# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Sub-process task executor. """ # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position import os import sys # As part of the process executor implementation, subprocess are started with this module as their # entry point. We thus remove this module's directory from the python path if it happens to be # there from collections import namedtuple script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) if script_dir in sys.path: sys.path.remove(script_dir) import contextlib import io import threading import socket import struct import subprocess import tempfile import Queue import pickle import psutil import jsonpickle import aria from aria.orchestrator.workflows.executor import base from aria.extension import process_executor from aria.utils import ( imports, exceptions, process as process_utils ) _INT_FMT = 'I' _INT_SIZE = struct.calcsize(_INT_FMT) UPDATE_TRACKED_CHANGES_FAILED_STR = \ 'Some changes failed writing to storage. For more info refer to the log.' _Task = namedtuple('_Task', 'proc, ctx') class ProcessExecutor(base.BaseExecutor): """ Sub-process task executor. """ def __init__(self, plugin_manager=None, python_path=None, *args, **kwargs): super(ProcessExecutor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._plugin_manager = plugin_manager # Optional list of additional directories that should be added to # subprocesses python path self._python_path = python_path or [] # Flag that denotes whether this executor has been stopped self._stopped = False # Contains reference to all currently running tasks self._tasks = {} self._request_handlers = { 'started': self._handle_task_started_request, 'succeeded': self._handle_task_succeeded_request, 'failed': self._handle_task_failed_request, } # Server socket used to accept task status messages from subprocesses self._server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._server_socket.bind(('localhost', 0)) self._server_socket.listen(10) self._server_port = self._server_socket.getsockname()[1] # Used to send a "closed" message to the listener when this executor is closed self._messenger = _Messenger(task_id=None, port=self._server_port) # Queue object used by the listener thread to notify this constructed it has started # (see last line of this __init__ method) self._listener_started = Queue.Queue() # Listener thread to handle subprocesses task status messages self._listener_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._listener) self._listener_thread.daemon = True self._listener_thread.start() # Wait for listener thread to actually start before returning self._listener_started.get(timeout=60) def close(self): if self._stopped: return self._stopped = True # Listener thread may be blocked on "accept" call. This will wake it up with an explicit # "closed" message self._messenger.closed() self._server_socket.close() self._listener_thread.join(timeout=60) # we use set(self._tasks) since tasks may change in the process of closing for task_id in set(self._tasks): self.terminate(task_id) def terminate(self, task_id): task = self._remove_task(task_id) # The process might have managed to finish, thus it would not be in the tasks list if task: try: parent_process = psutil.Process(task.proc.pid) for child_process in reversed(parent_process.children(recursive=True)): try: child_process.kill() except BaseException: pass parent_process.kill() except BaseException: pass def _execute(self, ctx): self._check_closed() # Temporary file used to pass arguments to the started subprocess file_descriptor, arguments_json_path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='executor-', suffix='.json') os.close(file_descriptor) with open(arguments_json_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(pickle.dumps(self._create_arguments_dict(ctx))) env = self._construct_subprocess_env(task=ctx.task) # Asynchronously start the operation in a subprocess proc = subprocess.Popen( [ sys.executable, os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(__file__)), os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(arguments_json_path)) ], env=env) self._tasks[ctx.task.id] = _Task(ctx=ctx, proc=proc) def _remove_task(self, task_id): return self._tasks.pop(task_id, None) def _check_closed(self): if self._stopped: raise RuntimeError('Executor closed') def _create_arguments_dict(self, ctx): return { 'task_id': ctx.task.id, 'function': ctx.task.function, 'operation_arguments': dict(arg.unwrapped for arg in ctx.task.arguments.itervalues()), 