''' /*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * APPC * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= * ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. */ ''' import time, datetime, json, os, sys, subprocess, re import uuid import tarfile import shutil import requests import cherrypy from cherrypy.lib.httputil import parse_query_string from cherrypy.lib import auth_basic from multiprocessing import Process, Manager from AnsibleModule import ansibleSysCall import AnsibleSql from AnsibleSql import readPlaybook, readCredentials from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join TestRecord = Manager().dict() ActiveProcess = {} def sys_call (cmd): p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output = p.stdout.readlines() retval = p.wait() if len (output) > 0: for i in range(len(output)): output[i] = output[i].strip() return retval, output def callback (Id, Result, Output, Log, returncode): print "***> in RestServer.callback" if Id in TestRecord: time_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() delta_time = (time_now - TestRecord[Id]['Time']).total_seconds() Result['PlaybookName'] = TestRecord[Id]['PlaybookName'] Result['Version'] = TestRecord[Id]['Version'] if returncode == 137: Result['StatusCode'] = 500 Result['StatusMessage'] = "TERMINATED" else: Result['StatusCode'] = 200 Result['StatusMessage'] = "FINISHED" # Need to update the whole data structure for key=Id otherwise Manager is not updated TestRecord[Id] = {'PlaybookName': TestRecord[Id]['PlaybookName'], 'LCM': TestRecord[Id]['LCM'], 'Version': TestRecord[Id]['Version'], 'NodeList': TestRecord[Id]['NodeList'], 'HostGroupList': TestRecord[Id]['HostGroupList'], 'HostNameList': TestRecord[Id]['HostNameList'], 'Time': TestRecord[Id]['Time'], 'Timeout': TestRecord[Id]['Timeout'], 'Duration': str(delta_time), 'EnvParameters': TestRecord[Id]['EnvParameters'], 'LocalParameters': TestRecord[Id]['LocalParameters'], 'FileParameters': TestRecord[Id]['FileParameters'], 'CallBack': TestRecord[Id]['CallBack'], 'Result': Result, 'Log': Log, 'Output': Output, 'Path': TestRecord[Id]['Path'], 'Mandatory': TestRecord[Id]['Path']} if not TestRecord[Id]['CallBack'] == None: # Posting results to callback server data = {"StatusCode": 200, "StatusMessage": "FINISHED", "PlaybookName": TestRecord[Id]["PlaybookName"], "Version": TestRecord[Id]["Version"], "Duration": TestRecord[Id]["Duration"], "Results": TestRecord[Id]['Result']['Results']} if not TestRecord[Id]['Output']['Output'] == {}: for key in data["Results"]: if key in TestRecord[Id]['Output']['Output']: data["Results"][key]["Output"] = TestRecord[Id]['Output']['Output'][key] print " Posting to", TestRecord[Id]['CallBack'] s = requests.Session() r = s.post(TestRecord[Id]['CallBack'], data = json.dumps(data), headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}) print " Response", r.status_code, r.text def RunAnsible_Playbook (callback, Id, Inventory, Playbook, NodeList, TestRecord, Path, ArchiveFlag): print "***> in RestServer.RunAnsible_Playbook" # Run test in playbook for given target Result = '' retval, log, returncode = ansibleSysCall (Inventory, Playbook, NodeList, TestRecord[Id]['Mandatory'], TestRecord[Id]['EnvParameters'], TestRecord[Id]['LocalParameters'], TestRecord[Id]['LCM'], TestRecord[Id]['Timeout']) print " returncode:", returncode print " retval: ", retval print " log: ", log Log = ''.join(log) Output = {'Output': {}} onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(Path) if isfile(join(Path, f))] for file in onlyfiles: if "results.txt" in file: f = open(Path + "/" + file, "r") key = file.split("_")[0] Output['Output'][key] = f.read() f.close() Result = {'Results': {}} if 'could not be found' in Log: Result['Results'] = {"StatusCode": 101, "StatusMessage": "PLAYBOOK NOT FOUND"} if returncode == 137: Result['Results'] = {"StatusCode": 500, "StatusMessage": "TERMINATED"} elif TestRecord[Id]['NodeList'] == []: host_index = None if 'TargetNode' in TestRecord[Id]['EnvParameters']: targetlist = TestRecord[Id]['EnvParameters']['TargetNode'].split(' ') else: targetlist = ["localhost"] for key in retval: for i in range (len(targetlist)): if key in targetlist[i]: host_index = i if int(retval[key][0]) > 0 and int(retval[key][2]) == 0 and \ int(retval[key][3]) == 0: if host_index: Result['Results'][targetlist[host_index]] = \ {"GroupName": 'na', "StatusCode": 200, \ "StatusMessage": "SUCCESS"} else: Result['Results'][key] = \ {"GroupName": 'na', "StatusCode": 200, \ "StatusMessage": "SUCCESS"} elif int(retval[key][2]) > 0: if host_index: Result['Results'][targetlist[host_index]] = \ {"GroupName": 'na', "StatusCode": 400, \ "StatusMessage": "NOT REACHABLE"} else: Result['Results'][key] = \ {"GroupName": 'na', "StatusCode": 400, \ "StatusMessage": "NOT REACHABLE"} elif int(retval[key][3]) > 0: if host_index: Result['Results'][targetlist[host_index]] = \ {"GroupName": 'na', "StatusCode": 400, \ "StatusMessage": "FAILURE"} else: Result['Results'][key] = \ {"GroupName": 'na', "StatusCode": 400, \ "StatusMessage": "FAILURE"} else: for key in retval: if len(TestRecord[Id]['HostNameList']) > 0: host_index = [] for i in range (len(TestRecord[Id]['HostNameList'])): if key in TestRecord[Id]['HostNameList'][i]: host_index.append(i) if int(retval[key][0]) > 0 and int(retval[key][2]) == 0 and \ int(retval[key][3]) == 0: if len(host_index) > 0: Result['Results'][TestRecord[Id]['HostNameList'][host_index[0]]] = \ {"GroupName": TestRecord[Id]['HostGroupList'][host_index[0]], "StatusCode": 200, "StatusMessage": "SUCCESS"} for i in range (1, len(host_index)): Result['Results'][TestRecord[Id]['HostNameList'][host_index[i]]]["GroupName"]+=\ "," + TestRecord[Id]['HostGroupList'][host_index[i]] else: Result['Results'][key] = \ {"GroupName": key, "StatusCode": 200, "StatusMessage": "SUCCESS"} elif int(retval[key][2]) > 0: if len(host_index) > 0: Result['Results'][TestRecord[Id]['HostNameList'][host_index[0]]] = \ {"GroupName": TestRecord[Id]['HostGroupList'][host_index[0]], "StatusCode": 400, "StatusMessage": "NOT REACHABLE"} for i in range (1, len(host_index)): Result['Results'][TestRecord[Id]['HostNameList'][host_index[i]]]["GroupName"]+=\ "," + TestRecord[Id]['HostGroupList'][host_index[i]] else: Result['Results'][key] = \ {"GroupName": key, "StatusCode": 200, "StatusMessage": "NOT REACHABLE"} elif int(retval[key][3]) > 0: if len(host_index) > 0: Result['Results'][TestRecord[Id]['HostNameList'][host_index[0]]] = \ {"GroupName": TestRecord[Id]['HostGroupList'][host_index[0]], "StatusCode": 400, "StatusMessage": "FAILURE"} for i in range (1, len(host_index)): Result['Results'][TestRecord[Id]['HostNameList'][host_index[i]]]["GroupName"]+=\ "," + TestRecord[Id]['HostGroupList'][host_index[i]] else: Result['Results'][key] = \ {"GroupName": key, "StatusCode": 200, "StatusMessage": "FAILURE"} else: host_index = None for i in range (len(TestRecord[Id]['NodeList'])): if key in TestRecord[Id]['NodeList'][i]: host_index = i if int(retval[key][0]) > 0 and int(retval[key][2]) == 0 and \ int(retval[key][3]) == 0: Result['Results'][TestRecord[Id]['NodeList'][host_index]] = \ {"GroupName": 'na', "StatusCode": 200, \ "StatusMessage": "SUCCESS"} elif