/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. *******************************************************************************/ package com.att.authz.gui.pages; import java.io.IOException; import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans; import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI; import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs; import com.att.authz.gui.NamedCode; import com.att.authz.gui.Page; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.CadiException; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.client.Future; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.client.Rcli; import org.onap.aaf.cadi.client.Retryable; import org.onap.aaf.inno.env.APIException; import org.onap.aaf.inno.env.Env; import org.onap.aaf.inno.env.Slot; import org.onap.aaf.inno.env.TimeTaken; import com.att.xgen.Cache; import com.att.xgen.DynamicCode; import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen; import aaf.v2_0.Approval; import aaf.v2_0.Approvals; public class ApprovalAction extends Page { public ApprovalAction(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException { super(gui.env,"Approvals",ApprovalForm.HREF, ApprovalForm.FIELDS, new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs), new NamedCode(true,"content") { final Slot sAppr = gui.env.slot(ApprovalForm.NAME+'.'+ApprovalForm.FIELDS[0]); final Slot sUser = gui.env.slot(ApprovalForm.NAME+'.'+ApprovalForm.FIELDS[1]); @Override public void code(Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException { cache.dynamic(hgen, new DynamicCode() { @Override public void code(final AuthGUI gui, final AuthzTrans trans,Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException { boolean fail = true; String[] appr = trans.get(sAppr,null); String user = trans.get(sUser,null); String lastPage = ApprovalForm.HREF; if (user != null) { lastPage += "?user="+user; } if(appr==null) { hgen.p("No Approvals have been selected."); } else { Approval app; final Approvals apps = new Approvals(); int count = 0; for(String a : appr) { if(a!=null) { int idx = a.indexOf('|'); if(idx>=0) { app = new Approval(); app.setStatus(a.substring(0,idx)); app.setTicket(a.substring(++idx)); app.setApprover(trans.getUserPrincipal().getName()); apps.getApprovals().add(app); ++count; } } } if(apps.getApprovals().isEmpty()) { hgen.p("No Approvals have been sent."); } else { TimeTaken tt = trans.start("AAF Update Approvals",Env.REMOTE); try { final int total = count; fail = gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable() { @Override public Boolean code(Rcli client) throws APIException, CadiException { boolean fail2 = true; Future fa = client.update("/authz/approval",gui.approvalsDF,apps); if(fa.get(AuthGUI.TIMEOUT)) { // Do Remote Call fail2 = false; hgen.p(total + (total==1?" Approval has":" Approvals have") + " been Saved"); } else { gui.writeError(trans, fa, hgen); } return fail2; } }); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { tt.done(); } } hgen.br(); if(fail) { hgen.incr("a",true,"href="+lastPage).text("Try again").end(); } else { hgen.incr("a",true,"href="+Home.HREF).text("Home").end(); } } } }); } }); } }