/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (c) 2021 Bell Canada. * Modifications Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Nordix Foundation * Modifications Copyright (C) 2022-2023 TechMahindra Ltd. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.cps.spi.impl import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import org.hibernate.StaleStateException import org.onap.cps.spi.FetchDescendantsOption import org.onap.cps.spi.entities.AnchorEntity import org.onap.cps.spi.entities.DataspaceEntity import org.onap.cps.spi.entities.FragmentEntity import org.onap.cps.spi.entities.FragmentExtract import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.ConcurrencyException import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.DataValidationException import org.onap.cps.spi.model.DataNode import org.onap.cps.spi.model.DataNodeBuilder import org.onap.cps.spi.repository.AnchorRepository import org.onap.cps.spi.repository.DataspaceRepository import org.onap.cps.spi.repository.FragmentRepository import org.onap.cps.spi.utils.SessionManager import org.onap.cps.utils.JsonObjectMapper import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException import spock.lang.Specification class CpsDataPersistenceServiceSpec extends Specification { def mockDataspaceRepository = Mock(DataspaceRepository) def mockAnchorRepository = Mock(AnchorRepository) def mockFragmentRepository = Mock(FragmentRepository) def jsonObjectMapper = new JsonObjectMapper(new ObjectMapper()) def mockSessionManager = Mock(SessionManager) def objectUnderTest = Spy(new CpsDataPersistenceServiceImpl(mockDataspaceRepository, mockAnchorRepository, mockFragmentRepository, jsonObjectMapper, mockSessionManager)) static def anchorEntity = new AnchorEntity(id: 123, dataspace: new DataspaceEntity(id: 1)) def setup() { mockAnchorRepository.getByDataspaceAndName(_, _) >> anchorEntity } def 'Storing data nodes individually when batch operation fails'(){ given: 'two data nodes and supporting repository mock behavior' def dataNode1 = createDataNodeAndMockRepositoryMethodSupportingIt('xpath1','OK') def dataNode2 = createDataNodeAndMockRepositoryMethodSupportingIt('xpath2','OK') and: 'the batch store operation will fail' mockFragmentRepository.saveAll(*_) >> { throw new DataIntegrityViolationException("Exception occurred") } when: 'trying to store data nodes' objectUnderTest.storeDataNodes('dataSpaceName', 'anchorName', [dataNode1, dataNode2]) then: 'the two data nodes are saved individually' 2 * mockFragmentRepository.save(_) } def 'Handling of StaleStateException (caused by concurrent updates) during update data nodes and descendants.'() { given: 'the system can update one datanode and has two more datanodes that throw an exception while updating' def dataNodes = createDataNodesAndMockRepositoryMethodSupportingThem([ '/node1': 'OK', '/node2': 'EXCEPTION', '/node3': 'EXCEPTION']) and: 'the batch update will therefore also fail' mockFragmentRepository.saveAll(*_) >> { throw new StaleStateException("concurrent updates") } when: 'attempt batch update data nodes' objectUnderTest.updateDataNodesAndDescendants('some-dataspace', 'some-anchor', dataNodes) then: 'concurrency exception is thrown' def thrown = thrown(ConcurrencyException) assert thrown.message == 'Concurrent Transactions' and: 'it does not contain the successfull datanode' assert !thrown.details.contains('/node1') and: 'it contains the failed datanodes' assert thrown.details.contains('/node2') assert thrown.details.contains('/node3') } def 'Retrieving a data node with a property JSON value of #scenario'() { given: 'the db has a fragment with an attribute property JSON value of #scenario' mockFragmentWithJson("{\"some attribute\": ${dataString}}") when: 'getting the data node represented by this fragment' def dataNode = objectUnderTest.getDataNodes('my-dataspace', 'my-anchor', '/parent-01', FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) then: 'the leaf is of the correct value and data