## ## AUTHZ API (authz-service) Properties ## # Standard AFT for THIS box, and THIS box is in St Louis. Put your own LAT/LONG in here. Use "bing.com/maps" or # SWMTools (geoloc for DataCenters) to get YOURs AFT_LATITUDE=32.780140 AFT_LONGITUDE=-96.800451 AFT_ENVIRONMENT=AFTUAT DEPLOYED_VERSION=2.0.SAMPLE ##DME2 related parameters DMEServiceName=service=com.att.authz.AuthorizationService/version=2.0/envContext=DEV/routeOffer=BAU_SE #DME2 can limit Port Ranges with the following: # AFT_DME2_PORT_RANGE=8101-8029,8100 # Leaving both unset makes DME2 picks any unused port in +1024 range (Ephemeral) # AFT_DME2_PORT=0 AFT_DME2_ALLOW_PORT_CACHING=false # Point to "Common" files, used between all the AAF Services. ... cadi_prop_files=../opt/app/aaf/common/com.osaaf.common.props;../opt/app/aaf/common/com.osaaf.props CACHE_HIGH_COUNT=40000 CACHE_CLEAN_INTERVAL=60000