/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Nordix Foundation * Modifications Copyright (C) 2021 Pantheon.tech * Modifications Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Bell Canada. * Modifications Copyright (C) 2022-2023 TechMahindra Ltd. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.cps.spi.impl import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet import org.onap.cps.spi.CpsDataPersistenceService import org.onap.cps.spi.entities.FragmentEntity import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.AlreadyDefinedExceptionBatch import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.AnchorNotFoundException import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.CpsAdminException import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.CpsPathException import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.DataNodeNotFoundException import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.DataspaceNotFoundException import org.onap.cps.spi.model.DataNode import org.onap.cps.spi.model.DataNodeBuilder import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired import org.springframework.test.context.jdbc.Sql import javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException import static org.onap.cps.spi.FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS import static org.onap.cps.spi.FetchDescendantsOption.OMIT_DESCENDANTS class CpsDataPersistenceServiceIntegrationSpec extends CpsPersistenceSpecBase { @Autowired CpsDataPersistenceService objectUnderTest static DataNodeBuilder dataNodeBuilder = new DataNodeBuilder() static final String SET_DATA = '/data/fragment.sql' static long ID_DATA_NODE_WITH_DESCENDANTS = 4001 static String XPATH_DATA_NODE_WITH_DESCENDANTS = '/parent-1' static long DATA_NODE_202_FRAGMENT_ID = 4202L static long CHILD_OF_DATA_NODE_202_FRAGMENT_ID = 4203L static long LIST_DATA_NODE_PARENT201_FRAGMENT_ID = 4206L static long LIST_DATA_NODE_PARENT203_FRAGMENT_ID = 4214L static long LIST_DATA_NODE_PARENT202_FRAGMENT_ID = 4211L static long PARENT_3_FRAGMENT_ID = 4003L static Collection newDataNodes = [new DataNodeBuilder().build()] static Collection existingDataNodes = [createDataNodeTree(XPATH_DATA_NODE_WITH_DESCENDANTS)] static Collection existingChildDataNodes = [createDataNodeTree('/parent-1/child-1')] def static deleteTestParentXPath = '/parent-200' def static deleteTestChildXpath = "${deleteTestParentXPath}/child-with-slash[@key='a/b']" def static deleteTestGrandChildXPath = "${deleteTestChildXpath}/grandChild" @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Get all datanodes with descendants .'() { when: 'data nodes are retrieved by their xpath' def dataNodes = objectUnderTest.getDataNodesForMultipleXpaths(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1, ['/parent-1'], INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) then: 'same data nodes are returned by getDataNodesForMultipleXpaths method' assert objectUnderTest.getDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1, '/parent-1', INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) == dataNodes and: 'the dataNodes have no prefix (to be addressed by CPS-1301)' assert dataNodes[0].moduleNamePrefix == null } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Storing and Retrieving a new DataNodes with descendants.'() { when: 'a fragment with descendants is stored' def parentXpath = '/parent-new' def childXpath = '/parent-new/child-new' def grandChildXpath = '/parent-new/child-new/grandchild-new' def dataNodes = [createDataNodeTree(parentXpath, childXpath, grandChildXpath)] objectUnderTest.storeDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1, dataNodes) then: 'it can be retrieved by its xpath' def dataNode = objectUnderTest.getDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1, parentXpath, INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) assert dataNode[0].xpath == parentXpath and: 'it has the correct child' assert dataNode[0].childDataNodes.size() == 1 def childDataNode = dataNode[0].childDataNodes[0] assert childDataNode.xpath == childXpath and: 'and its grandchild' assert childDataNode.childDataNodes.size() == 1 def grandChildDataNode = childDataNode.childDataNodes[0] assert grandChildDataNode.xpath == grandChildXpath } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Store data node for multiple anchors using the same schema.'() { def xpath = '/parent-new' given: 'a fragment is stored for an anchor' objectUnderTest.storeDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1, [createDataNodeTree(xpath)]) when: 'another fragment is stored for an other anchor, using the same schema set' objectUnderTest.storeDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, [createDataNodeTree(xpath)]) then: 'both fragments can be retrieved by their xpath' def fragment1 = getFragmentByXpath(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1, xpath) fragment1.anchor.name == ANCHOR_NAME1 fragment1.xpath == xpath def fragment2 = getFragmentByXpath(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, xpath) fragment2.anchor.name == ANCHOR_NAME3 fragment2.xpath == xpath } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Store datanodes error scenario: #scenario.'