<% include ../partials/head %> <% include ../partials/header %> SDN-C AdminPortal

Service Homing Rollback

(This table data was saved during the last import of SERVICE_HOMING data.)

<% if ( typeof result != 'undefined' ) { if (result.code.length > 0) { if ( result.code == 'success' ) { %> <% } else { %>
<% for ( x in result.msg ){ %>
<%= result.msg[x] %>
<% } %>
<% } %> <% } %> <% } %> <% if( typeof privilege != 'undefined'){ var priv = privilege.privilege; } else { var priv = 'A'; } %>
<% var i=0; rows.forEach( function(row) { %> <% i++; }); %>
Service Type LATA Hubbing City Type Latitude Longitude Primary Site Name Secondary Site Name Tertiary Site Name
<%= row.service_type %> <%= row.lata %> <%= row.hubbing_city_type%> <%= row.latitude %> <%= row.longitude %> <%= row.primary_aic_site_name %> <%= row.secondary_aic_site_name %> <%= row.tertiary_aic_site_name %>

<%= i %> rows in table.

<% if (priv == 'A') { %> <% } %>