/******************************************************************************* * ============LICENSE_START==================================================== * * org.onap.aai * * =========================================================================== * * Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * * Copyright © 2017 Amdocs * * =========================================================================== * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * * ============LICENSE_END==================================================== * * * * ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. * * ******************************************************************************/ package com.att.authz.service.validation; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import com.att.authz.cadi.DirectAAFLur.PermPermission; import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans; import com.att.authz.layer.Result; import com.att.authz.org.Organization; import com.att.dao.aaf.cass.CredDAO; import com.att.dao.aaf.cass.DelegateDAO; import com.att.dao.aaf.cass.Namespace; import com.att.dao.aaf.cass.PermDAO; import com.att.dao.aaf.cass.RoleDAO; import com.att.dao.aaf.cass.UserRoleDAO; /** * Validator * Consistently apply content rules for content (incoming) * * Note: We restrict content for usability in URLs (because RESTful service), and avoid * issues with Regular Expressions, and other enabling technologies. * */ public class Validator { // % () ,-. 0-9 =A-Z _a-z private static final String ESSENTIAL="\\x25\\x28\\x29\\x2C-\\x2E\\x30-\\x39\\x3D\\x40-\\x5A\\x5F\\x61-\\x7A"; private static final Pattern ESSENTIAL_CHARS=Pattern.compile("["+ESSENTIAL+"]+"); // Must be 1 or more of Alphanumeric or the following :._- // '*' only allowed when it is the only character, or the only element in a key separator // :* :hello:* :hello:*:there etc public static final Pattern ACTION_CHARS=Pattern.compile( "["+ESSENTIAL+"]+" + // All AlphaNumeric+ "|\\*" // Just Star ); public static final Pattern INST_CHARS=Pattern.compile( "["+ESSENTIAL+"]+[\\*]*" + // All AlphaNumeric+ possibly ending with * "|\\*" + // Just Star "|(([:/]\\*)|([:/][!]{0,1}["+ESSENTIAL+"]+[\\*]*[:/]*))+" // Key :asdf:*:sdf*:sdk ); // Must be 1 or more of Alphanumeric or the following ._-, and be in the form id@domain public static final Pattern ID_CHARS=Pattern.compile("[\\w.-]+@[\\w.-]+"); // Must be 1 or more of Alphanumeric or the following ._- public static final Pattern NAME_CHARS=Pattern.compile("[\\w.-]+"); private final Pattern actionChars; private final Pattern instChars; private StringBuilder msgs; /** * Default Validator does not check for non-standard Action/Inst chars * * * IMPORTANT: Use ONLY when the Validator is doing something simple... NullOrBlank */ public Validator() { actionChars = ACTION_CHARS; instChars = INST_CHARS; } /** * When Trans is passed in, check for non-standard Action/Inst chars * * This is an opportunity to change characters, if required. * * Use for any Object method passed (i.e. role(RoleDAO.Data d) ), to ensure fewer bugs. * * @param trans */ public Validator(AuthzTrans trans) { actionChars = ACTION_CHARS; instChars = INST_CHARS; } public Validator perm(Result rpd) { if(rpd.notOK()) { msg(rpd.details); } else { perm(rpd.value); } return this; } public Validator perm(PermDAO.Data pd) { if(pd==null) { msg("Perm Data is null."); } else { ns(pd.ns); permType(pd.type,pd.ns); permInstance(pd.instance); permAction(pd.action); if(pd.roles!=null) { for(String role : pd.roles) { role(role); } } } return this; } public Validator role(Result rrd) { if(rrd.notOK()) { msg(rrd.details); } else { role(rrd.value); } return this; } public Validator role(RoleDAO.Data pd) { if(pd==null) { msg("Role Data is null."); } else { ns(pd.ns); role(pd.name); if(pd.perms!=null) { for(String perm : pd.perms) { String[] ps = perm.split("\\|"); if(ps.length!