() { when: 'attempt to store a data node with #scenario' objectUnderTest.storeDataNodes(dataspaceName, anchorName, dataNodes) then: 'a #expectedException is thrown' thrown(expectedException) where: 'the following data is used' scenario | dataspaceName | anchorName | dataNodes || expectedException 'dataspace does not exist' | 'unknown' | 'not-relevant' | newDataNodes || DataspaceNotFoundException 'schema set does not exist' | DATASPACE_NAME | 'unknown' | newDataNodes || AnchorNotFoundException 'anchor already exists' | DATASPACE_NAME | ANCHOR_NAME1 | newDataNodes || ConstraintViolationException 'datanode already exists' | DATASPACE_NAME | ANCHOR_NAME1 | existingDataNodes || AlreadyDefinedExceptionBatch } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Add children to a Fragment that already has a child.'() { given: 'collection of new child data nodes' def newChild1 = createDataNodeTree('/parent-1/child-2') def newChild2 = createDataNodeTree('/parent-1/child-3') def newChildrenCollection = [newChild1, newChild2] when: 'the child is added to an existing parent with 1 child' objectUnderTest.addChildDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1, XPATH_DATA_NODE_WITH_DESCENDANTS, newChildrenCollection) then: 'the parent is now has to 3 children' def expectedExistingChildPath = '/parent-1/child-1' def parentFragment = fragmentRepository.findById(ID_DATA_NODE_WITH_DESCENDANTS).orElseThrow() parentFragment.childFragments.size() == 3 and: 'it still has the old child' parentFragment.childFragments.find({ it.xpath == expectedExistingChildPath }) and: 'it has the new children' parentFragment.childFragments.find({ it.xpath == newChildrenCollection[0].xpath }) parentFragment.childFragments.find({ it.xpath == newChildrenCollection[1].xpath }) } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Add child error scenario: #scenario.'() { when: 'attempt to add a child data node with #scenario' objectUnderTest.addChildDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1, parentXpath, dataNodes) then: 'a #expectedException is thrown' thrown(expectedException) where: 'the following data is used' scenario | parentXpath | dataNodes || expectedException 'parent does not exist' | '/unknown' | newDataNodes || DataNodeNotFoundException 'already existing child' | XPATH_DATA_NODE_WITH_DESCENDANTS | existingChildDataNodes || AlreadyDefinedExceptionBatch } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Add collection of multiple new list elements including an element with a child datanode.'() { given: 'two new child list elements for an existing parent' def listElementXpaths = ['/parent-201/child-204[@key="NEW1"]', '/parent-201/child-204[@key="NEW2"]'] def listElements = toDataNodes(listElementXpaths) and: 'a (grand)child data node for one of the new list elements' def grandChild = buildDataNode('/parent-201/child-204[@key="NEW1"]/grand-child-204[@key2="NEW1-CHILD"]', [leave:'value'], []) listElements[0].childDataNodes = [grandChild] when: 'the new data node (list elements) are added to an existing parent node' objectUnderTest.addMultipleLists(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, '/parent-201', [listElements]) then: 'new entries are successfully persisted, parent node now contains 5 children (2 new + 3 existing before)' def parentFragment = fragmentRepository.getReferenceById(LIST_DATA_NODE_PARENT201_FRAGMENT_ID) def allChildXpaths = parentFragment.childFragments.collect { it.xpath } assert allChildXpaths.size() == 5 assert allChildXpaths.containsAll(listElementXpaths) and: 'the (grand)child node of the new list entry is also present' def dataspaceEntity = dataspaceRepository.getByName(DATASPACE_NAME) def anchorEntity = anchorRepository.getByDataspaceAndName(dataspaceEntity, ANCHOR_NAME3) def grandChildFragmentEntity = fragmentRepository.findByAnchorAndXpath(anchorEntity, grandChild.xpath) assert grandChildFragmentEntity.isPresent() } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Add multiple list with a mix of existing and new elements'() { given: 'two new child list elements for an existing parent' def existingDataNode = dataNodeBuilder.withXpath('/parent-207/child-001').withLeaves(['id': '001']).build() def newDataNode1 = dataNodeBuilder.withXpath('/parent-207/child-new1').withLeaves(['id': 'new1']).build() def newDataNode2 = dataNodeBuilder.withXpath('/parent-200/child-new2').withLeaves(['id': 'new2']).build() def dataNodeList1 = [existingDataNode, newDataNode1] def