int(retval[key][2]) > 0: Result['Results'][TestRecord[Id]['NodeList'][host_index]] = \ {"GroupName": 'na', "StatusCode": 400, "StatusMessage": "NOT REACHABLE"} elif int(retval[key][3]) > 0: Result['Results'][TestRecord[Id]['NodeList'][host_index]] = \ {"GroupName": 'na', "StatusCode": 400, "StatusMessage": "FAILURE"} callback (Id, Result, Output, Log, returncode) class TestManager (object): @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.tools.json_out() @cherrypy.tools.json_in() @cherrypy.tools.allow(methods=['POST', 'GET', 'DELETE']) def Dispatch(self, **kwargs): # Let cherrypy error handler deal with malformed requests # No need for explicit error handler, we use default ones time_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Erase old test results (2x timeout) if TestRecord: for key in TestRecord.copy(): delta_time = (time_now - TestRecord[key]['Time']).seconds if delta_time > 2*TestRecord[key]['Timeout']: print "Deleted history for test", key if os.path.exists(TestRecord[key]['Path']): shutil.rmtree (TestRecord[key]['Path']) del TestRecord[key] print "***> in RestServer.Dispatch:", cherrypy.request.method HomeDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath("~/")) if 'POST' in cherrypy.request.method: input_json = cherrypy.request.json print " Payload: ", input_json if 'Id' in input_json and 'PlaybookName' in input_json: if True: if not input_json['Id'] in TestRecord: Id = input_json['Id'] PlaybookName = input_json['PlaybookName'] version = None if 'Version' in input_json: version = input_json['Version'] AnsibleInvFail = True AnsiblePlaybookFail = True MySqlConFail = True MySqlCause = '' LocalNodeList = None str_uuid = str (uuid.uuid4()) LCM = PlaybookName.split(".")[0].split('_')[-1] PlaybookDir = HomeDir + "/" + ansible_temp + "/" + \ PlaybookName.split(".")[0] + "_" + str_uuid AnsibleInv = LCM + "_" + "inventory" ArchiveFlag = False print " LCM: ", LCM print " PlaybookDir: ", ansible_temp + PlaybookDir.split(ansible_temp)[1] print " AnsibleInv: ", AnsibleInv print " ansible_temp: ", ansible_temp if not os.path.exists(HomeDir + "/" + ansible_temp): os.makedirs(HomeDir + "/" + ansible_temp) os.mkdir(PlaybookDir) # Process inventory file for target hostgrouplist = [] hostnamelist = [] NodeList = [] if 'NodeList' in input_json: NodeList = input_json['NodeList'] print " NodeList: ", NodeList if NodeList == []: # By default set to local host AnsibleInvFail = False LocalNodeList = "host" LocalCredentials = "localhost ansible_connection=local" f = open(PlaybookDir + "/" + AnsibleInv, "w") f.write("[" + LocalNodeList + "]\n") f.write(LocalCredentials) f.close() else: if from_files: # Get credentials from file data_inventory_orig = {} data_inventory_target = {} curr_group = None print "***>", ansible_path + "/" + ansible_inv f = open(ansible_path + "/" + ansible_inv, "r") for line in f: line = line.rstrip() if len(line)> 0: if '#' not in line: if "[" in line and "]" in line: data_inventory_orig[line] = [] curr_group = line else: data_inventory_orig[curr_group].append(line) f.close() for node in NodeList: Fail = True if "[" + node + "]" in data_inventory_orig: if not "[" + node + "]" in data_inventory_target: print "RESET", "[" + node + "]" data_inventory_target["[" + node + "]"] = [] else: print "OK", "[" + node + "]" Fail = False for cred in data_inventory_orig["[" + node + "]"]: data_inventory_target["[" + node + "]"].append(cred) else: for key in data_inventory_orig: if node in " ".join(data_inventory_orig[key]): if not key in data_inventory_target: data_inventory_target[key] = [] for cred in data_inventory_orig[key]: if node