# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2020 Huawei Intellectual Property # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth from osdf.utils.mdc_utils import mdc_from_json from osdf.logging.osdf_logging import MH, audit_log, error_log, debug_log import pymzn from sklearn import preprocessing import os BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) class RouteOpt: """ This values will need to deleted.. only added for the debug purpose """ # DNS server and standard port of AAI.. # TODO: read the port from the configuration and add to DNS aai_host = "https://aai.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8443" audit_log.info("base directory") audit_log.info(BASE_DIR) aai_headers = { "X-TransactionId": "9999", "X-FromAppId": "OOF", "Accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", "Real-Time": "true" } def isCrossONAPLink(self, logical_link): """ This method checks if cross link is cross onap :param logical_link: :return: """ for relationship in logical_link["relationship-list"]["relationship"]: if relationship["related-to"] == "ext-aai-network": return True return False def getLinksName(self, routes,initial_start_edge,initial_end_edge, mappingTable): routes=list(routes) arr=routes[0]['x'] listOfLinks=[] for i in range(0, len(routes[0]['x'])): if arr[i] == 1 : # listOfLinks.append(self.fetchLogicalLinks(initial_start_edge[i], initial_end_edge[i], mappingTable)) listOfLinks.append(mappingTable[initial_start_edge[i] + ":" + initial_end_edge[i]]) return listOfLinks # def search(self, ip1, ip2, dic): # if ip1 == "" or ip2 == "": # return "" # else: # string = ip1 + ":" + ip2 # return dic[string] # # def fetchLogicalLinks(self, initial_start_edge, initial_end_edge, mappingTable): # link_name=self.search(initial_start_edge, initial_end_edge, mappingTable) # return link_name # def fetchLogicalLinks(self, initial_start_edge, initial_end_edge, mappingTable): # return mappingTable[initial_start_edge + ":" + initial_end_edge] def solve(self, mzn_model, dzn_data): return pymzn.minizinc(mzn=mzn_model, data=dzn_data) def getLinks(self, mzn_model, dzn_data, initial_start_edge,initial_end_edge, mappingTable): routes = self.solve(mzn_model, dzn_data) audit_log.info("mocked minizinc solution====>") audit_log.info(routes) converted_links=self.getLinksName(routes, initial_start_edge,initial_end_edge, mappingTable) audit_log.info("converted links===>") audit_log.info(converted_links) return converted_links def addition(self, data): relationship = data["relationship-list"]["relationship"] res = "" for index, eachItem in enumerate(relationship): if index == len(relationship) - 1: res += eachItem["accessNodeId"] else: res += eachItem["accessNodeId"] + ":" return data["link-name"], res def createMapTable(self, logical_links): result = map(self.addition, logical_links) parseTemplate = {} for eachItem in result: parseTemplate[eachItem[1]] = eachItem[0] audit_log.info("mapping table") audit_log.info(parseTemplate) return parseTemplate def build_dzn_data(self, src_access_node_id, dst_access_node_id): Edge_Start = [] Edge_End = [] logical_links = self.get_logical_links() audit_log.info("mocked response of AAI received (logical links) successful===>") audit_log.info(logical_links) # prepare map table mappingTable = self.createMapTable(logical_links) # take the logical link where both the p-interface in same onap if logical_links is not None: for logical_link in logical_links: if not self.isCrossONAPLink(logical_link): # link is in local ONAP relationship = logical_link["relationship-list"]["relationship"] relationshipStartNode = relationship[0] relationshipStartNodeID = relationshipStartNode["related-link"].split("/")[-1] start_accessNodeId = relationshipStartNodeID.split("-")[-3] Edge_Start.append(start_accessNodeId) relationshipEndtNode = relationship[1] relationshipEndNodeID = relationshipEndtNode["related-link"].split("/")[-1] end_accessNodeId = relationshipEndNodeID.split("-")[-3] Edge_End.append(end_accessNodeId) audit_log.info("edge start and end array of i/p address are===>") audit_log.info(Edge_Start) audit_log.info(Edge_End) # labeling ip to number for mapping le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder() le.fit(Edge_Start + Edge_End) # print(le.classes_) dzn_start_edge = le.transform(Edge_Start) final_dzn_start_arr = [] for i in range(0, len(dzn_start_edge)): final_dzn_start_arr.append(dzn_start_edge[i]) final_dzn_end_arr = [] dzn_end_edge = le.transform(Edge_End) for j in range(0, len(dzn_end_edge)): final_dzn_end_arr.append(dzn_end_edge[j]) audit_log.info("start and end array that passed in dzn_data===>") audit_log.info(final_dzn_start_arr) audit_log.info(final_dzn_end_arr) link_cost = [] for k in range(0, len(final_dzn_start_arr)): link_cost.append(1) audit_log.info("src_access_node_id") audit_log.info(src_access_node_id) source= le.transform([src_access_node_id]) audit_log.info("vallue of source===>") audit_log.info(source) if source in final_dzn_start_arr : start = source[0] audit_log.info("source node") audit_log.info(start) audit_log.info("dst_access_node_id") audit_log.info(dst_access_node_id) destination= le.transform([dst_access_node_id]) if destination in final_dzn_end_arr : end = destination[0] audit_log.info("destination node") audit_log.info(end) # data to be prepared in the below format: dzn_data = { 'N': self.total_node(final_dzn_start_arr + final_dzn_end_arr), 'M': len(final_dzn_start_arr), 'Edge_Start': final_dzn_start_arr, 'Edge_End': final_dzn_end_arr, 'L': link_cost, 'Start': start, 'End': end, } # can not do reverse mapping outside of this scope, so doing here audit_log.info("reverse mapping after prepared dzn_data") initial_start_edge=le.inverse_transform(final_dzn_start_arr) initial_end_edge=le.inverse_transform(final_dzn_end_arr) audit_log.info(initial_start_edge) audit_log.info(initial_end_edge) return dzn_data, initial_start_edge,initial_end_edge, mappingTable def total_node(self, node): nodeSet = set() for i in range(0, len(node)): nodeSet.add(node[i]) total_node = len(nodeSet) return total_node def getRoute(self, request): """ This method checks :param logical_link: :return: """ routeInfo = request["routeInfo"]["routeRequests"] routeRequest = routeInfo[0] src_access_node_id = routeRequest["srcPort"]["accessNodeId"] dst_access_node_id = routeRequest["dstPort"]["accessNodeId"] dzn_data, initial_start_edge, initial_end_edge, mappingTable = self.build_dzn_data(src_access_node_id, dst_access_node_id ) #mzn_model = "/home/root1/Videos/projects/osdf/test/functest/simulators/osdf/optimizers/routeopt/route_opt.mzn" mzn_model = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'route_opt.mzn') routeSolutions = self.getLinks(mzn_model, dzn_data, initial_start_edge,initial_end_edge, mappingTable) return { "requestId": request["requestInfo"]["requestId"], "transactionId": request["requestInfo"]["transactionId"], "statusMessage": " ", "requestStatus": "accepted", "solutions": routeSolutions } def get_logical_links(self): """ This method returns list of all cross ONAP links from /aai/v14/network/logical-links?operation-status="Up" :return: logical-links[] """ logical_link_url = "/aai/v13/network/logical-links?operational-status=up" aai_req_url = self.aai_host + logical_link_url response = requests.get(aai_req_url,headers=self.aai_headers,auth=HTTPBasicAuth("AAI", "AAI"),verify=False) if response.status_code == 200: return response.json()