dataNodeList2 = [newDataNode2] when: 'duplicate data node is requested to be added' objectUnderTest.addMultipleLists(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_HAVING_SINGLE_TOP_LEVEL_FRAGMENT, '/', [dataNodeList1, dataNodeList2]) then: 'already defined batch exception is thrown' def thrown = thrown(AlreadyDefinedExceptionBatch) and: 'it only contains the xpath(s) of the duplicated elements' assert thrown.alreadyDefinedXpaths.size() == 1 assert thrown.alreadyDefinedXpaths.contains('/parent-207/child-001') and: 'it does NOT contains the xpaths of the new element that were not combined with existing elements' assert !thrown.alreadyDefinedXpaths.contains('/parent-207/child-new1') assert !thrown.alreadyDefinedXpaths.contains('/parent-207/child-new1') and: 'the new entity is inserted correctly' def dataspaceEntity = dataspaceRepository.getByName(DATASPACE_NAME) def anchorEntity = anchorRepository.getByDataspaceAndName(dataspaceEntity, ANCHOR_HAVING_SINGLE_TOP_LEVEL_FRAGMENT) fragmentRepository.findByAnchorAndXpath(anchorEntity, '/parent-200/child-new2').isPresent() } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Add list element error scenario: #scenario.'() { given: 'list element as a collection of data nodes' def listElements = toDataNodes(listElementXpaths) when: 'attempt to add list elements to parent node' objectUnderTest.addListElements(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, parentNodeXpath, listElements) then: 'a #expectedException is thrown' thrown(expectedException) where: 'following parameters were used' scenario | parentNodeXpath | listElementXpaths || expectedException 'parent node does not exist' | '/unknown' | ['irrelevant'] || DataNodeNotFoundException 'data fragment already exists' | '/parent-201' | ["/parent-201/child-204[@key='A']"] || AlreadyDefinedExceptionBatch } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Get all data nodes by single xpath without descendants : #scenario'() { when: 'data nodes are requested' def result = objectUnderTest.getDataNodesForMultipleXpaths(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_WITH_MULTIPLE_TOP_LEVEL_FRAGMENTS, [inputXPath], OMIT_DESCENDANTS) then: 'data nodes under root are returned' assert result.childDataNodes.size() == 2 and: 'no descendants of parent nodes are returned' result.each {assert it.childDataNodes.size() == 0} and: 'same data nodes are returned when V2 of get Data Nodes API is executed' assert objectUnderTest.getDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_WITH_MULTIPLE_TOP_LEVEL_FRAGMENTS, inputXPath, OMIT_DESCENDANTS) == result where: 'the following xpath is used' scenario | inputXPath 'root xpath' | '/' 'empty xpath' | '' } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Cps Path query with syntax error throws a CPS Path Exception.'() { when: 'trying to execute a query with a syntax (parsing) error' objectUnderTest.getDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_FOR_DATA_NODES_WITH_LEAVES, 'invalid-cps-path/child' , OMIT_DESCENDANTS) then: 'exception is thrown' def exceptionThrown = thrown(CpsPathException) assert exceptionThrown.getDetails() == "failed to parse at line 1 due to extraneous input 'invalid-cps-path' expecting '/'" } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Get all data nodes by single xpath with all descendants : #scenario'() { when: 'data nodes are requested with all descendants' def result = objectUnderTest.getDataNodesForMultipleXpaths(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_WITH_MULTIPLE_TOP_LEVEL_FRAGMENTS, [inputXPath], INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) def mappedResult = multipleTreesToFlatMapByXpath(new HashMap<>(), result) then: 'data nodes are returned with all the descendants populated' assert mappedResult.size() == 8 assert result.childDataNodes.size() == 2 assert mappedResult.get('/parent-208/child-001').childDataNodes.size() == 0 assert mappedResult.get('/parent-208/child-002').childDataNodes.size() == 1 assert mappedResult.get('/parent-209/child-001').childDataNodes.size() == 0 assert mappedResult.get('/parent-209/child-002').childDataNodes.size() == 1 and: 'same data nodes are returned when V2 of Get Data Nodes API is executed' assert objectUnderTest.getDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_WITH_MULTIPLE_TOP_LEVEL_FRAGMENTS, inputXPath, INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) == result where: 'the following data is used' scenario | inputXPath 'root xpath' | '/' 'empty xpath' | '' } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Get data nodes error scenario : #scenario.'