set set set XX@NS set bogus boguspass #delay 10 set NFR 0 as # TC_Role1.10.0.POS Validate NS ok ns list name com.test.TC_Role1.@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Namespaces by Name[com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Namespace Not Found *** # TC_Role1.10.1.POS Create Namespace with valid IDs and Responsible Parties ns create com.test.TC_Role1.@[] @[] ** Expect 201 ** Created Namespace # TC_Role1.10.10.POS Create role to assign mechid perm to role create com.test.TC_Role1.@[].cred_admin ** Expect 201 ** Created Role as XX@NS # TC_Role1.10.11.POS Assign role to mechid perm perm grant com.att.aaf.mechid com.att create com.test.TC_Role1.@[].cred_admin ** Expect 201 ** Granted Permission [com.att.aaf.mechid|com.att|create] to Role [com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].cred_admin] as # TC_Role1.10.12.POS Assign user for creating creds user role add com.test.TC_Role1.@[].cred_admin ** Expect 201 ** Added Role [com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].cred_admin] to User [] # TC_Role1.20.1.POS List Data on non-Empty NS ns list name com.test.TC_Role1.@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Namespaces by Name[com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER] Administrators Responsible Parties @[THE_USER] Roles com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].admin com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].cred_admin com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].owner Permissions com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].access * * com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].access * read # TC_Role1.20.2.POS Add Roles role create com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.A ** Expect 201 ** Created Role role create com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.B ** Expect 201 ** Created Role # TC_Role1.20.3.POS List Data on non-Empty NS ns list name com.test.TC_Role1.@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Namespaces by Name[com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER] Administrators Responsible Parties @[THE_USER] Roles com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].admin com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].cred_admin com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].owner com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.A com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.B Permissions com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].access * * com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].access * read # TC_Role1.20.4.NEG Don't write over Role role create com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.A ** Expect 409 ** Failed [SVC1409]: Conflict Already Exists - Role [com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.A] already exists # TC_Role1.20.5.NEG Don't allow non-user to create as bogus role create com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.No ** Expect 401 ** Failed with code 401, Unauthorized # TC_Role1.20.6.NEG Don't allow non-user to create without Approval as role create com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.No ** Expect 403 ** Failed [SVC1403]: Forbidden - [] may not write Role [com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.No] # TC_Role1.20.10.NEG Non-admins can't change description as role describe com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.A Description A ** Expect 403 ** Failed [SVC1403]: Forbidden - You do not have approval to change com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.A # TC_Role1.20.11.NEG Role must exist to change description as role describe com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.C Description C ** Expect 404 ** Failed [SVC1404]: Not Found - Role [com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.C] does not exist # TC_Role1.20.12.POS Admin can change description role describe com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.A Description A ** Expect 200 ** Description added to role # TC_Role1.30.1.POS List Data on non-Empty NS as ns list name com.test.TC_Role1.@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Namespaces by Name[com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER] Administrators Responsible Parties @[THE_USER] Roles com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].admin com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].cred_admin com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].owner com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.A com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.B Permissions com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].access * * com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].access * read # TC_Role1.30.2.POS Create Sub-ns when Roles that exist ns create com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r @[] ** Expect 201 ** Created Namespace # TC_Role1.30.3.POS List Data on NS with sub-roles ns list name com.test.TC_Role1.@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Namespaces by Name[com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER] Administrators Responsible Parties @[THE_USER] Roles com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].admin com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].cred_admin com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].owner Permissions com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].access * * com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].access * read ns list name com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r ** Expect 200 ** List Namespaces by Name[com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r Administrators Responsible Parties @[THE_USER] Roles com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.A com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.B com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.admin com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.owner Permissions com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.access * * com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.access * read # TC_Role1.40.01.POS List Data on non-Empty NS role list role com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.A ** Expect 200 ** List Roles for Role[com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.A] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROLE Name PERM Type Instance Action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.A # TC_Role1.40.20.POS Create a Perm, and add to Role perm create com.test.TC_Role1.