/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * ONAP - SO * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Modifications Copyright (c) 2019 Samsung * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ /** * This VNF Adapter implementation is based on the VDU Plugin model. It assumes that each VF Module definition in the * MSO catalog is expressed via a set of template and/or file artifacts that are appropriate for some specific * sub-orchestrator that provides an implementation of the VduPlugin interface. This adapter handles all of the common * VF Module logic, including: - catalog lookups for artifact retrieval - parameter filtering and validation - base and * volume module queries - rollback logic - logging and error handling * * Then based on the orchestration mode of the VNF, it will invoke different VDU plug-ins to perform the low level * instantiations, deletions, and queries. At this time, the set of available plug-ins is hard-coded, though in the * future a dynamic selection is expected (e.g. via a service-provider interface). */ package org.onap.so.adapters.vnf; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import javax.jws.WebService; import javax.xml.ws.Holder; import org.onap.so.adapters.vdu.CloudInfo; import org.onap.so.adapters.vdu.VduException; import org.onap.so.adapters.vdu.VduInstance; import org.onap.so.adapters.vdu.VduModelInfo; import org.onap.so.adapters.vdu.VduPlugin; import org.onap.so.adapters.vdu.VduStateType; import org.onap.so.adapters.vdu.VduStatus; import org.onap.so.adapters.vdu.mapper.VfModuleCustomizationToVduMapper; import org.onap.so.adapters.vnf.exceptions.VnfAlreadyExists; import org.onap.so.adapters.vnf.exceptions.VnfException; import org.onap.so.cloud.CloudConfig; import org.onap.so.db.catalog.beans.CloudSite; import org.onap.so.cloudify.utils.MsoCloudifyUtils; import org.onap.so.db.catalog.beans.HeatEnvironment; import org.onap.so.db.catalog.beans.HeatTemplate; import org.onap.so.db.catalog.beans.HeatTemplateParam; import org.onap.so.db.catalog.beans.VfModule; import org.onap.so.db.catalog.beans.VfModuleCustomization; import org.onap.so.db.catalog.beans.VnfResource; import org.onap.so.db.catalog.data.repository.VFModuleCustomizationRepository; import org.onap.so.db.catalog.utils.MavenLikeVersioning; import org.onap.so.entity.MsoRequest; import org.onap.so.logger.ErrorCode; import org.onap.so.logger.MessageEnum; import org.onap.so.openstack.beans.VnfRollback; import org.onap.so.openstack.beans.VnfStatus; import org.onap.so.openstack.exceptions.MsoException; import org.onap.so.openstack.exceptions.MsoExceptionCategory; import org.onap.so.openstack.utils.MsoHeatEnvironmentEntry; import org.onap.so.openstack.utils.MsoHeatUtils; import org.onap.so.openstack.utils.MsoKeystoneUtils; import org.onap.so.openstack.utils.MsoMulticloudUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.core.env.Environment; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; @WebService(serviceName = "VnfAdapter", endpointInterface = "org.onap.so.adapters.vnf.MsoVnfAdapter", targetNamespace = "http://org.onap.so/vnf") @Component @Transactional public class MsoVnfPluginAdapterImpl implements MsoVnfAdapter { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MsoVnfPluginAdapterImpl.class); private static final String CHECK_REQD_PARAMS = "org.onap.so.adapters.vnf.checkRequiredParameters"; private static final ObjectMapper JSON_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); @Autowired protected CloudConfig cloudConfig; @Autowired private VFModuleCustomizationRepository vfModuleCustomRepo; @Autowired private Environment environment; @Autowired protected MsoKeystoneUtils keystoneUtils; @Autowired protected MsoCloudifyUtils cloudifyUtils; @Autowired protected MsoHeatUtils heatUtils; @Autowired protected MsoMulticloudUtils multicloudUtils; @Autowired protected VfModuleCustomizationToVduMapper vduMapper; /** * DO NOT use that constructor to instantiate this class, the msoPropertiesfactory will be NULL. * * @see MsoVnfPluginAdapterImpl#MsoVnfAdapterImpl(MsoPropertiesFactory, CloudConfigFactory) */ public MsoVnfPluginAdapterImpl() { } /** * Health Check web method. Does nothing but return to show the adapter is deployed. */ @Override public void healthCheck() { logger.debug("Health check call in VNF Plugin Adapter"); } /** * This is the "Create VNF" web service implementation. This function is now unsupported and will return an error. * */ @Override public void createVnf(String cloudSiteId, String cloudOwner, String tenantId, String vnfType, String vnfVersion, String vnfName, String requestType, String volumeGroupHeatStackId, Map inputs, Boolean failIfExists, Boolean backout, Boolean enableBridge, MsoRequest msoRequest, Holder vnfId, Holder> outputs, Holder rollback) throws VnfException { // This operation is no longer supported at the VNF level. The adapter is only called to deploy modules. logger.debug("CreateVNF command attempted but not supported"); throw new VnfException("CreateVNF: Unsupported command", MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } /** * This is the "Update VNF" web service implementation. This function is now unsupported and will return an error. * */ @Override public void updateVnf(String cloudSiteId, String cloudOwner, String tenantId, String vnfType, String vnfVersion, String vnfName, String requestType, String volumeGroupHeatStackId, Map inputs, MsoRequest msoRequest, Holder> outputs, Holder rollback) throws VnfException { // This operation is no longer supported at the VNF level. The adapter is only called to deploy modules. logger.debug("UpdateVNF command attempted but not supported"); throw new VnfException("UpdateVNF: Unsupported command", MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } /** * This is the "Query VNF" web service implementation. * * This really should be QueryVfModule, but nobody ever changed it. * * The method returns an indicator that the