/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Nordix Foundation * Modifications Copyright (C) 2022 Bell Canada * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.client import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.OperationType.READ import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.OperationType.PATCH import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.OperationType.CREATE import static org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.NcmpResponseStatus.DMI_SERVICE_NOT_RESPONDING import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.NcmpResponseStatus.UNABLE_TO_READ_RESOURCE_DATA import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.config.DmiWebClientConfiguration import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.exception.InvalidDmiResourceUrlException import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.exception.DmiClientRequestException import org.onap.cps.ncmp.utils.TestUtils import org.onap.cps.utils.JsonObjectMapper import org.spockframework.spring.SpringBean import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration import org.springframework.web.client.HttpServerErrorException import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient import reactor.core.publisher.Mono import spock.lang.Specification import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClientResponseException import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.config.DmiProperties @SpringBootTest @ContextConfiguration(classes = [DmiProperties, DmiRestClient, ObjectMapper]) class DmiRestClientSpec extends Specification { static final NO_AUTH_HEADER = null static final BASIC_AUTH_HEADER = 'Basic c29tZS11c2VyOnNvbWUtcGFzc3dvcmQ=' static final BEARER_AUTH_HEADER = 'Bearer my-bearer-token' @Autowired DmiProperties dmiProperties @Autowired DmiRestClient objectUnderTest @SpringBean WebClient mockWebClient = Mock(WebClient); @SpringBean JsonObjectMapper jsonObjectMapper = new JsonObjectMapper(new ObjectMapper()) def mockRequestBodyUriSpec = Mock(WebClient.RequestBodyUriSpec) def mockResponseSpec = Mock(WebClient.ResponseSpec) def mockResponseEntity = Mock(ResponseEntity) def setup() { mockRequestBodyUriSpec.uri(_) >> mockRequestBodyUriSpec mockRequestBodyUriSpec.headers(_) >> mockRequestBodyUriSpec mockRequestBodyUriSpec.retrieve() >> mockResponseSpec } def 'DMI POST operation with JSON.'() { given: 'the web client returns a valid response entity for the expected parameters' mockWebClient.post() >> mockRequestBodyUriSpec mockRequestBodyUriSpec.body(_) >> mockRequestBodyUriSpec def monoSpec = Mono.just(mockResponseEntity) mockResponseSpec.bodyToMono(Object.class) >> monoSpec monoSpec.block() >> mockResponseEntity when: 'POST operation is invoked' def response = objectUnderTest.postOperationWithJsonData('/my/url', 'some json', READ, null) then: 'the output of the method is equal to the output from the test template' assert response.statusCode.value() == 200 assert response.hasBody() } def 'Failing DMI POST operation for server error'() { given: 'the web client throws an exception' mockWebClient.post() >> { throw new HttpServerErrorException(SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, null, null, null) } when: 'POST operation is invoked' objectUnderTest.postOperationWithJsonData('/some', 'some json', READ, null) then: 'a http client exception is thrown' def thrown = thrown(DmiClientRequestException) and: 'the exception has the relevant details from the error response' assert thrown.ncmpResponseStatus.code == '102' assert thrown.httpStatusCode == 503 } def 'Failing DMI POST operation due to invalid dmi resource url.'() { when: 'POST operation is invoked with invalid dmi resource url' objectUnderTest.postOperationWithJsonData('/invalid dmi url', null, null, null) then: 'invalid dmi resource url exception is thrown' def thrown = thrown(InvalidDmiResourceUrlException) and: 'the exception has the relevant details from the error response' assert thrown.httpStatus == 400 assert thrown.message == 'Invalid dmi resource url: /invalid dmi url' where: 'the following operations are executed' operation << [CREATE, READ, PATCH] } def 'Dmi service sends client error response when #scenario'() { given: 'the web client unable to return response entity but error' mockWebClient.post() >> mockRequestBodyUriSpec mockRequestBodyUriSpec.body(_) >> mockRequestBodyUriSpec def monoSpec = Mono.error(new WebClientResponseException('message', httpStatusCode, null, null, null, null)) mockResponseSpec.bodyToMono(Object.class) >> monoSpec when: 'POST operation is invoked' objectUnderTest.postOperationWithJsonData('/my/url', 'some json', READ, null) then: 'a http client exception is thrown' def thrown = thrown(DmiClientRequestException) and: 'the exception has the relevant details from the error response' assert thrown.ncmpResponseStatus.code == expectedNcmpResponseStatusCode assert thrown.httpStatusCode == httpStatusCode where: 'the following errors occur' scenario | httpStatusCode | expectedNcmpResponseStatusCode 'dmi request timeout' | 408 | DMI_SERVICE_NOT_RESPONDING.code 'other error code' | 500 | UNABLE_TO_READ_RESOURCE_DATA.code } def 'Dmi trust level is determined by spring boot health status'() { given: 'a health check response' def dmiPluginHealthCheckResponseJsonData = TestUtils.getResourceFileContent('dmiPluginHealthCheckResponse.json') def jsonNode = jsonObjectMapper.convertJsonString(dmiPluginHealthCheckResponseJsonData, JsonNode.class) ((ObjectNode) jsonNode).put('status', 'my status') def monoResponse = Mono.just(jsonNode) mockWebClient.get() >> mockRequestBodyUriSpec mockResponseSpec.bodyToMono(_) >> monoResponse monoResponse.block() >> jsonNode when: 'get trust level of the dmi plugin' def result = objectUnderTest.getDmiHealthStatus('some/url') then: 'the status value from the json is return' assert result == 'my status' } def 'Failing to get dmi plugin health status #scenario'() { given: 'rest template with #scenario' mockWebClient.get() >> healthStatusResponse when: 'attempt to get health status of the dmi plugin' def result = objectUnderTest.getDmiHealthStatus('some url') then: 'result will be empty' assert result == '' where: 'the following responses are used' scenario | healthStatusResponse 'null' | null 'exception' | {throw new Exception()} } def 'DMI auth header #scenario'() { when: 'Specific dmi properties are provided' dmiProperties.dmiBasicAuthEnabled = authEnabled then: 'http headers to conditionally have Authorization header' def authHeaderValues = objectUnderTest.configureHttpHeaders(new HttpHeaders(), ncmpAuthHeader).getOrEmpty('Authorization') def outputAuthHeader = (authHeaderValues == null ? null : authHeaderValues[0]) assert outputAuthHeader == expectedAuthHeader where: 'the following configurations are used' scenario | authEnabled | ncmpAuthHeader || expectedAuthHeader 'DMI basic auth enabled, no NCMP bearer token' | true | NO_AUTH_HEADER || BASIC_AUTH_HEADER 'DMI basic auth enabled, with NCMP bearer token' | true | BEARER_AUTH_HEADER || BASIC_AUTH_HEADER 'DMI basic auth disabled, no NCMP bearer token' | false | NO_AUTH_HEADER || NO_AUTH_HEADER 'DMI basic auth disabled, with NCMP bearer token' | false | BEARER_AUTH_HEADER || BEARER_AUTH_HEADER 'DMI basic auth disabled, with NCMP basic auth' | false | BASIC_AUTH_HEADER || NO_AUTH_HEADER } }