned' assert result == expectedResult where: 'the following data is used' scenario | moduleReferences || expectedResult 'new module references exist' | toModuleReference([['some module 1' : 'some revision 1'], ['some module 2' : 'some revision 2']]) || toModuleReference([['some module 1' : 'some revision 1'], ['some module 2' : 'some revision 2']]) 'no new module references exist' | [] || [] 'module references collection is null'| null || [] } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Delete schema set error scenario: #scenario.'() { when: 'attempt to delete a schema set where #scenario' objectUnderTest.deleteSchemaSet(dataspaceName, schemaSetName) then: 'an #expectedException is thrown' thrown(expectedException) where: 'the following data is used' scenario | dataspaceName | schemaSetName || expectedException 'dataspace does not exist' | 'unknown' | 'not-relevant' || DataspaceNotFoundException 'schema set does not exists' | DATASPACE_NAME | 'unknown' || SchemaSetNotFoundException } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Delete only orphan Yang Resources'() { given: 'a schema set is deleted and and yang resource is not used anymore' objectUnderTest.deleteSchemaSet(DATASPACE_NAME, SCHEMA_SET_NAME_NO_ANCHORS) when: 'orphan yang resources are deleted' objectUnderTest.deleteUnusedYangResourceModules() then: 'any orphaned (not used by any schema set anymore) yang resources are deleted' def orphanedResourceId = 3100L yangResourceRepository.findById(orphanedResourceId).isPresent() == false and: 'any shared (still in use by other schema set) yang resources still persists' def sharedResourceId = 3003L yangResourceRepository.findById(sharedResourceId).isPresent() } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Retrieving all yang resources module definition for the given dataspace and anchor name.'() { when: 'all yang resources module definitions are retrieved for the given dataspace and anchor name' def result = objectUnderTest.getYangResourceDefinitions('DATASPACE-001', 'ANCHOR3') then: 'the correct module definitions (moduleName, revision and yang resource content) are returned' result.sort() == [new ModuleDefinition('MODULE-NAME-004', 'REVISION-004', 'CONTENT-004')] } def assertSchemaSetPersisted(expectedDataspaceName, expectedSchemaSetName, expectedYangResourceName, expectedYangResourceContent, expectedYangResourceChecksum, expectedYangResourceModuleName, expectedYangResourceRevision) { // assert the schema set is persisted def schemaSetEntity = schemaSetRepository .findByDataspaceAndName(dataspaceEntity, expectedSchemaSetName).orElseThrow() assert schemaSetEntity.name == expectedSchemaSetName assert schemaSetEntity.dataspace.name == expectedDataspaceName // assert the attached yang resource is persisted def yangResourceEntities = schemaSetEntity.getYangResources() yangResourceEntities.size() == 1 // assert the attached yang resource content YangResourceEntity yangResourceEntity = yangResourceEntities.iterator().next() assert yangResourceEntity.id != null yangResourceEntity.name == expectedYangResourceName yangResourceEntity.content == expectedYangResourceContent yangResourceEntity.checksum == expectedYangResourceChecksum yangResourceEntity.moduleName == expectedYangResourceModuleName yangResourceEntity.revision == expectedYangResourceRevision } def toModuleReference(moduleReferenceAsMap) { def moduleReferences = [].withDefault { [:] } moduleReferenceAsMap.forEach(property -> property.forEach((moduleName, revision) -> { moduleReferences.add(new ModuleReference('moduleName' : moduleName, 'revision' : revision)) })) return moduleReferences } }