@[].samplePerm1 some.long(involved).text SELECT com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.A ** Expect 201 ** Created Permission Granted Permission [com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].samplePerm1|some.long(involved).text|SELECT] to Role [com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.A] # TC_Role1.40.25.POS List role list role com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.A ** Expect 200 ** List Roles for Role[com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.A] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROLE Name PERM Type Instance Action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.A com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].samplePerm1 some.long(involved).text SELECT # TC_Role1.40.30.POS Create a Perm perm create com.test.TC_Role1.@[].samplePerm1 some.other_long(less.involved).text lower_case ** Expect 201 ** Created Permission # TC_Role1.40.32.POS Separately Grant Perm perm grant com.test.TC_Role1.@[].samplePerm1 some.other_long(less.involved).text lower_case com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.A ** Expect 201 ** Granted Permission [com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].samplePerm1|some.other_long(less.involved).text|lower_case] to Role [com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.A] # TC_Role1.40.35.POS List role list role com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.A ** Expect 200 ** List Roles for Role[com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.A] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROLE Name PERM Type Instance Action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.A com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].samplePerm1 some.long(involved).text SELECT com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].samplePerm1 some.other_long(less.involved).text lower_case # TC_Role1.50.1.POS Create user to attach to role user cred add m00001@@[] password123 ** Expect 201 ** Added Credential [m00001@@[THE_USER]] # TC_Role1.50.2.POS Create new role role create com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.C ** Expect 201 ** Created Role # TC_Role1.50.3.POS Attach user to role user role add m00001@@[] com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.C ** Expect 201 ** Added Role [com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.C] to User [m00001@@[THE_USER]] # TC_Role1.50.4.POS Create permission and attach to role perm create com.test.TC_Role1.@[].p.C myInstance myAction com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.C ** Expect 201 ** Created Permission Granted Permission [com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].p.C|myInstance|myAction] to Role [com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.C] # TC_Role1.50.20.NEG Delete role with permission and user attached should fail role delete com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.C ** Expect 424 ** Failed [SVC1424]: Failed Dependency - Role [com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.C] cannot be deleted as it is used by 1 or more Users. # TC_Role1.50.21.POS Force delete role should work set force true set force=true role delete com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.C ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Role # TC_Role1.50.30.POS List Data on non-Empty NS ns list name com.test.TC_Role1.@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Namespaces by Name[com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER] Administrators Responsible Parties @[THE_USER] Roles com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].admin com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].cred_admin com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].owner Permissions com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].access * * com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].access * read com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].p.C myInstance myAction com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].samplePerm1 some.long(involved).text SELECT com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].samplePerm1 some.other_long(less.involved).text lower_case Credentials m00001@@[THE_USER] # Need to let DB catch up on deletes sleep 0 as # TC_Role1.99.05.POS Remove Permissions from "40_reports" set force true set force=true perm delete com.test.TC_Role1.@[].samplePerm1 some.long(involved).text SELECT ** Expect 200,404 ** Deleted Permission set force true set force=true perm delete com.test.TC_Role1.@[].samplePerm1 some.other_long(less.involved).text lower_case ** Expect 200,404 ** Deleted Permission # TC_Role1.99.10.POS Namespace Admin can delete Namepace defined Roles force role delete com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.A ** Expect 200,404 ** Deleted Role force role delete com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.B ** Expect 200,404 ** Deleted Role force role delete com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r.C ** Expect 200,404 ** Failed [SVC3404]: Not Found - Role [com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r.C] does not exist # TC_Role1.99.15.POS Remove ability to create creds user role del com.test.TC_Role1.@[].cred_admin ** Expect 200,404 ** Removed Role [com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].cred_admin] from User [] as XX@NS perm ungrant com.att.aaf.mechid com.att create com.test.TC_Role1.@[].cred_admin ** Expect 200,404 ** UnGranted Permission [com.att.aaf.mechid|com.att|create] from Role [com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].cred_admin] as role delete com.test.TC_Role1.@[].cred_admin ** Expect 200,404 ** Deleted Role # TC_Role1.99.20.POS Namespace Admin can delete permissions and credentials perm delete com.test.TC_Role1.@[].p.C myInstance myAction ** Expect 200,404 ** Deleted Permission set force true user cred del m00001@@[] ** Expect 200,404 ** Deleted Credential [m00001@@[THE_USER]] # TC_Role1.99.90.POS Namespace Admin can delete Namespace force ns delete com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r ** Expect 200,404 ** Deleted Namespace force ns delete com.test.TC_Role1.@[] ** Expect 200,404 ** Deleted Namespace # TC_Role1.99.99.POS List to prove clean Namespaces ns list name com.test.TC_Role1.@[].r ** Expect 200,404 ** List Namespaces by Name[com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER].r] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Namespace Not Found *** ns list name com.test.TC_Role1.@[] ** Expect 200,404 ** List Namespaces by Name[com.test.TC_Role1.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Namespace Not Found ***