/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Nordix Foundation * Modifications Copyright (C) 2023 TechMahindra Ltd. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.inventory import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.trustlevel.TrustLevel import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.ncmppersistence.NcmpPersistence.NCMP_DATASPACE_NAME import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.ncmppersistence.NcmpPersistence.NCMP_DMI_REGISTRY_ANCHOR import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.ncmppersistence.NcmpPersistence.NCMP_DMI_REGISTRY_PARENT import static org.onap.cps.spi.FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS import static org.onap.cps.spi.FetchDescendantsOption.OMIT_DESCENDANTS import com.hazelcast.map.IMap import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.inventory.CmHandleQueriesImpl import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.inventory.CmHandleState import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.inventory.DataStoreSyncState import org.onap.cps.spi.CpsDataPersistenceService import org.onap.cps.spi.model.DataNode import spock.lang.Shared import spock.lang.Specification class CmHandleQueriesImplSpec extends Specification { def cpsDataPersistenceService = Mock(CpsDataPersistenceService) def trustLevelPerCmHandle = [ 'my completed cm handle': TrustLevel.COMPLETE, 'my untrusted cm handle': TrustLevel.NONE ] def objectUnderTest = new CmHandleQueriesImpl(cpsDataPersistenceService, trustLevelPerCmHandle) @Shared def static sampleDataNodes = [new DataNode()] def dataNodeWithPrivateField = '//additional-properties[@name=\"Contact3\" and @value=\"newemailforstore3@bookstore.com\"]/ancestor::cm-handles' def static pnfDemo = createDataNode('PNFDemo') def static pnfDemo2 = createDataNode('PNFDemo2') def static pnfDemo3 = createDataNode('PNFDemo3') def static pnfDemo4 = createDataNode('PNFDemo4') def static pnfDemo5 = createDataNode('PNFDemo5') def 'Query CmHandles with public properties query pair.'() { given: 'the DataNodes queried for a given cpsPath are returned from the persistence service.' mockResponses() when: 'a query on cmhandle public properties is performed with a public property pair' def result = objectUnderTest.queryCmHandlePublicProperties(publicPropertyPairs) then: 'the correct cm handle data objects are returned' result.containsAll(expectedCmHandleIds) result.size() == expectedCmHandleIds.size() where: 'the following data is used' scenario | publicPropertyPairs || expectedCmHandleIds 'single property matches' | [Contact: 'newemailforstore@bookstore.com'] || ['PNFDemo', 'PNFDemo2', 'PNFDemo4'] 'public property does not match' | [wont_match: 'wont_match'] || [] '2 properties, only one match' | [Contact: 'newemailforstore@bookstore.com', Contact2: 'newemailforstore2@bookstore.com'] || ['PNFDemo4'] '2 properties, no matches' | [Contact: 'newemailforstore@bookstore.com', Contact2: ''] || [] } def 'Query cm handles on trust level'() { given: 'query properties for trustlevel COMPLETE' def trustLevelPropertyQueryPairs = ['trustLevel' : TrustLevel.COMPLETE.toString()] when: 'the query is executed' def result = objectUnderTest.queryCmHandlesByTrustLevel(trustLevelPropertyQueryPairs) then: 'the result only contains the completed cm handle' assert result.size() == 1 assert result[0] == 'my completed cm handle' } def 'Query CmHandles using empty public properties query pair.'() { when: 'a query on CmHandle public properties is executed using an empty map' def result = objectUnderTest.queryCmHandlePublicProperties([:]) then: 'no cm handles are returned' result.size() == 0 } def 'Query CmHandles using empty private properties query pair.'() { when: 'a query on CmHandle private properties is executed using an empty map' def result = objectUnderTest.queryCmHandleAdditionalProperties([:]) then: 'no cm handles are returned' result.size() == 0 } def 'Query CmHandles by a private field\'s value.'() { given: 'a data node exists with a certain additional-property' cpsDataPersistenceService.queryDataNodes(_, _, dataNodeWithPrivateField, _) >> [pnfDemo5] when: 'a query on CmHandle private properties is executed using a map' def result = objectUnderTest.queryCmHandleAdditionalProperties(['Contact3': 'newemailforstore3@bookstore.com']) then: 'one cm handle is returned' result.size() == 1 } def 'Get CmHandles by it\'s state.'() { given: 'a cm handle state to query' def cmHandleState = CmHandleState.ADVISED and: 'the persistence service returns a list of data nodes' cpsDataPersistenceService.queryDataNodes(NCMP_DATASPACE_NAME, NCMP_DMI_REGISTRY_ANCHOR, '//state[@cm-handle-state="ADVISED"]/ancestor::cm-handles', INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> sampleDataNodes when: 'cm handles are fetched by state' def result = objectUnderTest.queryCmHandlesByState(cmHandleState) then: 'the returned result matches the result from the persistence service' assert result == sampleDataNodes } def 'Check the state of a cmHandle when #scenario.'