/** * ============LICENSE_START==================================================== * org.onap.aaf * =========================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * =========================================================================== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END==================================================== * */ package org.onap.aaf.cadi.cm; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.security.KeyStore; import java.security.cert.X509Certificate; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.PropAccess; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.Symm; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.aaf.client.ErrMessage; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.aaf.v2_0.AAFCon; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.aaf.v2_0.AAFConHttp; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.client.Future; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.config.Config; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.http.HBasicAuthSS; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.sso.AAFSSO; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.util.FQI; import org.onap.aaf.misc.env.Env; import org.onap.aaf.misc.env.TimeTaken; import org.onap.aaf.misc.env.Trans; import org.onap.aaf.misc.env.Data.TYPE; import org.onap.aaf.misc.env.util.Chrono; import org.onap.aaf.misc.env.util.Split; import org.onap.aaf.misc.rosetta.env.RosettaDF; import org.onap.aaf.misc.rosetta.env.RosettaEnv; import java.util.Properties; import certman.v1_0.Artifacts; import certman.v1_0.Artifacts.Artifact; import certman.v1_0.CertInfo; import certman.v1_0.CertificateRequest; public class CmAgent { private static final String PRINT = "print"; private static final String FILE = "file"; private static final String PKCS12 = "pkcs12"; private static final String JKS = "jks"; private static final String SCRIPT="script"; private static final String CM_VER = "1.0"; public static final int PASS_SIZE = 24; private static int TIMEOUT; private static RosettaDF reqDF; private static RosettaDF certDF; private static RosettaDF artifactsDF; private static ErrMessage errMsg; private static Map placeArtifact; private static RosettaEnv env; public static void main(String[] args) { int exitCode = 0; try { AAFSSO aafsso = new AAFSSO(args); if(aafsso.loginOnly()) { aafsso.setLogDefault(); aafsso.writeFiles(); System.out.println("AAF SSO information created in ~/.aaf"); } else { PropAccess access = aafsso.access(); env = new RosettaEnv(access.getProperties()); Deque cmds = new ArrayDeque(); for(String p : args) { if(p.indexOf('=')<0) { cmds.add(p); } } if(cmds.size()==0) { aafsso.setLogDefault(); System.out.println("Usage: java -jar cmd []*"); System.out.println(" create []"); System.out.println(" read []"); System.out.println(" update []"); System.out.println(" delete []"); System.out.println(" copy [,]*"); System.out.println(" place []"); System.out.println(" showpass []"); System.out.println(" check []"); System.out.println(" genkeypair"); System.exit(1); } TIMEOUT = Integer.parseInt(env.getProperty(Config.AAF_CONN_TIMEOUT, "5000")); reqDF = env.newDataFactory(CertificateRequest.class); artifactsDF = env.newDataFactory(Artifacts.class); certDF = env.newDataFactory(CertInfo.class); errMsg = new ErrMessage(env); placeArtifact = new HashMap(); placeArtifact.put(JKS, new PlaceArtifactInKeystore(JKS)); placeArtifact.put(PKCS12, new PlaceArtifactInKeystore(PKCS12)); placeArtifact.put(FILE, new PlaceArtifactInFiles()); placeArtifact.put(PRINT, new PlaceArtifactOnStream(System.out)); placeArtifact.put(SCRIPT, new PlaceArtifactScripts()); Trans trans = env.newTrans(); String token; if((token=access.getProperty("oauth_token"))!=null) { trans.setProperty("oauth_token", token); } try { // show Std out again aafsso.setLogDefault(); aafsso.setStdErrDefault(); // if CM_URL can be obtained, add to sso.props, if written String cm_url = getProperty(access,env,false, Config.CM_URL,Config.CM_URL+": "); if(cm_url!