in cred: data_inventory_target[key].append(cred) Fail = False if Fail: data_inventory_target["["+node+"]"] = \ [node + " ansible_connection=ssh ansible_ssh_user=na ansible_ssh_private_key_file=na"] AnsibleInvFail = False f = open(PlaybookDir + "/" + AnsibleInv, "w") for key in data_inventory_target: f.write(key + "\n") for rec in data_inventory_target[key]: hostgrouplist.append(key.replace("[", '').replace("]", '')) hostnamelist.append(rec.split(' ')[0]) f.write(rec + "\n") f.close() else: # Get credentials from mySQL sqlintf = AnsibleSql.mySql (host, user, passwd, db) if sqlintf.con: MySqlConFail = False errorCode, diag = readCredentials (sqlintf, NodeList) print errorCode, diag if len (diag) > 0: f = open(PlaybookDir + "/" + AnsibleInv, "w") AnsibleInvFail = False # [hostgroup, hostname, credentials] for i in range(len(diag)): f.write('[' + diag[i][0] + ']' + "\n") f.write(diag[i][1]+ " " + diag[i][2] + "\n\n") hostgrouplist.append(diag[i][0]) hostnamelist.append(diag[i][1]) f.close() else: MySqlConFailCause = sqlintf.error sqlintf.Close() timeout = timeout_seconds if 'Timeout' in input_json: timeout = int (input_json['Timeout']) EnvParam = {} if 'EnvParameters' in input_json: EnvParam = input_json['EnvParameters'] LocalParam = {} if 'LocalParameters' in input_json: LocalParam = input_json['LocalParameters'] FileParam = {} if 'FileParameters' in input_json: FileParam = input_json['FileParameters'] callback_flag = None if 'CallBack' in input_json: callback_flag = input_json['CallBack'] TestRecord[Id] = {'PlaybookName': PlaybookName, 'LCM': LCM, 'Version': version, 'NodeList': NodeList, 'HostGroupList': hostgrouplist, 'HostNameList': hostnamelist, 'Time': time_now, 'Duration': timeout, 'Timeout': timeout, 'EnvParameters': EnvParam, 'LocalParameters': LocalParam, 'FileParameters': FileParam, 'CallBack': callback_flag, 'Result': {"StatusCode": 100, "StatusMessage": 'PENDING', "ExpectedDuration": str(timeout) + "sec"}, 'Log': '', 'Output': {}, 'Path': PlaybookDir, 'Mandatory': None} # Write files if not TestRecord[Id]['FileParameters'] == {}: for key in TestRecord[Id]['FileParameters']: filename = key filecontent = TestRecord[Id]['FileParameters'][key] f = open(PlaybookDir + "/" + filename, "w") f.write(filecontent) f.close() # Process playbook if from_files: # Get playbooks from files MySqlConFail = False version = None target_PlaybookName = None if '@' in PlaybookName: version = PlaybookName.split("@")[1] version = version.replace('.yml','') version = version.replace('.tar.gz','') onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(ansible_path) if isfile(join(ansible_path, f))] version_max = '0.00' version_target = '' for file in onlyfiles: if LCM in file: temp_version = file.split("@")[1] temp_version = temp_version.replace('.yml','') temp_version = temp_version.replace('.tar.gz','') if version_max < temp_version: version_max = temp_version if not version == None: if version in PlaybookName: version_target = version target_PlaybookName = file if target_PlaybookName == None: for file in onlyfiles: if LCM in file and version_max in file: target_PlaybookName = file version_target = version_max if target_PlaybookName: AnsiblePlaybookFail = False readversion = version_target src = ansible_path + "/" + target_PlaybookName if ".tar.gz" in target_PlaybookName: dest = PlaybookDir + "/" + LCM + ".tar.gz" shutil.copy2(src, dest) retcode = subprocess.call(['tar', '-xvzf', dest, "-C", PlaybookDir]) ArchiveFlag = True else: dest = PlaybookDir + "/" + LCM + ".yml" shutil.copy2(src, dest) else: # Get playbooks from mySQL sqlintf = AnsibleSql.mySql (host, user, passwd, db) if sqlintf.con: MySqlConFail = False name, readversion, AnsiblePlaybookFail, diag = \ readPlaybook (sqlintf, PlaybookName.split(".")