/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Nordix Foundation * Modifications Copyright (C) 2021 Pantheon.tech * Modifications Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Bell Canada. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.cps.rest.controller import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import org.onap.cps.api.CpsDataService import org.onap.cps.spi.model.DataNode import org.onap.cps.spi.model.DataNodeBuilder import org.onap.cps.utils.DateTimeUtility import org.onap.cps.utils.JsonObjectMapper import org.onap.cps.utils.PrefixResolver import org.spockframework.spring.SpringBean import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.WebMvcTest import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus import org.springframework.http.MediaType import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc import spock.lang.Shared import spock.lang.Specification import static org.onap.cps.spi.FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS import static org.onap.cps.spi.FetchDescendantsOption.OMIT_DESCENDANTS import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders.delete import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders.get import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders.patch import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders.post import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders.put @WebMvcTest(DataRestController) class DataRestControllerSpec extends Specification { @SpringBean CpsDataService mockCpsDataService = Mock() @SpringBean JsonObjectMapper jsonObjectMapper = new JsonObjectMapper(new ObjectMapper()) @SpringBean PrefixResolver prefixResolver = Mock() @Autowired MockMvc mvc @Value('${rest.api.cps-base-path}') def basePath def dataNodeBaseEndpoint def dataspaceName = 'my_dataspace' def anchorName = 'my_anchor' def noTimestamp = null def requestBody = '{"some-key" : "some-value","categories":[{"books":[{"authors":["Iain M. Banks"]}]}]}' def expectedJsonData = '{"some-key":"some-value","categories":[{"books":[{"authors":["Iain M. Banks"]}]}]}' @Shared static DataNode dataNodeWithLeavesNoChildren = new DataNodeBuilder().withXpath('/xpath') .withLeaves([leaf: 'value', leafList: ['leaveListElement1', 'leaveListElement2']]).build() @Shared static DataNode dataNodeWithChild = new DataNodeBuilder().withXpath('/parent') .withChildDataNodes([new DataNodeBuilder().withXpath("/parent/child").build()]).build() def setup() { dataNodeBaseEndpoint = "$basePath/v1/dataspaces/$dataspaceName" } def 'Create a node: #scenario.'() { given: 'endpoint to create a node' def endpoint = "$dataNodeBaseEndpoint/anchors/$anchorName/nodes" when: 'post is invoked with datanode endpoint and json' def response = mvc.perform( post(endpoint) .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .param('xpath', parentNodeXpath) .content(requestBody) ).andReturn().response then: 'a created response is returned' response.status == HttpStatus.CREATED.value() then: 'the java API was called with the correct parameters' 1 * mockCpsDataService.saveData(dataspaceName, anchorName, expectedJsonData, noTimestamp) where: 'following xpath parameters are are used' scenario | parentNodeXpath 'no xpath parameter' | '' 'xpath parameter point root' | '/' } def 'Create a node with observed-timestamp'() { given: 'endpoint to create a node' def endpoint = "$dataNodeBaseEndpoint/anchors/$anchorName/nodes" when: 'post is invoked with datanode endpoint and json' def response = mvc.perform( post(endpoint) .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .param('xpath', '') .param('observed-timestamp', observedTimestamp) .content(requestBody) ).andReturn().response then: 'a created response is returned' response.status == expectedHttpStatus.value() then: 'the java API was called with the correct parameters' expectedApiCount * mockCpsDataService.saveData(dataspaceName, anchorName, expectedJsonData, { it == DateTimeUtility.toOffsetDateTime(observedTimestamp) }) where: scenario | observedTimestamp || expectedApiCount | expectedHttpStatus 'with observed-timestamp' | '2021-03-03T23:59:59.999-0400' || 1 | HttpStatus.CREATED 'with invalid observed-timestamp' | 'invalid' || 0 | HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST } def 'Create a child node'() { given: 'endpoint to create a node' def endpoint = "$dataNodeBaseEndpoint/anchors/$anchorName/nodes" and: 'parent node xpath' def parentNodeXpath = 'some xpath' when: 'post is invoked with datanode endpoint and json' def postRequestBuilder = post(endpoint) .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .param('xpath', parentNodeXpath) .content(requestBody) if (observedTimestamp != null) postRequestBuilder.param('observed-timestamp', observedTimestamp) def response = mvc.perform(postRequestBuilder).andReturn().response then: 'a created response is returned' response.status == HttpStatus.CREATED.value() then: 'the java API was called with the correct parameters' 1 * mockCpsDataService.saveData(dataspaceName, anchorName, parentNodeXpath, expectedJsonData, DateTimeUtility.toOffsetDateTime(observedTimestamp)) where: scenario | observedTimestamp 'with observed-timestamp' | '2021-03-03T23:59:59.999-0400' 'without observed-timestamp' | null } def 'Save list elements #scenario.'