() { given: 'a cm handle state to compare' def cmHandleState = state and: 'the persistence service returns a list of data nodes' cpsDataPersistenceService.getDataNodes(NCMP_DATASPACE_NAME, NCMP_DMI_REGISTRY_ANCHOR, NCMP_DMI_REGISTRY_PARENT + '/cm-handles[@id=\'some-cm-handle\']/state', OMIT_DESCENDANTS) >> [new DataNode(leaves: ['cm-handle-state': 'READY'])] when: 'cm handles are compared by state' def result = objectUnderTest.cmHandleHasState('some-cm-handle', cmHandleState) then: 'the returned result matches the expected result from the persistence service' result == expectedResult where: scenario | state || expectedResult 'the provided state matches' | CmHandleState.READY || true 'the provided state does not match'| CmHandleState.DELETED || false } def 'Get Cm Handles state by Cm-Handle Id'() { given: 'a cm handle state to query' def cmHandleState = CmHandleState.READY and: 'cps data service returns a list of data nodes' cpsDataPersistenceService.getDataNodes(NCMP_DATASPACE_NAME, NCMP_DMI_REGISTRY_ANCHOR, NCMP_DMI_REGISTRY_PARENT + '/cm-handles[@id=\'some-cm-handle\']/state', OMIT_DESCENDANTS) >> [new DataNode(leaves: ['cm-handle-state': 'READY'])] when: 'cm handles are fetched by state and id' def result = objectUnderTest.getCmHandleState('some-cm-handle') then: 'the returned result is a list of data nodes returned by cps data service' assert result == new DataNode(leaves: ['cm-handle-state': 'READY']) } def 'Retrieve Cm Handles By Operational Sync State : UNSYNCHRONIZED'() { given: 'a cm handle state to query' def cmHandleState = CmHandleState.READY and: 'cps data service returns a list of data nodes' cpsDataPersistenceService.queryDataNodes(NCMP_DATASPACE_NAME, NCMP_DMI_REGISTRY_ANCHOR, '//state/datastores/operational[@sync-state="'+'UNSYNCHRONIZED'+'"]/ancestor::cm-handles', OMIT_DESCENDANTS) >> sampleDataNodes when: 'cm handles are fetched by the UNSYNCHRONIZED operational sync state' def result = objectUnderTest.queryCmHandlesByOperationalSyncState(DataStoreSyncState.UNSYNCHRONIZED) then: 'the returned result is a list of data nodes returned by cps data service' assert result == sampleDataNodes } def 'Retrieve cm handle by cps path '() { given: 'a cm handle state to query based on the cps path' def cmHandleDataNode = new DataNode(xpath: 'xpath', leaves: ['cm-handle-state': 'LOCKED']) def cpsPath = '//cps-path' and: 'cps data service returns a valid data node' cpsDataPersistenceService.queryDataNodes(NCMP_DATASPACE_NAME, NCMP_DMI_REGISTRY_ANCHOR, cpsPath + '/ancestor::cm-handles', INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> Arrays.asList(cmHandleDataNode) when: 'get cm handles by cps path is invoked' def result = objectUnderTest.queryCmHandleAncestorsByCpsPath(cpsPath, INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) then: 'the returned result is a list of data nodes returned by cps data service' assert result.contains(cmHandleDataNode) } def 'Get all cm handles by dmi plugin identifier'() { given: 'the DataNodes queried for a given cpsPath are returned from the persistence service.' mockResponses() when: 'cm Handles are fetched for a given dmi plugin identifier' def result = objectUnderTest.getCmHandleIdsByDmiPluginIdentifier('my-dmi-plugin-identifier') then: 'result is the correct size' assert result.size() == 3 and: 'result contains the correct cm handles' assert result.containsAll('PNFDemo', 'PNFDemo2', 'PNFDemo4') } void mockResponses() { cpsDataPersistenceService.queryDataNodes(_, _, '//public-properties[@name=\"Contact\" and @value=\"newemailforstore@bookstore.com\"]/ancestor::cm-handles', _) >> [pnfDemo, pnfDemo2, pnfDemo4] cpsDataPersistenceService.queryDataNodes(_, _, '//public-properties[@name=\"wont_match\" and @value=\"wont_match\"]/ancestor::cm-handles', _) >> [] cpsDataPersistenceService.queryDataNodes(_, _, '//public-properties[@name=\"Contact2\" and @value=\"newemailforstore2@bookstore.com\"]/ancestor::cm-handles', _) >> [pnfDemo4] cpsDataPersistenceService.queryDataNodes(_, _, '//public-properties[@name=\"Contact2\" and @value=\"\"]/ancestor::cm-handles', _) >> [] cpsDataPersistenceService.queryDataNodes(_, _, '//state[@cm-handle-state=\"READY\"]/ancestor::cm-handles', _) >> [pnfDemo, pnfDemo3] cpsDataPersistenceService.queryDataNodes(_, _, '//state[@cm-handle-state=\"LOCKED\"]/ancestor::cm-handles', _) >> [pnfDemo2, pnfDemo4] cpsDataPersistenceService.queryDataNodes(NCMP_DATASPACE_NAME, NCMP_DMI_REGISTRY_ANCHOR, '/dmi-registry/cm-handles[@dmi-service-name=\'my-dmi-plugin-identifier\']', OMIT_DESCENDANTS) >> [pnfDemo, pnfDemo2] cpsDataPersistenceService.queryDataNodes(NCMP_DATASPACE_NAME, NCMP_DMI_REGISTRY_ANCHOR, '/dmi-registry/cm-handles[@dmi-data-service-name=\'my-dmi-plugin-identifier\']', OMIT_DESCENDANTS) >> [pnfDemo, pnfDemo4] cpsDataPersistenceService.queryDataNodes(NCMP_DATASPACE_NAME, NCMP_DMI_REGISTRY_ANCHOR, '/dmi-registry/cm-handles[@dmi-model-service-name=\'my-dmi-plugin-identifier\']', OMIT_DESCENDANTS) >> [pnfDemo2, pnfDemo4] } def static createDataNode(dataNodeId) { return new DataNode(xpath: '/dmi-registry/cm-handles[@id=\'' + dataNodeId + '\']', leaves: ['id':dataNodeId]) } }