/** * ============LICENSE_START==================================================== * org.onap.aaf * =========================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * =========================================================================== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END==================================================== * */ package org.onap.aaf.cadi.config; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.URI; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.security.cert.CertificateException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.AbsUserCache; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.Access; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.Access.Level; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.CachingLur; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.CadiException; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.Connector; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.CredVal; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.CredValDomain; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.Locator; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.LocatorException; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.Lur; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.PropAccess; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.Symm; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.TrustChecker; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.lur.EpiLur; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.lur.LocalLur; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.lur.NullLur; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.taf.HttpEpiTaf; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.taf.HttpTaf; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.taf.basic.BasicHttpTaf; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.taf.cert.X509Taf; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.taf.dos.DenialOfServiceTaf; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.util.FixURIinfo; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.util.Split; /** * Create a Consistent Configuration mechanism, even when configuration styles are as vastly different as * Properties vs JavaBeans vs FilterConfigs... * * @author Jonathan * */ public class Config { private static final String AAF_V2_0 = "org.onap.aaf.cadi.aaf.v2_0"; private static final String AAF_V2_0_AAFCON = AAF_V2_0+".AAFCon"; private static final String AAF_V2_0_AAF_LUR_PERM = AAF_V2_0+".AAFLurPerm"; private static final String OAUTH = "org.onap.auth.oauth"; private static final String OAUTH_TOKEN_MGR = OAUTH+".TokenMgr"; private static final String OAUTH_HTTP_TAF = OAUTH+".OAuth2HttpTaf"; private static final String OAUTH_DIRECT_TAF = OAUTH+".OAuthDirectTAF"; public static final String UTF_8 = "UTF-8"; // Property Names associated with configurations. // As of 1.0.2, these have had the dots removed so as to be compatible with JavaBean style // configurations as well as property list style. public static final String HOSTNAME = "hostname"; public static final String CADI_PROP_FILES = "cadi_prop_files"; // Additional Properties files (separate with ;) public static final String CADI_LOGLEVEL = "cadi_loglevel"; public static final String CADI_LOGDIR = "cadi_log_dir"; public static final String CADI_ETCDIR = "cadi_etc_dir"; public static final String CADI_LOGNAME = "cadi_logname"; public static final String CADI_KEYFILE = "cadi_keyfile"; public static final String CADI_KEYSTORE = "cadi_keystore"; public static final String CADI_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD = "cadi_keystore_password"; public static final String CADI_ALIAS = "cadi_alias"; public static final String CADI_CLIENT_ALIAS = "cadi_client_alias"; public static final String CADI_LOGINPAGE_URL = "cadi_loginpage_url"; public static final String CADI_LATITUDE = "cadi_latitude"; public static final String CADI_LONGITUDE = "cadi_longitude"; public static final String CADI_KEY_PASSWORD = "cadi_key_password"; public static final String CADI_TRUSTSTORE = "cadi_truststore"; public static final String CADI_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD = "cadi_truststore_password"; public static final String CADI_X509_ISSUERS = "cadi_x509_issuers"; public static final String CADI_TRUST_MASKS="cadi_trust_masks"; public static final String CADI_TRUST_PERM="cadi_trust_perm"; // IDs with this perm can utilize the "AS " user concept public static final String CADI_PROTOCOLS = "cadi_protocols"; public static final