tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 description: >- TOSCA simple profile with a single Block Storage node shared by 2-Tier Application with custom AttachesTo Type and explicit Relationship Templates. metadata: template_name: block-storage-5 template_author: TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML template_version: '1.0' relationship_types: MyAttachesTo: derived_from: tosca.relationships.AttachesTo properties: location: type: string default: /default_location topology_template: inputs: cpus: type: integer description: Number of CPUs for the server. constraints: - valid_values: [ 1, 2, 4, 8 ] storage_size: type: scalar-unit.size default: 1 GB description: Size of the storage to be created. storage_snapshot_id: type: string description: >- Optional identifier for an existing snapshot to use when creating storage. storage_location: type: string description: >- Block storage mount point (filesystem path). node_templates: my_web_app_tier_1: type: tosca.nodes.Compute capabilities: host: properties: disk_size: 10 GB num_cpus: { get_input: cpus } mem_size: 4096 MB os: properties: architecture: x86_64 type: Linux distribution: Fedora version: 18.0 requirements: - local_storage: node: my_storage relationship: storage_attachesto_1 my_web_app_tier_2: type: tosca.nodes.Compute capabilities: host: properties: disk_size: 10 GB num_cpus: { get_input: cpus } mem_size: 4096 MB os: properties: architecture: x86_64 type: Linux distribution: Fedora version: 18.0 requirements: - local_storage: node: my_storage relationship: storage_attachesto_2 my_storage: type: tosca.nodes.BlockStorage properties: size: { get_input: storage_size } snapshot_id: { get_input: storage_snapshot_id } relationship_templates: storage_attachesto_1: type: MyAttachesTo properties: location: /my_data_location storage_attachesto_2: type: MyAttachesTo properties: location: /some_other_data_location outputs: private_ip_1: description: The private IP address of the application's first tier. value: { get_attribute: [ my_web_app_tier_1, private_address ] } private_ip_2: description: The private IP address of the application's second tier. value: { get_attribute: [ my_web_app_tier_2, private_address ] } volume_id: description: The volume id of the block storage instance. value: { get_property: [ my_storage, volume_id ] } # ARIA NOTE: wrong in spec