set set set XX@NS set bogus boguspass #delay 10 set NFR 0 as # TC_PW1.10.0.POS Validate no NS ns list name com.test.TC_PW1.@[] ** Expect 200,404 ** List Namespaces by Name[com.test.TC_PW1.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Namespace Not Found *** # TC_PW1.10.1.POS Create Namespace to add IDs ns create com.test.TC_PW1.@[] @[] ** Expect 201 ** Created Namespace # TC_PW1.10.10.POS Create role to assign mechid perm to role create com.test.TC_PW1.@[].cred_admin ** Expect 201 ** Created Role as XX@NS # TC_PW1.10.11.POS Assign role to mechid perm perm grant com.att.aaf.mechid com.att create com.test.TC_PW1.@[].cred_admin ** Expect 201 ** Granted Permission [com.att.aaf.mechid|com.att|create] to Role [com.test.TC_PW1.@[THE_USER].cred_admin] as # TC_PW1.10.12.POS Assign user for creating creds user role add com.test.TC_PW1.@[].cred_admin ** Expect 201 ** Added Role [com.test.TC_PW1.@[THE_USER].cred_admin] to User [] # TC_PW1.20.1.NEG ASPR 1010 Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length user cred add 12 ** Expect 406 ** Failed [SVC1406]: Not Acceptable - Password must be 8 chars or greater in length (ASPR-1010), Passwords must include characters from at least two of these groupings: alpha, numeric and one of these special chars: !@#$%^*()-+?/,:;. (ASPR-1010) # TC_PW1.20.2.NEG ASPR 1010 Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length user cred add 1 ** Expect 406 ** Failed [SVC1406]: Not Acceptable - Password must be 8 chars or greater in length (ASPR-1010), Passwords must include characters from at least two of these groupings: alpha, numeric and one of these special chars: !@#$%^*()-+?/,:;. (ASPR-1010) # TC_PW1.20.3.NEG ASPR 1010 Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length user cred add 1234567 ** Expect 406 ** Failed [SVC1406]: Not Acceptable - Password must be 8 chars or greater in length (ASPR-1010), Passwords must include characters from at least two of these groupings: alpha, numeric and one of these special chars: !@#$%^*()-+?/,:;. (ASPR-1010) # TC_PW1.21.1.NEG ASPR 1010 Passwords must include chars from 2 groupings, alpha, numeric and special user cred add m12345@@[] 12345678 ** Expect 406 ** Failed [SVC1406]: Not Acceptable - Passwords must include characters from at least two of these groupings: alpha, numeric and one of these special chars: !@#$%^*()-+?/,:;. (ASPR-1010) # TC_PW1.21.2.NEG ASPR 1010 Passwords must include chars from 2 groupings, alpha, numeric and special user cred add m12345@@[] abcdefgh ** Expect 406 ** Failed [SVC1406]: Not Acceptable - Passwords must include characters from at least two of these groupings: alpha, numeric and one of these special chars: !@#$%^*()-+?/,:;. (ASPR-1010) # TC_PW1.21.3.NEG ASPR 1010 Passwords must include chars from 2 groupings, alpha, numeric and special user cred add m12345@@[] "!@#%^()*" ** Expect 406 ** Failed [SVC1406]: Not Acceptable - Passwords must include characters from at least two of these groupings: alpha, numeric and one of these special chars: !@#$%^*()-+?/,:;. (ASPR-1010) # TC_PW1.21.4.POS ASPR 1010 Passwords must include chars from 2 groupings, alpha, numeric and special user cred add m12345@@[] "!@#a%^()*" ** Expect 201 ** Added Credential [m12345@@[THE_USER]] sleep 0 user cred del m12345@@[] ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Credential [m12345@@[THE_USER]] # TC_PW1.21.5.POS ASPR 1010 Passwords must include chars from 2 groupings, alpha, numeric and special user cred add m12345@@[] "!@#2%^()*" ** Expect 201 ** Added Credential [m12345@@[THE_USER]] sleep 0 user cred del m12345@@[] ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Credential [m12345@@[THE_USER]] # TC_PW1.21.6.POS ASPR 1010 Passwords must include chars from 2 groupings, alpha, numeric and special user cred add m12345@@[] "abc123sd" ** Expect 201 ** Added Credential [m12345@@[THE_USER]] sleep 0 user cred del m12345@@[] ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Credential [m12345@@[THE_USER]] # TC_PW1.21.10.NEG ASPR 1010 Passwords cannot be the same as the User ID user cred add m12345@@[] m12345 ** Expect 406 ** Failed [SVC1406]: Not Acceptable - Password must be 8 chars or greater in length (ASPR-1010) # TC_PW1.23.1.NEG Too Few Args for User Cred 1 user cred ** Expect -1 ** Too few args: cred [password (! D|E)] [entry# (if multi)] # TC_PW1.23.2.NEG Too Few Args for User Cred add user cred add ** Expect -1 ** Too few args: cred [password (! D|E)] [entry# (if multi)] # TC_PW1.30.1.POS Create a Credential, with Temporary Time user cred add m12345@@[] "abc123sd" ** Expect 201 ** Added Credential [m12345@@[THE_USER]] # TC_PW1.30.3.NEG Credential Exists user cred add m12345@@[] "abc123sf" ** Expect 409 ** Failed [SVC1409]: Conflict Already Exists - Credential with same Expiration Date exists, use 'reset' # TC_PW1.30.8.POS Reset this Password user cred reset m12345@@[] "ABC123SD" 1 ** Expect 200 ** Reset Credential [m12345@@[THE_USER]] # TC_PW1.30.9.POS Delete a Credential user cred del m12345@@[] 1 ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Credential [m12345@@[THE_USER]] as # TC_PW1.99.1.NEG Delete ID m12345@@[] set force true user cred del m12345@@[] ** Expect 200,404 ** Failed [SVC5404]: Not Found - Credential does not exist # TC_PW1.99.2.POS Remove ability to create creds user role del com.test.TC_PW1.@[].cred_admin ** Expect 200,404 ** Removed Role [com.test.TC_PW1.@[THE_USER].cred_admin] from User [] as XX@NS perm ungrant com.att.aaf.mechid com.att create com.test.TC_PW1.@[].cred_admin ** Expect 200,404 ** UnGranted Permission [com.att.aaf.mechid|com.att|create] from Role [com.test.TC_PW1.@[THE_USER].cred_admin] as role delete com.test.TC_PW1.@[].cred_admin ** Expect 200,404 ** Deleted Role # TC_PW1.99.98.POS Delete Namespace com..test.TC_PW1 ns delete com.test.TC_PW1.@[] ** Expect 200,404 ** Deleted Namespace # TC_PW1.99.99.POS Verify Cleaned NS ns list name com.test.TC_PW1.@[] ** Expect 200,404 ** List Namespaces by Name[com.test.TC_PW1.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Namespace Not Found ***