# Example Conductor Templates *Updated: 10 Oct 2017* ## Example 1 ```yaml # Homing Specification Version homing_template_version: 2017-10-10 # Runtime order Parameters parameters: service_name: Residential vCPE service_id: vcpe_service_id customer_lat: 32.897480 customer_long: -97.040443 # List of geographical locations locations: customer_loc: latitude: {get_param: customer_lat} longitude: {get_param: customer_long} # List of VNFs (demands) to be homed demands: vGMuxInfra: - inventory_provider: aai inventory_type: service attributes: equipment_type: vG_Mux customer_id: some_company excluded_candidates: - candidate_id: 1ac71fb8-ad43-4e16-9459-c3f372b8236d existing_placement: - candidate_id: 21d5f3e8-e714-4383-8f99-cc480144505a vG: - inventory_provider: aai inventory_type: service attributes: equipment_type: vG modelId: vG_model_id customer_id: some_company excluded_candidates: - candidate_id: 1ac71fb8-ad43-4e16-9459-c3f372b8236d existing_placement: - candidate_id: 21d5f3e8-e714-4383-8f99-cc480144505a - inventory_provider: aai inventory_type: cloud # List of homing policies (constraints) constraints: # distance constraint - constraint_vgmux_customer: type: distance_to_location demands: [vGMuxInfra] properties: distance: < 100 km location: customer_loc # cloud region co-location constraint - colocation: type: zone demands: [vGMuxInfra, vG] properties: qualifier: same category: region # platform capability constraint - numa_cpu_pin_capabilities: type: attribute demands: [vG] properties: evaluate: vcpu_pinning: True numa_topology: numa_spanning # cloud provider constraint - cloud_version_capabilities: type: attribute demands: [vGMuxInfra] properties: evaluate: cloud_version: 1.11.84 cloud_provider: AWS # Objective function to minimize optimization: minimize: sum: - {distance_between: [customer_loc, vGMuxInfra]} - {distance_between: [customer_loc, vG]} ``` ## Contact ## Shankar Narayanan