[0], version) if not AnsiblePlaybookFail: f = open(PlaybookDir + "/" + LCM + diag[1], "w") f.write(diag[0]) f.close() if ".tar.gz" in diag[1]: retcode = subprocess.call(['tar', '-xvzf', PlaybookDir + "/" + LCM + diag[1], "-C", PlaybookDir]) f.close() ArchiveFlag = True else: MySqlConFailCause = sqlintf.error sqlintf.Close() if MySqlConFail: if os.path.exists(PlaybookDir): shutil.rmtree (PlaybookDir) del TestRecord[Id] return {"StatusCode": 101, "StatusMessage": "CANNOT CONNECT TO MYSQL: " \ + MySqlConFailCause} elif AnsiblePlaybookFail: if os.path.exists(PlaybookDir): shutil.rmtree (PlaybookDir) del TestRecord[Id] return {"StatusCode": 101, "StatusMessage": "PLAYBOOK NOT FOUND"} elif AnsibleInvFail: if os.path.exists(PlaybookDir): shutil.rmtree (PlaybookDir) del TestRecord[Id] return {"StatusCode": 101, "StatusMessage": "NODE LIST CREDENTIALS NOT FOUND"} else: # Test EnvParameters playbook_path = None if ArchiveFlag: for dName, sdName, fList in os.walk(PlaybookDir): if LCM+".yml" in fList: playbook_path = dName else: playbook_path = PlaybookDir # Store local vars if not os.path.exists(playbook_path + "/vars"): os.mkdir(playbook_path + "/vars") if not os.path.isfile(playbook_path + "/vars/defaults.yml"): os.mknod(playbook_path + "/vars/defaults.yml") for key in TestRecord[Id]['LocalParameters']: host_index = [] for i in range(len(TestRecord[Id]['HostNameList'])): if key in TestRecord[Id]['HostNameList'][i]: host_index.append(i) if len(host_index) == 0: for i in range(len(TestRecord[Id]['HostGroupList'])): if key in TestRecord[Id]['HostGroupList'][i]: host_index.append(i) if len(host_index) > 0: for i in range(len(host_index)): f = open(playbook_path + "/vars/" + TestRecord[Id]['HostNameList'][host_index[i]] + ".yml", "a") for param in TestRecord[Id]['LocalParameters'][key]: f.write(param + ": " + str (TestRecord[Id]['LocalParameters'][key][param]) + "\n") f.close() # Get mandatory parameters from playbook Mandatory = [] with open(playbook_path + "/" + LCM + ".yml") as origin_file: for line in origin_file: if "Mandatory" in line: temp = line.split(":")[1].strip().replace(' ', '') if len(temp) > 0: Mandatory = temp.split(",") TestRecord[Id] = {'PlaybookName': TestRecord[Id]['PlaybookName'], 'LCM': TestRecord[Id]['LCM'], 'Version': readversion, 'NodeList': TestRecord[Id]['NodeList'], 'HostGroupList': TestRecord[Id]['HostGroupList'], 'HostNameList': TestRecord[Id]['HostNameList'], 'Time': TestRecord[Id]['Time'], 'Timeout': TestRecord[Id]['Timeout'], 'Duration': TestRecord[Id]['Duration'], 'EnvParameters': TestRecord[Id]['EnvParameters'], 'LocalParameters': TestRecord[Id]['LocalParameters'], 'FileParameters': TestRecord[Id]['FileParameters'], 'CallBack': TestRecord[Id]['CallBack'], 'Result': TestRecord[Id]['Result'], 'Log': TestRecord[Id]['Log'], 'Output': TestRecord[Id]['Output'], 'Path': TestRecord[Id]['Path'], 'Mandatory': Mandatory} TestKey = False if Mandatory: for val in Mandatory: if EnvParam: if val in EnvParam: TestKey = True else: if LocalParam: for key in TestRecord[Id]['NodeList']: if key in LocalParam: if val in LocalParam[key]: TestKey = True else: if LocalParam: for key in TestRecord[Id]['NodeList']: if key in LocalParam: if val in LocalParam[key]: TestKey = True if not TestKey: if os.path.exists(PlaybookDir): shutil.rmtree (PlaybookDir) del TestRecord[Id] return {"StatusCode": 101, "StatusMessage": "MISSING MANDATORY PARAMETER: " + \ " ".join(str(x) for x in Mandatory)} # Cannot