=null) { aafsso.addProp(Config.CM_URL, cm_url); } aafsso.writeFiles(); AAFCon aafcon = new AAFConHttp(access,Config.CM_URL); String cmd = cmds.removeFirst(); if("place".equals(cmd)) { placeCerts(trans,aafcon,cmds); } else if("create".equals(cmd)) { createArtifact(trans, aafcon,cmds); } else if("read".equals(cmd)) { readArtifact(trans, aafcon, cmds); } else if("copy".equals(cmd)) { copyArtifact(trans, aafcon, cmds); } else if("update".equals(cmd)) { updateArtifact(trans, aafcon, cmds); } else if("delete".equals(cmd)) { deleteArtifact(trans, aafcon, cmds); } else if("showpass".equals(cmd)) { showPass(trans,aafcon,cmds); } else if("check".equals(cmd)) { try { exitCode = check(trans,aafcon,cmds); } catch (Exception e) { exitCode = 1; throw e; } } else { AAFSSO.cons.printf("Unknown command \"%s\"\n", cmd); } } finally { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); trans.auditTrail(4, sb, Trans.REMOTE); if(sb.length()>0) { trans.info().log("Trans Info\n",sb); } } aafsso.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(exitCode!=0) { System.exit(exitCode); } } private static String getProperty(PropAccess pa, Env env, boolean secure, String tag, String prompt, Object ... def) { String value; if((value=pa.getProperty(tag))==null) { if(secure) { value = new String(AAFSSO.cons.readPassword(prompt, def)); } else { value = AAFSSO.cons.readLine(prompt,def).trim(); } if(value!=null) { if(value.length()>0) { pa.setProperty(tag,value); env.setProperty(tag,value); } else if(def.length==1) { value=def[0].toString(); pa.setProperty(tag,value); env.setProperty(tag,value); } } } return value; } private static String mechID(Deque cmds) { if(cmds.size()<1) { String alias = env.getProperty(Config.CADI_ALIAS); return alias!=null?alias:AAFSSO.cons.readLine("MechID: "); } return cmds.removeFirst(); } private static String machine(Deque cmds) throws UnknownHostException { if(cmds.size()>0) { return cmds.removeFirst(); } else { String mach = env.getProperty(Config.HOSTNAME); return mach!=null?mach:InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); } } private static String[] machines(Deque cmds) { String machines; if(cmds.size()>0) { machines = cmds.removeFirst(); } else { machines = AAFSSO.cons.readLine("Machines (sep by ','): "); } return Split.split(',', machines); } private static void createArtifact(Trans trans, AAFCon aafcon, Deque cmds) throws Exception { String mechID = mechID(cmds); String machine = machine(cmds); Artifacts artifacts = new Artifacts(); Artifact arti = new Artifact(); artifacts.getArtifact().add(arti); arti.setMechid(mechID!=null?mechID:AAFSSO.cons.readLine("MechID: ")); arti.setMachine(machine!=null?machine:AAFSSO.cons.readLine("Machine (%s): ",InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName())); arti.setCa(AAFSSO.cons.readLine("CA: (%s): ","aaf")); String resp = AAFSSO.cons.readLine("Types [file,jks,script] (%s): ", "jks"); for(String s : Split.splitTrim(',', resp)) { arti.getType().add(s); } // Always do Script if(!resp.contains(SCRIPT)) { arti.getType().add(SCRIPT); } // Note: Sponsor is set on Creation by CM String configRootName = FQI.reverseDomain(arti.getMechid()); arti.setNs(AAFSSO.cons.readLine("Namespace (%s): ",configRootName)); arti.setDir(AAFSSO.cons.readLine("Directory (%s): ", System.getProperty("user.dir"))); arti.setOsUser(AAFSSO.cons.readLine("OS User (%s): ", System.getProperty("user.name"))); arti.setRenewDays(Integer.parseInt(AAFSSO.cons.readLine("Renewal Days (%s):", "30"))); arti.setNotification(toNotification(AAFSSO.cons.readLine("Notification (mailto owner):", ""))); TimeTaken tt = trans.start("Create Artifact", Env.REMOTE); try { Future future = aafcon.client(CM_VER).create("/cert/artifacts", artifactsDF, artifacts); if(future.get(TIMEOUT)) { trans.info().printf("Call to AAF Certman successful %s, %s",arti.getMechid(), arti.getMachine()); } else { trans.error().printf("Call to AAF Certman failed, %s", errMsg.toMsg(future)); } } finally { tt.done(); } } private static String toNotification(String notification) { if(notification==null) { notification=""; } else if(notification.length()>0) { if(notification.indexOf(':')<0) { notification = "mailto:" + notification; } } return notification; } private static void readArtifact(Trans trans, AAFCon aafcon, Deque cmds) throws Exception { String mechID = mechID(cmds); String machine = machine(cmds); TimeTaken tt = trans.start("Read Artifact", Env.SUB); try { Future future = aafcon.client(CM_VER) .read("/cert/artifacts/"+mechID+'/'+machine, artifactsDF,"Authorization","Bearer " + trans.getProperty("oauth_token")); if(future.get(TIMEOUT)) { boolean printed = false; for(Artifact a : future.value.getArtifact()) { AAFSSO.cons.printf("MechID: %s\n",a.getMechid()); AAFSSO.cons.printf(" Sponsor: %s\n",a.getSponsor()); AAFSSO.cons.printf("Machine: %s\n",a.getMachine()); AAFSSO.cons.printf("CA: %s\n",a.getCa()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for(String t : a.getType()) { if(first) {first=false;} else{sb.append(',');} sb.append(t); } AAFSSO.cons.printf("Types: %s\n",sb); AAFSSO.cons.printf("Namespace: %s\n",a.getNs()); AAFSSO.cons.printf("Directory: %s\n",a.getDir()); AAFSSO.cons.printf("O/S User: %s\n",a.getOsUser()); AAFSSO.cons.printf("Renew Days: %d\n",a.getRenewDays()); AAFSSO.cons.printf("Notification %s\n",a.getNotification()); printed = true; } if(!printed) { AAFSSO.cons.printf("Artifact for %s %s does not exist\n", mechID, machine); } } else { trans.error().log(errMsg.toMsg(future)); } } finally { tt.done(); } } private static void copyArtifact(Trans trans, AAFCon aafcon, Deque cmds) throws Exception { String mechID = mechID(cmds); String machine = machine(cmds); String[] newmachs = machines(cmds); if(newmachs==null || newmachs == null) { trans.error().log("No machines listed to copy to"); } else { TimeTaken tt = trans.start("Copy Artifact", Env.REMOTE); try { Future future = aafcon.client(CM_VER) .read("/cert/artifacts/"+mechID+'/'+machine, artifactsDF); if(future.get(TIMEOUT)) { boolean printed = false; for(Artifact a : future.value.getArtifact()) { for(String m : newmachs) { a.setMachine(m); Future fup = aafcon.client(CM_VER).update("/cert/artifacts", artifactsDF, future.value); if(fup.get(TIMEOUT)) { trans.info().printf("Copy of %s %s successful to %s",mechID,machine,m); } else { trans.error().printf("Call to AAF Certman failed, %s", errMsg.toMsg(fup)); } printed = true; } } if(!printed) { AAFSSO.cons.printf("Artifact for %s %s does not exist", mechID, machine); } } else { trans.error().log(errMsg.toMsg(future)); } } finally { tt.done(); } } } private static void updateArtifact(Trans trans, AAFCon aafcon, Deque cmds) throws Exception { String mechID = mechID(cmds); String machine = machine(cmds); TimeTaken tt = trans.start("Update Artifact", Env.REMOTE); try { Future fread = aafcon.client(CM_VER) .read("/cert/artifacts/"+mechID+'/'+machine, artifactsDF); if(fread.get(TIMEOUT)) { Artifacts artifacts = new Artifacts(); for(Artifact a : fread.value.getArtifact()) { Artifact arti = new Artifact(); artifacts.getArtifact().add(arti); AAFSSO.cons.printf("For %s on %s\n", a.getMechid(),a.getMachine()); arti.setMechid(a.getMechid()); arti.setMachine(a.getMachine()); arti.setCa(AAFSSO.cons.readLine("CA: (%s): ",a.getCa())); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for(String t : a.getType()) { if(first) {first=false;} else{sb.append(',');} sb.append(t); } String resp = AAFSSO.cons.readLine("Types [file,jks,pkcs12] (%s): ", sb); for(String s : Split.splitTrim(',', resp)) { arti.getType().add(s); } // Always do Script if(!resp.contains(SCRIPT)) { arti.getType().add(SCRIPT); } // Note: Sponsor is set on Creation by CM arti.setNs(AAFSSO.cons.readLine("Namespace (%s): ",a.getNs())); arti.setDir(AAFSSO.cons.readLine("Directory (%s): ", a.getDir())); arti.setOsUser(AAFSSO.cons.readLine("OS User (%s): ", a.getOsUser())); arti.setRenewDays(Integer.parseInt(AAFSSO.cons.readLine("Renew Days (%s):", a.getRenewDays()))); arti.setNotification(toNotification(AAFSSO.cons.readLine("Notification (%s):", a.getNotification()))); } if(artifacts.getArtifact().size()==0) { AAFSSO.cons.printf("Artifact for %s %s does not exist", mechID, machine); } else { Future fup = aafcon.client(CM_VER).update("/cert/artifacts", artifactsDF, artifacts); if(fup.get(TIMEOUT)) { trans.info().printf("Call to AAF Certman successful %s, %s",mechID,machine); } else { trans.error().printf("Call to AAF Certman failed, %s", errMsg.toMsg(fup)); } } } else { trans.error().printf("Call to AAF Certman failed, %s %s, %s", errMsg.toMsg(fread),mechID,machine); } } finally { tt.done(); } } private static void deleteArtifact(Trans trans, AAFCon aafcon, Deque cmds) throws Exception { String mechid = mechID(cmds); String machine = machine(cmds); TimeTaken tt = trans.start("Delete Artifact", Env.REMOTE); try { Future future = aafcon.client(CM_VER) .delete("/cert/artifacts/"+mechid+"/"+machine,"application/json" ); if(future.get(TIMEOUT)) { trans.info().printf("Call to AAF Certman successful %s, %s",mechid,machine); } else { trans.error().printf("Call to AAF Certman failed, %s %s, %s", errMsg.toMsg(future),mechid,machine); } } finally { tt.done(); } } private static boolean placeCerts(Trans trans, AAFCon aafcon, Deque cmds) throws Exception { boolean rv = false; String mechID = mechID(cmds); String machine = machine(cmds); String[] fqdns = Split.split(':', machine); String key; if(fqdns.length>1) { key = fqdns[0]; machine = fqdns[1]; } else { key = machine; } TimeTaken tt = trans.start("Place Artifact", Env.REMOTE); try { Future acf = aafcon.client(CM_VER) .read("/cert/artifacts/"+mechID+'/'+key, artifactsDF); if(acf.get(TIMEOUT)) { if(acf.value.getArtifact()==null || acf.value.getArtifact().isEmpty()) { AAFSSO.cons.printf("===> There are no artifacts for %s on machine '%s'\n", mechID, key); } else { for(Artifact a : acf.value.getArtifact()) { String osID = System.getProperty("user.name"); if(a.getOsUser().equals(osID)) { CertificateRequest cr = new CertificateRequest(); cr.setMechid(a.getMechid()); cr.setSponsor(a.getSponsor()); for(int i=0;i f = aafcon.client(CM_VER) .setQueryParams("withTrust") .updateRespondString("/cert/" + a.getCa(),reqDF, cr); if(f.get(TIMEOUT)) { CertInfo capi = certDF.newData().in(TYPE.JSON).load(f.body()).asObject(); for(String type : a.getType()) { PlaceArtifact pa = placeArtifact.get(type); if(pa!=null) { if(rv = pa.place(trans, capi, a,machine)) { notifyPlaced(a,rv); } } } // Cover for the above multiple pass possibilities with some static Data, then clear per Artifact } else { trans.error().log(errMsg.toMsg(f)); } } else { trans.error().log("You must be OS User \"" + a.getOsUser() +"\" to place Certificates on this box"); } } } } else { trans.error().log(errMsg.toMsg(acf)); } } finally { tt.done(); } return rv; } private static void notifyPlaced(Artifact a, boolean rv) { } private static void showPass(Trans trans, AAFCon aafcon, Deque cmds) throws Exception { String mechID = mechID(cmds); String machine = machine(cmds); TimeTaken tt = trans.start("Show Password", Env.REMOTE); try { Future acf = aafcon.client(CM_VER) .read("/cert/artifacts/"+mechID+'/'+machine, artifactsDF); if(acf.get(TIMEOUT)) { // Have to wait for JDK 1.7 source... //switch(artifact.getType()) { if(acf.value.getArtifact()==null || acf.value.getArtifact().isEmpty()) { AAFSSO.cons.printf("No Artifacts found for %s on %s", mechID, machine); } else { String id = aafcon.defID(); boolean allowed; for(Artifact a : acf.value.getArtifact()) { allowed = id!=null && (id.equals(a.getSponsor()) || (id.equals(a.getMechid()) && aafcon.securityInfo().defSS.getClass().isAssignableFrom(HBasicAuthSS.class))); if(!allowed) { Future pf = aafcon.client(CM_VER).read("/cert/may/" + a.getNs() + ".certman|"+a.getCa()+"|showpass","*/*"); if(pf.get(TIMEOUT)) { allowed = true; } else { trans.error().log(errMsg.toMsg(pf)); } } if(allowed) { File dir = new File(a.getDir()); Properties props = new Properties(); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File(dir,a.getNs()+".props")); try { props.load(fis); fis.close(); fis = new FileInputStream(new File(dir,a.getNs()+".chal")); props.load(fis); } finally { fis.close(); } File f = new File(dir,a.getNs()+".keyfile"); if(f.exists()) { Symm symm = Symm.obtain(f); for(Iterator> iter = props.