() { when: 'attempt to get data nodes with #scenario' objectUnderTest.getDataNodes(dataspaceName, anchorName, xpath, OMIT_DESCENDANTS) then: 'an #expectedException is thrown' thrown(expectedException) where: 'the following data is used' scenario | dataspaceName | anchorName | xpath || expectedException 'non existing xpath' | DATASPACE_NAME | ANCHOR_FOR_DATA_NODES_WITH_LEAVES | '/NO-XPATH' || DataNodeNotFoundException 'invalid Xpath' | DATASPACE_NAME | ANCHOR_FOR_DATA_NODES_WITH_LEAVES | 'INVALID XPATH' || CpsPathException } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Get data nodes for multiple xpaths.'() { when: 'fetch #scenario.' def results = objectUnderTest.getDataNodesForMultipleXpaths(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, inputXpaths, OMIT_DESCENDANTS) then: 'the expected number of data nodes are returned' assert results.size() == expectedResultSize where: 'following parameters were used' scenario | inputXpaths || expectedResultSize '0 nodes' | [] || 0 '1 node' | ["/parent-200"] || 1 '2 unique nodes' | ["/parent-200", "/parent-201"] || 2 '3 unique nodes' | ["/parent-200", "/parent-201", "/parent-202"] || 3 '1 unique node with duplicate xpath' | ["/parent-200", "/parent-200"] || 1 '2 unique nodes with duplicate xpath' | ["/parent-200", "/parent-202", "/parent-200"] || 2 'list element with key (single quote)' | ["/parent-201/child-204[@key='A']"] || 1 'list element with key (double quote)' | ['/parent-201/child-204[@key="A"]'] || 1 'whole list (not implemented)' | ["/parent-201/child-204"] || 0 'non-existing xpath' | ["/NO-XPATH"] || 0 'existing and non-existing xpaths' | ["/parent-200", "/NO-XPATH", "/parent-201"] || 2 'invalid xpath' | ["INVALID XPATH"] || 0 'valid and invalid xpaths' | ["/parent-200", "INVALID XPATH", "/parent-201"] || 2 'root xpath' | ["/"] || 7 'empty (root) xpath' | [""] || 7 'root and top-level xpaths' | ["/", "/parent-200", "/parent-201"] || 7 'root and child xpaths' | ["/", "/parent-200/child-201"] || 7 } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Get data nodes for collection of xpath error scenario : #scenario.'() { when: 'attempt to get data nodes with #scenario' objectUnderTest.getDataNodesForMultipleXpaths(dataspaceName, anchorName, ['/not-relevant'], OMIT_DESCENDANTS) then: 'a #expectedException is thrown' thrown(expectedException) where: 'the following data is used' scenario | dataspaceName | anchorName || expectedException 'non-existing dataspace' | 'NO DATASPACE' | 'not relevant' || DataspaceNotFoundException 'non-existing anchor' | DATASPACE_NAME | 'NO ANCHOR' || AnchorNotFoundException } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Update data nodes and descendants by removing descendants.'() { given: 'data nodes with leaves updated, no children' def submittedDataNodes = [buildDataNode('/parent-200/child-201', ['leaf-value': 'new'], [])] when: 'update data nodes and descendants is performed' objectUnderTest.updateDataNodesAndDescendants(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_FOR_DATA_NODES_WITH_LEAVES, submittedDataNodes) then: 'leaves have been updated for selected data node' def updatedFragment = fragmentRepository.getReferenceById(DATA_NODE_202_FRAGMENT_ID) def updatedLeaves = getLeavesMap(updatedFragment) assert updatedLeaves.size() == 1 assert updatedLeaves.'leaf-value' == 'new' and: 'updated entry has no children' updatedFragment.childFragments.isEmpty() and: 'previously attached child entry is removed from database' fragmentRepository.findById(CHILD_OF_DATA_NODE_202_FRAGMENT_ID).isEmpty() } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Update data nodes and descendants with new descendants'() { given: 'data nodes with leaves updated, having child with old content' def submittedDataNodes = [buildDataNode('/parent-200/child-201', ['leaf-value': 'new'], [ buildDataNode('/parent-200/child-201/grand-child', ['leaf-value': 'original'], []) ])] when: 'update is performed including descendants' objectUnderTest.updateDataNodesAndDescendants(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_FOR_DATA_NODES_WITH_LEAVES, submittedDataNodes) then: 'leaves have been updated for selected data node' def updatedFragment = fragmentRepository.getReferenceById(DATA_NODE_202_FRAGMENT_ID) def updatedLeaves = getLeavesMap(updatedFragment) assert updatedLeaves.size() == 1 assert updatedLeaves.'leaf-value' == 'new' and: 'existing child entry is not updated as content is same' def childFragment = updatedFragment.childFragments.iterator().next() childFragment.xpath == '/parent-200/child-201/grand-child' def childLeaves = getLeavesMap(childFragment) assert childLeaves.'leaf-value' == 'original' } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Update data nodes and descendants with same descendants but changed leaf value.'