String CADI_NOAUTHN = "cadi_noauthn"; public static final String CADI_LOC_LIST = "cadi_loc_list"; // Special Behaviors public static final String CADI_BATH_CONVERT = "cadi_bath_convert"; public static final String CADI_API_ENFORCEMENT = "cadi_api_enforcement"; public static final String CADI_ADD_TAFS = "cadi_add_tafs"; public static final String CADI_ADD_LURS = "cadi_add_lurs"; public static final String CADI_USER_CHAIN_TAG = "cadi_user_chain"; public static final String CADI_USER_CHAIN = "USER_CHAIN"; public static final String CADI_OAUTH2_URL="cadi_oauth2_url"; public static final String CADI_TOKEN_DIR = "cadi_token_dir"; public static final String HTTPS_PROTOCOLS = "https.protocols"; public static final String HTTPS_CLIENT_PROTOCOLS="jdk.tls.client.protocols"; public static final String HTTPS_PROTOCOLS_DEFAULT = "TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2"; public static final String HTTPS_CIPHER_SUITES = "https.cipherSuites"; public static final String HTTPS_CIPHER_SUITES_DEFAULT="TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA," + "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA," + "TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA," + "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA,TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA," + "TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA," + "TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA,TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA,TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV"; public static final String LOCALHOST_ALLOW = "localhost_allow"; public static final String LOCALHOST_DENY = "localhost_deny"; public static final String BASIC_REALM = "basic_realm"; // what is sent to the client public static final String BASIC_WARN = "basic_warn"; // Warning of insecure channel public static final String USERS = "local_users"; public static final String GROUPS = "local_groups"; public static final String WRITE_TO = "local_writeto"; // dump RBAC to local file in Tomcat Style (some apps use) public static final String OAUTH_CLIENT_ID="client_id"; public static final String OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET="client_secret"; public static final String AAF_ENV = "aaf_env"; public static final String AAF_ROOT_NS = "aaf_root_ns"; public static final String AAF_ROOT_NS_DEF = "org.osaaf.aaf"; public static final String AAF_ROOT_COMPANY = "aaf_root_company"; public static final String AAF_LOCATE_URL = "aaf_locate_url"; //URL for AAF locator public static final String AAF_LOCATE_URL_TAG = "AAF_LOCATE_URL"; // Name of Above for use in Config Variables. public static final String AAF_DEFAULT_API_VERSION = "2.1"; public static final String AAF_API_VERSION = "aaf_api_version"; public static final String AAF_URL = "aaf_url"; //URL for AAF... Use to trigger AAF configuration public static final String AAF_URL_DEF = "https://AAF_LOCATE_URL/%CNS.%AAF_NS.service:" + AAF_DEFAULT_API_VERSION; public static final String GUI_URL_DEF = "https://AAF_LOCATE_URL/%CNS.%AAF_NS.gui:" + AAF_DEFAULT_API_VERSION; public static final String CM_URL_DEF = "https://AAF_LOCATE_URL/%CNS.%AAF_NS.cm:" + AAF_DEFAULT_API_VERSION; public static final String FS_URL_DEF = "https://AAF_LOCATE_URL/%CNS.%AAF_NS.fs:" + AAF_DEFAULT_API_VERSION; public static final String HELLO_URL_DEF = "https://AAF_LOCATE_URL/%CNS.%AAF_NS.hello:" + AAF_DEFAULT_API_VERSION; public static final String OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL_DEF = "https://AAF_LOCATE_URL/%CNS.%AAF_NS.token:" + AAF_DEFAULT_API_VERSION +"/token"; public static final String OAUTH2_INTROSPECT_URL_DEF = "https://AAF_LOCATE_URL/%CNS.%AAF_NS.introspect:" + AAF_DEFAULT_API_VERSION +"/introspect";; public static final String AAF_LOCATOR_CLASS = "aaf_locator_class"; // AAF Locator Entries are ADDITIONAL entries, which also gives the Property ability // to set these entries manually // example: adding a K8S name like "oom" // this will allow Registrations to pick up // locator_ns.oom for onap's "OOM" based k8s entries, etc. public static final String AAF_LOCATOR_CONTAINER="aaf_locator_container"; // An ID for another Container, to be used to avoid picking up the wrong internal info // for another container. public static final String AAF_LOCATOR_CONTAINER_ID = "aaf_locator_container_id"; public static final String AAF_LOCATOR_CONTAINER_NS = "aaf_locator_container_ns"; public static final String AAF_LOCATOR_VERSION = "aaf_locator_version"; public static final String AAF_LOCATOR_PROTOCOL = "aaf_locator_protocol"; public static final