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Entry en = iter.next(); if(en.getValue().toString().startsWith("enc:")) { System.out.printf("%s=%s\n", en.getKey(), symm.depass(en.getValue().toString())); } } } else { trans.error().printf("%s.keyfile must exist to read passwords for %s on %s", f.getAbsolutePath(),a.getMechid(), a.getMachine()); } } } } } else { trans.error().log(errMsg.toMsg(acf)); } } finally { tt.done(); } } /** * Check returns Error Codes, so that Scripts can know what to do * * 0 - Check Complete, nothing to do * 1 - General Error * 2 - Error for specific Artifact - read check.msg * 10 - Certificate Updated - check.msg is email content * * @param trans * @param aafcon * @param cmds * @return * @throws Exception */ private static int check(Trans trans, AAFCon aafcon, Deque cmds) throws Exception { int exitCode=1; String mechID = mechID(cmds); String machine = machine(cmds); TimeTaken tt = trans.start("Check Certificate", Env.REMOTE); try { Future acf = aafcon.client(CM_VER) .read("/cert/artifacts/"+mechID+'/'+machine, artifactsDF); if(acf.get(TIMEOUT)) { // Have to wait for JDK 1.7 source... //switch(artifact.getType()) { if(acf.value.getArtifact()==null || acf.value.getArtifact().isEmpty()) { AAFSSO.cons.printf("No Artifacts found for %s on %s", mechID, machine); } else { String id = aafcon.defID(); GregorianCalendar now = new GregorianCalendar(); for(Artifact a : acf.value.getArtifact()) { if(id.equals(a.getMechid())) { File dir = new File(a.getDir()); Properties props = new Properties(); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File(dir,a.getNs()+".props")); try { props.load(fis); } finally { fis.close(); } String prop; File f; if((prop=props.getProperty(Config.CADI_KEYFILE))==null || !(f=new File(prop)).exists()) { trans.error().printf("Keyfile must exist to check Certificates for %s on %s", a.getMechid(), a.getMachine()); } else { String ksf = props.getProperty(Config.CADI_KEYSTORE); String ksps = props.getProperty(Config.CADI_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD); if(ksf==null || ksps == null) { trans.error().printf("Properties %s and %s must exist to check Certificates for %s on %s", Config.CADI_KEYSTORE, Config.CADI_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD,a.getMechid(), a.getMachine()); } else { KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS"); Symm symm = Symm.obtain(f); fis = new FileInputStream(ksf); try { ks.load(fis,symm.depass(ksps).toCharArray()); } finally { fis.close(); } X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate)ks.getCertificate(mechID); String msg = null; if(cert==null) { msg = String.format("X509Certificate does not exist for %s on %s in %s", a.getMechid(), a.getMachine(), ksf); trans.error().log(msg); exitCode = 2; } else { GregorianCalendar renew = new GregorianCalendar(); renew.setTime(cert.getNotAfter()); renew.add(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH,-1*a.getRenewDays()); if(renew.after(now)) { msg = String.format("X509Certificate for %s on %s has been checked on %s. It expires on %s; it will not be renewed until %s.\n", a.getMechid(), a.getMachine(),Chrono.dateOnlyStamp(now),cert.getNotAfter(),Chrono.dateOnlyStamp(renew)); trans.info().log(msg); exitCode = 0; // OK } else { trans.info().printf("X509Certificate for %s on %s expiration, %s, needs Renewal.\n", a.getMechid(), a.getMachine(),cert.getNotAfter()); cmds.offerLast(mechID); cmds.offerLast(machine); if(placeCerts(trans,aafcon,cmds)) { msg = String.format("X509Certificate for %s on %s has been renewed. Ensure services using are refreshed.\n", a.getMechid(), a.getMachine()); exitCode = 10; // Refreshed } else { msg = String.format("X509Certificate for %s on %s attempted renewal, but failed. Immediate Investigation is required!\n", a.getMechid(), a.getMachine()); exitCode = 1; // Error Renewing } } } if(msg!=null) { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(a.getDir()+'/'+a.getNs()+".msg"); try { fos.write(msg.getBytes()); } finally { fos.close(); } } } } } } } } else { trans.error().log(errMsg.toMsg(acf)); exitCode=1; } } finally { tt.done(); } return exitCode; } }