() { given: 'data nodes with leaves updated, having child with old content' def submittedDataNodes = [buildDataNode('/parent-200/child-201', ['leaf-value': 'new'], [ buildDataNode('/parent-200/child-201/grand-child', ['leaf-value': 'new'], []) ])] when: 'update is performed including descendants' objectUnderTest.updateDataNodesAndDescendants(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_FOR_DATA_NODES_WITH_LEAVES, submittedDataNodes) then: 'leaves have been updated for selected data node' def updatedFragment = fragmentRepository.getReferenceById(DATA_NODE_202_FRAGMENT_ID) def updatedLeaves = getLeavesMap(updatedFragment) assert updatedLeaves.size() == 1 assert updatedLeaves.'leaf-value' == 'new' and: 'existing child entry is updated with the new content' def childFragment = updatedFragment.childFragments.iterator().next() childFragment.xpath == '/parent-200/child-201/grand-child' def childLeaves = getLeavesMap(childFragment) assert childLeaves.'leaf-value' == 'new' } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Update data nodes and descendants with different descendants xpath'() { given: 'data nodes with leaves updated, having child with old content' def submittedDataNodes = [buildDataNode('/parent-200/child-201', ['leaf-value': 'new'], [ buildDataNode('/parent-200/child-201/grand-child-new', ['leaf-value': 'new'], []) ])] when: 'update is performed including descendants' objectUnderTest.updateDataNodesAndDescendants(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_FOR_DATA_NODES_WITH_LEAVES, submittedDataNodes) then: 'leaves have been updated for selected data node' def updatedFragment = fragmentRepository.getReferenceById(DATA_NODE_202_FRAGMENT_ID) def updatedLeaves = getLeavesMap(updatedFragment) assert updatedLeaves.size() == 1 assert updatedLeaves.'leaf-value' == 'new' and: 'previously attached child entry is removed from database' fragmentRepository.findById(CHILD_OF_DATA_NODE_202_FRAGMENT_ID).isEmpty() and: 'new child entry is persisted' def childFragment = updatedFragment.childFragments.iterator().next() childFragment.xpath == '/parent-200/child-201/grand-child-new' def childLeaves = getLeavesMap(childFragment) assert childLeaves.'leaf-value' == 'new' } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Update data nodes and descendants error scenario: #scenario.'() { given: 'data nodes collection' def submittedDataNodes = [buildDataNode(xpath, ['leaf-name': 'leaf-value'], [])] when: 'attempt to update data node for #scenario' objectUnderTest.updateDataNodesAndDescendants(dataspaceName, anchorName, submittedDataNodes) then: 'a #expectedException is thrown' thrown(expectedException) where: 'the following data is used' scenario | dataspaceName | anchorName | xpath || expectedException 'non-existing dataspace' | 'NO DATASPACE' | 'not relevant' | '/not relevant' || DataspaceNotFoundException 'non-existing anchor' | DATASPACE_NAME | 'NO ANCHOR' | '/not relevant' || AnchorNotFoundException } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Update existing list with #scenario.'() { given: 'a parent having a list of data nodes containing: #originalKeys (ech list element has a child too)' def parentXpath = '/parent-3' if (originalKeys.size() > 0) { def originalListEntriesAsDataNodes = createChildListAllHavingAttributeValue(parentXpath, 'original value', originalKeys, true) objectUnderTest.addListElements(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1, parentXpath, originalListEntriesAsDataNodes) } and: 'each original list element has one child' def originalParentFragment = fragmentRepository.getReferenceById(PARENT_3_FRAGMENT_ID) originalParentFragment.childFragments.each {assert it.childFragments.size() == 1 } when: 'it is updated with #scenario' def replacementListEntriesAsDataNodes = createChildListAllHavingAttributeValue(parentXpath, 'new value', replacementKeys, false) objectUnderTest.replaceListContent(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1, parentXpath, replacementListEntriesAsDataNodes) then: 'the result list ONLY contains the expected replacement elements' def parentFragment = fragmentRepository.getReferenceById(PARENT_3_FRAGMENT_ID) def allChildXpaths = parentFragment.childFragments.collect { it.xpath } def expectedListEntriesAfterUpdateAsXpaths = keysToXpaths(parentXpath, replacementKeys) assert allChildXpaths.size() == replacementKeys.size() assert allChildXpaths.containsAll(expectedListEntriesAfterUpdateAsXpaths) and: 'all the list elements have the new values' assert parentFragment.childFragments.stream().allMatch(childFragment -> childFragment.attributes.contains('new value')) and: 'there are no more grandchildren as none of the replacement list entries had a child' parentFragment.childFragments.each {assert it.childFragments.size() == 0 } where: 'the following replacement lists are applied' scenario | originalKeys | replacementKeys 'one existing entry only' | [] | ['NEW'] 'multiple new entries' | [] | ['NEW1', 'NEW2'] 'one new entry only (existing entries are deleted)' | ['A', 'B'] | ['NEW1', 'NEW2'] 'one existing on new entry' | ['A', 'B'] | ['A', 'NEW'] 'one existing entry only' | ['A', 'B'] | ['A'] } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Replacing existing list element with attributes and (grand)child.'