String AAF_LOCATOR_SUBPROTOCOL = "aaf_locator_subprotocol"; public static final String AAF_LOCATOR_APP_NS = "aaf_locator_app_ns"; public static final String AAF_LOCATOR_ENTRIES = "aaf_locator_entries"; public static final String AAF_LOCATOR_FQDN = "aaf_locator_fqdn"; public static final String AAF_LOCATOR_NAME = "aaf_locator_name"; public static final String AAF_LOCATOR_PUBLIC_PORT = "aaf_locator_public_port"; public static final String AAF_LOCATOR_PUBLIC_FQDN = "aaf_locator_public_fqdn"; public static final String AAF_APPID = "aaf_id"; public static final String AAF_APPPASS = "aaf_password"; public static final String AAF_LUR_CLASS = "aaf_lur_class"; public static final String AAF_TAF_CLASS = "aaf_taf_class"; public static final String AAF_CONNECTOR_CLASS = "aaf_connector_class"; public static final String AAF_CONN_TIMEOUT = "aaf_conn_timeout"; public static final String AAF_CONN_TIMEOUT_DEF = "3000"; public static final String AAF_CONN_IDLE_TIMEOUT = "aaf_conn_idle_timeout"; // only for Direct Jetty Access. public static final String AAF_CONN_IDLE_TIMEOUT_DEF = "10000"; // only for Direct Jetty Access. // Default Classes: These are for Class loading to avoid direct compile links public static final String AAF_TAF_CLASS_DEF = "org.onap.aaf.cadi.aaf.v2_0.AAFTaf"; public static final String AAF_LOCATOR_CLASS_DEF = "org.onap.aaf.cadi.aaf.v2_0.AAFLocator"; public static final String CADI_OLUR_CLASS_DEF = "org.onap.aaf.cadi.olur.OLur"; public static final String CADI_OBASIC_HTTP_TAF_DEF = "org.onap.aaf.cadi.obasic.OBasicHttpTaf"; public static final String CADI_AAF_CON_DEF = "org.onap.aaf.cadi.aaf.v2_0.AAFCon"; public static final String AAF_CALL_TIMEOUT = "aaf_timeout"; public static final String AAF_CALL_TIMEOUT_DEF = "5000"; public static final String AAF_USER_EXPIRES = "aaf_user_expires"; public static final String AAF_USER_EXPIRES_DEF = "600000"; // Default is 10 mins public static final String AAF_CLEAN_INTERVAL = "aaf_clean_interval"; public static final String AAF_CLEAN_INTERVAL_DEF = "30000"; // Default is 30 seconds public static final String AAF_REFRESH_TRIGGER_COUNT = "aaf_refresh_trigger_count"; public static final String AAF_REFRESH_TRIGGER_COUNT_DEF = "3"; // Default is 10 mins public static final String AAF_HIGH_COUNT = "aaf_high_count"; public static final String AAF_HIGH_COUNT_DEF = "1000"; // Default is 1000 entries public static final String AAF_PERM_MAP = "aaf_perm_map"; // public static final String AAF_COMPONENT = "aaf_component"; public static final String AAF_CERT_IDS = "aaf_cert_ids"; public static final String AAF_DEBUG_IDS = "aaf_debug_ids"; // comma delimited public static final String AAF_DATA_DIR = "aaf_data_dir"; // AAF processes and Components only. public static final String AAF_RELEASE = "aaf_release"; public static final String GW_URL = "gw_url"; public static final String CM_URL = "cm_url"; public static final String CM_TRUSTED_CAS = "cm_trusted_cas"; public static final String PATHFILTER_URLPATTERN = "pathfilter_urlpattern"; public static final String PATHFILTER_STACK = "pathfilter_stack"; public static final String PATHFILTER_NS = "pathfilter_ns"; public static final String PATHFILTER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_MSG = "pathfilter_not_authorized_msg"; // This one should go unpublic public static final String AAF_DEFAULT_REALM = "aaf_default_realm"; private static String defaultRealm="none"; public static final String AAF_DOMAIN_SUPPORT = "aaf_domain_support"; public static final String AAF_DOMAIN_SUPPORT_DEF = ".com:.org"; // OAUTH2 public static final String AAF_OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL = "aaf_oauth2_token_url"; public static final String AAF_OAUTH2_INTROSPECT_URL = "aaf_oauth2_introspect_url"; public static final String AAF_ALT_OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL = "aaf_alt_oauth2_token_url"; public static final String AAF_ALT_OAUTH2_INTROSPECT_URL = "aaf_alt_oauth2_introspect_url"; public static final String AAF_ALT_OAUTH2_DOMAIN = "aaf_alt_oauth2_domain"; public static final String AAF_ALT_CLIENT_ID = "aaf_alt_oauth2_client_id"; public static final String AAF_ALT_CLIENT_SECRET = "aaf_alt_oauth2_client_secret"; public static final String AAF_OAUTH2_HELLO_URL = "aaf_oauth2_hello_url"; private static final String AAF_V2_0_AAF_CON_HTTP = "org.onap.aaf.cadi.aaf.v2_0.AAFConHttp"; public static void setDefaultRealm(Access access) { try { defaultRealm = logProp(access,Config.AAF_DEFAULT_REALM, logProp(access,Config.BASIC_REALM, logProp(access,HOSTNAME,InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()) ) ); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { access.log(Level.INIT, "Unable to determine Hostname",e); } } public static HttpTaf configHttpTaf(Connector con, SecurityInfoC si, TrustChecker tc, CredVal up, Lur lur, Object ... additionalTafLurs) throws CadiException, LocatorException { Access access = si.access; RegistrationPropHolder rph; try { rph = new RegistrationPropHolder(access, 0); } catch (UnknownHostException e2) { throw new CadiException(e2); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Setup AAFCon for any following ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Class aafConClass = loadClass(access,CADI_AAF_CON_DEF); Object aafcon = null; if (con!=null && aafConClass!=null && aafConClass.isAssignableFrom(con.getClass())) { aafcon = con; } else if (lur != null) { Field f; try { f = lur.getClass().getField("aaf"); aafcon = f.get(lur); } catch (Exception e) { access.log(Level.INIT, e); } } boolean hasDirectAAF = hasDirect("DirectAAFLur",additionalTafLurs); // IMPORTANT! Don't attempt to load AAF Connector if there is no AAF URL String aafURL = logProp(rph, AAF_URL,null); if (!hasDirectAAF && aafcon==null && aafURL!=null) { aafcon = loadAAFConnector(si, aafURL); } HttpTaf taf; // Setup Host, in case Network reports an unusable Hostname (i.e. VTiers, VPNs, etc) String hostname = logProp(access, HOSTNAME,null); if (hostname==null) { try { hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); } catch (UnknownHostException e1) { throw new CadiException("Unable to determine Hostname",e1); } } access.log(Level.INIT, "Hostname set to",hostname); // Get appropriate TAFs ArrayList> htlist = new ArrayList<>(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add a Denial of Service TAF // Note: how IPs and IDs are added are up to service type. // They call "DenialOfServiceTaf.denyIP(String) or denyID(String) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// htlist.add(new Priori(new DenialOfServiceTaf(access),0)); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configure Client Cert TAF ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// X509Taf x509TAF = null; String truststore = logProp(access, CADI_TRUSTSTORE,null); if (truststore!=null) { String truststorePwd = access.getProperty(CADI_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD,null); if (truststorePwd!=null) { if (truststorePwd.startsWith(Symm.ENC)) { try { access.decrypt(truststorePwd,false); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CadiException(CADI_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD + " cannot be decrypted",e); } } try { x509TAF=new X509Taf(access,lur); htlist.add(new Priori(x509TAF,10)); access.log(Level.INIT,"Certificate Authorization enabled"); } catch (SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException e) { access.log(Level.INIT,"AAFListedCertIdentity cannot be instantiated. Certificate Authorization is now disabled",e); } catch (CertificateException e) { access.log(Level.INIT,"Certificate Authorization failed, it is disabled",e); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { access.log(Level.INIT,"Certificate Authorization failed, wrong Security Algorithm",e); } } } else { access.log(Level.INIT,"Certificate Authorization not enabled"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configure Basic Auth (local content) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// boolean hasOAuthDirectTAF = hasDirect("DirectOAuthTAF", additionalTafLurs); String basicRealm = logProp(access, BASIC_REALM,null); String aafCleanup = logProp(access, AAF_USER_EXPIRES,AAF_USER_EXPIRES_DEF); // Default is 10 mins long userExp = Long.parseLong(aafCleanup); boolean basicWarn = "TRUE".equals(access.getProperty(BASIC_WARN,"FALSE")); if (!hasDirectAAF) { HttpTaf aaftaf=null; if (!hasOAuthDirectTAF) { if (basicRealm!=null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class obasicCls = (Class)loadClass(access,CADI_OBASIC_HTTP_TAF_DEF); if (obasicCls!=null) { try { String tokenurl = logProp(rph,Config.AAF_OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL, null); String introspecturl = logProp(rph,Config.AAF_OAUTH2_INTROSPECT_URL, null); if (tokenurl==null || introspecturl==null) { access.log(Level.INIT,"Both tokenurl and introspecturl are required. Oauth Authorization is disabled."); } Constructor obasicConst = obasicCls.getConstructor(PropAccess.class,String.class, String.class, String.class); htlist.add(new Priori(obasicConst.newInstance(access,basicRealm,tokenurl,introspecturl),20)); access.log(Level.INIT,"Oauth supported Basic Authorization is enabled"); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { access.log(Level.INIT, e); } } else if (up!