/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Nordix Foundation * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.cps.ncmp.init import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level import ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger import ch.qos.logback.core.read.ListAppender import org.onap.cps.api.CpsDataspaceService import org.onap.cps.api.CpsAnchorService import org.onap.cps.api.CpsDataService import org.onap.cps.api.CpsModuleService import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.exception.NcmpStartUpException import org.onap.cps.spi.CascadeDeleteAllowed import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.AlreadyDefinedException import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import org.springframework.boot.context.event.ApplicationReadyEvent import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext import spock.lang.Specification class AbstractModelLoaderSpec extends Specification { def mockCpsDataspaceService = Mock(CpsDataspaceService) def mockCpsModuleService = Mock(CpsModuleService) def mockCpsDataService = Mock(CpsDataService) def mockCpsAnchorService = Mock(CpsAnchorService) def objectUnderTest = Spy(new TestModelLoader(mockCpsDataspaceService, mockCpsModuleService, mockCpsAnchorService, mockCpsDataService)) def applicationContext = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext() def yangResourceToContentMap def logger = (Logger) LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractModelLoader) def loggingListAppender void setup() { yangResourceToContentMap = objectUnderTest.createYangResourcesToContentMap('cm-data-subscriptions@2023-11-13.yang') logger.setLevel(Level.DEBUG) loggingListAppender = new ListAppender() logger.addAppender(loggingListAppender) loggingListAppender.start() applicationContext.refresh() } void cleanup() { ((Logger) LoggerFactory.getLogger(CmDataSubscriptionModelLoader.class)).detachAndStopAllAppenders() applicationContext.close() } def 'Application ready event'() { when: 'Application (ready) event is triggered' objectUnderTest.onApplicationEvent(Mock(ApplicationReadyEvent)) then: 'the onboard/upgrade method is executed' 1 * objectUnderTest.onboardOrUpgradeModel() } def 'Application ready event with start up exception'() { given: 'a start up exception is thrown doing model onboarding' objectUnderTest.onboardOrUpgradeModel() >> { throw new NcmpStartUpException('test message','details are not logged') } when: 'Application (ready) event is triggered' objectUnderTest.onApplicationEvent(new ApplicationReadyEvent(new SpringApplication(), null, applicationContext, null)) then: 'the exception message is logged' def logs = loggingListAppender.list.toString() assert logs.contains('test message') } def 'Wait for non-existing dataspace'() { when: 'wait for the dataspace' objectUnderTest.waitUntilDataspaceIsAvailable('some dataspace') then: 'a startup exception is thrown' def thrown = thrown(NcmpStartUpException) assert thrown.message.contains('Retrieval of NCMP dataspace failed') } def 'Create schema set.'() { when: 'creating a schema set' objectUnderTest.createSchemaSet('some dataspace','new name','cm-data-subscriptions@2023-11-13.yang') then: 'the operation is delegated to the admin service' 1 * mockCpsModuleService.createSchemaSet('some dataspace','new name',_) } def 'Create schema set with already defined exception.'() { given: 'the module service throws an already defined exception' mockCpsModuleService.createSchemaSet(*_) >> { throw AlreadyDefinedException.forSchemaSet('name','context',null) } when: 'attempt to create a schema set' objectUnderTest.createSchemaSet('some dataspace','new name','cm-data-subscriptions@2023-11-13.yang') then: 'the exception is ignored i.e. no exception thrown up' noExceptionThrown() and: 'the exception message is logged' def logs = loggingListAppender.list.toString() assert logs.contains('Creating new schema set failed as schema set already exists') } def 'Create schema set with non existing yang file.'() { when: 'attempt to create a schema set from a non existing file' objectUnderTest.createSchemaSet('some dataspace','some name','no such yang file') then: 'a startup exception with correct message and details is thrown' def thrown = thrown(NcmpStartUpException) assert thrown.message.contains('Creating schema set failed') assert thrown.details.contains('unable to read file') } def 'Delete unused schema sets.'() { when: 'several unused schemas are deleted ' objectUnderTest.deleteUnusedSchemaSets('some dataspace','schema set 1', 'schema set 2') then: 'a request to delete each (without cascade) is delegated to the module service' 1 * mockCpsModuleService.deleteSchemaSet('some dataspace', 'schema set 1', CascadeDeleteAllowed.CASCADE_DELETE_PROHIBITED) 1 * mockCpsModuleService.deleteSchemaSet('some dataspace', 'schema set 2', CascadeDeleteAllowed.CASCADE_DELETE_PROHIBITED) } def 'Delete unused schema sets with exception.'