jetty_base = "#{ENV['JETTY_BASE']}" directory "Jetty_etc_dir_creation" do path "#{jetty_base}/etc" owner 'jetty' group 'jetty' mode '0755' action :create not_if {"#{jetty_base}/etc") } end cookbook_file "#{jetty_base}/etc/keyfile" do source "keyfile" owner "jetty" group "jetty" mode 0755 end cookbook_file "#{jetty_base}/etc/cadi_truststore.jks" do source "cadi_truststore.jks" owner "jetty" group "jetty" mode 0755 end template "#{jetty_base}/etc/" do path "#{jetty_base}/etc/" source "" owner "jetty" group "jetty" mode "0755" end #Workaround due to hardcode definition in cata,log-be web.xml file directory "/opt/app/jetty" do path "/opt/app/jetty" owner 'jetty' group 'jetty' mode '0755' recursive true action :create end directory "/opt/app/jetty/base/" do path "/opt/app/jetty/base/" owner 'jetty' group 'jetty' mode '0755' recursive true action :create end directory "/opt/app/jetty/base/be/" do path "/opt/app/jetty/base/be/" owner 'jetty' group 'jetty' mode '0755' recursive true action :create end directory "/opt/app/jetty/base/be/etc" do path "/opt/app/jetty/base/be/etc" owner 'jetty' group 'jetty' mode '0755' recursive true action :create end #Workaround due to hardcode definition in catalog-be web.xml file template "/opt/app/jetty/base/be/etc/" do path "/opt/app/jetty/base/be/etc/" source "" owner "jetty" group "jetty" mode "0755" end