() { given: 'a parent with list elements A and B with attribute and grandchild tagged as "org"' def parentXpath = '/parent-3' def originalListEntriesAsDataNodes = createChildListAllHavingAttributeValue(parentXpath, 'org', ['A','B'], true) objectUnderTest.addListElements(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1, parentXpath, originalListEntriesAsDataNodes) when: 'A is replaced with an entry with attribute and grandchild tagged tagged as "new" (B is not in replacement list)' def replacementListEntriesAsDataNodes = createChildListAllHavingAttributeValue(parentXpath, 'new', ['A'], true) objectUnderTest.replaceListContent(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1, parentXpath, replacementListEntriesAsDataNodes) then: 'The updated fragment has a child-list with ONLY element "A"' def parentFragment = fragmentRepository.getReferenceById(PARENT_3_FRAGMENT_ID) parentFragment.childFragments.size() == 1 def childListElementA = parentFragment.childFragments[0] childListElementA.xpath == "/parent-3/child-list[@key='A']" and: 'element "A" has an attribute with the "new" (tag) value' childListElementA.attributes == '{"attr1": "new"}' and: 'element "A" has a only one (grand)child' childListElementA.childFragments.size() == 1 and: 'the grandchild is the new grandchild (tag)' def grandChild = childListElementA.childFragments[0] grandChild.xpath == "/parent-3/child-list[@key='A']/new-grand-child" and: 'the grandchild has an attribute with the "new" (tag) value' grandChild.attributes == '{"attr1": "new"}' } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Replace list element for a parent (parent-1) with existing one (non-list) child'() { when: 'a list element is added under the parent' def replacementListEntriesAsDataNodes = createChildListAllHavingAttributeValue(XPATH_DATA_NODE_WITH_DESCENDANTS, 'new', ['A','B'], false) objectUnderTest.replaceListContent(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1, XPATH_DATA_NODE_WITH_DESCENDANTS, replacementListEntriesAsDataNodes) then: 'the parent will have 3 children after the replacement' def parentFragment = fragmentRepository.getReferenceById(ID_DATA_NODE_WITH_DESCENDANTS) parentFragment.childFragments.size() == 3 def xpaths = parentFragment.childFragments.collect {it.xpath} and: 'one of the children is the original child fragment' xpaths.contains('/parent-1/child-1') and: 'it has the two new list elements' xpaths.containsAll("/parent-1/child-list[@key='A']", "/parent-1/child-list[@key='B']") } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Replace list content using unknown parent'() { given: 'list element as a collection of data nodes' def listElementCollection = toDataNodes(['irrelevant']) when: 'attempt to replace list elements under unknown parent node' objectUnderTest.replaceListContent(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, '/unknown', listElementCollection) then: 'a datanode not found exception is thrown' thrown(DataNodeNotFoundException) } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Replace list content with empty collection is not supported'() { when: 'attempt to replace list elements with empty collection' objectUnderTest.replaceListContent(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, '/parent-203', []) then: 'a CPS admin exception is thrown' def thrown = thrown(CpsAdminException) assert thrown.message == 'Invalid list replacement' } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Delete list scenario: #scenario.'() { when: 'deleting list is executed for: #scenario.' objectUnderTest.deleteListDataNode(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, targetXpaths) and: 'remaining children are fetched' def parentFragment = fragmentRepository.getReferenceById(parentFragmentId) def remainingChildXpaths = parentFragment.childFragments.collect { it.xpath } then: 'only the expected children remain' assert remainingChildXpaths.size() == expectedRemainingChildXpaths.size() assert remainingChildXpaths.containsAll(expectedRemainingChildXpaths) where: 'following parameters were used' scenario | targetXpaths | parentFragmentId || expectedRemainingChildXpaths 'list element with key' | '/parent-203/child-204[@key="A"]' | LIST_DATA_NODE_PARENT203_FRAGMENT_ID || ["/parent-203/child-203", "/parent-203/child-204[@key='B']"] 'list element with combined keys' | '/parent-202/child-205[@key="A" and @key2="B"]' | LIST_DATA_NODE_PARENT202_FRAGMENT_ID || ["/parent-202/child-206[@key='A']"] 'whole list' | '/parent-203/child-204' | LIST_DATA_NODE_PARENT203_FRAGMENT_ID || ['/parent-203/child-203'] 'list element under list element' | '/parent-203/child-204[@key="B"]/grand-child-204[@key2="Y"]' | LIST_DATA_NODE_PARENT203_FRAGMENT_ID || ["/parent-203/child-203", "/parent-203/child-204[@key='A']", "/parent-203/child-204[@key='B']"] } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Delete multiple data nodes using scenario: #scenario.'