() { given: 'parent node xpath ' def parentNodeXpath = 'parent node xpath' when: 'list-node endpoint is invoked with post (create) operation' def postRequestBuilder = post("$dataNodeBaseEndpoint/anchors/$anchorName/list-nodes") .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .param('xpath', parentNodeXpath) .content(requestBody) if (observedTimestamp != null) postRequestBuilder.param('observed-timestamp', observedTimestamp) def response = mvc.perform(postRequestBuilder).andReturn().response then: 'a created response is returned' response.status == expectedHttpStatus.value() then: 'the java API was called with the correct parameters' expectedApiCount * mockCpsDataService.saveListElements(dataspaceName, anchorName, parentNodeXpath, expectedJsonData, { it == DateTimeUtility.toOffsetDateTime(observedTimestamp) }) where: scenario | observedTimestamp || expectedApiCount | expectedHttpStatus 'with observed-timestamp' | '2021-03-03T23:59:59.999-0400' || 1 | HttpStatus.CREATED 'without observed-timestamp' | null || 1 | HttpStatus.CREATED 'with invalid observed-timestamp' | 'invalid' || 0 | HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST } def 'Get data node with leaves'() { given: 'the service returns data node leaves' def xpath = 'xpath' def endpoint = "$dataNodeBaseEndpoint/anchors/$anchorName/node" mockCpsDataService.getDataNode(dataspaceName, anchorName, xpath, OMIT_DESCENDANTS) >> dataNodeWithLeavesNoChildren when: 'get request is performed through REST API' def response = mvc.perform(get(endpoint).param('xpath', xpath)) .andReturn().response then: 'a success response is returned' response.status == HttpStatus.OK.value() then: 'the response contains the the datanode in json format' response.getContentAsString() == '{"xpath":{"leaf":"value","leafList":["leaveListElement1","leaveListElement2"]}}' and: 'response contains expected leaf and value' response.contentAsString.contains('"leaf":"value"') and: 'response contains expected leaf-list and values' response.contentAsString.contains('"leafList":["leaveListElement1","leaveListElement2"]') } def 'Get data node with #scenario.'() { given: 'the service returns data node with #scenario' def xpath = 'some xPath' def endpoint = "$dataNodeBaseEndpoint/anchors/$anchorName/node" mockCpsDataService.getDataNode(dataspaceName, anchorName, xpath, expectedCpsDataServiceOption) >> dataNode when: 'get request is performed through REST API' def response = mvc.perform( get(endpoint) .param('xpath', xpath) .param('include-descendants', includeDescendantsOption)) .andReturn().response then: 'a success response is returned' response.status == HttpStatus.OK.value() and: 'the response contains the root node identifier: #expectedRootidentifier' response.contentAsString.contains(expectedRootidentifier) and: 'the response contains child is #expectChildInResponse' response.contentAsString.contains('"child"') == expectChildInResponse where: scenario | dataNode | includeDescendantsOption || expectedCpsDataServiceOption | expectChildInResponse | expectedRootidentifier 'no descendants by default' | dataNodeWithLeavesNoChildren | '' || OMIT_DESCENDANTS | false | 'xpath' 'no descendant explicitly' | dataNodeWithLeavesNoChildren | 'false' || OMIT_DESCENDANTS | false | 'xpath' 'with descendants' | dataNodeWithChild | 'true' || INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS | true | 'parent' } def 'Update data node leaves: #scenario.'() { given: 'endpoint to update a node ' def endpoint = "$dataNodeBaseEndpoint/anchors/$anchorName/nodes" when: 'patch request is performed' def response = mvc.perform( patch(endpoint) .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .content(requestBody) .param('xpath', inputXpath) ).andReturn().response then: 'the service method is invoked with expected parameters' 1 * mockCpsDataService.updateNodeLeaves(dataspaceName, anchorName, xpathServiceParameter, expectedJsonData, null) and: 'response status indicates success' response.status == HttpStatus.OK.value() where: scenario | inputXpath || xpathServiceParameter 'root node by default' | '' || '/' 'root node by choice' | '/' || '/' 'some xpath by parent' | '/some/xpath' || '/some/xpath' } def 'Update data node leaves with observedTimestamp'() { given: 'endpoint to update a node leaves ' def endpoint = "$dataNodeBaseEndpoint/anchors/$anchorName/nodes" when: 'patch request is performed' def response = mvc.perform( patch(endpoint) .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .content(requestBody) .param('xpath', '/') .param('observed-timestamp', observedTimestamp) ).andReturn().response then: 'the service method is invoked with expected parameters' expectedApiCount * mockCpsDataService.updateNodeLeaves(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/', expectedJsonData, { it == DateTimeUtility.toOffsetDateTime(observedTimestamp) }) and: 'response status indicates success' response.status == expectedHttpStatus.value() where: scenario | observedTimestamp || expectedApiCount | expectedHttpStatus 'with observed-timestamp' | '2021-03-03T23:59:59.999-0400' || 1 | HttpStatus.OK 'with invalid observed-timestamp' | 'invalid' || 0 | HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST } def 'Replace data node tree: #scenario.'