/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * ONAP : APPC * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 Amdocs * ============================================================================= * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.appc.adapter.ansible.impl; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyString; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.Mock; import org.mockito.Mockito; import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner; import org.onap.appc.adapter.ansible.model.AnsibleMessageParser; import org.onap.appc.adapter.ansible.model.AnsibleResult; import org.onap.appc.configuration.Configuration; import org.onap.appc.configuration.ConfigurationFactory; import org.onap.appc.exceptions.APPCException; import org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.SvcLogicContext; import org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.SvcLogicException; import org.powermock.reflect.Whitebox; @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) public class TestAnsibleAdapterImpl { private static String KEYSTORE_PASSWORD; private static Configuration configuration; private static final String RESULT_CODE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "org.onap.appc.adapter.ansible.result.code"; private static final String LOG_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "org.onap.appc.adapter.ansible.log"; private static final String STATUS_CODE = "StatusCode"; private static final String STATUS_MESSAGE = "StatusMessage"; private static final String PENDING = "100"; private static final String SUCCESS = "200"; private AnsibleAdapterImpl adapter; private boolean testMode = true; private Map params; private SvcLogicContext svcContext; private JSONObject jsonPayload; private AnsibleResult result; private String agentUrl = ""; private AnsibleAdapterImpl spyAdapter; @Mock private AnsibleMessageParser messageProcessor; @Mock private ConnectionBuilder httpClient; /** * Load the configuration properties */ @BeforeClass public static void once() { configuration = ConfigurationFactory.getConfiguration(); KEYSTORE_PASSWORD = configuration.getProperty("org.onap.appc.adapter.ansible.trustStore.trustPasswd"); } /** * Use reflection to locate fields and methods so that they can be manipulated during the test * to change the internal state accordingly. * */ @Before public void setup() { testMode = true; svcContext = new SvcLogicContext(); adapter = new AnsibleAdapterImpl(testMode); params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("AgentUrl", agentUrl); jsonPayload = new JSONObject(); jsonPayload.put("Id", "100"); jsonPayload.put("User", "test"); jsonPayload.put("Password", "test"); jsonPayload.put("PlaybookName", "test_playbook.yaml"); jsonPayload.put("AgentUrl", agentUrl); result = new AnsibleResult(); result.setStatusMessage("Success"); result.setResults("Success"); Whitebox.setInternalState(adapter, "messageProcessor", messageProcessor); spyAdapter = Mockito.spy(adapter); } @After public void tearDown() { testMode = false; adapter = null; params = null; svcContext = null; } /** * This test case is used to test the request is submitted and the status is marked to pending * * @throws SvcLogicException If the request cannot be process due to Number format or JSON * Exception * @throws APPCException If the request cannot be processed for some reason */ @Test public void reqExec_shouldSetPending() throws SvcLogicException, APPCException { result.setStatusCode(Integer.valueOf(PENDING)); when(messageProcessor.reqMessage(params)).thenReturn(jsonPayload); when(messageProcessor.parsePostResponse(anyString())).thenReturn(result); spyAdapter.reqExec(params, svcContext); assertEquals(PENDING, svcContext.getAttribute(RESULT_CODE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)); } /** * This test case is used to test the request is process and the status is marked to success * * @throws SvcLogicException If the request cannot be process due to Number format or JSON * Exception * @throws APPCException If the request cannot be processed for some reason */ @Test public void reqExecResult_shouldSetSuccess() throws SvcLogicException, APPCException { params.put("Id", "100"); result.setStatusCode(Integer.valueOf(SUCCESS)); when(messageProcessor.reqUriResult(params)).thenReturn(agentUrl); when(messageProcessor.parseGetResponse(anyString())).thenReturn(result); spyAdapter.reqExecResult(params, svcContext); assertEquals("400", svcContext.getAttribute(RESULT_CODE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)); } /** * This test case is used to test the Failure of the request * * @throws SvcLogicException If the request cannot be process due to Number format or JSON * Exception * @throws APPCException If the request cannot be processed for some reason */ @Test(expected = SvcLogicException.class) public void reqExecResult_Failure() throws SvcLogicException, APPCException { params.put("Id", "100"); result.setStatusCode(100); result.setStatusMessage("Failed"); when(messageProcessor.reqUriResult(params)).thenReturn(agentUrl); when(messageProcessor.parseGetResponse(anyString())).thenReturn(result); adapter.reqExecResult(params, svcContext); } /** * This test case is used to test the APPC Exception * * @throws SvcLogicException If the request cannot be process due to Number format or JSON * Exception * @throws APPCException If the request cannot be