() { when: 'deleting nodes is executed for: #scenario.' objectUnderTest.deleteDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, targetXpaths) and: 'remaining children are fetched' def parentFragment = fragmentRepository.getReferenceById(LIST_DATA_NODE_PARENT203_FRAGMENT_ID) def remainingChildXpaths = parentFragment.childFragments.collect { it.xpath } then: 'only the expected children remain' assert remainingChildXpaths.size() == expectedRemainingChildXpaths.size() assert remainingChildXpaths.containsAll(expectedRemainingChildXpaths) where: 'following parameters were used' scenario | targetXpaths || expectedRemainingChildXpaths 'delete nothing' | [] || ["/parent-203/child-203", "/parent-203/child-204[@key='A']", "/parent-203/child-204[@key='B']"] 'datanode' | ['/parent-203/child-203'] || ["/parent-203/child-204[@key='A']", "/parent-203/child-204[@key='B']"] '1 list element' | ['/parent-203/child-204[@key="A"]'] || ["/parent-203/child-203", "/parent-203/child-204[@key='B']"] '2 list elements' | ['/parent-203/child-204[@key="A"]', '/parent-203/child-204[@key="B"]'] || ["/parent-203/child-203"] 'whole list' | ['/parent-203/child-204'] || ['/parent-203/child-203'] 'list and element in same list' | ['/parent-203/child-204', '/parent-203/child-204[@key="A"]'] || ['/parent-203/child-203'] 'list element under list element' | ['/parent-203/child-204[@key="B"]/grand-child-204[@key2="Y"]'] || ["/parent-203/child-203", "/parent-203/child-204[@key='A']", "/parent-203/child-204[@key='B']"] 'invalid xpath' | ['INVALID XPATH', '/parent-203/child-204'] || ['/parent-203/child-203'] } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Delete multiple data nodes error scenario: #scenario.'() { when: 'deleting nodes is executed for: #scenario.' objectUnderTest.deleteDataNodes(dataspaceName, anchorName, targetXpaths) then: 'a #expectedException is thrown' thrown(expectedException) where: 'the following data is used' scenario | dataspaceName | anchorName | targetXpaths || expectedException 'non-existing dataspace' | 'NO DATASPACE' | 'not relevant' | ['/not relevant'] || DataspaceNotFoundException 'non-existing anchor' | DATASPACE_NAME | 'NO ANCHOR' | ['/not relevant'] || AnchorNotFoundException 'non-existing datanode' | DATASPACE_NAME | ANCHOR_NAME3 | ['/NON-EXISTING-XPATH'] || DataNodeNotFoundException } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Delete data nodes with "/"-token in list key value: #scenario. (CPS-1409)'() { given: 'a data nodes with list-element child with "/" in index value (and grandchild)' def grandChild = new DataNodeBuilder().withXpath(deleteTestGrandChildXPath).build() def child = new DataNodeBuilder().withXpath(deleteTestChildXpath).withChildDataNodes([grandChild]).build() objectUnderTest.addChildDataNode(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, deleteTestParentXPath, child) and: 'number of children before delete is stored' def numberOfChildrenBeforeDelete = objectUnderTest.getDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, pathToParentOfDeletedNode, INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS)[0].childDataNodes.size() when: 'target node is deleted' objectUnderTest.deleteDataNode(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, deleteTarget) then: 'one child has been deleted' def numberOfChildrenAfterDelete = objectUnderTest.getDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, pathToParentOfDeletedNode, INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS)[0].childDataNodes.size() assert numberOfChildrenAfterDelete == numberOfChildrenBeforeDelete - 1 where: scenario | deleteTarget | pathToParentOfDeletedNode 'list element with /' | deleteTestChildXpath | deleteTestParentXPath 'child of list element' | deleteTestGrandChildXPath | deleteTestChildXpath } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Delete list error scenario: #scenario.'() { when: 'attempting to delete scenario: #scenario.' objectUnderTest.deleteListDataNode(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, targetXpaths) then: 'a DataNodeNotFoundException is thrown' thrown(DataNodeNotFoundException) where: 'following parameters were used' scenario | targetXpaths 'whole list, parent node does not exist' | '/unknown/some-child' 'list element, parent node does not exist' | '/unknown/child-204[@key="A"]' 'whole list does not exist' | '/parent-200/unknown' 'list element, list does not exist' | '/parent-200/unknown[@key="C"]' 'list element, element does not exist' | '/parent-203/child-204[@key="C"]' 'valid datanode but not a list' | '/parent-200/child-202' } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Delete data node by xpath #scenario.'