/** * ============LICENSE_START==================================================== * org.onap.aaf * =========================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * =========================================================================== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END==================================================== * */ package org.onap.aaf.auth.update; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.onap.aaf.auth.Batch; import org.onap.aaf.auth.BatchPrincipal; import org.onap.aaf.auth.actions.Email; import org.onap.aaf.auth.actions.EmailPrint; import org.onap.aaf.auth.actions.Message; import org.onap.aaf.auth.dao.cass.CredDAO; import org.onap.aaf.auth.dao.hl.Question; import org.onap.aaf.auth.env.AuthzTrans; import org.onap.aaf.auth.helpers.Cred; import org.onap.aaf.auth.helpers.Notification; import org.onap.aaf.auth.helpers.UserRole; import org.onap.aaf.auth.helpers.Notification.TYPE; import org.onap.aaf.auth.layer.Result; import org.onap.aaf.auth.org.EmailWarnings; import org.onap.aaf.auth.org.Organization; import org.onap.aaf.auth.org.OrganizationException; import org.onap.aaf.auth.org.OrganizationFactory; import org.onap.aaf.auth.org.Organization.Identity; import org.onap.aaf.misc.env.APIException; import org.onap.aaf.misc.env.Env; import org.onap.aaf.misc.env.TimeTaken; import org.onap.aaf.misc.env.util.Chrono; import java.util.TreeMap; public class NotifyCredExpiring extends Batch { private static final String UNKNOWN_ID = "unknown@deprecated.id"; private static final String AAF_INSTANTIATED_MECHID = "AAF INSTANTIATED MECHID"; private static final String EXPIRATION_DATE = "EXPIRATION DATE"; private static final String QUICK_LINK = "QUICK LINK TO UPDATE PAGE"; private static final String DASH_1 = "-----------------------"; private static final String DASH_2 = "---------------"; private static final String DASH_3 = "----------------------------------------------------"; private static final String LINE = "\n----------------------------------------------------------------"; private Email email; private int maxEmails; private final PrintStream ps; private final AuthzTrans noAvg; private String supportEmailAddr; public NotifyCredExpiring(AuthzTrans trans) throws APIException, IOException, OrganizationException { super(trans.env()); TimeTaken tt = trans.start("Connect to Cluster", Env.REMOTE); try { session = cluster.connect(); } finally { tt.done(); } noAvg = env.newTransNoAvg(); noAvg.setUser(new BatchPrincipal("batch:NotifyCredExpiring")); if((supportEmailAddr = env.getProperty("mailFromUserId"))==null) { throw new APIException("mailFromUserId property must be set"); } if(isDryRun()) { email = new EmailPrint(); maxEmails=3; maxEmails = Integer.parseInt(trans.getProperty("MAX_EMAILS","3")); } else { email = new Email(); maxEmails = Integer.parseInt(trans.getProperty("MAX_EMAILS","3")); } email.subject("AAF Password Expiration Notification (ENV: %s)",batchEnv); email.preamble("AAF (MOTS 22830) is the AT&T Authorization System used by many AT&T Tools and Applications.\n\n" + " The following Credentials are expiring on the dates shown. Failure to act before the expiration date " + "will cause your App's Authentications to fail.\n"); email.signature("Sincerely,\nAAF Team (Our MOTS# 22830)\n" + "https://wiki.web.att.com/display/aaf/Contact+Us\n" + "(Use 'Other Misc Requests (TOPS)')"); Cred.load(trans, session,CredDAO.BASIC_AUTH, CredDAO.BASIC_AUTH_SHA256); Notification.load(trans, session, Notification.v2_0_18); UserRole.load(trans, session, UserRole.v2_0_11); ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(logDir() + "/email"+Chrono.dateOnlyStamp()+".log",true)); ps.printf("### Approval Notify %s for %s%s\n",Chrono.dateTime(),batchEnv,dryRun?", DryRun":""); } @Override protected void run(AuthzTrans trans) { EmailWarnings ewp = org.emailWarningPolicy(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); Date early = new Date(now+(ewp.credExpirationWarning()*2)); // 2 months back Date must = new Date(now+ewp.credExpirationWarning()); // 1 months back Date critical = new Date(now+ewp.emailUrgentWarning()); // 1 week Date within2Weeks = new Date(now+604800000 * 2); Date withinLastWeek = new Date(now-604800000); Date tooLate = new Date(now); // Temp structures Map lastCred = new HashMap<>(); Map> ownerCreds = new TreeMap<>(); Date last; List noOwner = new ArrayList<>(); ownerCreds.put(UNKNOWN_ID,noOwner); // Get a list of ONLY the ones needing email by Owner for(Entry> es : Cred.byNS.entrySet()) { lastCred.clear(); for(Cred c : es.getValue()) { last = c.last(CredDAO.BASIC_AUTH,CredDAO.BASIC_AUTH_SHA256); if(last!=null && last.after(tooLate) && last.before(early)) { List ownerURList = UserRole.byRole.get(es.getKey()+".owner"); if(ownerURList!