/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (C) 2022 Nordix Foundation * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.event.lcm import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.yangmodels.YangModelCmHandle import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.inventory.CompositeState import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.inventory.DataStoreSyncState import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.inventory.InventoryPersistence import spock.lang.Specification import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.inventory.CmHandleState.ADVISED import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.inventory.CmHandleState.DELETED import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.inventory.CmHandleState.DELETING import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.inventory.CmHandleState.LOCKED import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.inventory.CmHandleState.READY import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.inventory.LockReasonCategory.LOCKED_MODULE_SYNC_FAILED class LcmEventsCmHandleStateHandlerImplSpec extends Specification { def mockInventoryPersistence = Mock(InventoryPersistence) def mockLcmEventsCreator = Mock(LcmEventsCreator) def mockLcmEventsService = Mock(LcmEventsService) def objectUnderTest = new LcmEventsCmHandleStateHandlerImpl(mockInventoryPersistence, mockLcmEventsCreator, mockLcmEventsService) def cmHandleId = 'cmhandle-id-1' def compositeState def yangModelCmHandle def 'Update and Publish Events on State Change #stateChange'() { given: 'Cm Handle represented as YangModelCmHandle' compositeState = new CompositeState(cmHandleState: fromCmHandleState) yangModelCmHandle = new YangModelCmHandle(id: cmHandleId, dmiProperties: [], publicProperties: [], compositeState: compositeState) when: 'update state is invoked' objectUnderTest.updateCmHandleState(yangModelCmHandle, toCmHandleState) then: 'state is saved using inventory persistence' expectedCallsToInventoryPersistence * mockInventoryPersistence.saveCmHandleState(cmHandleId, _) and: 'event service is called to publish event' expectedCallsToEventService * mockLcmEventsService.publishLcmEvent(cmHandleId, _) where: 'state change parameters are provided' stateChange | fromCmHandleState | toCmHandleState || expectedCallsToInventoryPersistence | expectedCallsToEventService 'ADVISED to READY' | ADVISED | READY || 1 | 1 'READY to LOCKED' | READY | LOCKED || 1 | 1 'ADVISED to ADVISED' | ADVISED | ADVISED || 0 | 0 'READY to READY' | READY | READY || 0 | 0 'LOCKED to LOCKED' | LOCKED | LOCKED || 0 | 0 } def 'Update and Publish Events on State Change from NO_EXISTING state to ADVISED'() { given: 'Cm Handle represented as YangModelCmHandle' yangModelCmHandle = new YangModelCmHandle(id: cmHandleId, dmiProperties: [], publicProperties: []) when: 'update state is invoked' objectUnderTest.updateCmHandleState(yangModelCmHandle, ADVISED) then: 'state is saved using inventory persistence' 1 * mockInventoryPersistence.saveCmHandle(yangModelCmHandle) and: 'event service is called to publish event' 1 * mockLcmEventsService.publishLcmEvent(cmHandleId, _) } def 'Update and Publish Events on State Change from LOCKED to ADVISED'() { given: 'Cm Handle represented as YangModelCmHandle in LOCKED state' compositeState = new CompositeState(cmHandleState: LOCKED, lockReason: CompositeState.LockReason.builder().lockReasonCategory(LOCKED_MODULE_SYNC_FAILED).details('some lock details').build()) yangModelCmHandle = new YangModelCmHandle(id: cmHandleId, dmiProperties: [], publicProperties: [], compositeState: compositeState) when: 'update state is invoked' objectUnderTest.updateCmHandleState(yangModelCmHandle, ADVISED) then: 'state is saved using inventory persistence and old lock reason details are retained' 1 * mockInventoryPersistence.saveCmHandleState(cmHandleId, _) >> { args -> { assert (args[1] as CompositeState).lockReason.details == 'some lock details' } } and: 'event service is called to publish event' 1 * mockLcmEventsService.publishLcmEvent(cmHandleId, _) } def 'Update and Publish Events on State Change to READY'() { given: 'Cm Handle represented as YangModelCmHandle' compositeState = new CompositeState(cmHandleState: ADVISED) yangModelCmHandle = new YangModelCmHandle(id: cmHandleId, dmiProperties: [], publicProperties: [], compositeState: compositeState) and: 