() { given: 'a valid data node' def dataNode and: 'data nodes are deleted' objectUnderTest.deleteDataNode(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, xpathForDeletion) when: 'verify data nodes are removed' objectUnderTest.getDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, xpathForDeletion, INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) then: thrown(DataNodeNotFoundException) and: 'some related object is not deleted' if (xpathSurvivor!=null) { dataNode = objectUnderTest.getDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, xpathSurvivor, INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) assert dataNode[0].xpath == xpathSurvivor } where: 'following parameters were used' scenario | xpathForDeletion || xpathSurvivor 'child data node, parent still exists' | '/parent-206/child-206' || '/parent-206' 'list element, sibling still exists' | '/parent-206/child-206/grand-child-206[@key="A"]' || "/parent-206/child-206/grand-child-206[@key='X']" 'container node' | '/parent-206' || null 'container list node' | '/parent-206[@key="A"]' || "/parent-206[@key='B']" 'root node with xpath /' | '/' || null 'root node with xpath passed as blank' | '' || null } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Delete data node error scenario: #scenario.'() { when: 'data node is deleted' objectUnderTest.deleteDataNode(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, datanodeXpath) then: 'a #expectedException is thrown' thrown(expectedException) where: 'the following parameters were used' scenario | datanodeXpath | expectedException 'valid data node, non existent child node' | '/parent-203/child-non-existent' | DataNodeNotFoundException 'invalid list element' | '/parent-206/child-206/grand-child-206@key="A"]' | CpsPathException } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Delete data node for an anchor.'() { given: 'a data-node exists for an anchor' assert fragmentsExistInDB(3003) when: 'data nodes are deleted ' objectUnderTest.deleteDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3) then: 'all data-nodes are deleted successfully' assert !fragmentsExistInDB(3003) } @Sql([CLEAR_DATA, SET_DATA]) def 'Delete data node for multiple anchors.'() { given: 'a data-node exists for an anchor' assert fragmentsExistInDB(3001) assert fragmentsExistInDB(3003) when: 'data nodes are deleted ' objectUnderTest.deleteDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ['ANCHOR-001', 'ANCHOR-003']) then: 'all data-nodes are deleted successfully' assert !fragmentsExistInDB(3001) assert !fragmentsExistInDB(3003) } def fragmentsExistInDB(anchorId) { fragmentRepository.existsByAnchorId(anchorId) } static Collection toDataNodes(xpaths) { return xpaths.collect { new DataNodeBuilder().withXpath(it).build() } } static DataNode buildDataNode(xpath, leaves, childDataNodes) { return dataNodeBuilder.withXpath(xpath).withLeaves(leaves).withChildDataNodes(childDataNodes).build() } Map getLeavesMap(FragmentEntity fragmentEntity) { return jsonObjectMapper.convertJsonString(fragmentEntity.attributes, Map.class) } def static treeToFlatMapByXpath(Map flatMap, DataNode dataNodeTree) { flatMap.put(dataNodeTree.xpath, dataNodeTree) dataNodeTree.childDataNodes .forEach(childDataNode -> treeToFlatMapByXpath(flatMap, childDataNode)) return flatMap } def static multipleTreesToFlatMapByXpath(Map flatMap, Collection dataNodeTrees) { for (DataNode dataNodeTree: dataNodeTrees){ flatMap.put(dataNodeTree.xpath, dataNodeTree) dataNodeTree.childDataNodes .forEach(childDataNode -> multipleTreesToFlatMapByXpath(flatMap, [childDataNode])) } return flatMap } def keysToXpaths(parent, Collection keys) { return keys.collect { "${parent}/child-list[@key='${it}']".toString() } } def static createDataNodeTree(String... xpaths) { def dataNodeBuilder = new DataNodeBuilder().withXpath(xpaths[0]) if (xpaths.length > 1) { def xPathsDescendant = Arrays.copyOfRange(xpaths, 1, xpaths.length) def childDataNode = createDataNodeTree(xPathsDescendant) dataNodeBuilder.withChildDataNodes(ImmutableSet.of(childDataNode)) } dataNodeBuilder.build() } def getFragmentByXpath(dataspaceName, anchorName, xpath) { def dataspace = dataspaceRepository.getByName(dataspaceName) def anchor = anchorRepository.getByDataspaceAndName(dataspace, anchorName) return fragmentRepository.findByAnchorAndXpath(anchor, xpath).orElseThrow() } def createChildListAllHavingAttributeValue(parentXpath, tag, Collection keys, boolean addGrandChild) { def listElementAsDataNodes = keysToXpaths(parentXpath, keys).collect { new DataNodeBuilder() .withXpath(it) .withLeaves([attr1: tag]) .build() } if (addGrandChild) { listElementAsDataNodes.each {it.childDataNodes = [createGrandChild(it.xpath, tag)]} } return listElementAsDataNodes } def createGrandChild(parentXPath, tag) { new DataNodeBuilder() .withXpath("${parentXPath}/${tag}-grand-child") .withLeaves([attr1: tag]) .build() } }