use thread because ansible module uses # signals which are only supported in main thread. # So use multiprocess with shared object p = Process(target = RunAnsible_Playbook, args = (callback, Id, PlaybookDir + "/" + AnsibleInv, playbook_path + "/" + LCM + ".yml", NodeList, TestRecord, PlaybookDir, ArchiveFlag)) p.start() ActiveProcess[Id] = p return TestRecord[Id]['Result'] else: return {"StatusCode": 101, "StatusMessage": "TEST ID ALREADY DEFINED"} else: return {"StatusCode": 500, "StatusMessage": "REQUEST MUST INCLUDE: NODELIST"} else: return {"StatusCode": 500, "StatusMessage": "JSON OBJECT MUST INCLUDE: ID, PLAYBOOKNAME"} elif 'GET' in cherrypy.request.method: input_data = parse_query_string(cherrypy.request.query_string) print "***> in RestServer.GET" print " Payload: ", input_data, input_data['Type'] if 'Id' in input_data and 'Type' in input_data: if not ('GetResult' in input_data['Type'] or 'GetOutput' in input_data['Type'] or 'GetLog' in input_data['Type']): return {"StatusCode": 500, "StatusMessage": "RESULTS TYPE UNDEFINED"} if input_data['Id'] in TestRecord: if 'GetResult' in input_data['Type']: print "Result:", TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Result'] if 'StatusMessage' in TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Result'] and getresults_block: print "*** Request blocked", input_data['Id'] while ActiveProcess[input_data['Id']].is_alive(): time.sleep(5) print "*** Request released ", input_data['Id'] print TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Result'] if TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Result']['StatusCode'] == 500: out_obj = TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Result']['Results'] else: out_obj = {"StatusCode": 200, "StatusMessage": "FINISHED", "PlaybookName": TestRecord[input_data['Id']]["PlaybookName"], "Version": TestRecord[input_data['Id']]["Version"], "Duration": TestRecord[input_data['Id']]["Duration"], "Results": TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Result']['Results']} if not TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Output']['Output'] == {}: for key in out_obj["Results"]: if key in TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Output']['Output']: out_obj["Results"][key]["Output"] = TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Output']['Output'][key] return out_obj elif 'GetOutput' in input_data['Type']: if TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Output'] == {} and \ getresults_block: print "*** Request blocked", input_data['Id'] while TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Output'] == {} \ or 'StatusMessage' in TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Result']: time.sleep(5) print "*** Request released ", input_data['Id'] print "Output:", TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Output'] return {"Output": TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Output']['Output']} else: # GetLog if TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Log'] == '' and \ getresults_block: print "*** Request blocked", input_data['Id'] while TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Log'] == '' \ or 'StatusMessage' in TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Result']: time.sleep(5) print "*** Request released ", input_data['Id'] print "Log:", TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Log'] return {"Log": TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Log']} else: return {"StatusCode": 500, "StatusMessage": "TEST ID UNDEFINED"} else: return {"StatusCode": 500, "StatusMessage": "MALFORMED REQUEST"} elif 