/** * ============LICENSE_START==================================================== * org.onap.aaf * =========================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * =========================================================================== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END==================================================== * */ package org.onap.aaf.auth.dao.cass; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import org.onap.aaf.auth.dao.AbsCassDAO; import org.onap.aaf.auth.dao.CassDAOImpl; import org.onap.aaf.auth.dao.Loader; import org.onap.aaf.auth.env.AuthzTrans; import org.onap.aaf.auth.layer.Result; import com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster; import com.datastax.driver.core.ConsistencyLevel; import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet; import com.datastax.driver.core.Row; /** * History * * Originally written PE3617 * @author Jonathan * * History is a special case, because we don't want Updates or Deletes... Too likely to mess up history. * * Jonathan 9-9-2013 - Found a problem with using "Prepare". You cannot prepare anything with a "now()" in it, as * it is evaluated once during the prepare, and kept. That renders any use of "now()" pointless. Therefore * the Create function needs to be run fresh everytime. * * Fixed in Cassandra 1.2.6 https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-5616 * */ public class HistoryDAO extends CassDAOImpl { private static final String TABLE = "history"; private String[] helpers; private HistLoader defLoader; private AbsCassDAO.PSInfo readByUser, readBySubject, readByYRMN; public HistoryDAO(AuthzTrans trans, Cluster cluster, String keyspace) { super(trans, HistoryDAO.class.getSimpleName(),cluster,keyspace,Data.class,TABLE,ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE,ConsistencyLevel.ANY); init(trans); } public HistoryDAO(AuthzTrans trans, AbsCassDAO aDao) { super(trans, HistoryDAO.class.getSimpleName(),aDao,Data.class,TABLE,ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE,ConsistencyLevel.ANY); init(trans); } private static final int KEYLIMIT = 1; public static class Data { public UUID id; public int yr_mon; public String user; public String action; public String target; public String subject; public String memo; public ByteBuffer reconstruct; } public static class HistLoader extends Loader { public HistLoader(int keylimit) { super(keylimit); } @Override public Data load(Data data, Row row) { data.id = row.getUUID(0); data.yr_mon = row.getInt(1); data.user = row.getString(2); data.action = row.getString(3); data.target = row.getString(4); data.subject = row.getString(5); data.memo = row.getString(6); data.reconstruct = row.getBytes(7); return data; } @Override protected void key(Data data, int idx, Object[] obj) { obj[idx]=data.id; } @Override protected void body(Data data, int _idx, Object[] obj) { int idx = _idx; obj[idx]=data.yr_mon; obj[++idx]=data.user; obj[++idx]=data.action; obj[++idx]=data.target; obj[++idx]=data.subject; obj[++idx]=data.memo; obj[++idx]=data.reconstruct; } }; private void init(AuthzTrans trans) { // Loader must match fields order defLoader = new HistLoader(KEYLIMIT); helpers = setCRUD(trans, TABLE, Data.class, defLoader); // Need a specialty Creator to handle the "now()" // 9/9/2013 - Jonathan - Just great... now() is evaluated once on Client side, invalidating usage (what point is a now() from a long time in the past? // Unless this is fixed, we're putting in non-prepared statement // Solved in Cassandra. Make sure you are running 1.2.6 Cassandra or later. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-5616 replace(CRUD.create, new PSInfo(trans, "INSERT INTO history (" + helpers[FIELD_COMMAS] + ") VALUES(now(),?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", new HistLoader(0) { @Override protected void key(Data data, int idx, Object[] obj) { } },writeConsistency) ); replace(CRUD.read, new PSInfo(trans, SELECT_SP + helpers[FIELD_COMMAS] + " FROM history WHERE id = ?", defLoader,readConsistency) // new HistLoader(2) { // @Override // protected void key(Data data, int idx, Object[] obj) { // obj[idx]=data.yr_mon; // obj[++idx]=data.id; // } // }) ); disable(CRUD.update); disable(CRUD.delete); readByUser = new PSInfo(trans, SELECT_SP + helpers[FIELD_COMMAS] + " FROM history WHERE user = ?", defLoader,readConsistency); readBySubject = new PSInfo(trans, SELECT_SP + helpers[FIELD_COMMAS] + " FROM history WHERE subject = ? and target = ? ALLOW FILTERING", defLoader,readConsistency); readByYRMN = new PSInfo(trans, SELECT_SP + helpers[FIELD_COMMAS] + " FROM history WHERE yr_mon = ?", defLoader,readConsistency); async(true); //TODO dropping messages with Async } public static Data newInitedData() { Data data = new Data(); Date now = new Date(); // Sonar claims that SimpleDateFormat is not thread safe, so we can't be static data.yr_mon = Integer.parseInt(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMM").format(now)); // data.day_time = Integer.parseInt(dayTimeFormat.format(now)); return data; } public void createBatch(StringBuilder sb, Data data) { sb.append("INSERT INTO history ("); sb.append(helpers[FIELD_COMMAS]); sb.append(") VALUES(now(),"); sb.append(data.yr_mon); sb.append(",'"); sb.append(data.user); sb.append("','"); sb.append(data.action); sb.append("','"); sb.append(data.target); sb.append("','"); sb.append(data.subject); sb.append("','"); sb.append(data.memo); sb.append("',null);\n"); } public Result> readByYYYYMM(AuthzTrans trans, int yyyymm) { Result rs = readByYRMN.exec(trans, "yr_mon", yyyymm); if (rs.notOK()) { return Result.err(rs); } return extract(defLoader,rs.value,null,dflt); } /** * Gets the history for a user in the specified year and month * year - the year in yyyy format * month - the month in a year ...values 1 - 12 **/ public Result> readByUser(AuthzTrans trans, String user, int ... yyyymm) { if (yyyymm.length==0) { return Result.err(Status.ERR_BadData, "No or invalid yyyymm specified"); } Result rs = readByUser.exec(trans, "user", user); if (rs.notOK()) { return Result.err(rs); } return extract(defLoader,rs.value,null,yyyymm.length>0?new YYYYMM(yyyymm):dflt); } public Result> readBySubject(AuthzTrans trans, String subject, String target, int ... yyyymm) { if (yyyymm.length==0) { return Result.err(Status.ERR_BadData, "No or invalid yyyymm specified"); } Result rs = readBySubject.exec(trans, "subject", subject, target); if (rs.notOK()) { return Result.err(rs); } return extract(defLoader,rs.value,null,yyyymm.length>0?new YYYYMM(yyyymm):dflt); } private class YYYYMM implements Accept { private int[] yyyymm; public YYYYMM(int[] yyyymm) { this.yyyymm = yyyymm; } @Override public boolean ok(Data data) { int dym = data.yr_mon; for (int ym:yyyymm) { if (dym==ym) { return true; } } return false; } }; }