/** * ============LICENSE_START==================================================== * org.onap.aaf * =========================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * =========================================================================== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END==================================================== * */ package org.onap.aaf.cadi; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.Principal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.Access.Level; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.CachedPrincipal.Resp; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.principal.CachedBasicPrincipal; /** * Implement Fast lookup and Cache for Local User Info * * Include ability to add and remove Users * * Also includes a Timer Thread (when necessary) to invoke cleanup on expiring Credentials * * @author Jonathan * */ public abstract class AbsUserCache { // Need an obvious key for when there is no Authentication Cred private static final String NO_CRED = "NoCred"; static final int MIN_INTERVAL = 1000*60; // Min 1 min static final int MAX_INTERVAL = 1000*60*60*4; // 4 hour max private static Timer timer; // Map of userName to User private final Map> userMap; private static final Map missMap = new TreeMap(); private final Symm missEncrypt; private Clean clean; protected Access access; protected AbsUserCache(Access access, long cleanInterval, int highCount, int usageCount) { this.access = access; Symm s; try { byte[] gennedKey = Symm.keygen(); s = Symm.obtain(new ByteArrayInputStream(gennedKey)); } catch (IOException e) { access.log(e); s = Symm.base64noSplit; } missEncrypt = s; userMap = new ConcurrentHashMap>(); if(cleanInterval>0) { cleanInterval = Math.max(MIN_INTERVAL, cleanInterval); synchronized(AbsUserCache.class) { // Lazy instantiate.. in case there is no cleanup needed if(timer==null) { timer = new Timer("CADI Cleanup Timer",true); } timer.schedule(clean = new Clean(access, cleanInterval, highCount, usageCount), cleanInterval, cleanInterval); access.log(Access.Level.INIT, "Cleaning Thread initialized with interval of",cleanInterval, "ms and max objects of", highCount); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public AbsUserCache(AbsUserCache cache) { this.access = cache.access; userMap = cache.userMap; missEncrypt = cache.missEncrypt; synchronized(AbsUserCache.class) { if(cache.clean!=null && cache.clean.lur==null && this instanceof CachingLur) { cache.clean.lur=(CachingLur)this; } } } protected void setLur(CachingLur lur) { if(clean!=null)clean.lur = lur; } protected void addUser(User user) { Principal p = user.principal; String key; try { if(p instanceof GetCred) { key = missKey(p.getName(), ((GetCred)p).getCred()); } else { byte[] cred; if((cred=user.getCred())==null) { key = user.name + NO_CRED; } else { key = missKey(user.name,cred); } } } catch (IOException e) { access.log(e); return; } userMap.put(key, user); } // Useful for looking up by WebToken, etc. protected void addUser(String key, User user) { userMap.put(key, user); } /** * Add miss to missMap. If Miss exists, or too many tries, returns false. * * otherwise, returns true to allow another attempt. * * @param key * @param bs * @return * @throws IOException */ protected synchronized boolean addMiss(String key, byte[] bs) { String mkey; try { mkey = missKey(key,bs); } catch (IOException e) { access.log(e); return false; } Miss miss = missMap.get(mkey); if(miss==null) { missMap.put(mkey, new Miss(bs,clean==null?MIN_INTERVAL:clean.timeInterval,key)); return true; } return miss.mayContinue(); } protected Miss missed(String key, byte[] bs) throws IOException { return missMap.get(missKey(key,bs)); } protected User getUser(Principal principal) { String key; if(principal instanceof GetCred) { GetCred gc = (GetCred)principal; try { key = missKey(principal.getName(), gc.getCred()); } catch (IOException e) { access.log(e, "Error getting key from Principal"); key = principal.getName(); } } else { key = principal.getName()+NO_CRED; } User u = userMap.get(key); if(u!=null) { u.incCount(); } return u; } protected User getUser(CachedBasicPrincipal cbp) { return getUser(cbp.getName(), cbp.getCred()); } protected User getUser(String user, byte[] cred) { User u; String key=null; try { key =missKey(user,cred); } catch (IOException e) { access.log(e); return null; } u = userMap.get(key); if(u!=null) { if(u.permExpired()) { userMap.remove(key); u=null; } else { u.incCount(); } } return u; } /** * Removes User from the Cache * @param user */ protected void remove(User user) { userMap.remove(user.principal.getName()); } /** * Removes user from the Cache * * @param user */ public void remove(String user) { Object o = userMap.remove(user); if(o!=null) { access.log(Level.INFO, user,"removed from Client Cache by Request"); } } /** * Clear all Users from the Client Cache */ public void clearAll() { userMap.clear(); } public final List dumpInfo() { List rv = new ArrayList(); for(User user : userMap.values()) { rv.add(new DumpInfo(user)); } return rv; } /** * The default behavior of a LUR is to not handle something exclusively. */ public boolean handlesExclusively(Permission pond) { return false; } /** * Container calls when cleaning up... * * If overloading in Derived class, be sure to call "super.destroy()" */ public void destroy() { if(timer!