'global sync flag is set' compositeState.setDataSyncEnabled(false) when: 'update cmhandle state is invoked' objectUnderTest.updateCmHandleState(yangModelCmHandle, READY) then: 'state is saved using inventory persistence with expected dataSyncState' 1 * mockInventoryPersistence.saveCmHandleState(cmHandleId, _) >> { args-> { def result = (args[1] as CompositeState) assert result.dataSyncEnabled == false assert result.dataStores.operationalDataStore.dataStoreSyncState == DataStoreSyncState.NONE_REQUESTED } } and: 'event service is called to publish event' 1 * mockLcmEventsService.publishLcmEvent(cmHandleId, _) } def 'Update cmHandle state to "DELETING"' (){ given: 'cm Handle as Yang model' compositeState = new CompositeState(cmHandleState: READY) yangModelCmHandle = new YangModelCmHandle(id: cmHandleId, dmiProperties: [], publicProperties: [], compositeState: compositeState) when: 'updating cm handle state to "DELETING"' objectUnderTest.updateCmHandleState(yangModelCmHandle, DELETING) then: 'the cm handle state is as expected' yangModelCmHandle.getCompositeState().getCmHandleState() == DELETING and: 'method to persist cm handle state is called once' 1 * mockInventoryPersistence.saveCmHandleState(yangModelCmHandle.getId(), yangModelCmHandle.getCompositeState()) and: 'the method to publish Lcm event is called once' 1 * mockLcmEventsService.publishLcmEvent(cmHandleId, _) } def 'Update cmHandle state to "DELETED"' (){ given: 'cm Handle with state "DELETING" as Yang model ' compositeState = new CompositeState(cmHandleState: DELETING) yangModelCmHandle = new YangModelCmHandle(id: cmHandleId, dmiProperties: [], publicProperties: [], compositeState: compositeState) when: 'updating cm handle state to "DELETED"' objectUnderTest.updateCmHandleState(yangModelCmHandle, DELETED) then: 'the cm handle state is as expected' yangModelCmHandle.getCompositeState().getCmHandleState() == DELETED and: 'the method to publish Lcm event is called once' 1 * mockLcmEventsService.publishLcmEvent(cmHandleId, _) } def 'No state change and no event to be published'() { given: 'Cm Handle batch with same state transition as before' def cmHandleStateMap = setupBatch('NO_CHANGE') when: 'updating a batch of changes' objectUnderTest.updateCmHandleStateBatch(cmHandleStateMap) then: 'batch is empty and nothing to update' 1 * mockInventoryPersistence.saveCmHandleBatch(_) >> { args -> { assert (args[0] as Collection).size() == 0 } } and: 'no event will be published' 0 * mockLcmEventsService.publishLcmEvent(*_) } def 'Batch of new cm handles provided'() { given: 'A batch of new cm handles' def cmHandleStateMap = setupBatch('NEW') when: 'updating a batch of changes' objectUnderTest.updateCmHandleStateBatch(cmHandleStateMap) then: 'new cm handles are saved using inventory persistence' 1 * mockInventoryPersistence.saveCmHandleBatch(_) >> { args -> { assert (args[0] as Collection).id.containsAll('cmhandle1', 'cmhandle2') } } and: 'event service is called to publish event' 2 * mockLcmEventsService.publishLcmEvent(_, _) } def 'Batch of existing cm handles is updated'() { given: 'A batch of updated cm handles' def cmHandleStateMap = setupBatch('UPDATE') when: 'updating a batch of changes' objectUnderTest.updateCmHandleStateBatch(cmHandleStateMap) then : 'existing cm handles composite state is persisted' 1 * mockInventoryPersistence.saveCmHandleStateBatch(_) >> { args -> { assert (args[0] as Map).keySet().containsAll(['cmhandle1','cmhandle2']) } } and: 'event service is called to publish event' 2 * mockLcmEventsService.publishLcmEvent(_, _) } def setupBatch(type) { def yangModelCmHandle1 = new YangModelCmHandle(id: 'cmhandle1', dmiProperties: [], publicProperties: []) def yangModelCmHandle2 = new YangModelCmHandle(id: 'cmhandle2', dmiProperties: [], publicProperties: []) if ('NEW' == type) { return [(yangModelCmHandle1): ADVISED, (yangModelCmHandle2): ADVISED] } if ('UPDATE' == type) { yangModelCmHandle1.compositeState = new CompositeState(cmHandleState: ADVISED) yangModelCmHandle2.compositeState = new CompositeState(cmHandleState: READY) return [(yangModelCmHandle1): READY, (yangModelCmHandle2): DELETING] } if ('NO_CHANGE' == type) { yangModelCmHandle1.compositeState = new CompositeState(cmHandleState: ADVISED) yangModelCmHandle2.compositeState = new CompositeState(cmHandleState: READY) return [(yangModelCmHandle1): ADVISED, (yangModelCmHandle2): READY] } } }