=null) { access.log(Level.INIT,"Basic Authorization is enabled using realm",basicRealm); // Allow warning about insecure channel to be turned off if (!basicWarn) { access.log(Level.INIT, "WARNING! The basicWarn property has been set to false.", " There will be no additional warning if Basic Auth is used on an insecure channel"); } BasicHttpTaf bht = new BasicHttpTaf(access, up, basicRealm, userExp, basicWarn); for (Object o : additionalTafLurs) { if (o instanceof CredValDomain) { bht.add((CredValDomain)o); } } if (x509TAF!=null) { x509TAF.add(bht); } htlist.add(new Priori(bht,20)); access.log(Level.INIT,"Basic Authorization is enabled"); } } else { access.log(Level.INIT,"Local Basic Authorization is disabled. Enable by setting basicRealm="); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configure AAF Driven Basic Auth ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (aafcon==null) { access.log(Level.INIT,"AAF Connection (AAFcon) is null. Cannot create an AAF TAF"); } else if (aafURL==null) { access.log(Level.INIT,"No AAF URL in properties, Cannot create an AAF TAF"); } else {// There's an AAF_URL... try to configure an AAF String aafTafClassName = logProp(access, AAF_TAF_CLASS,AAF_TAF_CLASS_DEF); // Only 2.0 available at this time if (AAF_TAF_CLASS_DEF.equals(aafTafClassName)) { try { Class aafTafClass = loadClass(access,aafTafClassName); if (aafTafClass!=null) { Constructor cstr = aafTafClass.getConstructor(Connector.class,boolean.class,AbsUserCache.class); if (cstr!=null) { if (lur instanceof AbsUserCache) { aaftaf = (HttpTaf)cstr.newInstance(aafcon,basicWarn,lur); } else { cstr = aafTafClass.getConstructor(Connector.class,boolean.class); if (cstr!=null) { aaftaf = (HttpTaf)cstr.newInstance(aafcon,basicWarn); } } if (aaftaf==null) { access.log(Level.INIT,"ERROR! AAF TAF Failed construction. NOT Configured"); } else { access.log(Level.INIT,"AAF TAF Configured to ",aafURL); // Note: will add later, after all others configured } } } else { access.log(Level.INIT, "There is no AAF TAF class available: %s. AAF TAF not configured.",aafTafClassName); } } catch (Exception e) { access.log(Level.INIT,"ERROR! AAF TAF Failed construction. NOT Configured",e); } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configure OAuth TAF ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!hasOAuthDirectTAF) { String oauthTokenUrl = logProp(rph,Config.AAF_OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL,null); Class oadtClss; try { oadtClss = Class.forName(OAUTH_DIRECT_TAF); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) { oadtClss = null; access.log(Level.DEBUG, e1); } if (additionalTafLurs!=null && additionalTafLurs.length>0 && (oadtClss!=null && additionalTafLurs[0].getClass().isAssignableFrom(oadtClss))) { htlist.add(new Priori((HttpTaf)additionalTafLurs[0],30)); String[] array= new String[additionalTafLurs.length-1]; if (array.length>0) { System.arraycopy(htlist, 1, array, 0, array.length); } additionalTafLurs = array; access.log(Level.INIT,"OAuth2 Direct is enabled"); } else if (oauthTokenUrl!=null) { String oauthIntrospectUrl = logProp(rph,Config.AAF_OAUTH2_INTROSPECT_URL,null); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class oaTCls = (Class)loadClass(access,OAUTH_HTTP_TAF); if (oaTCls!=null) { Class oaTTmgrCls = loadClass(access, OAUTH_TOKEN_MGR); if (oaTTmgrCls!=null) { try { Method oaTTmgrGI = oaTTmgrCls.getMethod("getInstance",PropAccess.class,String.class,String.class); Object oaTTmgr = oaTTmgrGI.invoke(null /*this is static method*/,access,oauthTokenUrl,oauthIntrospectUrl); Constructor oaTConst = oaTCls.getConstructor(Access.class,oaTTmgrCls); htlist.add(new Priori(oaTConst.newInstance(access,oaTTmgr),30)); access.log(Level.INIT,"OAuth2 TAF is enabled"); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | InstantiationException e) { access.log(Level.INIT,"OAuth2HttpTaf cannot be instantiated. OAuth2 is disabled",e); } } } } else { access.log(Level.INIT,"OAuth TAF is not configured"); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Adding BasicAuth (AAF) last, after other primary Cookie Based // Needs to be before Cert... see below ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (aaftaf!=null) { htlist.add(new Priori(aaftaf,40)); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Any Additional Tafs passed in Constructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (additionalTafLurs!