() { given: 'deleting the first schemaset causes an exception' mockCpsModuleService.deleteSchemaSet(_, 'schema set 1', _) >> { throw new RuntimeException('test message')} when: 'several unused schemas are deleted ' objectUnderTest.deleteUnusedSchemaSets('some dataspace','schema set 1', 'schema set 2') then: 'the exception message is logged' def logs = loggingListAppender.list.toString() assert logs.contains('Deleting schema set failed') assert logs.contains('test message') and: 'the second schema set is still deleted' 1 * mockCpsModuleService.deleteSchemaSet('some dataspace', 'schema set 2', CascadeDeleteAllowed.CASCADE_DELETE_PROHIBITED) } def 'Create anchor.'() { when: 'creating an anchor' objectUnderTest.createAnchor('some dataspace','some schema set','new name') then: 'the operation is delegated to the admin service' 1 * mockCpsAnchorService.createAnchor('some dataspace','some schema set', 'new name') } def 'Create anchor with already defined exception.'() { given: 'the admin service throws an already defined exception' mockCpsAnchorService.createAnchor(*_)>> { throw AlreadyDefinedException.forAnchor('name','context',null) } when: 'attempt to create anchor' objectUnderTest.createAnchor('some dataspace','some schema set','new name') then: 'the exception is ignored i.e. no exception thrown up' noExceptionThrown() and: 'the exception message is logged' def logs = loggingListAppender.list.toString() assert logs.contains('Creating new anchor failed as anchor already exists') } def 'Create anchor with any other exception.'() { given: 'the admin service throws a exception' mockCpsAnchorService.createAnchor(*_)>> { throw new RuntimeException('test message') } when: 'attempt to create anchor' objectUnderTest.createAnchor('some dataspace','some schema set','new name') then: 'a startup exception with correct message and details is thrown' def thrown = thrown(NcmpStartUpException) assert thrown.message.contains('Creating anchor failed') assert thrown.details.contains('test message') } def 'Create top level node.'() { when: 'top level node is created' objectUnderTest.createTopLevelDataNode('dataspace','anchor','new node') then: 'the correct json is saved using the data service' 1 * mockCpsDataService.saveData('dataspace','anchor', '{"new node":{}}',_) } def 'Create top level node with already defined exception.'() { given: 'the data service throws an Already Defined exception' mockCpsDataService.saveData(*_) >> { throw AlreadyDefinedException.forDataNodes([], 'some context') } when: 'attempt to create top level node' objectUnderTest.createTopLevelDataNode('dataspace','anchor','new node') then: 'the exception is ignored i.e. no exception thrown up' noExceptionThrown() and: 'the exception message is logged' def logs = loggingListAppender.list.toString() assert logs.contains('failed as data node already exists') } def 'Create top level node with any other exception.'() { given: 'the data service throws an exception' mockCpsDataService.saveData(*_) >> { throw new RuntimeException('test message') } when: 'attempt to create top level node' objectUnderTest.createTopLevelDataNode('dataspace','anchor','new node') then: 'a startup exception with correct message and details is thrown' def thrown = thrown(NcmpStartUpException) assert thrown.message.contains('Creating data node failed') assert thrown.details.contains('test message') } def 'Update anchor schema set.'() { when: 'a schema set for an anchor is updated' objectUnderTest.updateAnchorSchemaSet('some dataspace', 'anchor', 'new schema set') then: 'the request is delegated to the admin service' 1 * mockCpsAnchorService.updateAnchorSchemaSet('some dataspace', 'anchor', 'new schema set') } def 'Update anchor schema set with exception.'() { given: 'the admin service throws an exception' mockCpsAnchorService.updateAnchorSchemaSet(*_) >> { throw new RuntimeException('test message') } when: 'a schema set for an anchor is updated' objectUnderTest.updateAnchorSchemaSet('some dataspace', 'anchor', 'new schema set') then: 'a startup exception with correct message and details is thrown' def thrown = thrown(NcmpStartUpException) assert thrown.message.contains('Updating schema set failed') assert thrown.details.contains('test message') } class TestModelLoader extends AbstractModelLoader { TestModelLoader(final CpsDataspaceService cpsDataspaceService, final CpsModuleService cpsModuleService, final CpsAnchorService cpsAnchorService, final CpsDataService cpsDataService) { super(cpsDataspaceService, cpsModuleService, cpsAnchorService, cpsDataService) super.maximumAttemptCount = 2 super.retryTimeMs = 1 } @Override void onboardOrUpgradeModel() { } } }