VNF exists, along with its status and outputs. The input "vnfName" will * also be reflected back as its ID. * * @param cloudSiteId CLLI code of the cloud site in which to query * @param tenantId Openstack tenant identifier * @param vnfNameOrId VNF Name or ID to query * @param msoRequest Request tracking information for logs * @param vnfExists Flag reporting the result of the query * @param vnfId Holder for output VNF ID * @param outputs Holder for Map of outputs from the deployed VF Module (assigned IPs, etc) */ @Override public void queryVnf(String cloudSiteId, String cloudOwner, String tenantId, String vnfNameOrId, MsoRequest msoRequest, Holder vnfExists, Holder vnfId, Holder status, Holder> outputs) throws VnfException { logger.debug("Querying VNF " + vnfNameOrId + " in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId); // Will capture execution time for metrics long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long subStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); VduInstance vduInstance = null; CloudInfo cloudInfo = new CloudInfo(cloudSiteId, cloudOwner, tenantId, null); VduPlugin vduPlugin = getVduPlugin(cloudSiteId, cloudOwner); try { vduInstance = vduPlugin.queryVdu(cloudInfo, vnfNameOrId); } catch (VduException e) { // Failed to query the VDU due to a plugin exception. // Convert to a generic VnfException e.addContext("QueryVNF"); String error = "Query VNF (VDU): " + vnfNameOrId + " in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + e; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_QUERY_VNF_ERR.toString(), vnfNameOrId, cloudOwner, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "VDU", "QueryVNF", ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), "Exception - queryVDU", e); logger.debug(error); throw new VnfException(e); } if (vduInstance != null && vduInstance.getStatus().getState() != VduStateType.NOTFOUND) { vnfExists.value = Boolean.TRUE; status.value = vduStatusToVnfStatus(vduInstance); vnfId.value = vduInstance.getVduInstanceId(); outputs.value = copyStringOutputs(vduInstance.getOutputs()); logger.debug("VNF {} found, ID = {}", vnfNameOrId, vnfId.value); } else { vnfExists.value = Boolean.FALSE; status.value = VnfStatus.NOTFOUND; vnfId.value = null; outputs.value = new HashMap(); // Return as an empty map logger.debug("VNF {} not found", vnfNameOrId); } return; } /** * This is the "Delete VNF" web service implementation. This function is now unsupported and will return an error. * */ @Override public void deleteVnf(String cloudSiteId, String cloudOwner, String tenantId, String vnfName, MsoRequest msoRequest) throws VnfException { // This operation is no longer supported at the VNF level. The adapter is only called to deploy modules. logger.debug("DeleteVNF command attempted but not supported"); throw new VnfException("DeleteVNF: Unsupported command", MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } /** * This web service endpoint will rollback a previous Create VNF operation. A rollback object is returned to the * client in a successful creation response. The client can pass that object as-is back to the rollbackVnf operation * to undo the creation. * * TODO: This should be rollbackVfModule and/or rollbackVolumeGroup, but APIs were apparently never updated. */ @Override public void rollbackVnf(VnfRollback rollback) throws VnfException { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // rollback may be null (e.g. if stack already existed when Create was called) if (rollback == null) { logger.info("{} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_ROLLBACK_NULL.toString(), "OpenStack", "rollbackVnf"); return; } // Don't rollback if nothing was done originally if (!rollback.getVnfCreated()) { return; } // Get the elements of the VnfRollback object for easier access String cloudSiteId = rollback.getCloudSiteId(); String cloudOwner = rollback.getCloudOwner(); String tenantId = rollback.getTenantId(); CloudInfo cloudInfo = new CloudInfo(cloudSiteId, cloudOwner, tenantId, null); String vfModuleId = rollback.getVfModuleStackId(); logger.debug("Rolling Back VF Module " + vfModuleId + " in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId); VduInstance vduInstance = null; // Use the VduPlugin to delete the VF Module. VduPlugin vduPlugin = getVduPlugin(cloudSiteId, cloudOwner); long subStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { // TODO: Get a reasonable timeout. Use a global property, or store the creation timeout in rollback object // and use that. vduInstance = vduPlugin.deleteVdu(cloudInfo, vfModuleId, 5); logger.debug("Rolled back VDU instantiation: {}", vduInstance.getVduInstanceId()); } catch (VduException ve) { // Failed to rollback the VF Module due to a plugin exception. // Convert to a generic VnfException ve.addContext("RollbackVFModule"); String error = "Rollback VF Module: " + vfModuleId + " in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + ve; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_DELETE_VNF_ERR.toString(), vfModuleId, cloudOwner, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "VDU", "DeleteVdu", ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), "Exception - DeleteVdu", ve); logger.debug(error); throw new VnfException(ve); } return; } private VnfStatus vduStatusToVnfStatus(VduInstance vdu) { // Determine the status based on last action & status // DeploymentInfo object should be enhanced to report a better status internally. VduStatus vduStatus = vdu.getStatus(); VduStateType status = vduStatus.getState(); if (status == null) { return VnfStatus.UNKNOWN; } else if (status == VduStateType.NOTFOUND) { return VnfStatus.NOTFOUND; } else if (status == VduStateType.INSTANTIATED) { return VnfStatus.ACTIVE; } else if (status == VduStateType.FAILED) { return VnfStatus.FAILED; } return VnfStatus.UNKNOWN; } /* * Normalize an input value to an Object, based on the target parameter type. If the type is not recognized, it will * just be returned unchanged (as a string). */ private Object convertInputValue(Object inputValue, HeatTemplateParam templateParam) { String type = templateParam.getParamType(); logger.debug("Parameter: {} is of type ", templateParam.getParamName(), type); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("number")) { try { return Integer.valueOf(inputValue.