package org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.models import org.onap.cps.spi.model.ExtendedModuleReference import spock.lang.Specification class moduleReferenceSpec extends Specification { def 'lombok data annotation correctly implements toString() and hashCode() methods'() { given: 'two moduleReference objects' def moduleReference1 = new ExtendedModuleReference('module1', "some namespace", '1') def moduleReference2 = new ExtendedModuleReference('module1', "some namespace", '1') when: 'lombok generated methods are called' then: 'the methods exist and behaviour is accurate' assert moduleReference1.toString() == moduleReference2.toString() assert moduleReference1.hashCode() == moduleReference2.hashCode() and: 'therefore equals works as expected' assert moduleReference1.equals(moduleReference2) } }