=3) { msg("Perm [" + perm + "] in Role [" + pd.fullName() + "] is not correctly separated with '|'"); } else { permType(ps[0],null); permInstance(ps[1]); permAction(ps[2]); } } } } return this; } public Validator delegate(Organization org, Result rdd) { if(rdd.notOK()) { msg(rdd.details); } else { delegate(org, rdd.value); } return this; } public Validator delegate(Organization org, DelegateDAO.Data dd) { if(dd==null) { msg("Delegate Data is null."); } else { user(org,dd.user); user(org,dd.delegate); } return this; } public Validator cred(Organization org, Result rcd, boolean isNew) { if(rcd.notOK()) { msg(rcd.details); } else { cred(org,rcd.value,isNew); } return this; } public Validator cred(Organization org, CredDAO.Data cd, boolean isNew) { if(cd==null) { msg("Cred Data is null."); } else { if(nob(cd.id,ID_CHARS)) { msg("ID [" + cd.id + "] is invalid"); } if(!org.isValidCred(cd.id)) { msg("ID [" + cd.id + "] is invalid for a cred"); } String str = cd.id; int idx = str.indexOf('@'); if(idx>0) { str = str.substring(0,idx); } if(cd.id.endsWith(org.getRealm())) { if(isNew && (str=org.isValidID(str)).length()>0) { msg(cd.id,str); } } if(cd.type==null) { msg("Credential Type must be set"); } else { switch(cd.type) { case CredDAO.BASIC_AUTH_SHA256: // ok break; default: msg("Credential Type [",Integer.toString(cd.type),"] is invalid"); } } } return this; } public Validator user(Organization org, String user) { if(nob(user,ID_CHARS)) { msg("User [",user,"] is invalid."); } //TODO Change when Multi-Org solution is created // if(org instanceof ATT) { // if(!user.endsWith("@csp.att.com") && // !org.isValidCred(user)) // msg("User [",user,"] is not valid ID for Credential in ",org.getRealm()); // } return this; } public Validator ns(Result nsd) { notOK(nsd); ns(nsd.value.name); for(String s : nsd.value.admin) { if(nob(s,ID_CHARS)) { msg("Admin [" + s + "] is invalid."); } } for(String s : nsd.value.owner) { if(nob(s,ID_CHARS)) { msg("Responsible [" + s + "] is invalid."); } } return this; } public Validator ns(String ns) { if(nob(ns,NAME_CHARS)){ msg("NS [" + ns + "] is invalid."); } return this; } public String errs() { return msgs.toString(); } public Validator permType(String type, String ns) { // TODO check for correct Splits? Type|Instance|Action ? if(nob(type,NAME_CHARS)) { msg("Perm Type [" + (ns==null?"":ns+(type.length()==0?"":'.'))+type + "] is invalid."); } return this; } public Validator permInstance(String instance) { // TODO check for correct Splits? Type|Instance|Action ? if(nob(instance,instChars)) { msg("Perm Instance [" + instance + "] is invalid."); } return this; } public Validator permAction(String action) { // TODO check for correct Splits? Type|Instance|Action ? if(nob(action, actionChars)) { msg("Perm Action [" + action + "] is invalid."); } return this; } public Validator role(String role) { if(nob(role, NAME_CHARS)) { msg("Role [" + role + "] is invalid."); } return this; } public Validator user_role(UserRoleDAO.Data urdd) { if(urdd==null) { msg("UserRole is null"); } else { role(urdd.role); nullOrBlank("UserRole.ns",urdd.ns); nullOrBlank("UserRole.rname",urdd.rname); } return this; } public Validator nullOrBlank(String name, String str) { if(str==null) { msg(name + " is null."); } else if(str.length()==0) { msg(name + " is blank."); } return this; } public Validator nullOrBlank(PermDAO.Data pd) { if(pd==null) { msg("Permission is null"); } else { nullOrBlank("NS",pd.ns). nullOrBlank("Type",pd.type). nullOrBlank("Instance",pd.instance). nullOrBlank("Action",pd.action); } return this; } public Validator nullOrBlank(RoleDAO.Data rd) { if(rd==null) { msg("Role is null"); } else { nullOrBlank("NS",rd.ns). nullOrBlank("Name",rd.name); } return this; } // nob = Null Or Not match Pattern private boolean nob(String str, Pattern p) { return str==null || !p.matcher(str).matches(); } private void msg(String ... strs) { if(msgs==null) { msgs=new StringBuilder(); } for(String str : strs) { msgs.append(str); } msgs.append('\n'); } public boolean err() { return msgs!=null; } public Validator notOK(Result res) { if(res==null) { msgs.append("Result object is blank"); } else if(res.notOK()) { msgs.append(res.getClass().getSimpleName() + " is not OK"); } return this; } public Validator key(String key) { if(nob(key,NAME_CHARS)) { msg("NS Prop Key [" + key + "] is invalid"); } return this; } public Validator value(String value) { if(nob(value,ESSENTIAL_CHARS)) { msg("NS Prop value [" + value + "] is invalid"); } return this; } }