/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Nordix Foundation * Modifications Copyright (C) 2023 TechMahindra Ltd * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.cps.cpspath.parser import spock.lang.Specification import static org.onap.cps.cpspath.parser.CpsPathPrefixType.ABSOLUTE import static org.onap.cps.cpspath.parser.CpsPathPrefixType.DESCENDANT class CpsPathQuerySpec extends Specification { def 'Default values for the most basic cps query.'() { when: 'the cps path is parsed' def result = CpsPathQuery.createFrom('/parent') then: 'the query has the correct default properties' assert result.cpsPathPrefixType == ABSOLUTE assert result.hasAncestorAxis() == false assert result.hasLeafConditions() == false assert result.hasTextFunctionCondition() == false assert result.hasContainsFunctionCondition() == false assert result.isPathToListElement() == false } def 'Parse cps path with valid cps path and a filter with #scenario.'() { when: 'the given cps path is parsed' def result = CpsPathQuery.createFrom(cpsPath) then: 'the query has the right xpath type' assert result.cpsPathPrefixType == ABSOLUTE and: 'the right query parameters are set' assert result.xpathPrefix == expectedXpathPrefix assert result.hasLeafConditions() assert result.leavesData[0].name == expectedLeafName assert result.leavesData[0].value == expectedLeafValue where: 'the following data is used' scenario | cpsPath || expectedXpathPrefix | expectedLeafName | expectedLeafValue 'leaf of type String' | '/parent/child[@common-leaf-name="common-leaf-value"]' || '/parent/child' | 'common-leaf-name' | 'common-leaf-value' 'leaf of type String' | '/parent/child[@common-leaf-name=\'common-leaf-value\']' || '/parent/child' | 'common-leaf-name' | 'common-leaf-value' 'leaf of type Integer' | '/parent/child[@common-leaf-name-int=5]' || '/parent/child' | 'common-leaf-name-int' | 5 'spaces around =' | '/parent/child[@common-leaf-name-int = 5]' || '/parent/child' | 'common-leaf-name-int' | 5 'key in top container' | '/parent[@common-leaf-name-int=5]' || '/parent' | 'common-leaf-name-int' | 5 'parent list' | '/shops/shop[@id=1]/categories[@id=1]/book[@title="Dune"]' || "/shops/shop[@id='1']/categories[@id='1']/book" | 'title' | 'Dune' "' in double quote" | '/parent[@common-leaf-name="leaf\'value"]' || '/parent' | 'common-leaf-name' | "leaf'value" "' in single quote" | "/parent[@common-leaf-name='leaf''value']" || '/parent' | 'common-leaf-name' | "leaf'value" '" in double quote' | '/parent[@common-leaf-name="leaf""value"]' || '/parent' | 'common-leaf-name' | 'leaf"value' '" in single quote' | '/parent[@common-leaf-name=\'leaf"value\']' || '/parent' | 'common-leaf-name' | 'leaf"value' } def 'Parse cps path of type ends with a #scenario.'() { when: 'the given cps path is parsed' def result = CpsPathQuery.createFrom(cpsPath) then: 'the query has the right xpath type' result.cpsPathPrefixType == DESCENDANT and: 'the right ends with parameters are set' result.descendantName == expectedDescendantName where: 'the following data is used' scenario | cpsPath || expectedDescendantName 'yang container' | '//cps-path' || 'cps-path' 'parent & child' | '//parent/child' || 'parent/child' } def 'Parse cps path to form the Normalized cps path containing #scenario.'() { when: 'the given cps path is parsed' def result = CpsPathUtil.getCpsPathQuery(cpsPath) then: 'the query has the right normalized xpath type' assert result.normalizedXpath == expectedNormalizedXPath where: 'the following data is used' scenario | cpsPath || expectedNormalizedXPath 'yang container' | '/cps-path' || '/cps-path' 'descendant anywhere' | '//cps-path' || '//cps-path' 'descendant with leaf condition' | '//cps-path[@key=1]' || "//cps-path[@key='1']" 'descendant with leaf condition has ">" operator' | '//cps-path[@key>9]' || "//cps-path[@key>'9']" 'descendant with leaf condition has "<" operator' | '//cps-path[@key<10]' || "//cps-path[@key<'10']" 'descendant with leaf condition has ">=" operator' | '//cps-path[@key>=8]' || "//cps-path[@key>='8']" 'descendant with leaf condition has "<=" operator' | '//cps-path[@key<=12]' || "//cps-path[@key<='12']" 'descendant with leaf value and ancestor' | '//cps-path[@key=1]/ancestor:parent[@key=1]' || "//cps-path[@key='1']/ancestor:parent[@key='1']" 'parent & child' | '/parent/child' || '/parent/child' 'parent leaf of type Integer & child' | '/parent/child[@code=1]/child2' || "/parent/child[@code='1']/child2" 'parent leaf with double