# Copyright 2017 ZTE Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import logging import os from catalog.pub.config.config import SDC_BASE_URL, SDC_USER, SDC_PASSWD from catalog.pub.exceptions import CatalogException from catalog.pub.utils import fileutil from catalog.pub.utils import restcall logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ASSETTYPE_RESOURCES = "resources" ASSETTYPE_SERVICES = "services" DISTRIBUTED = "DISTRIBUTED" def call_sdc(resource, method, content=''): additional_headers = { 'X-ECOMP-InstanceID': 'Modeling', } return restcall.call_req(base_url=SDC_BASE_URL, user=SDC_USER, passwd=SDC_PASSWD, auth_type=restcall.rest_no_auth, resource=resource, method=method, content=content, additional_headers=additional_headers) """ sample of return value [ { "uuid": "c94490a0-f7ef-48be-b3f8-8d8662a37236", "invariantUUID": "63eaec39-ffbe-411c-a838-448f2c73f7eb", "name": "underlayvpn", "version": "2.0", "toscaModelURL": "/sdc/v1/catalog/resources/c94490a0-f7ef-48be-b3f8-8d8662a37236/toscaModel", "category": "Volte", "subCategory": "VolteVF", "resourceType": "VF", "lifecycleState": "CERTIFIED", "lastUpdaterUserId": "jh0003" } ] """ def get_artifacts(asset_type): resource = "/sdc/v1/catalog/{assetType}" resource = resource.format(assetType=asset_type) ret = call_sdc(resource, "GET") if ret[0] != 0: logger.error("Status code is %s, detail is %s.", ret[2], ret[1]) raise CatalogException("Failed to query artifacts(%s) from sdc." % asset_type) return json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]) def get_artifact(asset_type, csar_id): artifacts = get_artifacts(asset_type) for artifact in artifacts: if artifact["uuid"] == csar_id: if asset_type == ASSETTYPE_SERVICES and \ artifact.get("distributionStatus", None) != DISTRIBUTED: raise CatalogException("The artifact (%s,%s) is not distributed from sdc." % (asset_type, csar_id)) else: return artifact raise CatalogException("Failed to query artifact(%s,%s) from sdc." % (asset_type, csar_id)) def get_asset(asset_type, uuid): resource = "/sdc/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/metadata".format(assetType=asset_type, uuid=uuid) ret = call_sdc(resource, "GET") if ret[0] != 0: logger.error("Status code is %s, detail is %s.", ret[2], ret[1]) raise CatalogException("Failed to get asset(%s, %s) from sdc." % (asset_type, uuid)) asset = json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]) if len(asset) == 0: raise CatalogException("Failed to get asset(%s, %s) from sdc." % (asset_type, uuid)) if asset.get("distributionStatus", None) != DISTRIBUTED: raise CatalogException("The asset (%s,%s) is not distributed from sdc." % (asset_type, uuid)) else: return asset def delete_artifact(asset_type, asset_id, artifact_id): resource = "/sdc/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/artifacts/{artifactUUID}" resource = resource.format(assetType=asset_type, uuid=asset_id, artifactUUID=artifact_id) ret = call_sdc(resource, "DELETE") if ret[0] != 0: logger.error("Status code is %s, detail is %s.", ret[2], ret[1]) raise CatalogException("Failed to delete artifacts(%s) from sdc." % artifact_id) return json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]) def download_artifacts(download_url, local_path, file_name): additional_headers = { 'X-ECOMP-InstanceID': 'VFC', 'accept': 'application/octet-stream' } ret = restcall.call_req(base_url=SDC_BASE_URL, user=SDC_USER, passwd=SDC_PASSWD, auth_type=restcall.rest_no_auth, resource=download_url, method="GET", additional_headers=additional_headers) if ret[0] != 0: logger.error("Status code is %s, detail is %s.", ret[2], ret[1]) raise CatalogException("Failed to download %s from sdc." % download_url) fileutil.make_dirs(local_path) local_file_name = os.path.join(local_path, file_name) local_file = open(local_file_name, 'wb') local_file.write(ret[1]) local_file.close() return local_file_name def create_consumer(name, salt, password): req_data = { 'consumerName': name, 'consumerSalt': salt, 'consumerPassword': password } req_data = json.JSONEncoder().encode(req_data) resource = '/sdc2/rest/v1/consumers' headers = {'USER_ID': 'jh0003'} ret = restcall.call_req(base_url=SDC_BASE_URL, user="", passwd="", auth_type=restcall.rest_no_auth, resource=resource, method="POST", content=req_data, additional_headers=headers) if ret[0] != 0: logger.error("Status code is %s, detail is %s.", ret[2], ret[1]) raise CatalogException("Failed to create consumer from sdc.") def register_for_topics(key): req_data = { 'apiPublicKey': key, 'distrEnvName': 'AUTO', 'isConsumerToSdcDistrStatusTopic': False, 'distEnvEndPoints': [] } req_data = json.JSONEncoder().encode(req_data) url = '/sdc/v1/registerForDistribution' ret = call_sdc(url, 'POST', req_data) if ret[0] != 0: logger.error("Status code is %s, detail is %s.", ret[2], ret[1]) raise CatalogException("Failed to register from sdc.") return json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1])