'DELETE' in cherrypy.request.method: input_data = parse_query_string(cherrypy.request.query_string) print "***> in RestServer.DELETE" print " Payload: ", input_data if input_data['Id'] in TestRecord: if not 'PENDING' in TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Result']: print " Path:", TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Path'] if os.path.exists(TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Path']): shutil.rmtree (TestRecord[input_data['Id']]['Path']) TestRecord.pop (input_data['Id']) if input_data['Id'] in ActiveProcess: ActiveProcess.pop (input_data['Id']) return {"StatusCode": 200, "StatusMessage": "PLAYBOOK EXECUTION RECORDS DELETED"} else: return {"StatusCode": 200, "StatusMessage": "PENDING"} else: return {"StatusCode": 500, "StatusMessage": "TEST ID UNDEFINED"} if __name__ == '__main__': # Read configuration config_file_path = "RestServer_config" if not os.path.exists(config_file_path): print '[INFO] The config file does not exist' sys.exit(0) ip = 'na' port = 'na' tls = False auth = False pub = 'na' id = 'na' priv = 'na' psswd = 'na' timeout_seconds = 'na' ansible_path = 'na' ansible_inv = 'na' ansible_temp = 'na' host = 'na' user = 'na' passwd = 'na' db = 'na' getresults_block = False from_files = False file = open(config_file_path, 'r') for line in file.readlines(): if '#' not in line: if 'ip:' in line: ip = line.split(':')[1].strip() elif 'port:' in line: port = line.split(':')[1].strip() elif 'tls:' in line: tls = 'YES' in line.split(':')[1].strip().upper() elif 'auth:' in line: auth = 'YES' in line.split(':')[1].strip().upper() if tls and 'priv:' in line: priv = line.split(':')[1].strip() if tls and 'pub:' in line: pub = line.split(':')[1].strip() if auth and 'id:' in line: id = line.split(':')[1].strip() if auth and 'psswd:' in line: psswd = line.split(':')[1].strip() if 'timeout_seconds' in line: timeout_seconds = int (line.split(':')[1].strip()) if 'ansible_path' in line: ansible_path = line.split(':')[1].strip() if 'ansible_inv' in line: ansible_inv = line.split(':')[1].strip() if not os.path.exists(ansible_path + "/" + ansible_inv): print '[INFO] The ansible_inv file does not exist' sys.exit(0) if 'ansible_temp' in line: ansible_temp = line.split(':')[1].strip() if 'host' in line: host = line.split(':')[1].strip() if 'user' in line: user = line.split(':')[1].strip() if 'passwd' in line: passwd = line.split(':')[1].strip() if 'db' in line: db = line.split(':')[1].strip() if 'getresults_block' in line: getresults_block = 'YES' in line.split(':')[1].strip().upper() if 'from_files' in line: from_files = 'YES' in line.split(':')[1].strip().upper() file.close() # Initialization global_conf = { 'global': { 'server.socket_host': ip, 'server.socket_port': int(port), 'server.protocol_version': 'HTTP/1.1' } } if tls: # Use pythons built-in SSL cherrypy.server.ssl_module = 'builtin' # Point to certificate files if not os.path.exists(pub): print '[INFO] The public certificate does not exist' sys.exit(0) if not os.path.exists(priv): print '[INFO] The private key does not exist' sys.exit(0) cherrypy.server.ssl_certificate = pub cherrypy.server.ssl_private_key = priv if auth: userpassdict = {id: psswd} checkpassword = cherrypy.lib.auth_basic.checkpassword_dict(userpassdict) app_conf = {'/': {'tools.auth_basic.on': True, 'tools.auth_basic.realm': 'earth', 'tools.auth_basic.checkpassword': checkpassword, } } cherrypy.tree.mount(TestManager(), '/', app_conf) else: cherrypy.tree.mount(TestManager(), '/') cherrypy.config.update(global_conf) # Start server cherrypy.engine.start() cherrypy.engine.block()