# Cert service client *(deprecated)* > Deprecated since Istanbul release in favor of Cert Manager certificates > (for more details see certServiceK8sExternalProvider submodule). ### Project building ``` mvn clean package ``` ### Install the package into the local repository ``` mvn clean install ``` ### Building Docker image and install the package into the local repository ``` mvn clean install -P docker ``` ### Nexus container image ``` nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.oom.platform.cert-service.oom-certservice-client:2.3.3 ``` ### Running local client application as standalone docker container CertService API and client must be running in same network. You need certificate and trust anchors (in JKS format) to connect to CertService API via HTTPS. Information how to generate truststore and keystore files you can find in CertService main README. To run CertService client as standalone docker container execute following steps: 1. Create file ‘$PWD/client.env’ with environment variables as in example below: ``` #Client envs REQUEST_URL= REQUEST_TIMEOUT=10000 OUTPUT_PATH=/var/certs CA_NAME=RA OUTPUT_TYPE=P12 #CSR config envs COMMON_NAME=onap.org ORGANIZATION=Linux-Foundation ORGANIZATION_UNIT=ONAP LOCATION=San-Francisco STATE=California COUNTRY=US SANS=test.onap.org,onap.com,onap@onap.org,,onap://cluster.local/ #TLS config envs KEYSTORE_PATH=/etc/onap/oom/certservice/certs/certServiceClient-keystore.jks KEYSTORE_PASSWORD= TRUSTSTORE_PATH=/etc/onap/oom/certservice/certs/certServiceClient-truststore.jks TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD= ``` 2. Run docker container as in following example (API and client must be running in same network): ``` docker run \ --rm \ --name oomcert-client \ --env-file <$PWD/client.env (same as in step1)> \ --network \ --mount type=bind,src=,dst= \ --volume : \ --volume : \ nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.oom.platform.cert-service.oom-certservice-client:2.3.3 ``` After successful creation of certifications, container exits with exit code 0. ### Logs locally path: ``` var/log/onap/oom/certservice-client/certservice-client.log ``` ### Logs in Docker container ``` docker logs oom-certservice-client ``` ###Exit codes ``` 0 Success 1 Invalid client configuration 2 Invalid CSR configuration 3 Fail in key pair generation 4 Fail in CSR generation 5 CertService HTTP unsuccessful response 6 Internal HTTP Client connection problem 7 Fail in PEM conversion 8 Fail in Private Key to PEM Encoding 9 Wrong TLS configuration 10 File could not be created 99 Application exited abnormally