/** * ============LICENSE_START==================================================== * org.onap.aaf * =========================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * =========================================================================== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END==================================================== */ package org.onap.aaf.cadi.config; import java.net.Inet4Address; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.Access; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.CadiException; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.Access.Level; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.util.Split; public class RegistrationPropHolder { private final String PUBLIC_NAME="%NS.%N"; private final String REGI="RegistrationProperty: %s='%s'"; private final Access access; public String hostname; private int port; public String public_hostname; private Integer public_port; public Float latitude; public Float longitude; public final String default_fqdn; public final String default_container_ns; public final String default_name; public final String lentries; public final String lcontainer; public final String default_container; private static boolean firstlog = true; public RegistrationPropHolder(final Access access, final int port) throws UnknownHostException, CadiException { this.access = access; StringBuilder errs = new StringBuilder(); String str; this.port = port; lentries=access.getProperty(Config.AAF_LOCATOR_ENTRIES,""); default_container = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_LOCATOR_CONTAINER, ""); if(firstlog) { access.printf(Level.INIT, REGI,"default_container",default_container); } if(!default_container.isEmpty()) { lcontainer=',' + default_container; // "" makes a blank default Public Entry str = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_LOCATOR_PUBLIC_PORT+'.'+default_container, null); if(str==null) { str = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_LOCATOR_PUBLIC_PORT, null); } } else { lcontainer=default_container; str = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_LOCATOR_PUBLIC_PORT, null); } if(str!=null) { public_port=Integer.decode(str); } if(firstlog) { access.printf(Level.INIT, "RegistrationProperty: public_port='%d'",public_port); } hostname = access.getProperty(Config.HOSTNAME, null); if (hostname==null) { hostname = Inet4Address.getLocalHost().getHostName(); } if (hostname==null) { mustBeDefined(errs,Config.HOSTNAME); } if(firstlog) { access.printf(Level.INIT, REGI,"hostname",hostname); } public_hostname = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_LOCATOR_PUBLIC_HOSTNAME, hostname); if(firstlog) { access.printf(Level.INIT, REGI,"public_hostname",public_hostname); } default_name = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_LOCATOR_NAME, PUBLIC_NAME); if(firstlog) { access.printf(Level.INIT, REGI,"default_name",default_name); } latitude=null; String slatitude = access.getProperty(Config.CADI_LATITUDE, null); if(slatitude == null) { mustBeDefined(errs,Config.CADI_LATITUDE); } else { latitude = Float.parseFloat(slatitude); } if(firstlog) { access.printf(Level.INIT, REGI,"latitude",slatitude); } longitude=null; String slongitude = access.getProperty(Config.CADI_LONGITUDE, null); if(slongitude == null) { mustBeDefined(errs,Config.CADI_LONGITUDE); } else { longitude = Float.parseFloat(slongitude); } if(firstlog) { access.printf(Level.INIT, REGI,"longitude",slongitude); } String dot_le; // Note: only one of the ports can be public... Therefore, only the last for(String le : Split.splitTrim(',', lcontainer)) { dot_le = le.isEmpty()?le :"."+le; str = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_LOCATOR_PUBLIC_HOSTNAME+dot_le,null); if( str != null && !str.isEmpty()) { public_hostname=str; if(firstlog) { access.printf(Level.INIT, "RegistrationProperty: public_hostname(overloaded by %s)='%s'",dot_le,public_hostname); } } } default_fqdn = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_LOCATOR_FQDN, hostname); if(firstlog) { access.printf(Level.INIT, REGI,"default_fqdn",default_fqdn); } default_container_ns = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_LOCATOR_CONTAINER_NS,""); if(firstlog) { access.printf(Level.INIT, REGI,"default_container_ns",default_container_ns); } if(errs.length()>0) { throw new CadiException(errs.toString()); } firstlog = false; } private void mustBeDefined(StringBuilder errs, String propname) { errs.append('\n'); errs.append(propname); errs.append(" must be defined."); } public String getEntryFQDN(final String entry, final String dot_le) { String str; if(public_hostname!=null && dot_le.isEmpty()) { str = public_hostname; } else { str = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_LOCATOR_FQDN+dot_le, default_fqdn); } return replacements("RegistrationPropHolder.getEntryFQDN",str,entry,dot_le); } public String getEntryName(final String entry, final String dot_le) { String str; if(dot_le.isEmpty()) { str = PUBLIC_NAME; } else { str = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_LOCATOR_NAME+dot_le, default_name); } return replacements("RegistrationPropHolder.getEntryName",str,entry,dot_le); } private String getNS(String dot_le) { String ns; ns = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_LOCATOR_APP_NS+dot_le,null); if(ns==null) { ns = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_LOCATOR_APP_NS, ""); } return ns; } public String replacements(final String fromCode, final String source, final String name, final String _dot_le) { if(source == null) { return ""; } else if(source.isEmpty()) { return source; } String value = source; String dot_le; if(_dot_le==null) { dot_le = default_container.isEmpty()?"":'.'+default_container; } else { dot_le = _dot_le; } String aaf_locator_host = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_LOCATE_URL+dot_le,null); if(aaf_locator_host==null) { aaf_locator_host = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_LOCATE_URL,null); } String str; if(aaf_locator_host!=null) { if("https://AAF_LOCATE_URL".equals(value)) { value = aaf_locator_host; } else { str = aaf_locator_host; if(value.indexOf(Config.AAF_LOCATE_URL_TAG)>=0) { if(!str.endsWith("/")) { str+='/'; } if(!str.endsWith("/locate/")) { str+="locate/"; } value = value.replace("https://AAF_LOCATE_URL/", str); } } } int atC = value.indexOf("%C"); if(atC>=0) { // aaf_locator_container_ns str = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_LOCATOR_CONTAINER_NS+dot_le, default_container_ns); if(str.isEmpty()) { value = value.replace("%CNS"+'.', str); } value = value.replace("%CNS", str); str = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_LOCATOR_CONTAINER+dot_le,default_container); if(str.isEmpty()) { value = value.replace("%C"+'.', str); } value = value.replace("%C", str); } if(value.indexOf("%NS")>=0) { str = getNS(dot_le); if(str==null || str.isEmpty()) { value = value.replace("%NS"+'.', str); } value = value.replace("%NS", str); } // aaf_root_ns if(value.indexOf("AAF_NS")>=0) { str = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_ROOT_NS, Config.AAF_ROOT_NS_DEF); String temp = value.replace("%AAF_NS", str); if(temp.equals(value)) { // intended value = value.replace("AAF_NS", str); // Backward Compatibility } else { value = temp; } } if(value.indexOf('%')>=0) { // These shouldn't be expected to have dot elements if(name!=null) { value = value.replace("%N", name); } if(default_fqdn!=null) { value = value.replace("%DF", default_fqdn); } if(public_hostname!=null) { value = value.replace("%PH", public_hostname); } } access.printf(Level.DEBUG, "RegistrationReplacement from %s, source: %s, dot_le: %s, value: %s", fromCode,source,dot_le,value); return value; } public int getEntryPort(final String dot_le) { return public_port!=null && dot_le.isEmpty()? public_port: port; } public Access access() { return access; } }