# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Instantiation of :class:`~aria.modeling.models.Operation` models. """ # TODO: this module will eventually be moved to a new "aria.instantiation" package from ...modeling.functions import Function from ... import utils def configure_operation(operation, reporter): host = None interface = operation.interface if interface.node is not None: host = interface.node.host elif interface.relationship is not None: if operation.relationship_edge is True: host = interface.relationship.target_node.host else: # either False or None (None meaning that edge was not specified) host = interface.relationship.source_node.host _configure_common(operation, reporter) if host is None: _configure_local(operation) else: _configure_remote(operation, reporter) # Any remaining un-handled configuration parameters will become extra arguments, available as # kwargs in either "run_script_locally" or "run_script_with_ssh" for key, value in operation.configurations.iteritems(): if key not in ('process', 'ssh'): operation.arguments[key] = value.instantiate(None) def _configure_common(operation, reporter): """ Local and remote operations. """ from ...modeling.models import Argument operation.arguments['script_path'] = Argument.wrap('script_path', operation.implementation, 'Relative path to the executable file.') operation.arguments['process'] = Argument.wrap('process', _get_process(operation, reporter), 'Sub-process configuration.') def _configure_local(operation): """ Local operation. """ from . import operations operation.function = '{0}.{1}'.format(operations.__name__, operations.run_script_locally.__name__) def _configure_remote(operation, reporter): """ Remote SSH operation via Fabric. """ from ...modeling.models import Argument from . import operations ssh = _get_ssh(operation, reporter) # Defaults # TODO: find a way to configure these generally in the service template default_user = '' default_password = '' if 'user' not in ssh: ssh['user'] = default_user if ('password' not in ssh) and ('key' not in ssh) and ('key_filename' not in ssh): ssh['password'] = default_password operation.arguments['use_sudo'] = Argument.wrap('use_sudo', ssh.get('use_sudo', False), 'Whether to execute with sudo.') operation.arguments['hide_output'] = Argument.wrap('hide_output', ssh.get('hide_output', []), 'Hide output of these Fabric groups.') fabric_env = {} if 'warn_only' in ssh: fabric_env['warn_only'] = ssh['warn_only'] fabric_env['user'] = ssh.get('user') fabric_env['password'] = ssh.get('password') fabric_env['key'] = ssh.get('key') fabric_env['key_filename'] = ssh.get('key_filename') if 'address' in ssh: fabric_env['host_string'] = ssh['address'] # Make sure we have a user if fabric_env.get('user') is None: reporter.report('must configure "ssh.user" for "{0}"'.format(operation.implementation), level=reporter.Issue.BETWEEN_TYPES) # Make sure we have an authentication value if (fabric_env.get('password') is None) and \ (fabric_env.get('key') is None) and \ (fabric_env.get('key_filename') is None): reporter.report( 'must configure "ssh.password", "ssh.key", or "ssh.key_filename" for "{0}"' .format(operation.implementation), level=reporter.Issue.BETWEEN_TYPES) operation.arguments['fabric_env'] = Argument.wrap('fabric_env', fabric_env, 'Fabric configuration.') operation.function = '{0}.{1}'.format(operations.__name__, operations.run_script_with_ssh.__name__) def _get_process(operation, reporter): value = (operation.configurations.get('process')._value if 'process' in operation.configurations else None) if value is None: return {} _validate_type(value, dict, 'process', reporter) value = utils.collections.OrderedDict(value) for k, v in value.iteritems(): if k == 'eval_python': value[k] = _coerce_bool(v, 'process.eval_python', reporter) elif k == 'cwd': _validate_type(v, basestring, 'process.cwd', reporter) elif k == 'command_prefix': _validate_type(v, basestring, 'process.command_prefix', reporter) elif k == 'args': value[k] = _dict_to_list_of_strings(v, 'process.args', reporter) elif k == 'env': _validate_type(v, dict, 'process.env', reporter) else: reporter.report('unsupported configuration parameter: "process.{0}"'.format(k), level=reporter.Issue.BETWEEN_TYPES) return value def _get_ssh(operation, reporter): value = (operation.configurations.get('ssh')._value if 'ssh' in operation.configurations else None) if value is None: return {} _validate_type(value, dict, 'ssh', reporter) value = utils.collections.OrderedDict(value) for k, v in value.iteritems(): if k == 'use_sudo': value[k] = _coerce_bool(v, 'ssh.use_sudo', reporter) elif k == 'hide_output': value[k] = _dict_to_list_of_strings(v, 'ssh.hide_output', reporter) elif k == 'warn_only': value[k] = _coerce_bool(v, 'ssh.warn_only', reporter) elif k == 'user': _validate_type(v, basestring, 'ssh.user', reporter) elif k == 'password': _validate_type(v, basestring, 'ssh.password', reporter) elif k == 'key': _validate_type(v, basestring, 'ssh.key', reporter) elif k == 'key_filename': _validate_type(v, basestring, 'ssh.key_filename', reporter) elif k == 'address': _validate_type(v, basestring, 'ssh.address', reporter) else: reporter.report('unsupported configuration parameter: "ssh.{0}"'.format(k), level=reporter.Issue.BETWEEN_TYPES) return value def _validate_type(value, the_type, name, reporter): if isinstance(value, Function): return if not isinstance(value, the_type): reporter.report( '"{0}" configuration is not a {1}: {2}'.format( name, utils.type.full_type_name(the_type), utils.formatting.safe_repr(value)), level=reporter.Issue.BETWEEN_TYPES) def _coerce_bool(value, name, reporter): if value is None: return None if isinstance(value, bool): return value _validate_type(value, basestring, name, reporter) if value == 'true': return True elif value == 'false': return False else: reporter.report( '"{0}" configuration is not "true" or "false": {1}'.format( name, utils.formatting.safe_repr(value)), level=reporter.Issue.BETWEEN_TYPES) def _dict_to_list_of_strings(the_dict, name, reporter): _validate_type(the_dict, dict, name, reporter) value = [] for k in sorted(the_dict): v = the_dict[k] _validate_type(v, basestring, '{0}.{1}'.format(name, k), reporter) value.append(v) return value