=null) { for(UserRole ur:ownerURList) { String owner = ur.user(); List llc = ownerCreds.get(owner); if(llc==null) { ownerCreds.put(owner, (llc=new ArrayList<>())); } llc.add(new LastCred(c,last)); } } else { noOwner.add(new LastCred(c,last)); } } } } boolean bCritical,bNormal,bEarly; int emailCount=0; Message msg = new Message(); Notification ownNotf; StringBuilder logMessage = new StringBuilder(); for(Entry> es : ownerCreds.entrySet()) { String owner = es.getKey(); boolean header = true; try { Organization org = OrganizationFactory.obtain(env, owner); Identity user = org.getIdentity(noAvg, owner); if(!UNKNOWN_ID.equals(owner) && user==null) { ps.printf("Invalid Identity: %s\n", owner); } else { logMessage.setLength(0); if(maxEmails>emailCount) { bCritical=bNormal=bEarly = false; email.clear(); msg.clear(); email.addTo(user==null?supportEmailAddr:user.email()); ownNotf = Notification.get(es.getKey(),TYPE.CN); if(ownNotf==null) { ownNotf = Notification.create(user==null?UNKNOWN_ID:user.fullID(), TYPE.CN); } last = ownNotf.last; // Get Max ID size for formatting purposes int length = AAF_INSTANTIATED_MECHID.length(); for(LastCred lc : es.getValue()) { length = Math.max(length, lc.cred.id.length()); } String id_exp_fmt = "\t%-"+length+"s %15s %s"; Collections.sort(es.getValue(),LastCred.COMPARE); for(LastCred lc : es.getValue()) { if(lc.last.after(must) && lc.last.before(early) && (ownNotf.last==null || ownNotf.last.before(withinLastWeek))) { if(!bEarly && header) { msg.line("\tThe following are friendly 2 month reminders, just in case you need to schedule your updates early. " + "You will be reminded next month\n"); msg.line(id_exp_fmt, AAF_INSTANTIATED_MECHID,EXPIRATION_DATE, QUICK_LINK); msg.line(id_exp_fmt, DASH_1, DASH_2, DASH_3); header = false; } bEarly = true; } else if(lc.last.after(critical) && lc.last.before(must) && (ownNotf.last==null || ownNotf.last.before(withinLastWeek))) { if(!bNormal) { boolean last2wks = lc.last.before(within2Weeks); if(last2wks) { try { Identity supvsr = user.responsibleTo(); email.addCC(supvsr.email()); } catch(OrganizationException e) { trans.error().log(e, "Supervisor cannot be looked up"); } } if(header) { msg.line("\tIt is now important for you to update Passwords all all configurations using them for the following.\n" + (last2wks?"\tNote: Your Supervisor is CCd\n":"\tNote: Your Supervisor will be notified if this is not being done before the last 2 weeks\n")); msg.line(id_exp_fmt, AAF_INSTANTIATED_MECHID,EXPIRATION_DATE, QUICK_LINK); msg.line(id_exp_fmt, DASH_1, DASH_2, DASH_3); } header = false; } bNormal=true; } else if(lc.last.after(tooLate) && lc.last.before(critical)) { // Email Every Day, with Supervisor if(!bCritical && header) { msg.line("\t!!! WARNING: These Credentials will expire in LESS THAN ONE WEEK !!!!\n" + "\tYour supervisor is added to this Email\n"); msg.line(id_exp_fmt, AAF_INSTANTIATED_MECHID,EXPIRATION_DATE, QUICK_LINK); msg.line(id_exp_fmt, DASH_1, DASH_2, DASH_3); header = false; } bCritical = true; try { if(user!=null) { Identity supvsr = user.responsibleTo(); if(supvsr!=null) { email.addCC(supvsr.email()); supvsr = supvsr.responsibleTo(); if(supvsr!=null) { email.addCC(supvsr.email()); } } } } catch(OrganizationException e) { trans.error().log(e, "Supervisor cannot be looked up"); } } if(bEarly || bNormal || bCritical) { if(logMessage.length()==0) { logMessage.append("NotifyCredExpiring"); } logMessage.append("\n\t"); logMessage.append(lc.cred.id); logMessage.append('\t'); logMessage.append(Chrono.dateOnlyStamp(lc.last)); msg.line(id_exp_fmt, lc.cred.id, Chrono.dateOnlyStamp(lc.last)+" ",env.getProperty(GUI_URL)+"/creddetail?ns="+Question.domain2ns(lc.cred.id)); } } if(bEarly || bNormal || bCritical) { msg.line(LINE); msg.line("Why are you receiving this Notification?\n"); msg.line("You are the listed owner of one or more AAF Namespaces. ASPR requires that those responsible for " + "applications and their access review them regularly for accuracy. The AAF WIKI page for AT&T is https://wiki.web.att.com/display/aaf. " + "You might like https://wiki.web.att.com/display/aaf/AAF+in+a+Nutshell. More detailed info regarding questions of being a Namespace Owner is available at https://wiki.web.att.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=594741363\n"); msg.line("You may view the Namespaces you listed as Owner for in this AAF Env by viewing the following webpage:\n"); msg.line(" %s/ns\n\n",env.getProperty(GUI_URL)); email.msg(msg); Result rv = email.exec(trans, org,""); if(rv.isOK()) { ++emailCount; if(!isDryRun()) { ownNotf.update(noAvg, session, false); // SET LastNotification } email.log(ps,logMessage.toString()); } else { trans.error().log(rv.errorString()); } } } } } catch (OrganizationException e) { trans.info().log(e); } } trans.info().printf("%d emails sent for %s", emailCount,batchEnv); } private static class LastCred { public Cred cred; public Date last; public LastCred(Cred cred, Date last) { this.cred = cred; this.last = last; } // Reverse Sort (Oldest on top) public static Comparator COMPARE = new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(LastCred o1, LastCred o2) { return o2.last.compareTo(o1.last); } }; public String toString() { return Chrono.dateTime(last) + cred.toString(); } } @Override protected void _close(AuthzTrans trans) { session.close(); ps.close(); } }