=null) { timer.purge(); timer.cancel(); } } // Simple map of Group name to a set of User Names // private Map> groupMap = new HashMap>(); /** * Class to hold a small subset of the data, because we don't want to expose actual Permission or User Objects */ public final class DumpInfo { public String user; public List perms; public DumpInfo(User user) { this.user = user.principal.getName(); perms = new ArrayList(user.perms.keySet()); } } /** * Clean will examine resources, and remove those that have expired. * * If "highs" have been exceeded, then we'll expire 10% more the next time. This will adjust after each run * without checking contents more than once, making a good average "high" in the minimum speed. * * @author Jonathan * */ private final class Clean extends TimerTask { private final Access access; private CachingLur lur; // The idea here is to not be too restrictive on a high, but to Expire more items by // shortening the time to expire. This is done by judiciously incrementing "advance" // when the "highs" are exceeded. This effectively reduces numbers of cached items quickly. private final int high; private long advance; private final long timeInterval; private final int usageTriggerCount; public Clean(Access access, long cleanInterval, int highCount, int usageTriggerCount) { this.access = access; lur = null; high = highCount; timeInterval = cleanInterval; advance = 0; this.usageTriggerCount=usageTriggerCount; } public void run() { int renewed = 0; int count = 0; int total = 0; try { // look at now. If we need to expire more by increasing "now" by "advance" ArrayList> al = new ArrayList>(userMap.values().size()); al.addAll(0, userMap.values()); long now = System.currentTimeMillis() + advance; for(User user : al) { ++total; if(user.count>usageTriggerCount) { boolean touched = false, removed=false; if(user.principal instanceof CachedPrincipal) { CachedPrincipal cp = (CachedPrincipal)user.principal; if(cp.expires() < now) { switch(cp.revalidate(null)) { case INACCESSIBLE: access.log(Level.AUDIT, "AAF Inaccessible. Keeping credentials"); break; case REVALIDATED: user.resetCount(); touched = true; break; default: user.resetCount(); remove(user); ++count; removed = true; break; } } } if(!removed && lur!=null && user.permExpires<= now ) { if(lur.reload(user).equals(Resp.REVALIDATED)) { user.renewPerm(); access.log(Level.DEBUG, "Reloaded Perms for",user); touched = true; } } user.resetCount(); if(touched) { ++renewed; } } else { if(user.permExpired()) { remove(user); ++count; } } } // Clean out Misses int missTotal = missMap.keySet().size(); int miss = 0; if(missTotal>0) { ArrayList keys = new ArrayList(missTotal); keys.addAll(missMap.keySet()); for(String key : keys) { Miss m = missMap.get(key); if(m!=null) { long timeLeft = m.timestamp - System.currentTimeMillis(); if(timeLeft<0) { synchronized(missMap) { missMap.remove(key); } access.log(Level.INFO, m.name, " has been removed from Missed Credential Map (" + m.tries + " invalid tries)"); ++miss; } else { access.log(Level.INFO, m.name, " remains in Missed Credential Map (" + m.tries + " invalid tries) for " + (timeLeft/1000) + " more seconds"); } } } } if(count+renewed+miss>0) { access.log(Level.INFO, (lur==null?"Cache":lur.getClass().getSimpleName()), "removed",count, "and renewed",renewed,"expired Permissions out of", total,"and removed", miss, "password misses out of",missTotal); } // If High (total) is reached during this period, increase the number of expired services removed for next time. // There's no point doing it again here, as there should have been cleaned items. if(total>high) { // advance cleanup by 10%, without getting greater than timeInterval. advance = Math.min(timeInterval, advance+(timeInterval/10)); } else { // reduce advance by 10%, without getting lower than 0. advance = Math.max(0, advance-(timeInterval/10)); } } catch (Exception e) { access.log(Level.ERROR,e.getMessage()); } } } private String missKey(String name, byte[] bs) throws IOException { return name + Hash.toHex(missEncrypt.encode(bs)); } protected static class Miss { private static final int MAX_TRIES = 3; long timestamp; private long timetolive; private long tries; private final String name; public Miss(final byte[] first, final long timeInterval, final String name) { timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeInterval; this.timetolive = timeInterval; tries = 0L; this.name = name; } public synchronized boolean mayContinue() { long ts = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(ts>timestamp) { tries = 0; timestamp = ts + timetolive; } else if(MAX_TRIES <= ++tries) { return false; } return true; } } /** * Report on state */ public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + " Cache:\n Users Cached: " + userMap.size() + "\n Misses Saved: " + missMap.size() + '\n'; } public void clear(Principal p, StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(toString()); userMap.clear(); missMap.clear(); access.log(Level.AUDIT, p.getName(),"has cleared User Cache in",getClass().getSimpleName()); sb.append("Now cleared\n"); } }