=null) { int i=0; for (Object additional : additionalTafLurs) { if (additional instanceof BasicHttpTaf) { BasicHttpTaf ht = (BasicHttpTaf)additional; for (Object cv : additionalTafLurs) { if (cv instanceof CredValDomain) { ht.add((CredValDomain)cv); access.printf(Level.INIT,"%s Authentication is enabled",cv); } } htlist.add(new Priori(ht,50+i++)); } else if (additional instanceof HttpTaf) { HttpTaf ht = (HttpTaf)additional; htlist.add(new Priori(ht,50+i++)); access.printf(Level.INIT,"%s Authentication is enabled",additional.getClass().getSimpleName()); } else if (hasOAuthDirectTAF) { Class daupCls; try { daupCls = Class.forName("org.onap.aaf.auth.direct.DirectAAFUserPass"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { daupCls = null; access.log(Level.INIT, e); } if (daupCls != null && additional.getClass().isAssignableFrom(daupCls)) { htlist.add(new Priori(new BasicHttpTaf(access, (CredVal)additional , basicRealm, userExp, basicWarn),50+i++)); access.printf(Level.INIT,"Direct BasicAuth Authentication is enabled",additional.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } } } // Add BasicAuth, if any, to x509Taf if (x509TAF!=null) { for ( Priori ht : htlist) { if (ht.t instanceof BasicHttpTaf) { x509TAF.add((BasicHttpTaf)ht.t); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Additional TAFs by Plugin ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Priori.add(access, CADI_ADD_TAFS, htlist); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create EpiTaf from configured TAFs ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (htlist.size()==1) { // just return the one taf = htlist.get(0).t; } else { Collections.sort(htlist); HttpTaf[] htarray = new HttpTaf[htlist.size()]; int i=-1; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Tafs processed in this order:\n"); for(Priori pht : htlist) { htarray[++i] = pht.t; sb.append(" "); sb.append(pht.t.getClass().getName()); sb.append('('); sb.append(pht.priority); sb.append(")\n"); } access.log(Level.INIT, sb); Locator locator = loadLocator(si, logProp(rph, AAF_LOCATE_URL, null)); taf = new HttpEpiTaf(access,locator, tc, htarray); // ok to pass locator == null String level = logProp(access, CADI_LOGLEVEL, null); if (level!=null) { access.setLogLevel(Level.valueOf(level)); } } return taf; } public static String logProp(RegistrationPropHolder rph, String tag, String def) { String rv = rph.access().getProperty(tag, def); if (rv == null) { rph.access().log(Level.INIT,tag,"is not explicitly set"); } else { rv = rph.replacements("Config.logProp",rv, null, null); rph.access().log(Level.INIT,tag,"is set to",rv); } return rv; } public static String logProp(Access access,String tag, String def) { String rv = access.getProperty(tag, def); if (rv == null) { access.log(Level.INIT,tag,"is not explicitly set"); } else { access.log(Level.INIT,tag,"is set to",rv); } return rv; } public static Lur configLur(SecurityInfoC si, Connector con, Object ... additionalTafLurs) throws CadiException { Access access = si.access; RegistrationPropHolder rph; try { rph = new RegistrationPropHolder(access, 0); } catch (UnknownHostException e2) { throw new CadiException(e2); } List> lurs = new ArrayList<>(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configure a Local Property Based RBAC/LUR ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// try { String users = access.getProperty(USERS,null); String groups = access.getProperty(GROUPS,null); if (groups!=null || users!=null) { LocalLur ll = new LocalLur(access, users, groups); // note b64==null is ok.. just means no encryption. lurs.add(new Priori(ll,10)); String writeto = access.getProperty(WRITE_TO,null); if (writeto!=null) { String msg = UsersDump.updateUsers(writeto, ll); if (msg!=null) { access.log(Level.INIT,"ERROR! Error Updating ",writeto,"with roles and users:",msg); } } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new CadiException(e); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configure the OAuth Lur (if any) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// String tokenUrl = logProp(rph,AAF_OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL, null); String introspectUrl = logProp(rph,AAF_OAUTH2_INTROSPECT_URL, null); if (tokenUrl!=null && introspectUrl !=null) { try { Class olurCls = loadClass(access, CADI_OLUR_CLASS_DEF); if (olurCls!=null) { Constructor olurCnst = olurCls.getConstructor(PropAccess.class,String.class,String.class); Lur olur = (Lur)olurCnst.newInstance(access,tokenUrl,introspectUrl); lurs.add(new Priori(olur,20)); access.log(Level.INIT, "OAuth2 LUR enabled"); } else { access.log(Level.INIT,"AAF/OAuth LUR plugin is not available."); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException| SecurityException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { String msg = e.getMessage(); if (msg==null && e.getCause()!