type' def attributeValue = dataNode[0].leaves.get('some attribute') assert attributeValue == expectedValue assert attributeValue.class == expectedDataClass where: 'the following Data Type is passed' scenario | dataString || expectedValue | expectedDataClass 'just numbers' | '15174' || 15174 | Integer 'number with dot' | '15174.32' || 15174.32 | Double 'number with 0 value after dot' | '15174.0' || 15174.0 | Double 'number with 0 value before dot' | '0.32' || 0.32 | Double 'number higher than max int' | '2147483648' || 2147483648 | Long 'just text' | '"Test"' || 'Test' | String 'number with exponent' | '1.2345e5' || 1.2345e5 | Double 'number higher than max int with dot' | '123456789101112.0' || 123456789101112.0 | Double 'text and numbers' | '"String = \'1234\'"' || "String = '1234'" | String 'number as String' | '"12345"' || '12345' | String } def 'Retrieving a data node with invalid JSON'() { given: 'a fragment with invalid JSON' mockFragmentWithJson('{invalid json') when: 'getting the data node represented by this fragment' objectUnderTest.getDataNodes('my-dataspace', 'my-anchor', '/parent-01', FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) then: 'a data validation exception is thrown' thrown(DataValidationException) } def 'Retrieving multiple data nodes.'() { given: 'fragment repository returns a collection of fragments' mockFragmentRepository.findExtractsWithDescendants(123, ['/xpath1', '/xpath2'] as Set, _) >> [ mockFragmentExtract(1, null, 123, '/xpath1', null), mockFragmentExtract(2, null, 123, '/xpath2', null) ] when: 'getting data nodes for 2 xpaths' def result = objectUnderTest.getDataNodesForMultipleXpaths('some-dataspace', 'some-anchor', ['/xpath1', '/xpath2'], FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) then: '2 data nodes are returned' assert result.size() == 2 } def 'start session'() { when: 'start session' objectUnderTest.startSession() then: 'the session manager method to start session is invoked' 1 * mockSessionManager.startSession() } def 'close session'() { given: 'session ID' def someSessionId = 'someSessionId' when: 'close session method is called with session ID as parameter' objectUnderTest.closeSession(someSessionId) then: 'the session manager method to close session is invoked with parameter' 1 * mockSessionManager.closeSession(someSessionId, mockSessionManager.WITH_COMMIT) } def 'Lock anchor.'(){ when: 'lock anchor method is called with anchor entity details' objectUnderTest.lockAnchor('mySessionId', 'myDataspaceName', 'myAnchorName', 123L) then: 'the session manager method to lock anchor is invoked with same parameters' 1 * mockSessionManager.lockAnchor('mySessionId', 'myDataspaceName', 'myAnchorName', 123L) } def 'update data node leaves: #scenario'(){ given: 'A node exists for the given xpath' mockFragmentRepository.getByAnchorAndXpath(_, '/some/xpath') >> new FragmentEntity(xpath: '/some/xpath', attributes: existingAttributes) when: 'the node leaves are updated' objectUnderTest.updateDataLeaves('some-dataspace', 'some-anchor', '/some/xpath', newAttributes as Map) then: 'the fragment entity saved has the original and new attributes' 1 * mockFragmentRepository.save({fragmentEntity -> { assert fragmentEntity.getXpath() == '/some/xpath' assert fragmentEntity.getAttributes() == mergedAttributes }}) where: 'the following attributes combinations are used' scenario | existingAttributes | newAttributes | mergedAttributes 'add new leaf' | '{"existing":"value"}' | ["new":"value"] | '{"existing":"value","new":"value"}' 'update existing leaf' | '{"existing":"value"}' | ["existing":"value2"] | '{"existing":"value2"}' 'update nothing with nothing' | '' | [] | '' 'update with nothing' | '{"existing":"value"}' | [] | '{"existing":"value"}' 'update with same value' | '{"existing":"value"}' | ["existing":"value"] | '{"existing":"value"}' } def 'update data node and descendants: #scenario'(){ given: 'the fragment repository returns fragment entities related to the xpath