quotes' | '/parent/child[@code="1"]/child2' || "/parent/child[@code='1']/child2" 'parent leaf with double quotes inside single quotes' | '/parent/child[@code=\'"1"\']/child2' || "/parent/child[@code='\"1\"']/child2" 'parent leaf with single quotes inside double quotes' | '/parent/child[@code="\'1\'"]/child2' || "/parent/child[@code='''1''']/child2" 'leaf with single quotes inside double quotes' | '/parent/child[@code="\'1\'"]' || "/parent/child[@code='''1''']" 'leaf with more than one attribute' | '/parent/child[@key1=1 and @key2="abc"]' || "/parent/child[@key1='1' and @key2='abc']" 'parent & child with more than one attribute' | '/parent/child[@key1=1 and @key2="abc"]/child2' || "/parent/child[@key1='1' and @key2='abc']/child2" 'leaf with more than one attribute has OR operator' | '/parent/child[@key1=1 or @key2="abc"]' || "/parent/child[@key1='1' or @key2='abc']" 'parent & child with more than one attribute has OR operator' | '/parent/child[@key1=1 or @key2="abc"]/child2' || "/parent/child[@key1='1' or @key2='abc']/child2" 'parent & child with multiple AND operators' | '/parent/child[@key1=1 and @key2="abc" and @key="xyz"]/child2' || "/parent/child[@key1='1' and @key2='abc' and @key='xyz']/child2" 'parent & child with multiple OR operators' | '/parent/child[@key1=1 or @key2="abc" or @key="xyz"]/child2' || "/parent/child[@key1='1' or @key2='abc' or @key='xyz']/child2" 'parent & child with multiple AND/OR combination' | '/parent/child[@key1=1 and @key2="abc" or @key="xyz"]/child2' || "/parent/child[@key1='1' and @key2='abc' or @key='xyz']/child2" 'parent & child with multiple OR/AND combination' | '/parent/child[@key1=1 or @key2="abc" and @key="xyz"]/child2' || "/parent/child[@key1='1' or @key2='abc' and @key='xyz']/child2" } def 'Parse xpath to form the Normalized xpath containing #scenario.'() { when: 'the given xpath is parsed' def result = CpsPathUtil.getNormalizedXpath(xPath) then: 'the query has the right normalized xpath type' assert result == expectedNormalizedXPath where: 'the following data is used' scenario | xPath || expectedNormalizedXPath 'yang container' | '/xpath' || '/xpath' 'descendant anywhere' | '//xpath' || '//xpath' } def 'Parse cps path that ends with a yang list containing multiple leaf conditions.'() { when: 'the given cps path is parsed' def result = CpsPathQuery.createFrom(cpsPath) then: 'the expected number of leaves are returned' result.leavesData.size() == expectedNumberOfLeaves and: 'the given operator(s) returns in the correct order' result.booleanOperators == expectedOperators and: 'the given comparativeOperator(s) returns in the correct order' result.comparativeOperators == expectedComparativeOperator where: 'the following data is used' cpsPath || expectedNumberOfLeaves || expectedOperators || expectedComparativeOperator '/parent[@code=1]/child[@common-leaf-name-int=5]' || 1 || [] || ['='] '//child[@int-leaf>15 and @leaf-name="leaf value"]' || 2 || ['and'] || ['>', '='] '//child[@int-leaf<5 or @leaf-name="leaf value"]' || 2 || ['or'] || ['<', '='] '//child[@int-leaf=5 and @common-leaf-name="leaf value" or @leaf-name="leaf value1" ]' || 3 || ['and', 'or'] || ['=', '=', '='] '//child[@int-leaf=5 or @common-leaf-name="leaf value" and @leaf-name="leaf value1" ]' || 3 || ['or', 'and'] || ['=', '=', '='] '//child[@int-leaf>=18 and @common-leaf-name="leaf value" and @leaf-name="leaf value1" ]' || 3 || ['and', 'and'] || ['>=', '=', '='] '//child[@int-leaf<=25 or @common-leaf-name="leaf value" or @leaf-name="leaf value1" ]' || 3 || ['or', 'or'] || ['<=', '=', '='] } def 'Parse #scenario cps path with text function condition'() { when: 'the given cps path is parsed' def result = CpsPathQuery.createFrom(cpsPath) then: 'the query has the right xpath type' assert result.cpsPathPrefixType == DESCENDANT and: 'leaf conditions are only present when expected' assert result.hasLeafConditions() == expectLeafConditions and: 'the right text function condition is set' assert result.hasTextFunctionCondition() assert result.textFunctionConditionLeafName == 'leaf-name' assert result.textFunctionConditionValue == 'search' and: 'the ancestor is only present when expected' assert result.hasAncestorAxis() == expectHasAncestorAxis where: 'the following data is used' scenario | cpsPath || expectLeafConditions | expectHasAncestorAxis 'descendant anywhere' | '//someContainer/leaf-name[text()="search"]' || false | false 'descendant with leaf value' | '//child[@other-leaf=1]/leaf-name[text()="search"]' || true | false 'descendant anywhere and