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Unable to convert " + inputValue + " to an integer!", e); return null; } } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("json")) { try { JsonNode jsonNode = JSON_MAPPER.readTree(JSON_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(inputValue)); return jsonNode; } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Unable to convert " + inputValue + " to a JsonNode!", e); return null; } } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("boolean")) { return new Boolean(inputValue.toString()); } // Nothing else matched. Return the original string return inputValue; } private Map copyStringOutputs(Map stackOutputs) { Map stringOutputs = new HashMap(); for (String key : stackOutputs.keySet()) { if (stackOutputs.get(key) instanceof String) { stringOutputs.put(key, (String) stackOutputs.get(key)); } else if (stackOutputs.get(key) instanceof Integer) { try { String str = "" + stackOutputs.get(key); stringOutputs.put(key, str); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Unable to add {} to outputs", key, e); } } else if (stackOutputs.get(key) instanceof JsonNode) { try { String str = this.convertNode((JsonNode) stackOutputs.get(key)); stringOutputs.put(key, str); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Unable to add {} to outputs - exception converting JsonNode", key, e); } } else if (stackOutputs.get(key) instanceof java.util.LinkedHashMap) { try { String str = JSON_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(stackOutputs.get(key)); stringOutputs.put(key, str); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Unable to add {} to outputs - exception converting LinkedHashMap", key, e); } } else { try { String str = stackOutputs.get(key).toString(); stringOutputs.put(key, str); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Unable to add " + key + " to outputs - unable to call .toString() " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } return stringOutputs; } private void sendMapToDebug(Map inputs, String optionalName) { int i = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(optionalName == null ? "\ninputs" : "\n" + optionalName); if (inputs == null) { sb.append("\tNULL"); } else if (inputs.size() < 1) { sb.append("\tEMPTY"); } else { for (String str : inputs.keySet()) { String outputString; try { outputString = inputs.get(str).toString(); } catch (Exception e) { outputString = "Unable to call toString() on the value for " + str; } sb.append("\t\nitem " + i++ + ": '" + str + "'='" + outputString + "'"); } } logger.debug(sb.toString()); return; } private void sendMapToDebug(Map inputs) { int i = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("inputs:"); if (inputs == null) { sb.append("\tNULL"); } else if (inputs.size() < 1) { sb.append("\tEMPTY"); } else { for (String str : inputs.keySet()) { sb.append("\titem " + i++ + ": " + str + "=" + inputs.get(str)); } } logger.debug(sb.toString()); return; } private String convertNode(final JsonNode node) { try { final Object obj = JSON_MAPPER.treeToValue(node, Object.class); final String json = JSON_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(obj); return json; } catch (JsonParseException jpe) { logger.debug("Error converting json to string " + jpe.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Error converting json to string " + e.getMessage()); } return "[Error converting json to string]"; } private Map convertMapStringObjectToStringString(Map objectMap) { if (objectMap == null) { return null; } Map stringMap = new HashMap(); for (String key : objectMap.keySet()) { if (!stringMap.containsKey(key)) { Object obj = objectMap.get(key); if (obj instanceof String) { stringMap.put(key, (String) objectMap.get(key)); } else if (obj instanceof JsonNode) { // This is a bit of mess - but I think it's the least impacting // let's convert it BACK to a string - then it will get converted back later try { String str = this.convertNode((JsonNode) obj); stringMap.put(key, str); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("DANGER WILL ROBINSON: unable to convert value for JsonNode " + key, e); // okay in this instance - only string values (fqdn) are expected to be needed } } else if (obj instanceof java.util.LinkedHashMap) { logger.debug("LinkedHashMap - this is showing up as a LinkedHashMap instead of JsonNode"); try { String str = JSON_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(obj); stringMap.put(key, str); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("DANGER WILL ROBINSON: unable to convert value for LinkedHashMap " + key, e); } } else if (obj instanceof Integer) { try { String str = "" + obj; stringMap.put(key, str); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("DANGER WILL ROBINSON: unable to convert value for Integer " + key, e); } } else { try { String str = obj.toString(); stringMap.put(key, str); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug( "DANGER WILL ROBINSON: unable to convert value " + key + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")", e); } } } } return stringMap; } /** * This is the "Create VF Module" web service implementation. It will instantiate a new VF Module of the requested * type in the specified cloud and tenant. The tenant must exist before this service is called. * * If a VF Module with the same name already exists, this can be considered a success or failure, depending on the * value of the 'failIfExists' parameter. * * All VF Modules are defined in the MSO catalog. The caller must request one of the pre-defined module types or an * error will be returned. Within the catalog, each VF Module references (among other things) a collection of * artifacts that are used to deploy the required cloud resources (VMs, networks, etc.). * * Depending on the module templates, a variable set of input parameters will be defined, some of which are * required. The caller is responsible to pass the necessary input data for the module or an error will be thrown. * * The method returns the vfModuleId, a Map of output attributes, and a VnfRollback object. This last object can be * passed as-is to the rollbackVnf operation to undo everything that was created for the Module. This is useful if a * VF module is successfully created but the orchestration fails on a subsequent step. * * @param cloudSiteId CLLI code of the cloud site in which to create the VNF * @param cloudOwner cloud owner of the cloud site in which to create the VNF * @param tenantId Openstack tenant identifier * @param vfModuleType VF Module type key, should match a VNF definition in catalog DB. Deprecated - should use * modelCustomizationUuid * @param vnfVersion VNF version key, should match a VNF definition in catalog DB Deprecated - VF Module versions * also captured by modelCustomizationUuid * @param vnfId - VNF ID * @param vfModuleName Name to be assigned to the new VF Module * @param vfModuleId Id fo the new VF Module * @param requestType Indicates if this is a Volume Group or Module request * @param volumeGroupId Identifier (i.e. deployment ID) for a Volume Group to attach to a VF Module * @param baseVfModuleId Identifier (i.e. deployment ID) of the Base Module if this is an Add-on module * @param modelCustomizationUuid Unique ID for the VF Module's model. Replaces the use of vfModuleType. * @param inputs Map of key=value inputs for VNF stack creation * @param failIfExists Flag whether already existing VNF should be considered * @param backout Flag whether to suppress automatic backout (for testing) * @param msoRequest Request tracking information for logs * @param vnfId Holder for output VF Module instance ID in the cloud * @param outputs Holder for Map of VNF outputs from Deployment (assigned IPs, etc) * @param rollback Holder for returning VnfRollback object */ @Override public void createVfModule(String cloudSiteId, String cloudOwner, String tenantId, String vfModuleType, String vnfVersion, String genericVnfId, String vfModuleName, String vfModuleId, String requestType, String volumeGroupId, String baseVfModuleId, String modelCustomizationUuid, Map inputs, Boolean failIfExists, Boolean backout, Boolean enableBridge, MsoRequest msoRequest, Holder vnfId, Holder> outputs, Holder rollback) throws VnfException { // Will capture execution time for metrics long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Require a model customization ID. Every VF Module definition must have one. if (modelCustomizationUuid == null || modelCustomizationUuid.isEmpty()) { logger.debug("Missing required input: modelCustomizationUuid"); String error = "Create vfModule error: Missing required input: modelCustomizationUuid"; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_VNF_UNKNOWN_PARAM.toString(), "VF Module ModelCustomizationUuid", "VDU", ErrorCode.DataError, "Create VF Module: " + "Missing required input: modelCustomizationUuid"); logger.debug(error); throw new VnfException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } // Clean up some inputs to make comparisons easier if (requestType == null) requestType = ""; if ("".equals(volumeGroupId) || "null".equals(volumeGroupId)) volumeGroupId = null; if ("".equals(baseVfModuleId) || "null".equals(baseVfModuleId)) baseVfModuleId = null; if (inputs == null) { // Create an empty set of inputs inputs = new HashMap<>(); logger.debug("inputs == null - setting to empty"); } else { this.sendMapToDebug(inputs); } // Check if this is for a "Volume" module boolean isVolumeRequest = false; if (requestType.startsWith("VOLUME")) { isVolumeRequest = true; } logger.debug("requestType = " + requestType + ", volumeGroupStackId = " + volumeGroupId + ", baseStackId = " + baseVfModuleId); // Build a default rollback object (no actions performed) VnfRollback vfRollback = new VnfRollback(); vfRollback.setCloudSiteId(cloudSiteId); vfRollback.setCloudOwner(cloudOwner); vfRollback.setTenantId(tenantId); vfRollback.setMsoRequest(msoRequest); vfRollback.setRequestType(requestType); vfRollback.setIsBase(false); // Until we know better vfRollback.setVolumeGroupHeatStackId(volumeGroupId); vfRollback.setBaseGroupHeatStackId(baseVfModuleId); vfRollback.setModelCustomizationUuid(modelCustomizationUuid); vfRollback.setMode("CFY"); rollback.value = vfRollback; // Default rollback - no updates performed // Get the VNF/VF Module definition from the Catalog DB first. // There are three relevant records: VfModule, VfModuleCustomization, VnfResource VfModule vfModule = null; VnfResource vnfResource = null; VfModuleCustomization vfModuleCust = null; try { vfModuleCust = vfModuleCustomRepo.findFirstByModelCustomizationUUIDOrderByCreatedDesc(modelCustomizationUuid); if (vfModuleCust == null) { String error = "Create vfModule error: Unable to find vfModuleCust with modelCustomizationUuid=" + modelCustomizationUuid; logger.debug(error); logger.error("{} {} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_VNF_UNKNOWN_PARAM.toString(), "VF Module ModelCustomizationUuid", modelCustomizationUuid, "CatalogDb", ErrorCode.DataError, error); throw new VnfException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } else { logger.debug("Found vfModuleCust entry {}", vfModuleCust.toString()); } // Get the vfModule and vnfResource records vfModule = vfModuleCust.getVfModule(); vnfResource = vfModuleCust.getVfModule().getVnfResources(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("unhandled exception in create VF - [Query]" + e.getMessage()); throw new VnfException("Exception during create VF " + e.getMessage()); } // Perform a version check against cloudSite // Obtain the cloud site information where we will create the VF Module Optional cloudSiteOp = cloudConfig.getCloudSite(cloudSiteId); if (!cloudSiteOp.isPresent()) { // If cloudSiteId is not present in the catalog DB, then default to multicloud logger.debug("{} is not present in cloud_site catalog DB, defaulting to Multicloud plugin adapter", cloudSiteId); } else { CloudSite cloudSite = cloudSiteOp.get(); MavenLikeVersioning aicV = new MavenLikeVersioning(); aicV.setVersion(cloudSite.getCloudVersion()); String vnfMin = vnfResource.getAicVersionMin(); String vnfMax = vnfResource.getAicVersionMax(); if ((vnfMin != null && !