processed for some reason */ @Test(expected = SvcLogicException.class) public void reqExecResult_appcException() throws APPCException, SvcLogicException { when(messageProcessor.reqUriResult(params)).thenThrow(new APPCException()); adapter.reqExecResult(params, svcContext); } /** * This test case is used to test the Number Format Exception * * @throws SvcLogicException If the request cannot be process due to Number format or JSON * Exception * @throws APPCException If the request cannot be processed for some reason */ @Test(expected = SvcLogicException.class) public void reqExecResult_numberFormatException() throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException, APPCException, SvcLogicException { when(messageProcessor.reqUriResult(params)).thenThrow(new NumberFormatException()); adapter.reqExecResult(params, svcContext); } /** * This test case is used to test the logs executed for the specific request * * @throws SvcLogicException If the request cannot be process due to Number format or JSON * Exception * @throws APPCException If the request cannot be processed for some reason */ @Test public void reqExecLog_shouldSetMessage() throws SvcLogicException, APPCException { params.put("Id", "101"); when(messageProcessor.reqUriLog(params)).thenReturn(agentUrl); adapter.reqExecLog(params, svcContext); String message = getResponseMessage(); assertEquals(message, svcContext.getAttribute(LOG_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)); } private String getResponseMessage() { JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); response.put(STATUS_CODE, 200); response.put(STATUS_MESSAGE, "FINISHED"); JSONObject results = new JSONObject(); JSONObject vmResults = new JSONObject(); vmResults.put(STATUS_CODE, 200); vmResults.put(STATUS_MESSAGE, "SUCCESS"); vmResults.put("Id", ""); results.put("", vmResults); response.put("Results", results); String message = response.toString(); return message; } /** * This test case is used to test the APPC Exception * * @throws SvcLogicException If the request cannot be process due to Number format or JSON * Exception * @throws APPCException If the request cannot be processed for some reason */ @Test(expected = SvcLogicException.class) public void reqExecException() throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException, APPCException, SvcLogicException { when(messageProcessor.reqUriLog(params)).thenThrow(new APPCException("Appc Exception")); adapter.reqExecLog(params, svcContext); } /** * This test case is used to test the APPC Exception * * @throws SvcLogicException If the request cannot be process due to Number format or JSON * Exception * @throws APPCException If the request cannot be processed for some reason */ @Test(expected = SvcLogicException.class) public void reqExec_AppcException() throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException, SvcLogicException, APPCException { when(messageProcessor.reqMessage(params)).thenThrow(new APPCException()); adapter.reqExec(params, svcContext); } /** * This test case is used to test the JSON Exception * * @throws SvcLogicException If the request cannot be process due to Number format or JSON * Exception * @throws APPCException If the request cannot be processed for some reason */ @Test(expected = SvcLogicException.class) public void reqExec_JsonException() throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException, SvcLogicException, APPCException { when(messageProcessor.reqMessage(params)).thenThrow(new JSONException("Json Exception")); adapter.reqExec(params, svcContext); } /** * This test case is used to test the Number Format Exception * * @throws SvcLogicException If the request cannot be process due to Number format or JSON * Exception * @throws APPCException If the request cannot be processed for some reason */ @Test(expected = SvcLogicException.class) public void reqExec_NumberFormatException() throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException, SvcLogicException, APPCException { when(messageProcessor.reqMessage(params)).thenThrow(new NumberFormatException("Numbre Format Exception")); adapter.reqExec(params, svcContext); } /** * This test case is used to test the constructor with no client type * */ @Test public void testInitializeWithDefault() { configuration.setProperty("org.onap.appc.adapter.ansible.clientType", ""); adapter = new AnsibleAdapterImpl(); assertNotNull(adapter); } /** * This test case is used to test the constructor with client type as TRUST_ALL * */ @Test public void testInitializeWithTrustAll() { configuration.setProperty("org.onap.appc.adapter.ansible.clientType", "TRUST_ALL"); adapter = new AnsibleAdapterImpl(); assertNotNull(adapter); } /** * This test case is used to test the constructor with client type as TRUST_CERT * */ @Test public void testInitializeWithTrustCert() { configuration.setProperty("org.onap.appc.adapter.ansible.clientType", "TRUST_CERT"); configuration.setProperty("org.onap.appc.adapter.ansible.trustStore.trustPasswd", KEYSTORE_PASSWORD); adapter = new AnsibleAdapterImpl(); assertNotNull(adapter); } /** * This test case is used to test the constructor with exception * */ @Test public void testInitializeWithException() { configuration.setProperty("org.onap.appc.adapter.ansible.clientType", "TRUST_CERT"); configuration.setProperty("org.onap.appc.adapter.ansible.trustStore.trustPasswd", "appc"); adapter = new AnsibleAdapterImpl(); } }