=null) { msg = e.getCause().getMessage(); } access.log(Level.INIT,"AAF/OAuth LUR is not instantiated.",msg,e); } } else { access.log(Level.INIT, "OAuth2 Lur disabled"); } if (con!=null) { // try to reutilize connector lurs.add(new Priori(con.newLur(),30)); } else { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configure the AAF Lur (if any) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// String aafURL = logProp(rph,AAF_URL,null); // Trigger Property String aafEnv = access.getProperty(AAF_ENV,null); if (aafEnv == null && aafURL!=null && access instanceof PropAccess) { // set AAF_ENV from AAF_URL int ec = aafURL.indexOf("envContext="); if (ec>0) { ec += 11; // length of envContext= int slash = aafURL.indexOf('/', ec); if (slash>0) { aafEnv = aafURL.substring(ec, slash); ((PropAccess)access).setProperty(AAF_ENV, aafEnv); access.printf(Level.INIT, "Setting aafEnv to %s from aaf_url value",aafEnv); } } } // Don't configure AAF if it is using DirectAccess if (!hasDirect("DirectAAFLur",additionalTafLurs)) { if (aafURL==null) { access.log(Level.INIT,"No AAF LUR properties, AAF will not be loaded"); } else {// There's an AAF_URL... try to configure an AAF String aafLurClassStr = logProp(access,AAF_LUR_CLASS,AAF_V2_0_AAF_LUR_PERM); ////////////AAF Lur 2.0 ///////////// if (aafLurClassStr!=null && aafLurClassStr.startsWith(AAF_V2_0)) { try { Object aafcon = loadAAFConnector(si, aafURL); if (aafcon==null) { access.log(Level.INIT,"AAF LUR class,",aafLurClassStr,"cannot be constructed without valid AAFCon object."); } else { Class aafAbsAAFCon = loadClass(access, AAF_V2_0_AAFCON); if (aafAbsAAFCon!=null) { Method mNewLur = aafAbsAAFCon.getMethod("newLur"); Object aaflur = mNewLur.invoke(aafcon); if (aaflur==null) { access.log(Level.INIT,"ERROR! AAF LUR Failed construction. NOT Configured"); } else { access.log(Level.INIT,"AAF LUR Configured to ",aafURL); lurs.add(new Priori((Lur)aaflur,40)); String debugIDs = logProp(access,Config.AAF_DEBUG_IDS, null); if (debugIDs !=null && aaflur instanceof CachingLur) { ((CachingLur)aaflur).setDebug(debugIDs); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { access.log(e,"AAF LUR class,",aafLurClassStr,"could not be constructed with given Constructors."); } } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Any Additional passed in Constructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (additionalTafLurs!=null) { int i=0; for (Object additional : additionalTafLurs) { if (additional instanceof Lur) { lurs.add(new Priori((Lur)additional,50+i++)); access.log(Level.INIT, additional); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Additional LURs by Plugin ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Priori.add(access, CADI_ADD_LURS, lurs); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Return a Lur based on how many there are... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// switch(lurs.size()) { case 0: access.log(Level.INIT,"WARNING! No CADI LURs configured"); // Return a NULL Lur that does nothing. return new NullLur(); case 1: return lurs.get(0).t; // Only one, just return it, save processing default: // Multiple Lurs, use EpiLUR to handle Collections.sort(lurs); Lur[] la = new Lur[lurs.size()]; int i=-1; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Lurs processed in this order:\n"); for(Priori pht : lurs) { la[++i] = pht.t; sb.append(" "); sb.append(pht.t.getClass().getName()); sb.append('('); sb.append(pht.priority); sb.append(")\n"); } access.log(Level.INIT, sb); return new EpiLur(la); } } private static boolean hasDirect(String simpleClassName, Object[] additionalTafLurs) { if (additionalTafLurs!=null) { for (Object tf : additionalTafLurs) { if (tf.getClass().getSimpleName().equals(simpleClassName)) { return true; } } } return false; } public static Object loadAAFConnector(SecurityInfoC si, String aafURL) { Access access = si.access; Object aafcon = null; Class aafConClass = null; try { if (aafURL!