(aicV.isMoreRecentThan(vnfMin) || aicV.isTheSameVersion(vnfMin))) || (vnfMax != null && aicV.isMoreRecentThan(vnfMax))) { // ERROR String error = "VNF Resource type: " + vnfResource.getModelName() + ", ModelUuid=" + vnfResource.getModelUUID() + " VersionMin=" + vnfMin + " VersionMax:" + vnfMax + " NOT supported on Cloud: " + cloudSiteId + " with AIC_Version:" + cloudSite.getCloudVersion(); logger.error("{} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_CONFIG_EXC.toString(), error, "OpenStack", ErrorCode.BusinessProcesssError.getValue(), "Exception - setVersion"); logger.debug(error); throw new VnfException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } } // End Version check VduInstance vduInstance = null; CloudInfo cloudInfo = new CloudInfo(cloudSiteId, cloudOwner, tenantId, null); // Use the VduPlugin. VduPlugin vduPlugin = getVduPlugin(cloudSiteId, cloudOwner); long subStartTime1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { vduInstance = vduPlugin.queryVdu(cloudInfo, vfModuleName); } catch (VduException me) { // Failed to query the VDU due to a plugin exception. String error = "Create VF Module: Query " + vfModuleName + " in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_QUERY_VNF_ERR.toString(), vfModuleName, cloudOwner, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "VDU", "queryVdu", ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), "Exception - queryVdu", me); logger.debug(error); // Convert to a generic VnfException me.addContext("CreateVFModule"); throw new VnfException(me); } // More precise handling/messaging if the Module already exists if (vduInstance != null && !(vduInstance.getStatus().getState() == VduStateType.NOTFOUND)) { VduStateType status = vduInstance.getStatus().getState(); logger.debug("Found Existing VDU, status=" + status); if (status == VduStateType.INSTANTIATED) { if (failIfExists != null && failIfExists) { // fail - it exists String error = "Create VF: Deployment " + vfModuleName + " already exists in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_VNF_ALREADY_EXIST.toString(), vfModuleName, cloudOwner, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "VDU", "queryVdu", ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), "VF Module " + vfModuleName + " already exists"); logger.debug(error); throw new VnfAlreadyExists(vfModuleName, cloudSiteId, cloudOwner, tenantId, vduInstance.getVduInstanceId()); } else { // Found existing deployment and client has not requested "failIfExists". // Populate the outputs from the existing deployment. vnfId.value = vduInstance.getVduInstanceId(); outputs.value = copyStringOutputs(vduInstance.getOutputs()); return; } } // Check through various detailed error cases else if (status == VduStateType.INSTANTIATING || status == VduStateType.DELETING || status == VduStateType.UPDATING) { // fail - it's in progress - return meaningful error String error = "Create VF: Deployment " + vfModuleName + " already exists and has status " + status.toString() + " in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + "; please wait for it to complete, or fix manually."; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_VNF_ALREADY_EXIST.toString(), vfModuleName, cloudOwner, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "VDU", "queryVdu", ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), "VF Module " + vfModuleName + " already exists"); logger.debug(error); throw new VnfAlreadyExists(vfModuleName, cloudSiteId, cloudOwner, tenantId, vduInstance.getVduInstanceId()); } else if (status == VduStateType.FAILED) { // fail - it exists and is in a FAILED state String error = "Create VF: Deployment " + vfModuleName + " already exists and is in FAILED state in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + "; requires manual intervention."; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_VNF_ALREADY_EXIST.toString(), vfModuleName, cloudOwner, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "VDU", "queryVdu", ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), "VF Module " + vfModuleName + " already exists and is in FAILED state"); logger.debug(error); throw new VnfAlreadyExists(vfModuleName, cloudSiteId, cloudOwner, tenantId, vduInstance.getVduInstanceId()); } else if (status == VduStateType.UNKNOWN) { // fail - it exists and is in a UNKNOWN state String error = "Create VF: Deployment " + vfModuleName + " already exists and has status " + status.toString() + " in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + "; requires manual intervention."; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_VNF_ALREADY_EXIST.toString(), vfModuleName, cloudOwner, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "VDU", "queryVdu", ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), "VF Module " + vfModuleName + " already exists and is in " + status.toString() + " state"); logger.debug(error); throw new VnfAlreadyExists(vfModuleName, cloudSiteId, cloudOwner, tenantId, vduInstance.getVduInstanceId()); } else { // Unexpected, since all known status values have been tested for String error = "Create VF: Deployment " + vfModuleName + " already exists with unexpected status " + status.toString() + " in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + "; requires manual intervention."; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_VNF_ALREADY_EXIST.toString(), vfModuleName, cloudOwner, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "VDU", "queryVdu", ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), "VF Module " + vfModuleName + " already exists and is in an unknown state"); logger.debug(error); throw new VnfAlreadyExists(vfModuleName, cloudSiteId, cloudOwner, tenantId, vduInstance.getVduInstanceId()); } } // Collect outputs from Base Modules and Volume Modules Map baseModuleOutputs = null; Map volumeGroupOutputs = null; // If a Volume Group was provided, query its outputs for inclusion in Module input parameters if (volumeGroupId != null) { long subStartTime2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); VduInstance volumeVdu = null; try { volumeVdu = vduPlugin.queryVdu(cloudInfo, volumeGroupId); } catch (VduException me) { // Failed to query the Volume Group VDU due to a plugin exception. String error = "Create VF Module: Query Volume Group " + volumeGroupId + " in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_QUERY_VNF_ERR.toString(), volumeGroupId, cloudOwner, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "VDU", "queryVdu(volume)", ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), "Exception - queryVdu(volume)", me); logger.debug(error); // Convert to a generic VnfException me.addContext("CreateVFModule(QueryVolume)"); throw new VnfException(me); } if (volumeVdu == null || volumeVdu.getStatus().getState() == VduStateType.NOTFOUND) { String error = "Create VFModule: Attached Volume Group DOES NOT EXIST " + volumeGroupId + " in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + " USER ERROR"; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_QUERY_VNF_ERR.toString(), volumeGroupId, cloudOwner, cloudSiteId, tenantId, error, "VDU", "queryVdu(volume)", ErrorCode.BusinessProcesssError.getValue(), "Create VFModule: Attached Volume Group " + "DOES NOT EXIST"); logger.debug(error); throw new VnfException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } else { logger.debug("Found nested volume group"); volumeGroupOutputs = volumeVdu.getOutputs(); this.sendMapToDebug(volumeGroupOutputs, "volumeGroupOutputs"); } } // If this is an Add-On Module, query the Base Module outputs // Note: This will be performed whether or not the current request is for an // Add-On Volume Group or Add-On VF Module if (vfModule.getIsBase()) { logger.debug("This is a BASE Module request"); vfRollback.setIsBase(true); } else { logger.debug("This is an Add-On Module request"); // Add-On Modules should always have a Base, but just treat as a warning if not provided. // Add-on Volume requests may or may not specify a base. if (!isVolumeRequest && baseVfModuleId == null) { logger.debug("WARNING: Add-on Module request - no Base Module ID provided"); } if (baseVfModuleId != null) { long subStartTime2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); VduInstance baseVdu = null; try { baseVdu = vduPlugin.queryVdu(cloudInfo, baseVfModuleId); } catch (MsoException me) { // Failed to query the Base VF Module due to a Vdu Plugin exception. String error = "Create VF Module: Query Base " + baseVfModuleId + " in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_QUERY_VNF_ERR.toString(), baseVfModuleId, cloudOwner, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "VDU", "queryVdu(Base)", ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), "Exception - queryVdu(Base)", me); logger.debug(error); // Convert to a generic VnfException me.addContext("CreateVFModule(QueryBase)"); throw new VnfException(me); } if (baseVdu == null || baseVdu.getStatus().getState() == VduStateType.NOTFOUND) { String error = "Create VFModule: Base Module DOES NOT EXIST " + baseVfModuleId + " in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + " USER ERROR"; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_QUERY_VNF_ERR.toString(), baseVfModuleId, cloudOwner, cloudSiteId, tenantId, error, "VDU", "queryVdu(Base)", ErrorCode.BusinessProcesssError.getValue(), "Create VFModule: Base Module DOES NOT EXIST"); logger.debug(error); throw new VnfException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } else { logger.debug("Found base module"); baseModuleOutputs = baseVdu.getOutputs(); this.sendMapToDebug(baseModuleOutputs, "baseModuleOutputs"); } } } // NOTE: For this section, heatTemplate is used for all template artifacts. // In final implementation (post-POC), the template object would either be generic or there would // be a separate DB Table/Object for different sub-orchestrators. // NOTE: The template is fixed for the VF Module. The environment is part of the customization. HeatTemplate heatTemplate = null; HeatEnvironment heatEnvironment = null; if (isVolumeRequest) { heatTemplate = vfModule.getVolumeHeatTemplate(); heatEnvironment = vfModuleCust.getVolumeHeatEnv(); } else { heatTemplate = vfModule.getModuleHeatTemplate(); heatEnvironment = vfModuleCust.getHeatEnvironment(); } if (heatTemplate == null) { String error = "UpdateVF: No Heat Template ID defined in catalog database for " + vfModuleType + ", modelCustomizationUuid=" + modelCustomizationUuid + ", vfModuleUuid=" + vfModule.getModelUUID() + ", reqType=" + requestType; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_VNF_UNKNOWN_PARAM.toString(), "Heat Template ID", vfModuleType, "VNF", ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), error); logger.debug(error); throw new VnfException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.INTERNAL); } else { logger.debug("Got HEAT Template from DB: " + heatTemplate.getHeatTemplate()); } if (heatEnvironment == null) { String error = "Update VNF: undefined Heat Environment. VF=" + vfModuleType + ", modelCustomizationUuid=" + modelCustomizationUuid + ", vfModuleUuid=" + vfModule.getModelUUID() + ", reqType=" + requestType; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_VNF_UNKNOWN_PARAM.toString(), "Heat Environment ID", "OpenStack", ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), error); throw new VnfException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.INTERNAL); } else { logger.debug("Got Heat Environment from DB: " + heatEnvironment.getEnvironment()); } // Create the combined set of parameters from the incoming request, base-module outputs, // volume-module outputs. Also, convert all variables to their native object types. HashMap goldenInputs = new HashMap(); List extraInputs = new ArrayList(); Boolean skipInputChecks = false; if (skipInputChecks) { goldenInputs = new HashMap(); for (String key : inputs.keySet()) { goldenInputs.put(key, inputs.get(key)); } } else { // Build maps for the parameters (including aliases) to simplify checks HashMap params = new HashMap(); Set paramSet = heatTemplate.getParameters(); logger.debug("paramSet has " + paramSet.size() + " entries"); for (HeatTemplateParam htp : paramSet) { params.put(htp.getParamName(), htp); // Include aliases. String alias = htp.getParamAlias(); if (alias != null && !alias.equals("") && !params.containsKey(alias)) { params.put(alias, htp); } } // First, convert all inputs to their "template" type for (String key : inputs.keySet()) { if (params.containsKey(key)) { Object value = convertInputValue(inputs.get(key), params.get(key)); if (value != null) { goldenInputs.put(key, value); } else { logger.debug("Failed to convert input " + key + "='" + inputs.get(key) + "' to " + params.get(key).getParamType()); } } else { extraInputs.add(key); } } if (!extraInputs.isEmpty()) { // Add multicloud inputs for (String key : MsoMulticloudUtils.MULTICLOUD_INPUTS) { if (extraInputs.contains(key)) { goldenInputs.put(key, inputs.get(key)); extraInputs.remove(key); if (extraInputs.isEmpty()) { break; } } } logger.debug("Ignoring extra inputs: " + extraInputs); } // Next add in Volume Group Outputs if there are any. Copy directly without conversions. if (volumeGroupOutputs != null && !volumeGroupOutputs.isEmpty()) { for (String key : volumeGroupOutputs.keySet()) { if (params.containsKey(key) && !goldenInputs.containsKey(key)) { goldenInputs.put(key, volumeGroupOutputs.get(key)); } } } // Next add in Base Module Outputs if there are any. Copy directly without conversions. if (baseModuleOutputs != null && !baseModuleOutputs.isEmpty()) { for (String key : baseModuleOutputs.keySet()) { if (params.containsKey(key) && !goldenInputs.containsKey(key)) { goldenInputs.put(key, baseModuleOutputs.get(key)); } } } // TODO: The model should support a mechanism to pre-assign default parameter values // per "customization" (i.e. usage) of a given module. In HEAT, this is specified by // an Environment file. There is not a general mechanism in the model to handle this. // For the general case, any such parameter/values can be added dynamically to the // inputs (only if not already specified). // Check that required parameters have been supplied from any of the sources String missingParams = null; boolean checkRequiredParameters = true; try { String propertyString = this.environment.getProperty(MsoVnfPluginAdapterImpl.CHECK_REQD_PARAMS); if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(propertyString) || "n".equalsIgnoreCase(propertyString)) { checkRequiredParameters = false; logger.debug("CheckRequiredParameters is FALSE. Will still check but then skip blocking..." + MsoVnfPluginAdapterImpl.CHECK_REQD_PARAMS); } } catch (Exception e) { // No problem - default is true logger.debug("An exception occured trying to get property " + MsoVnfPluginAdapterImpl.CHECK_REQD_PARAMS, e); } // Do the actual parameter checking. // Include looking at the ENV file as a valid definition of a parameter value. // TODO: This handling of ENV applies only to Heat. A general mechanism to // support pre-set parameter/values does not yet exist in the model. // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(heatEnvironment.getEnvironment()); MsoHeatEnvironmentEntry mhee = new MsoHeatEnvironmentEntry(sb); for (HeatTemplateParam parm : heatTemplate.getParameters()) { if (parm.isRequired() && (!goldenInputs.containsKey(parm.getParamName()))) { if (mhee != null && mhee.containsParameter(parm.getParamName())) { logger.debug("Required parameter " + parm.getParamName() + " appears to be in environment - do not count as missing"); } else { logger.debug("adding to missing parameters list: " + parm.getParamName()); if (missingParams == null) { missingParams = parm.getParamName(); } else { missingParams += "," + parm.getParamName(); } } } } if (missingParams != null) { if (checkRequiredParameters) { // Problem - missing one or more required parameters String error = "Create VFModule: Missing Required inputs: " + missingParams; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_MISSING_PARAM.toString(), missingParams, "VDU", ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), "Create VFModule: Missing Required inputs"); logger.debug(error); throw new VnfException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } else { logger.debug("found missing parameters [" + missingParams + "] - but checkRequiredParameters is false - " + "will not block"); } } else { logger.debug("No missing parameters found - ok to proceed"); } } // NOTE: END PARAMETER CHECKING // Here we go... ready to deploy the VF Module. long instantiateVduStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (backout == null) backout = true; try { // Construct the VDU Model structure to pass to the targeted VduPlugin VduModelInfo vduModel = null; if (!isVolumeRequest) { vduModel = vduMapper.mapVfModuleCustomizationToVdu(vfModuleCust); } else { vduModel = vduMapper.mapVfModuleCustVolumeToVdu(vfModuleCust); } // Invoke the VduPlugin to instantiate the VF Module vduInstance = vduPlugin.instantiateVdu(cloudInfo, vfModuleName, goldenInputs, vduModel, backout); } catch (VduException me) { // Failed to instantiate the