'port': self._server_port, 'context': ctx.serialization_dict } def _construct_subprocess_env(self, task): env = os.environ.copy() if task.plugin_fk and self._plugin_manager: # If this is a plugin operation, # load the plugin on the subprocess env we're constructing self._plugin_manager.load_plugin(task.plugin, env=env) # Add user supplied directories to injected PYTHONPATH if self._python_path: process_utils.append_to_pythonpath(*self._python_path, env=env) return env def _listener(self): # Notify __init__ method this thread has actually started self._listener_started.put(True) while not self._stopped: try: with self._accept_request() as (request, response): request_type = request['type'] if request_type == 'closed': break request_handler = self._request_handlers.get(request_type) if not request_handler: raise RuntimeError('Invalid request type: {0}'.format(request_type)) task_id = request['task_id'] request_handler(task_id=task_id, request=request, response=response) except BaseException as e: self.logger.debug('Error in process executor listener: {0}'.format(e)) @contextlib.contextmanager def _accept_request(self): with contextlib.closing(self._server_socket.accept()[0]) as connection: message = _recv_message(connection) response = {} try: yield message, response except BaseException as e: response['exception'] = exceptions.wrap_if_needed(e) raise finally: _send_message(connection, response) def _handle_task_started_request(self, task_id, **kwargs): self._task_started(self._tasks[task_id].ctx) def _handle_task_succeeded_request(self, task_id, **kwargs): task = self._remove_task(task_id) if task: self._task_succeeded(task.ctx) def _handle_task_failed_request(self, task_id, request, **kwargs): task = self._remove_task(task_id) if task: self._task_failed( task.ctx, exception=request['exception'], traceback=request['traceback']) def _send_message(connection, message): # Packing the length of the entire msg using struct.pack. # This enables later reading of the content. def _pack(data): return struct.pack(_INT_FMT, len(data)) data = jsonpickle.dumps(message) msg_metadata = _pack(data) connection.send(msg_metadata) connection.sendall(data) def _recv_message(connection): # Retrieving the length of the msg to come. def _unpack(conn): return struct.unpack(_INT_FMT, _recv_bytes(conn, _INT_SIZE))[0] msg_metadata_len = _unpack(connection) msg = _recv_bytes(connection, msg_metadata_len) return jsonpickle.loads(msg) def _recv_bytes(connection, count): result = io.BytesIO() while True: if not count: return result.getvalue() read = connection.recv(count) if not read: return result.getvalue() result.write(read) count -= len(read) class _Messenger(object): def __init__(self, task_id, port): self.task_id = task_id self.port = port def started(self): """Task started message""" self._send_message(type='started') def succeeded(self): """Task succeeded message""" self._send_message(type='succeeded') def failed(self, exception): """Task failed message""" self._send_message(type='failed', exception=exception) def closed(self): """Executor closed message""" self._send_message(type='closed') def _send_message(self, type, exception=None): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect(('localhost', self.port)) try: _send_message(sock, { 'type': type, 'task_id': self.task_id, 'exception': exceptions.wrap_if_needed(exception), 'traceback': exceptions.get_exception_as_string(*sys.exc_info()), }) response = _recv_message(sock) response_exception = response.get('exception') if response_exception: raise response_exception finally: sock.close() def _main(): arguments_json_path = sys.argv[1] with open(arguments_json_path) as f: arguments = pickle.loads(f.read()) # arguments_json_path is a temporary file created by the parent process. # so we remove it here os.remove(arguments_json_path) task_id = arguments['task_id'] port = arguments['port'] messenger = _Messenger(task_id=task_id, port=port) function = arguments['function'] operation_arguments = arguments['operation_arguments'] context_dict = arguments['context'] try: ctx = context_dict['context_cls'].instantiate_from_dict(**context_dict['context']) except BaseException as e: messenger.failed(e) return try: messenger.started() task_func = imports.load_attribute(function) aria.install_aria_extensions() for decorate in process_executor.decorate(): task_func = decorate(task_func) task_func(ctx=ctx, **operation_arguments) ctx.close() messenger.succeeded() except BaseException as e: ctx.close() messenger.failed(e) if __name__ == '__main__': _main()