inputs' mockFragmentRepository.findExtractsWithDescendants(_, [] as Set, _) >> [] mockFragmentRepository.findExtractsWithDescendants(_, ['/test/xpath'] as Set, _) >> [ mockFragmentExtract(1, null, 123, '/test/xpath', null) ] when: 'replace data node tree' objectUnderTest.updateDataNodesAndDescendants('dataspaceName', 'anchorName', dataNodes) then: 'call fragment repository save all method' 1 * mockFragmentRepository.saveAll({fragmentEntities -> assert fragmentEntities as List == expectedFragmentEntities}) where: 'the following Data Type is passed' scenario | dataNodes || expectedFragmentEntities 'empty data node list' | [] || [] 'one data node in list' | [new DataNode(xpath: '/test/xpath', leaves: ['id': 'testId'], childDataNodes: [])] || [new FragmentEntity(xpath: '/test/xpath', attributes: '{"id":"testId"}', anchor: anchorEntity, childFragments: [])] } def 'update data nodes and descendants'() { given: 'the fragment repository returns fragment entities related to the xpath inputs' mockFragmentRepository.findExtractsWithDescendants(_, ['/test/xpath1', '/test/xpath2'] as Set, _) >> [ mockFragmentExtract(1, null, 123, '/test/xpath1', null), mockFragmentExtract(2, null, 123, '/test/xpath2', null) ] and: 'some data nodes with descendants' def dataNode1 = new DataNode(xpath: '/test/xpath1', leaves: ['id': 'testId1'], childDataNodes: [new DataNode(xpath: '/test/xpath1/child', leaves: ['id': 'childTestId1'])]) def dataNode2 = new DataNode(xpath: '/test/xpath2', leaves: ['id': 'testId2'], childDataNodes: [new DataNode(xpath: '/test/xpath2/child', leaves: ['id': 'childTestId2'])]) when: 'the fragment entities are update by the data nodes' objectUnderTest.updateDataNodesAndDescendants('dataspace', 'anchor', [dataNode1, dataNode2]) then: 'call fragment repository save all method is called with the updated fragments' 1 * mockFragmentRepository.saveAll({fragmentEntities -> { assert fragmentEntities.size() == 2 def fragmentEntityPerXpath = fragmentEntities.collectEntries { [it.xpath, it] } assert fragmentEntityPerXpath.get('/test/xpath1').childFragments.first().attributes == '{"id":"childTestId1"}' assert fragmentEntityPerXpath.get('/test/xpath2').childFragments.first().attributes == '{"id":"childTestId2"}' }}) } def createDataNodeAndMockRepositoryMethodSupportingIt(xpath, scenario) { def dataNode = new DataNodeBuilder().withXpath(xpath).build() def fragmentEntity = new FragmentEntity(xpath: xpath, childFragments: []) mockFragmentRepository.getByAnchorAndXpath(_, xpath) >> fragmentEntity if ('EXCEPTION' == scenario) { mockFragmentRepository.save(fragmentEntity) >> { throw new StaleStateException("concurrent updates") } } return dataNode } def createDataNodesAndMockRepositoryMethodSupportingThem(Map xpathToScenarioMap) { def dataNodes = [] def fragmentExtracts = [] def fragmentId = 1 xpathToScenarioMap.each { def xpath = it.key def scenario = it.value def dataNode = new DataNodeBuilder().withXpath(xpath).build() dataNodes.add(dataNode) def fragmentExtract = mockFragmentExtract(fragmentId, null, 123, xpath, null) fragmentExtracts.add(fragmentExtract) def fragmentEntity = new FragmentEntity(id: fragmentId, anchor: anchorEntity, xpath: xpath, childFragments: []) if ('EXCEPTION' == scenario) { mockFragmentRepository.save(fragmentEntity) >> { throw new StaleStateException("concurrent updates") } } fragmentId++ } mockFragmentRepository.findExtractsWithDescendants(_, xpathToScenarioMap.keySet(), _) >> fragmentExtracts return dataNodes } def mockFragmentWithJson(json) { def fragmentExtract = mockFragmentExtract(456, null, 123, '/parent-01', json) mockFragmentRepository.findExtractsWithDescendants(123, ['/parent-01'] as Set, _) >> [fragmentExtract] } def mockFragmentExtract(id, parentId, anchorId, xpath, attributes) { def fragmentExtract = Mock(FragmentExtract) fragmentExtract.getId() >> id fragmentExtract.getParentId() >> parentId fragmentExtract.getAnchorId() >> anchorId fragmentExtract.getXpath() >> xpath fragmentExtract.getAttributes() >> attributes return fragmentExtract } }