() { given: 'endpoint to replace node' def endpoint = "$dataNodeBaseEndpoint/anchors/$anchorName/nodes" when: 'put request is performed' def response = mvc.perform( put(endpoint) .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .content(requestBody) .param('xpath', inputXpath)) .andReturn().response then: 'the service method is invoked with expected parameters' 1 * mockCpsDataService.updateDataNodeAndDescendants(dataspaceName, anchorName, xpathServiceParameter, expectedJsonData, noTimestamp) and: 'response status indicates success' response.status == HttpStatus.OK.value() where: scenario | inputXpath || xpathServiceParameter 'root node by default' | '' || '/' 'root node by choice' | '/' || '/' 'some xpath by parent' | '/some/xpath' || '/some/xpath' } def 'Update data node and descendants with observedTimestamp.'() { given: 'endpoint to replace node' def endpoint = "$dataNodeBaseEndpoint/anchors/$anchorName/nodes" when: 'put request is performed' def response = mvc.perform( put(endpoint) .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .content(requestBody) .param('xpath', '') .param('observed-timestamp', observedTimestamp)) .andReturn().response then: 'the service method is invoked with expected parameters' expectedApiCount * mockCpsDataService.updateDataNodeAndDescendants(dataspaceName, anchorName, '/', expectedJsonData, { it == DateTimeUtility.toOffsetDateTime(observedTimestamp) }) and: 'response status indicates success' response.status == expectedHttpStatus.value() where: scenario | observedTimestamp || expectedApiCount | expectedHttpStatus 'with observed-timestamp' | '2021-03-03T23:59:59.999-0400' || 1 | HttpStatus.OK 'with invalid observed-timestamp' | 'invalid' || 0 | HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST } def 'Replace list content #scenario.'() { when: 'list-nodes endpoint is invoked with put (update) operation' def putRequestBuilder = put("$dataNodeBaseEndpoint/anchors/$anchorName/list-nodes") .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .param('xpath', 'parent xpath') .content(requestBody) if (observedTimestamp != null) putRequestBuilder.param('observed-timestamp', observedTimestamp) def response = mvc.perform(putRequestBuilder).andReturn().response then: 'a success response is returned' response.status == expectedHttpStatus.value() and: 'the java API was called with the correct parameters' expectedApiCount * mockCpsDataService.replaceListContent(dataspaceName, anchorName, 'parent xpath', expectedJsonData, { it == DateTimeUtility.toOffsetDateTime(observedTimestamp) }) where: scenario | observedTimestamp || expectedApiCount | expectedHttpStatus 'with observed-timestamp' | '2021-03-03T23:59:59.999-0400' || 1 | HttpStatus.OK 'without observed-timestamp' | null || 1 | HttpStatus.OK 'with invalid observed-timestamp' | 'invalid' || 0 | HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST } def 'Delete list element #scenario.'() { when: 'list-nodes endpoint is invoked with delete operation' def deleteRequestBuilder = delete("$dataNodeBaseEndpoint/anchors/$anchorName/list-nodes") .param('xpath', 'list element xpath') if (observedTimestamp != null) deleteRequestBuilder.param('observed-timestamp', observedTimestamp) def response = mvc.perform(deleteRequestBuilder).andReturn().response then: 'a success response is returned' response.status == expectedHttpStatus.value() and: 'the java API was called with the correct parameters' expectedApiCount * mockCpsDataService.deleteListOrListElement(dataspaceName, anchorName, 'list element xpath', { it == DateTimeUtility.toOffsetDateTime(observedTimestamp) }) where: scenario | observedTimestamp || expectedApiCount | expectedHttpStatus 'with observed-timestamp' | '2021-03-03T23:59:59.999-0400' || 1 | HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT 'without observed-timestamp' | null || 1 | HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT 'with invalid observed-timestamp' | 'invalid' || 0 | HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST } def 'Delete data node #scenario.'() { given: 'data node xpath' def dataNodeXpath = '/dataNodeXpath' when: 'delete data node endpoint is invoked' def deleteDataNodeRequest = delete( "$dataNodeBaseEndpoint/anchors/$anchorName/nodes") .param('xpath', dataNodeXpath) and: 'observed timestamp is added to the parameters' if (observedTimestamp != null) deleteDataNodeRequest.param('observed-timestamp', observedTimestamp) def response = mvc.perform(deleteDataNodeRequest).andReturn().response then: 'a successful response is returned' response.status == expectedHttpStatus.value() and: 'the api is called with the correct parameters' expectedApiCount * mockCpsDataService.deleteDataNode(dataspaceName, anchorName, dataNodeXpath, { it == DateTimeUtility.toOffsetDateTime(observedTimestamp) }) where: scenario | observedTimestamp || expectedApiCount | expectedHttpStatus 'with observed timestamp' | '2021-03-03T23:59:59.999-0400' || 1 | HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT 'without observed timestamp' | null || 1 | HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT 'with invalid observed timestamp' | 'invalid' || 0 | HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST } }