/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * ONAP - SO * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.openecomp.mso.adapters.network; import static org.openecomp.mso.openstack.utils.MsoCommonUtils.isNullOrEmpty; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import javax.jws.WebService; import javax.xml.ws.Holder; import org.openecomp.mso.adapters.network.exceptions.NetworkException; import org.openecomp.mso.cloud.CloudConfig; import org.openecomp.mso.cloud.CloudConfigFactory; import org.openecomp.mso.cloud.CloudSite; import org.openecomp.mso.db.catalog.CatalogDatabase; import org.openecomp.mso.db.catalog.beans.HeatTemplate; import org.openecomp.mso.db.catalog.beans.NetworkResource; import org.openecomp.mso.db.catalog.utils.MavenLikeVersioning; import org.openecomp.mso.entity.MsoRequest; import org.openecomp.mso.logger.MessageEnum; import org.openecomp.mso.logger.MsoAlarmLogger; import org.openecomp.mso.logger.MsoLogger; import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.beans.HeatStatus; import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.beans.NetworkInfo; import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.beans.NetworkRollback; import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.beans.NetworkStatus; import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.beans.Pool; import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.beans.RouteTarget; import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.beans.StackInfo; import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.beans.Subnet; import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.exceptions.MsoAdapterException; import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.exceptions.MsoException; import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.exceptions.MsoExceptionCategory; import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.utils.MsoHeatUtils; import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.utils.MsoHeatUtilsWithUpdate; import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.utils.MsoNeutronUtils; import org.openecomp.mso.openstack.utils.MsoNeutronUtils.NetworkType; import org.openecomp.mso.properties.MsoPropertiesException; import org.openecomp.mso.properties.MsoPropertiesFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; @WebService(serviceName = "NetworkAdapter", endpointInterface = "org.openecomp.mso.adapters.network.MsoNetworkAdapter", targetNamespace = "http://org.openecomp.mso/network") public class MsoNetworkAdapterImpl implements MsoNetworkAdapter { MsoPropertiesFactory msoPropertiesFactory=new MsoPropertiesFactory(); CloudConfigFactory cloudConfigFactory=new CloudConfigFactory(); private static final String AIC3_NW_PROPERTY= "org.openecomp.mso.adapters.network.aic3nw"; private static final String AIC3_NW="OS::ContrailV2::VirtualNetwork"; public static final String MSO_PROP_NETWORK_ADAPTER="MSO_PROP_NETWORK_ADAPTER"; private static final String VLANS = "vlans"; private static final String PHYSICAL_NETWORK = "physical_network"; private static final String UPDATE_NETWORK_CONTEXT = "UpdateNetwork"; private static final String NETWORK_ID = "network_id"; private static final String NETWORK_FQDN = "network_fqdn"; private static final String CREATE_NETWORK_CONTEXT = "CreateNetwork"; private static final String MSO_CONFIGURATION_ERROR = "MsoConfigurationError"; private static final String NEUTRON_MODE = "NEUTRON"; private static MsoLogger LOGGER = MsoLogger.getMsoLogger (MsoLogger.Catalog.RA); private static MsoAlarmLogger alarmLogger = new MsoAlarmLogger (); protected CloudConfig cloudConfig; /** * Health Check web method. Does nothing but return to show the adapter is deployed. */ @Override public void healthCheck () { LOGGER.debug ("Health check call in Network Adapter"); } /** * Do not use this constructor or the msoPropertiesFactory will be NULL. * * @see MsoNetworkAdapterImpl#MsoNetworkAdapterImpl(MsoPropertiesFactory) */ public MsoNetworkAdapterImpl() { } /** * This constructor MUST be used if this class if called with the new operator. * @param msoPropFactory */ public MsoNetworkAdapterImpl(MsoPropertiesFactory msoPropFactory,CloudConfigFactory cloudConfigFact) { this.msoPropertiesFactory = msoPropFactory; this.cloudConfigFactory=cloudConfigFact; cloudConfig = cloudConfigFactory.getCloudConfig (); } @Override public void createNetwork (String cloudSiteId, String tenantId, String networkType, String modelCustomizationUuid, String networkName, String physicalNetworkName, List vlans, Boolean failIfExists, Boolean backout, List subnets, MsoRequest msoRequest, Holder networkId, Holder neutronNetworkId, Holder > subnetIdMap, Holder rollback) throws NetworkException { Holder networkFqdn = new Holder <> (); createNetwork (cloudSiteId, tenantId, networkType, modelCustomizationUuid, networkName, physicalNetworkName, vlans, null, null, null, failIfExists, backout, subnets, null, null, msoRequest, networkId, neutronNetworkId, networkFqdn, subnetIdMap, rollback); } @Override public void createNetworkContrail (String cloudSiteId, String tenantId, String networkType, String modelCustomizationUuid, String networkName, List routeTargets, String shared, String external, Boolean failIfExists, Boolean backout, List subnets, List policyFqdns, List routeTableFqdns, MsoRequest msoRequest, Holder networkId, Holder neutronNetworkId, Holder networkFqdn, Holder > subnetIdMap, Holder rollback) throws NetworkException { createNetwork (cloudSiteId, tenantId, networkType, modelCustomizationUuid, networkName, null, null, routeTargets, shared, external, failIfExists, backout, subnets, policyFqdns, routeTableFqdns, msoRequest, networkId, neutronNetworkId, networkFqdn, subnetIdMap, rollback); } /** * This is the "Create Network" web service implementation. * It will create a new Network of the requested type in the specified cloud * and tenant. The tenant must exist at the time this service is called. * * If a network with the same name already exists, this can be considered a * success or failure, depending on the value of the 'failIfExists' parameter. * * There will be a pre-defined set of network types defined in the MSO Catalog. * All such networks will have a similar configuration, based on the allowable * Openstack networking definitions. This includes basic networks, provider * networks (with a single VLAN), and multi-provider networks (one or more VLANs) * * Initially, all provider networks must be "vlan" type, and multiple segments in * a multi-provider network must be multiple VLANs on the same physical network. * * This service supports two modes of Network creation/update: * - via Heat Templates * - via Neutron API * The network orchestration mode for each network type is declared in its * catalog definition. All Heat-based templates must support some subset of * the same input parameters: network_name, physical_network, vlan(s). * * The method returns the network ID and a NetworkRollback object. This latter * object can be passed as-is to the rollbackNetwork operation to undo everything * that was created. This is useful if a network is successfully created but * the orchestration fails on a subsequent operation. */ private void createNetwork (String cloudSiteId, String tenantId, String networkType, String modelCustomizationUuid, String networkName, String physicalNetworkName, List vlans, List routeTargets, String shared, String external, Boolean failIfExists, Boolean backout, List subnets, List policyFqdns, List routeTableFqdns, MsoRequest msoRequest, Holder networkId, Holder neutronNetworkId, Holder networkFqdn, Holder > subnetIdMap, Holder rollback) throws NetworkException { MsoLogger.setLogContext (msoRequest); MsoLogger.setServiceName ("CreateNetwork"); LOGGER.debug ("*** CREATE Network: " + networkName + " of type " + networkType + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId); // Will capture execution time for metrics long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis (); // Build a default rollback object (no actions performed) NetworkRollback networkRollback = new NetworkRollback (); networkRollback.setCloudId (cloudSiteId); networkRollback.setTenantId (tenantId); networkRollback.setMsoRequest (msoRequest); networkRollback.setModelCustomizationUuid(modelCustomizationUuid); // tenant query is not required here. // If the tenant doesn’t exist, the Heat calls will fail anyway (when the HeatUtils try to obtain a token). // So this is just catching that error in a bit more obvious way up front. cloudConfig = cloudConfigFactory.getCloudConfig (); Optional cloudSiteOpt = cloudConfig.getCloudSite(cloudSiteId); if (!cloudSiteOpt.isPresent()) { String error = "Configuration Error. Stack " + networkName + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + " CloudSite does not exist in MSO Configuration"; LOGGER.error (MessageEnum.RA_CONFIG_EXC, error, "", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Configuration Error"); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent (startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.DataError, error); // Set the detailed error as the Exception 'message' throw new NetworkException (error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } // Get a handle to the Catalog Database // Make sure DB connection is always closed try (CatalogDatabase db = getCatalogDB()) { NetworkResource networkResource = networkCheck(db, startTime, networkType, modelCustomizationUuid, networkName, physicalNetworkName, vlans, routeTargets, cloudSiteOpt.get()); String mode = networkResource.getOrchestrationMode(); NetworkType neutronNetworkType = NetworkType.valueOf(networkResource.getNeutronNetworkType()); if (NEUTRON_MODE.equals(mode)) { // Use an MsoNeutronUtils for all neutron commands MsoNeutronUtils neutron = new MsoNeutronUtils(MSO_PROP_NETWORK_ADAPTER, cloudConfigFactory); // See if the Network already exists (by name) NetworkInfo netInfo = null; long queryNetworkStarttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { netInfo = neutron.queryNetwork(networkName, tenantId, cloudSiteId); LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(queryNetworkStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Response successfully received from OpenStack", "OpenStack", "QueryNetwork", null); } catch (MsoException me) { LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(queryNetworkStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, "Exception while querying network from OpenStack", "OpenStack", "QueryNetwork", null); LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_QUERY_NETWORK_EXC, networkName, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.BusinessProcesssError, "Exception while querying network from OpenStack", me); me.addContext(CREATE_NETWORK_CONTEXT); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, "Exception while querying network from OpenStack"); throw new NetworkException(me); } if (netInfo != null) { // Exists. If that's OK, return success with the network ID. // Otherwise, return an exception. if (failIfExists != null && failIfExists) { String error = "Create Nework: Network " + networkName + " already exists in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + " with ID " + netInfo.getId(); LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_NETWORK_ALREADY_EXIST, networkName, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Network already exists"); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Conflict, error); throw new NetworkException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } else { // Populate the outputs from the existing network. networkId.value = netInfo.getId(); neutronNetworkId.value = netInfo.getId(); rollback.value = networkRollback; // Default rollback - no updates performed String msg = "Found Existing network, status=" + netInfo.getStatus() + " for Neutron mode"; LOGGER.warn(MessageEnum.RA_NETWORK_ALREADY_EXIST, networkName, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Found Existing network, status=" + netInfo.getStatus()); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, msg); } return; } long createNetworkStarttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { netInfo = neutron.createNetwork(cloudSiteId, tenantId, neutronNetworkType, networkName, physicalNetworkName, vlans); LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(createNetworkStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Response successfully received from OpenStack", "OpenStack", "CreateNetwork", null); } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext(CREATE_NETWORK_CONTEXT); LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(createNetworkStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, "Exception while communicate with OpenStack", "OpenStack", "CreateNetwork", null); String error = "Create Network: type " + neutronNetworkType + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_NETWORK_EXC, networkName, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception while communicate with OpenStack", me); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error); throw new NetworkException(me); } // Note: ignoring MsoNetworkAlreadyExists because we already checked. // If reach this point, network creation is successful. // Since directly created via Neutron, networkId tracked by MSO is the same // as the neutron network ID. networkId.value = netInfo.getId(); neutronNetworkId.value = netInfo.getId(); networkRollback.setNetworkCreated(true); networkRollback.setNetworkId(netInfo.getId()); networkRollback.setNeutronNetworkId(netInfo.getId()); networkRollback.setNetworkType(networkType); LOGGER.debug("Network " + networkName + " created, id = " + netInfo.getId()); } else if ("HEAT".equals(mode)) { // Use an MsoHeatUtils for all Heat commands MsoHeatUtils heat = new MsoHeatUtils(MSO_PROP_NETWORK_ADAPTER, msoPropertiesFactory, cloudConfigFactory); //HeatTemplate heatTemplate = db.getHeatTemplate (networkResource.getTemplateId ()); HeatTemplate heatTemplate = db .getHeatTemplateByArtifactUuidRegularQuery(networkResource.getHeatTemplateArtifactUUID()); if (heatTemplate == null) { String error = "Network error - undefined Heat Template. Network Type = " + networkType; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_PARAM_NOT_FOUND, "Heat Template", "Network Type", networkType, "Openstack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Network error - undefined Heat Template. Network Type = " + networkType); alarmLogger.sendAlarm(MSO_CONFIGURATION_ERROR, MsoAlarmLogger.CRITICAL, error); // Alarm on this // error, // configuration // must be fixed LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.DataNotFound, error); throw new NetworkException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.INTERNAL); } LOGGER.debug("Got HEAT Template from DB: " + heatTemplate.toString()); // "Fix" the template if it has CR/LF (getting this from Oracle) String template = heatTemplate.getHeatTemplate(); template = template.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n"); boolean aic3template = false; String aic3nw = AIC3_NW; try { aic3nw = msoPropertiesFactory.getMsoJavaProperties(MSO_PROP_NETWORK_ADAPTER) .getProperty(AIC3_NW_PROPERTY, AIC3_NW); } catch (MsoPropertiesException e) { String error = "Unable to get properties:" + MSO_PROP_NETWORK_ADAPTER; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_CONFIG_EXC, error, "", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception - Unable to get properties", e); } if (template.contains(aic3nw)) aic3template = true; // First, look up to see if the Network already exists (by name). // For HEAT orchestration of networks, the stack name will always match the network name StackInfo heatStack = null; long queryNetworkStarttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { heatStack = heat.queryStack(cloudSiteId, tenantId, networkName); LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(queryNetworkStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Response successfully received from OpenStack", "OpenStack", "QueryNetwork", null); } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext(CREATE_NETWORK_CONTEXT); LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(queryNetworkStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, "Exception while querying stack from OpenStack", "OpenStack", "QueryNetwork", null); String error = "Create Network (heat): query network " + networkName + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_QUERY_NETWORK_EXC, networkName, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception while querying stack from OpenStack", me); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error); throw new NetworkException(me); } if (heatStack != null && (heatStack.getStatus() != HeatStatus.NOTFOUND)) { // Stack exists. Return success or error depending on input directive if (failIfExists != null && failIfExists) { String error = "CreateNetwork: Stack " + networkName + " already exists in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + " as " + heatStack.getCanonicalName(); LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_NETWORK_ALREADY_EXIST, networkName, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Network already exists"); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Conflict, error); throw new NetworkException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } else { // Populate the outputs from the existing stack. networkId.value = heatStack.getCanonicalName(); neutronNetworkId.value = (String) heatStack.getOutputs().get(NETWORK_ID); rollback.value = networkRollback; // Default rollback - no updates performed if (aic3template) { networkFqdn.value = (String) heatStack.getOutputs().get(NETWORK_FQDN); } Map outputs = heatStack.getOutputs(); Map sMap = new HashMap<>(); if (outputs != null) { for (String key : outputs.keySet()) { if (key != null && key.startsWith("subnet")) { if (aic3template) //one subnet_id output { Map map = getSubnetUUId(key, outputs, subnets); sMap.putAll(map); } else //multiples subnet_%aaid% outputs { String subnetUUId = (String) outputs.get(key); sMap.put(key.substring("subnet_id_".length()), subnetUUId); } } } } subnetIdMap.value = sMap; LOGGER.warn(MessageEnum.RA_NETWORK_ALREADY_EXIST, networkName, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Found Existing network stack, status=" + heatStack.getStatus()); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Found Existing network stack"); } return; } // Ready to deploy the new Network // Build the common set of HEAT template parameters Map stackParams = populateNetworkParams(neutronNetworkType, networkName, physicalNetworkName, vlans, routeTargets, shared, external, aic3template); // Validate (and update) the input parameters against the DB definition // Shouldn't happen unless DB config is wrong, since all networks use same inputs // and inputs were already validated. try { stackParams = heat.validateStackParams(stackParams, heatTemplate); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { String error = "Create Network: Configuration Error: " + e.getMessage(); LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_CONFIG_EXC, e.getMessage(), "Openstack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception - Create Network, Configuration Error", e); alarmLogger.sendAlarm(MSO_CONFIGURATION_ERROR, MsoAlarmLogger.CRITICAL, error); // Alarm on this // error, // configuration // must be fixed LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.DataError, error); // Input parameters were not valid throw new NetworkException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.INTERNAL); } if (subnets != null) { try { if (aic3template) { template = mergeSubnetsAIC3(template, subnets, stackParams); } else { template = mergeSubnets(template, subnets); } } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext(CREATE_NETWORK_CONTEXT); String error = "Create Network (heat): type " + neutronNetworkType + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_NETWORK_EXC, neutronNetworkType.toString(), cloudSiteId, tenantId, "Openstack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception Create Network, merging subnets", me); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.InternalError, error); throw new NetworkException(me); } } if (policyFqdns != null && !policyFqdns.isEmpty() && aic3template) { try { mergePolicyRefs(policyFqdns, stackParams); } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext(CREATE_NETWORK_CONTEXT); String error = "Create Network (heat) mergePolicyRefs type " + neutronNetworkType + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_NETWORK_EXC, neutronNetworkType.toString(), cloudSiteId, tenantId, "Openstack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception Create Network, merging policyRefs", me); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.InternalError, error); throw new NetworkException(me); } } if (routeTableFqdns != null && !routeTableFqdns.isEmpty() && aic3template) { try { mergeRouteTableRefs(routeTableFqdns, stackParams); } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext(CREATE_NETWORK_CONTEXT); String error = "Create Network (heat) mergeRouteTableRefs type " + neutronNetworkType + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_NETWORK_EXC, neutronNetworkType.toString(), cloudSiteId, tenantId, "Openstack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception Create Network, merging routeTableRefs", me); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.InternalError, error); throw new NetworkException(me); } } // Deploy the network stack // Ignore MsoStackAlreadyExists exception because we already checked. try { if (backout == null) backout = true; heatStack = heat.createStack(cloudSiteId, tenantId, networkName, template, stackParams, true, heatTemplate.getTimeoutMinutes(), null, null, null, backout.booleanValue()); } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext(CREATE_NETWORK_CONTEXT); String error = "Create Network (heat): type " + neutronNetworkType + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_NETWORK_EXC, networkName, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "Openstack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception creating network", me); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error); throw new NetworkException(me); } // Reach this point if createStack is successful. // For Heat-based orchestration, the MSO-tracked network ID is the heat stack, // and the neutronNetworkId is the network UUID returned in stack outputs. networkId.value = heatStack.getCanonicalName(); neutronNetworkId.value = (String) heatStack.getOutputs().get(NETWORK_ID); if (aic3template) { networkFqdn.value = (String) heatStack.getOutputs().get(NETWORK_FQDN); } Map outputs = heatStack.getOutputs(); Map sMap = new HashMap<>(); if (outputs != null) { for (String key : outputs.keySet()) { if (key != null && key.startsWith("subnet")) { if (aic3template) //one subnet output expected { Map map = getSubnetUUId(key, outputs, subnets); sMap.putAll(map); } else //multiples subnet_%aaid% outputs allowed { String subnetUUId = (String) outputs.get(key); sMap.put(key.substring("subnet_id_".length()), subnetUUId); } } } } subnetIdMap.value = sMap; rollback.value = networkRollback; // Populate remaining rollback info and response parameters. networkRollback.setNetworkStackId(heatStack.getCanonicalName()); networkRollback.setNeutronNetworkId((String) heatStack.getOutputs().get(NETWORK_ID)); networkRollback.setNetworkCreated(true); networkRollback.setNetworkType(networkType); LOGGER.debug("Network " + networkName + " successfully created via HEAT"); } } LOGGER.recordAuditEvent (startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Successfully created network"); return; } @Override public void updateNetwork (String cloudSiteId, String tenantId, String networkType, String modelCustomizationUuid, String networkId, String networkName, String physicalNetworkName, List vlans, List subnets, MsoRequest msoRequest, Holder > subnetIdMap, Holder rollback) throws NetworkException { updateNetwork (cloudSiteId, tenantId, networkType, modelCustomizationUuid, networkId, networkName, physicalNetworkName, vlans, null, null, null, subnets, null, null, msoRequest, subnetIdMap, rollback); } @Override public void updateNetworkContrail (String cloudSiteId, String tenantId, String networkType, String modelCustomizationUuid, String networkId, String networkName, List routeTargets, String shared, String external, List subnets, List policyFqdns, List routeTableFqdns, MsoRequest msoRequest, Holder > subnetIdMap, Holder rollback) throws NetworkException { updateNetwork (cloudSiteId, tenantId, networkType, modelCustomizationUuid, networkId, networkName, null, null, routeTargets, shared, external, subnets, policyFqdns, routeTableFqdns, msoRequest, subnetIdMap, rollback); } /** * This is the "Update Network" web service implementation. * It will update an existing Network of the requested type in the specified cloud * and tenant. The typical use will be to replace the VLANs with the supplied * list (to add or remove a VLAN), but other properties may be updated as well. * * There will be a pre-defined set of network types defined in the MSO Catalog. * All such networks will have a similar configuration, based on the allowable * Openstack networking definitions. This includes basic networks, provider * networks (with a single VLAN), and multi-provider networks (one or more VLANs). * * Initially, all provider networks must currently be "vlan" type, and multi-provider * networks must be multiple VLANs on the same physical network. * * This service supports two modes of Network update: * - via Heat Templates * - via Neutron API * The network orchestration mode for each network type is declared in its * catalog definition. All Heat-based templates must support some subset of * the same input parameters: network_name, physical_network, vlan, segments. * * The method returns a NetworkRollback object. This object can be passed * as-is to the rollbackNetwork operation to undo everything that was updated. * This is useful if a network is successfully updated but orchestration * fails on a subsequent operation. */ private void updateNetwork (String cloudSiteId, String tenantId, String networkType, String modelCustomizationUuid, String networkId, String networkName, String physicalNetworkName, List vlans, List routeTargets, String shared, String external, List subnets, List policyFqdns, List routeTableFqdns, MsoRequest msoRequest, Holder > subnetIdMap, Holder rollback) throws NetworkException { MsoLogger.setLogContext (msoRequest); MsoLogger.setServiceName ("UpdateNetwork"); LOGGER.debug ("***UPDATE Network adapter with Network: " + networkName + " of type " + networkType + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId); // Will capture execution time for metrics long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis (); // Build a default rollback object (no actions performed) NetworkRollback networkRollback = new NetworkRollback (); networkRollback.setCloudId (cloudSiteId); networkRollback.setTenantId (tenantId); networkRollback.setMsoRequest (msoRequest); cloudConfig = cloudConfigFactory.getCloudConfig (); Optional cloudSiteOpt = cloudConfig.getCloudSite (cloudSiteId); if (!cloudSiteOpt.isPresent()) { String error = "UpdateNetwork: Configuration Error. Stack " + networkName + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + " CloudSite does not exist in MSO Configuration"; LOGGER.error (MessageEnum.RA_CONFIG_EXC, error, "Openstack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "CloudSite does not exist in MSO Configuration"); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent (startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.DataError, error); // Set the detailed error as the Exception 'message' throw new NetworkException (error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } // Get a handle to the Catalog Database // Make sure DB connection is always closed try (CatalogDatabase db = getCatalogDB()) { NetworkResource networkResource = networkCheck(db, startTime, networkType, modelCustomizationUuid, networkName, physicalNetworkName, vlans, routeTargets, cloudSiteOpt.get()); String mode = networkResource.getOrchestrationMode(); NetworkType neutronNetworkType = NetworkType.valueOf(networkResource.getNeutronNetworkType()); // Use an MsoNeutronUtils for all Neutron commands MsoNeutronUtils neutron = new MsoNeutronUtils(MSO_PROP_NETWORK_ADAPTER, cloudConfigFactory); if (NEUTRON_MODE.equals(mode)) { // Verify that the Network exists // For Neutron-based orchestration, the networkId is the Neutron Network UUID. NetworkInfo netInfo = null; long queryNetworkStarttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { netInfo = neutron.queryNetwork(networkId, tenantId, cloudSiteId); LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(queryNetworkStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Successfully received response from Open Stack", "OpenStack", "QueryNetwork", null); } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext(UPDATE_NETWORK_CONTEXT); String error = "Update Network (neutron): query " + networkId + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(queryNetworkStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error, "OpenStack", "QueryNetwork", null); LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_QUERY_NETWORK_EXC, networkId, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "OpenStack", "QueryNetwork", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.BusinessProcesssError, "Exception - queryNetwork", me); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error); throw new NetworkException(me); } if (netInfo == null) { String error = "Update Nework: Network " + networkId + " does not exist in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND, networkId, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.BusinessProcesssError, "Network not found"); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.BadRequest, error); // Does not exist. Throw an exception (can't update a non-existent network) throw new NetworkException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } long updateNetworkStarttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { netInfo = neutron.updateNetwork(cloudSiteId, tenantId, networkId, neutronNetworkType, physicalNetworkName, vlans); LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(updateNetworkStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Successfully received response from Open Stack", "OpenStack", "UpdateNetwork", null); } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext(UPDATE_NETWORK_CONTEXT); String error = "Update Network (neutron): " + networkId + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_UPDATE_NETWORK_ERR, networkId, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "Openstack", "updateNetwork", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception - updateNetwork", me); LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(updateNetworkStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error, "OpenStack", "UpdateNetwork", null); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error); throw new NetworkException(me); } // Add the network ID and previously queried vlans to the rollback object networkRollback.setNetworkId(netInfo.getId()); networkRollback.setNeutronNetworkId(netInfo.getId()); networkRollback.setNetworkType(networkType); // Save previous parameters networkRollback.setNetworkName(netInfo.getName()); networkRollback.setPhysicalNetwork(netInfo.getProvider()); networkRollback.setVlans(netInfo.getVlans()); LOGGER.debug("Network " + networkId + " updated, id = " + netInfo.getId()); } else if ("HEAT".equals(mode)) { // Use an MsoHeatUtils for all Heat commands MsoHeatUtilsWithUpdate heat = new MsoHeatUtilsWithUpdate(MSO_PROP_NETWORK_ADAPTER, msoPropertiesFactory, cloudConfigFactory); // First, look up to see that the Network already exists. // For Heat-based orchestration, the networkId is the network Stack ID. StackInfo heatStack = null; long queryStackStarttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { heatStack = heat.queryStack(cloudSiteId, tenantId, networkName); LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(queryStackStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Successfully received response from Open Stack", "OpenStack", "QueryStack", null); } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext(UPDATE_NETWORK_CONTEXT); String error = "UpdateNetwork (heat): query " + networkName + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(queryStackStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error, "OpenStack", "QueryStack", null); LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_QUERY_NETWORK_EXC, networkId, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "OpenStack", "queryStack", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception - QueryStack", me); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error); throw new NetworkException(me); } if (heatStack == null || (heatStack.getStatus() == HeatStatus.NOTFOUND)) { String error = "UpdateNetwork: Stack " + networkName + " does not exist in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND, networkId, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "OpenStack", "queryStack", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Network not found"); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.BadRequest, error); // Network stack does not exist. Return an error throw new NetworkException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } // Get the previous parameters for rollback Map heatParams = heatStack.getParameters(); String previousNetworkName = (String) heatParams.get("network_name"); String previousPhysicalNetwork = (String) heatParams.get(PHYSICAL_NETWORK); List previousVlans = new ArrayList<>(); String vlansParam = (String) heatParams.get(VLANS); if (vlansParam != null) { for (String vlan : vlansParam.split(",")) { try { previousVlans.add(Integer.parseInt(vlan)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOGGER.warn(MessageEnum.RA_VLAN_PARSE, networkId, vlansParam, "", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception - VLAN parse", e); } } } LOGGER.debug("Update Stack: Previous VLANS: " + previousVlans); // Ready to deploy the updated Network via Heat //HeatTemplate heatTemplate = db.getHeatTemplate (networkResource.getTemplateId ()); HeatTemplate heatTemplate = db .getHeatTemplateByArtifactUuidRegularQuery(networkResource.getHeatTemplateArtifactUUID()); if (heatTemplate == null) { String error = "Network error - undefined Heat Template. Network Type=" + networkType; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_PARAM_NOT_FOUND, "Heat Template", "Network Type", networkType, "OpenStack", "getHeatTemplate", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Network error - undefined Heat Template. Network Type=" + networkType); alarmLogger.sendAlarm(MSO_CONFIGURATION_ERROR, MsoAlarmLogger.CRITICAL, error); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.BadRequest, error); throw new NetworkException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.INTERNAL); } LOGGER.debug("Got HEAT Template from DB: " + heatTemplate.toString()); // "Fix" the template if it has CR/LF (getting this from Oracle) String template = heatTemplate.getHeatTemplate(); template = template.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n"); boolean aic3template = false; String aic3nw = AIC3_NW; try { aic3nw = msoPropertiesFactory.getMsoJavaProperties(MSO_PROP_NETWORK_ADAPTER) .getProperty(AIC3_NW_PROPERTY, AIC3_NW); } catch (MsoPropertiesException e) { String error = "Unable to get properties:" + MSO_PROP_NETWORK_ADAPTER; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_CONFIG_EXC, error, "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception - Unable to get properties", e); } if (template.contains(aic3nw)) aic3template = true; // Build the common set of HEAT template parameters Map stackParams = populateNetworkParams(neutronNetworkType, networkName, physicalNetworkName, vlans, routeTargets, shared, external, aic3template); // Validate (and update) the input parameters against the DB definition // Shouldn't happen unless DB config is wrong, since all networks use same inputs try { stackParams = heat.validateStackParams(stackParams, heatTemplate); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { String error = "UpdateNetwork: Configuration Error: Network Type=" + networkType; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_CONFIG_EXC, "Network Type=" + networkType, "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception - UpdateNetwork: Configuration Error"); alarmLogger.sendAlarm(MSO_CONFIGURATION_ERROR, MsoAlarmLogger.CRITICAL, error); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.SchemaError, error); throw new NetworkException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.INTERNAL, e); } if (subnets != null) { try { if (aic3template) { template = mergeSubnetsAIC3(template, subnets, stackParams); } else { template = mergeSubnets(template, subnets); } } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext(UPDATE_NETWORK_CONTEXT); String error = "Update Network (heat): type " + neutronNetworkType + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_UPDATE_NETWORK_ERR, neutronNetworkType.toString(), cloudSiteId, tenantId, "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception - UpdateNetwork mergeSubnets ", me); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.InternalError, error); throw new NetworkException(me); } } if (policyFqdns != null && aic3template) { try { mergePolicyRefs(policyFqdns, stackParams); } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext(UPDATE_NETWORK_CONTEXT); String error = "UpdateNetwork (heat) mergePolicyRefs type " + neutronNetworkType + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_UPDATE_NETWORK_ERR, neutronNetworkType.toString(), cloudSiteId, tenantId, "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception - UpdateNetwork mergePolicyRefs", me); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.InternalError, error); throw new NetworkException(me); } } if (routeTableFqdns != null && !routeTableFqdns.isEmpty() && aic3template) { try { mergeRouteTableRefs(routeTableFqdns, stackParams); } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext(UPDATE_NETWORK_CONTEXT); String error = "UpdateNetwork (heat) mergeRouteTableRefs type " + neutronNetworkType + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_UPDATE_NETWORK_ERR, neutronNetworkType.toString(), cloudSiteId, tenantId, "Openstack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception - UpdateNetwork mergeRouteTableRefs", me); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.InternalError, error); throw new NetworkException(me); } } // Update the network stack // Ignore MsoStackNotFound exception because we already checked. long updateStackStarttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { heatStack = heat.updateStack(cloudSiteId, tenantId, networkId, template, stackParams, true, heatTemplate.getTimeoutMinutes()); LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(updateStackStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Successfully received response from Open Stack", "OpenStack", "UpdateStack", null); } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext(UPDATE_NETWORK_CONTEXT); String error = "Update Network: " + networkId + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(updateStackStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error, "OpenStack", "UpdateStack", null); LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_UPDATE_NETWORK_ERR, networkId, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception - update network", me); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error); throw new NetworkException(me); } Map outputs = heatStack.getOutputs(); Map sMap = new HashMap<>(); if (outputs != null) { for (String key : outputs.keySet()) { if (key != null && key.startsWith("subnet")) { if (aic3template) //one subnet output expected { Map map = getSubnetUUId(key, outputs, subnets); sMap.putAll(map); } else //multiples subnet_%aaid% outputs allowed { String subnetUUId = (String) outputs.get(key); sMap.put(key.substring("subnet_id_".length()), subnetUUId); } } } } subnetIdMap.value = sMap; // Reach this point if createStack is successful. // Populate remaining rollback info and response parameters. networkRollback.setNetworkStackId(heatStack.getCanonicalName()); if (null != outputs) { networkRollback.setNeutronNetworkId((String) outputs.get(NETWORK_ID)); } else { LOGGER.debug("outputs is NULL"); } networkRollback.setNetworkType(networkType); // Save previous parameters networkRollback.setNetworkName(previousNetworkName); networkRollback.setPhysicalNetwork(previousPhysicalNetwork); networkRollback.setVlans(previousVlans); rollback.value = networkRollback; LOGGER.debug("Network " + networkId + " successfully updated via HEAT"); } } LOGGER.recordAuditEvent (startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Successfully updated network"); return; } private NetworkResource networkCheck (CatalogDatabase db, long startTime, String networkType, String modelCustomizationUuid, String networkName, String physicalNetworkName, List vlans, List routeTargets, CloudSite cloudSite) throws NetworkException { // Retrieve the Network Resource definition NetworkResource networkResource = null; try { if (isNullOrEmpty(modelCustomizationUuid)) { networkResource = db.getNetworkResource(networkType); } else { networkResource = db .getNetworkResourceByModelCustUuid(modelCustomizationUuid); } if (networkResource == null) { String error = "Create/UpdateNetwork: Unable to get network resource with NetworkType:" + networkType + " or ModelCustomizationUUID:" + modelCustomizationUuid; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_UNKOWN_PARAM, "NetworkType/ModelCustomizationUUID", networkType + "/" + modelCustomizationUuid, "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Create/UpdateNetwork: Unknown NetworkType/ModelCustomizationUUID"); throw new NetworkException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } LOGGER.debug("Got Network definition from Catalog: " + networkResource.toString()); String mode = networkResource.getOrchestrationMode(); NetworkType neutronNetworkType = NetworkType .valueOf(networkResource.getNeutronNetworkType()); // All Networks are orchestrated via HEAT or Neutron if (!("HEAT".equals(mode) || NEUTRON_MODE.equals(mode))) { String error = "CreateNetwork: Configuration Error: Network Type = " + networkType; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_NETWORK_ORCHE_MODE_NOT_SUPPORT, mode, "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "CreateNetwork: Configuration Error"); // Alarm on this error, configuration must be fixed alarmLogger.sendAlarm(MSO_CONFIGURATION_ERROR, MsoAlarmLogger.CRITICAL, error); throw new NetworkException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.INTERNAL); } MavenLikeVersioning aicV = new MavenLikeVersioning(); aicV.setVersion(cloudSite.getAic_version()); if ((aicV.isMoreRecentThan(networkResource.getAicVersionMin()) || aicV .isTheSameVersion(networkResource.getAicVersionMin())) // aic // >= // min && (aicV.isTheSameVersion(networkResource .getAicVersionMax()) || !(aicV .isMoreRecentThan(networkResource .getAicVersionMax())))) // aic <= max { LOGGER.debug("Network Type:" + networkType + " VersionMin:" + networkResource.getAicVersionMin() + " VersionMax:" + networkResource.getAicVersionMax() + " supported on Cloud:" + cloudSite.getId() + " with AIC_Version:" + cloudSite.getAic_version()); } else { String error = "Network Type:" + networkType + " Version_Min:" + networkResource.getAicVersionMin() + " Version_Max:" + networkResource.getAicVersionMax() + " not supported on Cloud:" + cloudSite.getId() + " with AIC_Version:" + cloudSite.getAic_version(); LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_CONFIG_EXC, error, "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Network Type not supported on Cloud"); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.DataError, error); throw new NetworkException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } // Validate the Network parameters. String missing = validateNetworkParams(neutronNetworkType, networkName, physicalNetworkName, vlans, routeTargets); if (!missing.isEmpty()) { String error = "Create Network: Missing parameters: " + missing; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_MISSING_PARAM, missing, "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Create Network: Missing parameters"); throw new NetworkException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } } finally { db.close(); } return networkResource; } @Override public void queryNetwork (String cloudSiteId, String tenantId, String networkNameOrId, MsoRequest msoRequest, Holder networkExists, Holder networkId, Holder neutronNetworkId, Holder status, Holder > vlans, Holder > subnetIdMap) throws NetworkException { queryNetworkInfo(cloudSiteId, tenantId, networkNameOrId, msoRequest, networkExists, networkId, neutronNetworkId, status, vlans, null, subnetIdMap); } @Override public void queryNetworkContrail (String cloudSiteId, String tenantId, String networkNameOrId, MsoRequest msoRequest, Holder networkExists, Holder networkId, Holder neutronNetworkId, Holder status, Holder > routeTargets, Holder > subnetIdMap) throws NetworkException { queryNetworkInfo(cloudSiteId, tenantId, networkNameOrId, msoRequest, networkExists, networkId, neutronNetworkId, status, null, routeTargets, subnetIdMap); } /** * This is the queryNetworkInfo method. It returns the existence and status of * the specified network, along with its Neutron UUID and list of VLANs. * This method attempts to find the network using both Heat and Neutron. * Heat stacks are first searched based on the provided network name/id. * If none is found, the Neutron is directly queried. */ private void queryNetworkInfo(String cloudSiteId, String tenantId, String networkNameOrId, MsoRequest msoRequest, Holder networkExists, Holder networkId, Holder neutronNetworkId, Holder status, Holder > vlans, Holder > routeTargets, Holder > subnetIdMap) throws NetworkException { MsoLogger.setLogContext (msoRequest); MsoLogger.setServiceName ("QueryNetwork"); LOGGER.debug ("*** QUERY Network with Network: " + networkNameOrId + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId); // Will capture execution time for metrics long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis (); if (isNullOrEmpty (cloudSiteId) || isNullOrEmpty(tenantId) || isNullOrEmpty(networkNameOrId)) { String error = "Missing mandatory parameter cloudSiteId, tenantId or networkId"; LOGGER.error (MessageEnum.RA_MISSING_PARAM, "cloudSiteId or tenantId or networkNameOrId", "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Missing mandatory parameter cloudSiteId, tenantId or networkId"); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent (startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.BadRequest, error); throw new NetworkException (error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } cloudConfig = cloudConfigFactory.getCloudConfig(); Optional cloudSiteOpt = cloudConfig.getCloudSite(cloudSiteId); if (!cloudSiteOpt.isPresent()) { String error = "Configuration Error. Stack " + networkNameOrId + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + " CloudSite does not exist in MSO Configuration"; LOGGER.error (MessageEnum.RA_CONFIG_EXC, error, "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Configuration Error"); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent (startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.DataError, error); // Set the detailed error as the Exception 'message' throw new NetworkException (error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } // Use MsoNeutronUtils for all NEUTRON commands MsoHeatUtils heat = new MsoHeatUtils (MSO_PROP_NETWORK_ADAPTER,msoPropertiesFactory,cloudConfigFactory); MsoNeutronUtils neutron = new MsoNeutronUtils (MSO_PROP_NETWORK_ADAPTER, cloudConfigFactory); String mode; String neutronId; // Try Heat first, since networks may be named the same as the Heat stack StackInfo heatStack = null; long queryStackStarttime = System.currentTimeMillis (); try { heatStack = heat.queryStack (cloudSiteId, tenantId, networkNameOrId); LOGGER.recordMetricEvent (queryStackStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Successfully received response from Open Stack", "OpenStack", "QueryStack", null); } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext ("QueryNetwork"); String error = "Query Network (heat): " + networkNameOrId + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.recordMetricEvent (queryStackStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error, "BPMN", "QueryStack", null); LOGGER.error (MessageEnum.RA_QUERY_NETWORK_EXC, networkNameOrId, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "OpenStack", "queryStack", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception - Query Network (heat)", me); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent (startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error); throw new NetworkException (me); } // Populate the outputs based on the returned Stack information if (heatStack != null && heatStack.getStatus () != HeatStatus.NOTFOUND) { // Found it. Get the neutronNetworkId for further query Map outputs = heatStack.getOutputs (); neutronId = (String) outputs.get (NETWORK_ID); mode = "HEAT"; Map sMap = new HashMap <> (); if (outputs != null) { for (String key : outputs.keySet ()) { if (key != null && key.startsWith ("subnet_id_")) //multiples subnet_%aaid% outputs { String subnetUUId = (String) outputs.get(key); sMap.put (key.substring("subnet_id_".length()), subnetUUId); } else if (key != null && key.startsWith ("subnet")) //one subnet output expected { Map map = getSubnetUUId(key, outputs, null); sMap.putAll(map); } } } subnetIdMap.value = sMap; } else { // Input ID was not a Heat stack ID. Try it directly in Neutron neutronId = networkNameOrId; mode = NEUTRON_MODE; } // Query directly against the Neutron Network for the details // no RouteTargets available for ContrailV2 in neutron net-show // networkId is heatStackId long queryNetworkStarttime = System.currentTimeMillis (); try { NetworkInfo netInfo = neutron.queryNetwork (neutronId, tenantId, cloudSiteId); LOGGER.recordMetricEvent (queryNetworkStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Successfully received response from Open Stack", "OpenStack", "QueryNetwork", null); if (netInfo != null) { // Found. Populate the output elements networkExists.value = Boolean.TRUE; if ("HEAT".equals (mode)) { networkId.value = heatStack.getCanonicalName (); } else { networkId.value = netInfo.getId (); } neutronNetworkId.value = netInfo.getId (); status.value = netInfo.getStatus (); if (vlans != null) vlans.value = netInfo.getVlans (); LOGGER.debug ("Network " + networkNameOrId + " found (" + mode + "), ID = " + networkId.value + ("HEAT".equals (mode) ? ",NeutronId = " + neutronNetworkId.value : "")); } else { // Not found. Populate the status fields, leave the rest null networkExists.value = Boolean.FALSE; status.value = NetworkStatus.NOTFOUND; neutronNetworkId.value = null; if (vlans != null) vlans.value = new ArrayList<>(); LOGGER.debug ("Network " + networkNameOrId + " not found"); } } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext ("QueryNetwork"); String error = "Query Network (neutron): " + networkNameOrId + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.recordMetricEvent (queryNetworkStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error, "OpenStack", "QueryNetwork", null); LOGGER.error (MessageEnum.RA_QUERY_NETWORK_EXC, networkNameOrId, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception - Query Network (neutron)", me); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent (startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error); throw new NetworkException (me); } LOGGER.recordAuditEvent (startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Successfully queried network"); return; } /** * This is the "Delete Network" web service implementation. * It will delete a Network in the specified cloud and tenant. * * If the network is not found, it is treated as a success. * * This service supports two modes of Network creation/update/delete: * - via Heat Templates * - via Neutron API * The network orchestration mode for each network type is declared in its * catalog definition. * * For Heat-based orchestration, the networkId should be the stack ID. * For Neutron-based orchestration, the networkId should be the Neutron network UUID. * * The method returns nothing on success. Rollback is not possible for delete * commands, so any failure on delete will require manual fallout in the client. */ @Override public void deleteNetwork (String cloudSiteId, String tenantId, String networkType, String modelCustomizationUuid, String networkId, MsoRequest msoRequest, Holder networkDeleted) throws NetworkException { MsoLogger.setLogContext (msoRequest); MsoLogger.setServiceName ("DeleteNetwork"); LOGGER.debug ("*** DELETE Network adapter with Network: " + networkId + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId); // Will capture execution time for metrics long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis (); // Get a handle to the Catalog Database // Make sure DB connection is always closed try (CatalogDatabase db = getCatalogDB()) { if (isNullOrEmpty(cloudSiteId) || isNullOrEmpty(tenantId) || isNullOrEmpty(networkId)) { String error = "Missing mandatory parameter cloudSiteId, tenantId or networkId"; LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_MISSING_PARAM, "cloudSiteId or tenantId or networkId", "Openstack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Missing mandatory parameter cloudSiteId, tenantId or networkId"); LOGGER .recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.BadRequest, error); throw new NetworkException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA); } // Retrieve the Network Resource definition NetworkResource networkResource = null; if (isNullOrEmpty(modelCustomizationUuid)) { networkResource = db.getNetworkResource(networkType); } else if (!isNullOrEmpty(networkType)) { networkResource = db.getNetworkResourceByModelCustUuid(modelCustomizationUuid); } String mode = ""; if (networkResource != null) { LOGGER.debug("Got Network definition from Catalog: " + networkResource.toString()); mode = networkResource.getOrchestrationMode(); } if (NEUTRON_MODE.equals(mode)) { // Use MsoNeutronUtils for all NEUTRON commands MsoNeutronUtils neutron = new MsoNeutronUtils(MSO_PROP_NETWORK_ADAPTER, cloudConfigFactory); long deleteNetworkStarttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { // The deleteNetwork function in MsoNeutronUtils returns success if the network // was not found. So don't bother to query first. boolean deleted = neutron.deleteNetwork(networkId, tenantId, cloudSiteId); LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(deleteNetworkStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Successfully received response from Open Stack", "OpenStack", "DeleteNetwork", null); networkDeleted.value = deleted; } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext("DeleteNetwork"); String error = "Delete Network (neutron): " + networkId + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(deleteNetworkStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error, "OpenStack", "DeleteNetwork", null); LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_DELETE_NETWORK_EXC, networkId, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "Openstack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Delete Network (neutron)", me); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error); throw new NetworkException(me); } } else { // DEFAULT to ("HEAT".equals (mode)) long deleteStackStarttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Use MsoHeatUtils for all HEAT commands MsoHeatUtils heat = new MsoHeatUtils(MSO_PROP_NETWORK_ADAPTER, msoPropertiesFactory, cloudConfigFactory); try { // The deleteStack function in MsoHeatUtils returns NOTFOUND if the stack was not found or if the stack was deleted. // So query first to report back if stack WAS deleted or just NOTOFUND StackInfo heatStack = null; heatStack = heat.queryStack(cloudSiteId, tenantId, networkId); if (heatStack != null && heatStack.getStatus() != HeatStatus.NOTFOUND) { heat.deleteStack(tenantId, cloudSiteId, networkId, true); LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(deleteStackStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Successfully received response from Open Stack", "OpenStack", "DeleteStack", null); networkDeleted.value = true; } else { networkDeleted.value = false; } } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext("DeleteNetwork"); String error = "Delete Network (heat): " + networkId + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(deleteStackStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error, "OpenStack", "DeleteStack", null); LOGGER.error(MessageEnum.RA_DELETE_NETWORK_EXC, networkId, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "Openstack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Delete Network (heat)", me); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error); throw new NetworkException(me); } } } // On success, nothing is returned. LOGGER.recordAuditEvent (startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Successfully deleted network"); return; } public CatalogDatabase getCatalogDB() { return CatalogDatabase.getInstance(); } /** * This web service endpoint will rollback a previous Create VNF operation. * A rollback object is returned to the client in a successful creation * response. The client can pass that object as-is back to the rollbackVnf * operation to undo the creation. * * The rollback includes removing the VNF and deleting the tenant if the * tenant did not exist prior to the VNF creation. */ @Override public void rollbackNetwork (NetworkRollback rollback) throws NetworkException { MsoLogger.setServiceName ("RollbackNetwork"); // Will capture execution time for metrics long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis (); if (rollback == null) { LOGGER.error (MessageEnum.RA_ROLLBACK_NULL, "Openstack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "rollback is null"); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent (startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.BadRequest, "No action to perform"); return; } MsoLogger.setLogContext (rollback.getMsoRequest()); // Get the elements of the VnfRollback object for easier access String cloudSiteId = rollback.getCloudId (); String tenantId = rollback.getTenantId (); String networkId = rollback.getNetworkStackId (); String networkType = rollback.getNetworkType (); String modelCustomizationUuid = rollback.getModelCustomizationUuid(); LOGGER.debug ("*** ROLLBACK Network " + networkId + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId); // rollback may be null (e.g. if network already existed when Create was called) // Get a handle to the Catalog Database // Make sure DB connection is always closed try (CatalogDatabase db = getCatalogDB()) { // Retrieve the Network Resource definition NetworkResource networkResource = null; if (isNullOrEmpty(modelCustomizationUuid)) { networkResource = db.getNetworkResource(networkType); } else { networkResource = db.getNetworkResourceByModelCustUuid(modelCustomizationUuid); } String mode = ""; if (networkResource != null) { LOGGER.debug("Got Network definition from Catalog: " + networkResource.toString()); mode = networkResource.getOrchestrationMode(); } if (rollback.getNetworkCreated()) { // Rolling back a newly created network, so delete it. if (NEUTRON_MODE.equals(mode)) { // Use MsoNeutronUtils for all NEUTRON commands MsoNeutronUtils neutron = new MsoNeutronUtils(MSO_PROP_NETWORK_ADAPTER, cloudConfigFactory); long deleteNetworkStarttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { // The deleteNetwork function in MsoNeutronUtils returns success if the network // was not found. So don't bother to query first. neutron.deleteNetwork(networkId, tenantId, cloudSiteId); LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(deleteNetworkStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Successfully received response from Open Stack", "OpenStack", "DeleteNetwork", null); } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext("RollbackNetwork"); String error = "Rollback Network (neutron): " + networkId + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(deleteNetworkStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error, "OpenStack", "DeleteNetwork", null); LOGGER .error(MessageEnum.RA_DELETE_NETWORK_EXC, networkId, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.BusinessProcesssError, "Exception - Rollback Network (neutron)", me); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error); throw new NetworkException(me); } } else { // DEFAULT to if ("HEAT".equals (mode)) // Use MsoHeatUtils for all HEAT commands MsoHeatUtils heat = new MsoHeatUtils(MSO_PROP_NETWORK_ADAPTER, msoPropertiesFactory, cloudConfigFactory); long deleteStackStarttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { // The deleteStack function in MsoHeatUtils returns success if the stack // was not found. So don't bother to query first. heat.deleteStack(tenantId, cloudSiteId, networkId, true); LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(deleteStackStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Successfully received response from Open Stack", "OpenStack", "DeleteStack", null); } catch (MsoException me) { me.addContext("RollbackNetwork"); String error = "Rollback Network (heat): " + networkId + " in " + cloudSiteId + "/" + tenantId + ": " + me; LOGGER.recordMetricEvent(deleteStackStarttime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error, "OpenStack", "DeleteStack", null); LOGGER .error(MessageEnum.RA_DELETE_NETWORK_EXC, networkId, cloudSiteId, tenantId, "OpenStack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.BusinessProcesssError, "Exception - Rollback Network (heat)", me); LOGGER.recordAuditEvent(startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.ERROR, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.CommunicationError, error); throw new NetworkException(me); } } } } LOGGER.recordAuditEvent (startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, "Successfully rolled back network"); return; } private String validateNetworkParams (NetworkType neutronNetworkType, String networkName, String physicalNetwork, List vlans, List routeTargets) { String sep = ""; StringBuilder missing = new StringBuilder (); if (isNullOrEmpty(networkName)) { missing.append ("networkName"); sep = ","; } if (neutronNetworkType == NetworkType.PROVIDER || neutronNetworkType == NetworkType.MULTI_PROVIDER) { if (isNullOrEmpty(physicalNetwork)) { missing.append (sep).append ("physicalNetworkName"); sep = ","; } if (vlans == null || vlans.isEmpty ()) { missing.append (sep).append (VLANS); } } return missing.toString (); } private Map populateNetworkParams (NetworkType neutronNetworkType, String networkName, String physicalNetwork, List vlans, List routeTargets, String shared, String external, boolean aic3template) { // Build the common set of HEAT template parameters Map stackParams = new HashMap <> (); stackParams.put ("network_name", networkName); if (neutronNetworkType == NetworkType.PROVIDER) { // For Provider type stackParams.put (PHYSICAL_NETWORK, physicalNetwork); stackParams.put ("vlan", vlans.get (0).toString ()); } else if (neutronNetworkType == NetworkType.MULTI_PROVIDER) { // For Multi-provider, PO supports a custom resource extension of ProviderNet. // It supports all ProviderNet properties except segmentation_id, and adds a // comma-separated-list of VLANs as a "segments" property. // Note that this does not match the Neutron definition of Multi-Provider network, // which contains a list of 'segments', each having physical_network, network_type, // and segmentation_id. StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder (); String sep = ""; for (Integer vlan : vlans) { buf.append (sep).append (vlan.toString ()); sep = ","; } String csl = buf.toString (); stackParams.put (PHYSICAL_NETWORK, physicalNetwork); stackParams.put (VLANS, csl); } if (routeTargets != null) { String rtGlobal = ""; String rtImport = ""; String rtExport = ""; String sep = ""; for (RouteTarget rt : routeTargets) { boolean rtIsNull = false; if (rt != null) { String routeTarget = rt.getRouteTarget(); String routeTargetRole = rt.getRouteTargetRole(); LOGGER.debug("Checking for an actually null route target: " + rt.toString()); if (routeTarget == null || routeTarget.equals("") || routeTarget.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) rtIsNull = true; if (routeTargetRole == null || routeTargetRole.equals("") || routeTargetRole.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) rtIsNull = true; } else { rtIsNull = true; } if (!rtIsNull) { LOGGER.debug("Input RT:" + rt.toString()); String role = rt.getRouteTargetRole(); String rtValue = rt.getRouteTarget(); if ("IMPORT".equalsIgnoreCase(role)) { sep = rtImport.isEmpty() ? "" : ","; rtImport = aic3template ? rtImport + sep + "target:" + rtValue : rtImport + sep + rtValue ; } else if ("EXPORT".equalsIgnoreCase(role)) { sep = rtExport.isEmpty() ? "" : ","; rtExport = aic3template ? rtExport + sep + "target:" + rtValue : rtExport + sep + rtValue ; } else // covers BOTH, empty etc { sep = rtGlobal.isEmpty() ? "" : ","; rtGlobal = aic3template ? rtGlobal + sep + "target:" + rtValue : rtGlobal + sep + rtValue ; } } } if (!rtImport.isEmpty()) { stackParams.put ("route_targets_import", rtImport); } if (!rtExport.isEmpty()) { stackParams.put ("route_targets_export", rtExport); } if (!rtGlobal.isEmpty()) { stackParams.put ("route_targets", rtGlobal); } } if (isNullOrEmpty(shared)) { stackParams.put ("shared", "False"); } else { stackParams.put ("shared", shared); } if (isNullOrEmpty(external)) { stackParams.put ("external", "False"); } else { stackParams.put ("external", external); } return stackParams; } /** policyRef_list structure in stackParams [ { "network_policy_refs_data_sequence": { "network_policy_refs_data_sequence_major": "1", "network_policy_refs_data_sequence_minor": "0" } }, { "network_policy_refs_data_sequence": { "network_policy_refs_data_sequence_major": "2", "network_policy_refs_data_sequence_minor": "0" } } ] **/ private void mergePolicyRefs(List pFqdns, Map stackParams) throws MsoException { //Resource Property List prlist = new ArrayList <> (); int index = 1; for (String pf : pFqdns) { if (!isNullOrEmpty(pf)) { ContrailPolicyRef pr = new ContrailPolicyRef(); pr.populate(String.valueOf(index), "0"); index++; LOGGER.debug("Contrail PolicyRefs Data:" + pr.toString()); prlist.add(pr); } } String jsonString = null; if (!prlist.isEmpty()) { try { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(prlist); LOGGER.debug("Json PolicyRefs Data:" + jsonString); } catch (Exception e) { String error = "Error creating JsonNode for policyRefs Data"; LOGGER.error (MessageEnum.RA_MARSHING_ERROR, error, "Openstack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.BusinessProcesssError, "Exception creating JsonNode for policyRefs Data", e); throw new MsoAdapterException (error); } } //update parameters if (pFqdns != null && !isNullOrEmpty(jsonString)) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder (); String sep = ""; for (String pf : pFqdns) { if (!isNullOrEmpty(pf)) { buf.append (sep).append (pf); sep = ","; } } String csl = buf.toString (); stackParams.put ("policy_refs", csl); stackParams.put ("policy_refsdata", jsonString); LOGGER.debug ("StackParams updated with policy refs:" + csl + " refs data:" + jsonString); } return; } private void mergeRouteTableRefs(List rtFqdns, Map stackParams) throws MsoException { //update parameters if (rtFqdns != null) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder (); String sep = ""; for (String rtf : rtFqdns) { if (!isNullOrEmpty(rtf)) { buf.append (sep).append (rtf); sep = ","; } } String csl = buf.toString (); stackParams.put ("route_table_refs", csl); } LOGGER.debug ("StackParams updated with route_table refs"); return; } /*** Subnet Output structure from Juniper { "ipam_subnets": [ { "subnet": { "ip_prefix": "", "ip_prefix_len": 28 }, "addr_from_start": null, "enable_dhcp": false, "default_gateway": "", "dns_nameservers": [], "dhcp_option_list": null, "subnet_uuid": "10391fbf-6b9c-4160-825d-2d018b7649cf", "allocation_pools": [ { "start": "", "end": "" }, { "start": "", "end": "" } ], "host_routes": null, "dns_server_address": "", "subnet_name": "subnet_MsoNW1_692c9032-e1a2-4d64-828c-7b9a4fcc05b0" }, { "subnet": { "ip_prefix": "", "ip_prefix_len": 28 }, "addr_from_start": null, "enable_dhcp": true, "default_gateway": "", "dns_nameservers": [], "dhcp_option_list": null, "subnet_uuid": "c7aac5ea-66fe-443a-85f9-9c38a608c0f6", "allocation_pools": [ { "start": "", "end": "" } ], "host_routes": null, "dns_server_address": "", "subnet_name": "subnet_MsoNW1_692c9032-e1a2-4d64-828c-7b9a4fcc05b1" } ], "host_routes": null } ***/ private String mergeSubnetsAIC3 (String heatTemplate, List subnets, Map stackParams) throws MsoException { //Resource Property List cslist = new ArrayList <> (); for (Subnet subnet : subnets) { ContrailSubnet cs = new ContrailSubnet(); LOGGER.debug("Input Subnet:" + subnet.toString()); cs.populateWith(subnet); LOGGER.debug("Contrail Subnet:" + cs.toString()); cslist.add(cs); } String jsonString = null; if (!cslist.isEmpty()) { try { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(cslist); LOGGER.debug("Json Subnet List:" + jsonString); } catch (Exception e) { String error = "Error creating JsonNode from input subnets"; LOGGER.error (MessageEnum.RA_MARSHING_ERROR, error, "", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception creating JsonNode from input subnets", e); throw new MsoAdapterException (error); } } //update parameters if (!isNullOrEmpty(jsonString)) { stackParams.put ("subnet_list", jsonString); } //Outputs - All subnets are in one ipam_subnets structure String outputTempl = " subnet:\n" + " description: Openstack subnet identifier\n" + " value: { get_attr: [network, network_ipam_refs, 0, attr]}\n"; // append outputs in heatTemplate int outputsIdx = heatTemplate.indexOf ("outputs:"); heatTemplate = insertStr (heatTemplate, outputTempl, outputsIdx + 8); LOGGER.debug ("Template updated with all AIC3.0 subnets:" + heatTemplate); return heatTemplate; } private String mergeSubnets (String heatTemplate, List subnets) throws MsoException { String resourceTempl = " subnet_%subnetId%:\n" + " type: OS::Neutron::Subnet\n" + " properties:\n" + " name: %name%\n" + " network_id: { get_resource: network }\n" + " cidr: %cidr%\n"; /* make these optional + " ip_version: %ipversion%\n" + " enable_dhcp: %enabledhcp%\n" + " gateway_ip: %gatewayip%\n" + " allocation_pools:\n" + " - start: %poolstart%\n" + " end: %poolend%\n"; */ String outputTempl = " subnet_id_%subnetId%:\n" + " description: Openstack subnet identifier\n" + " value: {get_resource: subnet_%subnetId%}\n"; StringBuilder curR; String curO; StringBuilder resourcesBuf = new StringBuilder (); StringBuilder outputsBuf = new StringBuilder (); for (Subnet subnet : subnets) { // build template for each subnet curR = new StringBuilder(resourceTempl); if (subnet.getSubnetId () != null) { curR = new StringBuilder(curR.toString().replace("%subnetId%", subnet.getSubnetId())); } else { String error = "Missing Required AAI SubnetId for subnet in HEAT Template"; LOGGER.error (MessageEnum.RA_MISSING_PARAM, error, "Openstack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Missing Required AAI ID for subnet in HEAT Template"); throw new MsoAdapterException (error); } if (subnet.getSubnetName () != null) { curR = new StringBuilder(curR.toString().replace("%name%", subnet.getSubnetName())); } else { curR = new StringBuilder(curR.toString().replace("%name%", subnet.getSubnetId())); } if (subnet.getCidr () != null) { curR = new StringBuilder(curR.toString().replace("%cidr%", subnet.getCidr())); } else { String error = "Missing Required cidr for subnet in HEAT Template"; LOGGER.error (MessageEnum.RA_MISSING_PARAM, error, "Openstack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Missing Required cidr for subnet in HEAT Template"); throw new MsoAdapterException (error); } if (subnet.getIpVersion () != null) { curR.append(" ip_version: " + subnet.getIpVersion() + "\n"); } if (subnet.getEnableDHCP () != null) { curR.append(" enable_dhcp: ").append(Boolean.toString(subnet.getEnableDHCP())).append("\n"); } if (subnet.getGatewayIp () != null && !subnet.getGatewayIp ().isEmpty() ) { curR.append(" gateway_ip: " + subnet.getGatewayIp() + "\n"); } if (subnet.getAllocationPools() != null) { curR.append(" allocation_pools:\n"); for (Pool pool : subnet.getAllocationPools()) { if (!isNullOrEmpty(pool.getStart()) && !isNullOrEmpty(pool.getEnd())) { curR.append(" - start: " + pool.getStart() + "\n"); curR.append(" end: " + pool.getEnd() + "\n"); } } } resourcesBuf.append (curR); curO = outputTempl; curO = curO.replace ("%subnetId%", subnet.getSubnetId ()); outputsBuf.append (curO); } // append resources and outputs in heatTemplate LOGGER.debug ("Tempate initial:" + heatTemplate); int outputsIdx = heatTemplate.indexOf ("outputs:"); heatTemplate = insertStr (heatTemplate, outputsBuf.toString (), outputsIdx + 8); int resourcesIdx = heatTemplate.indexOf ("resources:"); heatTemplate = insertStr (heatTemplate, resourcesBuf.toString (), resourcesIdx + 10); LOGGER.debug ("Template updated with all subnets:" + heatTemplate); return heatTemplate; } private Map getSubnetUUId(String key, Map outputs, List subnets) { Map sMap = new HashMap <> (); try{ Object obj = outputs.get(key); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); String jStr = mapper.writeValueAsString(obj); LOGGER.debug ("Subnet_Ipam Output JSON String:" + obj.getClass() + " " + jStr); JsonNode rootNode = mapper.readTree(jStr); for (JsonNode sNode : rootNode.path("ipam_subnets")) { LOGGER.debug("Output Subnet Node" + sNode.toString()); String name = sNode.path("subnet_name").textValue(); String uuid = sNode.path("subnet_uuid").textValue(); String aaiId = name; // default // try to find aaiId for name in input subnetList if (subnets != null) { for (Subnet subnet : subnets) { if ( subnet != null && !isNullOrEmpty(subnet.getSubnetName())) { if (subnet.getSubnetName().equals(name)) { aaiId = subnet.getSubnetId(); break; } } } } sMap.put(aaiId, uuid); //bpmn needs aaid to uuid map } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error (MessageEnum.RA_MARSHING_ERROR, "error getting subnet-uuids", "Openstack", "", MsoLogger.ErrorCode.DataError, "Exception getting subnet-uuids", e); } LOGGER.debug ("Return sMap" + sMap.toString()); return sMap; } private static String insertStr (String template, String snippet, int index) { String updatedTemplate; LOGGER.debug ("Index:" + index + " Snippet:" + snippet); String templateBeg = template.substring (0, index); String templateEnd = template.substring (index); updatedTemplate = templateBeg + "\n" + snippet + templateEnd; LOGGER.debug ("Template updated with a subnet:" + updatedTemplate); return updatedTemplate; } }