VDU. me.addContext("CreateVFModule"); String error = "Create VF Module " + vfModuleType + " in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_VNF_ERR.toString(), vfModuleType, cloudOwner, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "VDU", ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), "MsoException - instantiateVdu", me); logger.debug(error); // Convert to a generic VnfException throw new VnfException(me); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { String error = "Create VFModule " + vfModuleType + " in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + npe; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_VNF_ERR.toString(), vfModuleType, cloudOwner, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "VDU", ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), "NullPointerException - instantiateVdu", npe); logger.debug(error); logger.debug("NULL POINTER EXCEPTION at vduPlugin.instantiateVdu", npe); throw new VnfException("NullPointerException during instantiateVdu"); } catch (Exception e) { String error = "Create VFModule " + vfModuleType + " in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + e; logger.debug("Unhandled exception at vduPlugin.instantiateVdu", e); logger.debug(error); throw new VnfException("Exception during instantiateVdu: " + e.getMessage()); } // Reach this point if create is successful. // Populate remaining rollback info and response parameters. vfRollback.setVnfCreated(true); vfRollback.setVnfId(vduInstance.getVduInstanceId()); vnfId.value = vduInstance.getVduInstanceId(); outputs.value = copyStringOutputs(vduInstance.getOutputs()); rollback.value = vfRollback; logger.debug("VF Module " + vfModuleName + " successfully created"); return; } public void deleteVfModule(String cloudSiteId, String cloudOwner, String tenantId, String vfModuleId, MsoRequest msoRequest, Holder> outputs) throws VnfException { logger.debug("Deleting VF Module " + vfModuleId + " in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId); // Will capture execution time for metrics long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Capture the output parameters on a delete, so need to query first VduInstance vduInstance = null; CloudInfo cloudInfo = new CloudInfo(cloudSiteId, cloudOwner, tenantId, null); // Use the VduPlugin. VduPlugin vduPlugin = getVduPlugin(cloudSiteId, cloudOwner); try { vduInstance = vduPlugin.queryVdu(cloudInfo, vfModuleId); } catch (VduException e) { // Failed to query the VDU due to a plugin exception. // Convert to a generic VnfException e.addContext("QueryVFModule"); String error = "Query VfModule (VDU): " + vfModuleId + " in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + e; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_QUERY_VNF_ERR.toString(), vfModuleId, cloudOwner, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "VDU", "QueryVFModule", ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), "Exception - queryVDU", e); logger.debug(error); throw new VnfException(e); } // call method which handles the conversion from Map to Map for our expected // Object types outputs.value = convertMapStringObjectToStringString(vduInstance.getOutputs()); // Use the VduPlugin to delete the VDU. // The possible outcomes of deleteVdu are // - a vnfInstance object with status of DELETED (success) // - a vnfInstance object with status of NOTFOUND (VDU did not exist, treat as success) // - a vnfInstance object with status of FAILED (error) // Also, VduException could be thrown. long subStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { // TODO: Get an appropriate timeout value - require access to the model vduPlugin.deleteVdu(cloudInfo, vfModuleId, 5); } catch (VduException me) { me.addContext("DeleteVfModule"); // Convert to a generic VnfException String error = "Delete VF: " + vfModuleId + " in " + cloudOwner + "/" + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; logger.error("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_DELETE_VNF_ERR.toString(), vfModuleId, cloudOwner, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "VDU", "DeleteVdu", ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), "Exception - DeleteVdu: " + me.getMessage()); logger.debug(error); throw new VnfException(me); } // On success, nothing is returned. return; } // Update VF Module not yet implemented for generic VDU plug-in model. @Override public void updateVfModule(String cloudSiteId, String cloudOwner, String tenantId, String vnfType, String vnfVersion, String vnfName, String requestType, String volumeGroupHeatStackId, String baseVfHeatStackId, String vfModuleStackId, String modelCustomizationUuid, Map inputs, MsoRequest msoRequest, Holder> outputs, Holder rollback) throws VnfException { // This operation is not currently supported for VduPlugin-orchestrated VF Modules. logger.debug("Update VF Module command attempted but not supported"); throw new VnfException("UpdateVfModule: Unsupported command", MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } /* * Dynamic selection of a VduPlugin version. For initial tests, base on the "orchestrator" defined for the target * cloud. Should really be looking at the VNF Model (ochestration_mode) but we don't currently have access to that * in Query and Delete cases. */ private VduPlugin getVduPlugin(String cloudSiteId, String cloudOwner) { Optional cloudSiteOp = cloudConfig.getCloudSite(cloudSiteId); if (cloudSiteOp.isPresent()) { CloudSite cloudSite = cloudSiteOp.get(); String orchestrator = cloudSite.getOrchestrator(); if (orchestrator.equalsIgnoreCase("CLOUDIFY")) { return cloudifyUtils; } else if (orchestrator.equalsIgnoreCase("HEAT")) { return heatUtils; } else if (orchestrator.equalsIgnoreCase("MULTICLOUD")) { return multicloudUtils; } else { // Default if cloudSite record exists - return HEAT plugin - will fail later return heatUtils; } } // Default if no cloudSite record exists - return multicloud plugin return multicloudUtils; } }