ancestor' | '//someContainer/leaf-name[text()="search"]/ancestor::parent' || false | true 'descendant with leaf value and ancestor' | '//child[@other-leaf=1]/leaf-name[text()="search"]/ancestor::parent' || true | true } def 'Parse cps path with contains function condition'() { when: 'the given cps path is parsed' def result = CpsPathQuery.createFrom('//someContainer[contains(@lang,"en")]') then: 'the query has the right xpath type' assert result.cpsPathPrefixType == DESCENDANT and: 'the right contains function condition is set' assert result.hasContainsFunctionCondition() assert result.containsFunctionConditionLeafName == 'lang' assert result.containsFunctionConditionValue == 'en' } def 'Parse cps path with error: #scenario.'() { when: 'the given cps path is parsed' CpsPathQuery.createFrom(cpsPath) then: 'a CpsPathException is thrown' thrown(PathParsingException) where: 'the following data is used' scenario | cpsPath 'no / at the start' | 'invalid-cps-path/child' 'additional / after descendant option' | '///cps-path' 'float value' | '/parent/child[@someFloat=5.0]' 'unmatched quotes, double quote first ' | '/parent/child[@someString="value with unmatched quotes\']' 'unmatched quotes, single quote first' | '/parent/child[@someString=\'value with unmatched quotes"]' 'missing attribute value' | '//child[@int-leaf=5 and @name]' 'incomplete ancestor value' | '//books/ancestor::' 'invalid list element with missing [' | '/parent-206/child-206/grand-child-206@key="A"]' 'invalid list element with incorrect ]' | '/parent-206/child-206/grand-child-206]@key="A"]' 'invalid list element with incorrect ::' | '/parent-206/child-206/grand-child-206::@key"A"]' } def 'Parse cps path using ancestor by schema node identifier with a #scenario.'() { when: 'the given cps path is parsed' def result = CpsPathQuery.createFrom('//descendant/ancestor::' + ancestorPath) then: 'the query has the right type' result.cpsPathPrefixType == DESCENDANT and: 'the result has ancestor axis' result.hasAncestorAxis() and: 'the correct ancestor schema node identifier is set' result.ancestorSchemaNodeIdentifier == ancestorPath and: 'there are no leaves conditions' assert result.hasLeafConditions() == false where: scenario | ancestorPath 'basic container' | 'someContainer' 'container with parent' | 'parent/child' 'ancestor that is a list' | "categories[@code='1']" 'ancestor that is a list with compound key' | "categories[@key1='1' and @key2='2']" 'parent that is a list' | "parent[@id='1']/child" } def 'Combinations #scenario.'() { when: 'the given cps path is parsed' def result = CpsPathQuery.createFrom(cpsPath + '/ancestor::someAncestor') then: 'the query has the right type' assert result.cpsPathPrefixType == DESCENDANT and: 'leaf conditions are only present when expected' assert result.hasLeafConditions() == expectLeafConditions and: 'the result has ancestor axis' assert result.hasAncestorAxis() and: 'the correct ancestor schema node identifier is set' assert result.ancestorSchemaNodeIdentifier == 'someAncestor' assert result.descendantName == expectedDescendantName where: scenario | cpsPath || expectedDescendantName | expectLeafConditions 'basic container' | '//someContainer' || 'someContainer' | false 'container with parent' | '//parent/child' || 'parent/child' | false 'container with list-parent' | '//parent[@id=1]/child' || "parent[@id='1']/child" | false 'container with list-parent' | '//parent[@id=1]/child[@name="test"]' || "parent[@id='1']/child" | true } def 'Parse cps path with multiple conditions on same leaf.'() { when: 'the given cps path is parsed using multiple conditions on same leaf' def result = CpsPathQuery.createFrom('/test[@same-name="value1" or @same-name="value2"]') then: 'two leaves are present with correct values' assert result.leavesData.size() == 2 assert result.leavesData[0].name == "same-name" assert result.leavesData[0].value == "value1" assert result.leavesData[1].name == "same-name" assert result.leavesData[1].value == "value2" } def 'Ordering of data leaves is preserved.'() { when: 'the given cps path is parsed' def result = CpsPathQuery.createFrom(cpsPath) then: 'the order of the data leaves is preserved' assert result.leavesData[0].name == expectedFirstLeafName assert result.leavesData[1].name == expectedSecondLeafName where: 'the following data is used' cpsPath || expectedFirstLeafName | expectedSecondLeafName '/test[@name1="value1" and @name2="value2"]' || 'name1' | 'name2' '/test[@name2="value2" and @name1="value1"]' || 'name2' | 'name1' } }