=null) { String aafConnector = access.getProperty(AAF_CONNECTOR_CLASS, AAF_V2_0_AAF_CON_HTTP); if (AAF_V2_0_AAF_CON_HTTP.equals(aafConnector)) { aafConClass = loadClass(access, AAF_V2_0_AAF_CON_HTTP); if (aafConClass != null) { for (Constructor c : aafConClass.getConstructors()) { List lo = new ArrayList<>(); for (Class pc : c.getParameterTypes()) { if (pc.equals(Access.class)) { lo.add(access); } else if (pc.equals(Locator.class)) { lo.add(loadLocator(si, aafURL)); } } if (c.getParameterTypes().length != lo.size()) { continue; // back to another Constructor } else { aafcon = c.newInstance(lo.toArray()); } break; } } } if (aafcon != null) { String mechid = logProp(access, Config.AAF_APPID, null); String pass = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_APPPASS, null); if (mechid != null && pass != null) { try { Method basicAuth = aafConClass.getMethod("basicAuth", String.class, String.class); basicAuth.invoke(aafcon, mechid, pass); } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { access.log(Level.NONE, nsme); // it's ok, don't use } } } } } catch (Exception e) { access.log(e, "AAF Connector could not be constructed with given Constructors."); } return aafcon; } public static Class loadClass(Access access, String className) { Class cls=null; try { cls = access.classLoader().loadClass(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { access.log(Level.NONE, cnfe); try { cls = access.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe2) { access.log(Level.NONE, cnfe2); // just return null } } return cls; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Locator loadLocator(SecurityInfoC si, final String _url) throws LocatorException { Access access = si.access; Locator locator = null; if (_url==null) { access.log(Level.INIT,"No URL passed to 'loadLocator'. Disabled"); } else { // String url = _url.replace("/AAF_NS.", "/%C%CID%AAF_NS."); // String root_ns = access.getProperty(Config.AAF_ROOT_NS, null); String url; RegistrationPropHolder rph; try { rph = new RegistrationPropHolder(access, 0); url = rph.replacements("Config.loadLocator",_url, null, null); access.printf(Level.INFO, "loadLocator URL is %s",url); } catch (UnknownHostException | CadiException e1) { throw new LocatorException(e1); } try { Class lcls = loadClass(access,AAF_LOCATOR_CLASS_DEF); if (lcls==null) { throw new CadiException("Need to include aaf-cadi-aaf jar for AAFLocator"); } // First check for preloaded try { Method meth = lcls.getMethod("create",String.class); locator = (Locator)meth.invoke(null,url); } catch (Exception e) { access.log(Level.DEBUG, "(Not fatal) Cannot load by create(String)", e); } if (locator==null) { URI locatorURI = new URI(url); FixURIinfo fui = new FixURIinfo(locatorURI); Constructor cnst = lcls.getConstructor(SecurityInfoC.class,URI.class); locator = (Locator)cnst.newInstance(new Object[] {si,locatorURI}); int port = fui.getPort(); String portS = port<0?"":(":"+port); access.log(Level.INFO, "AAFLocator enabled using " + locatorURI.getScheme() +"://"+fui.getHost() + portS); } else { access.log(Level.INFO, "AAFLocator enabled using preloaded " + locator.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { if (e.getTargetException() instanceof LocatorException) { throw (LocatorException)e.getTargetException(); } access.log(Level.INIT,e.getTargetException().getMessage(),"AAFLocator for",url,"could not be created.",e); } catch (Exception e) { access.log(Level.INIT,"AAFLocator for",url,"could not be created.",e); } } return locator; } // Set by CSP, or is hostname. public static String getDefaultRealm() { return defaultRealm; } private static class Priori implements Comparable> { public final T t; public final int priority; public Priori(final T t, final int priority) { this.t = t; this.priority = priority; } @Override public int compareTo(Priori o) { if(priority==o.priority) { return 0; } else if(priority void add(Access access, final String tag, List> list) { String plugins = access.getProperty(tag, null); if(plugins!=null) { for(String tafs : Split.splitTrim(';', plugins)) { String[] pluginArray = Split.splitTrim(',', tafs); String clssn = null; int priority = 60; switch(pluginArray.length) { case 0: break; case 1: clssn = tafs; break; default: clssn = pluginArray[0]; try { priority = Integer.parseInt(pluginArray[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { access.printf(Level.ERROR, "%s format is ,priority[;...]\n",CADI_ADD_TAFS); } } if(clssn!=null) { Class cls = loadClass(access, clssn); if(cls!=null) { try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Constructor cnst = (Constructor)cls.getConstructor(Access.class); try { list.add(new Priori(cnst.newInstance(access),priority)); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { access.printf(Level.ERROR, "%s cannot be constructed with Access.\n",clssn); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) { access.printf(Level.ERROR, "%s needs a Constructor taking Access as sole param.\n",clssn); } } } } } } } }