/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * org.openecomp.aai * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.openecomp.aai.serialization.db; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.__; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Direction; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Edge; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex; import org.openecomp.aai.db.props.AAIProperties; import org.openecomp.aai.dbmodel.DbEdgeRules; import org.openecomp.aai.exceptions.AAIException; import org.openecomp.aai.introspection.Version; import org.openecomp.aai.serialization.db.exceptions.EdgeMultiplicityException; import org.openecomp.aai.serialization.db.exceptions.NoEdgeRuleFoundException; import com.att.eelf.configuration.EELFLogger; import com.att.eelf.configuration.EELFManager; import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.Multimap; import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath; import static com.jayway.jsonpath.Filter.filter; import static com.jayway.jsonpath.Criteria.where; import com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext; import com.jayway.jsonpath.Filter; import java.util.Scanner; public class EdgeRules { private EELFLogger logger = EELFManager.getInstance().getLogger(EdgeRules.class); private Multimap deleteScope = DbEdgeRules.DefaultDeleteScope; private DocumentContext rulesDoc; /** * Loads the most recent DbEdgeRules json file for later parsing. * Only need most recent version for actual A&AI operations that call this class; * the old ones are only used in tests. */ private EdgeRules() { InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/dbedgerules/DbEdgeRules_" + Version.getLatest().toString() + ".json"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(is); String json = scanner.useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); scanner.close(); rulesDoc = JsonPath.parse(json); } private static class Helper { private static final EdgeRules INSTANCE = new EdgeRules(); } /** * Gets the single instance of EdgeRules. * * @return single instance of EdgeRules */ public static EdgeRules getInstance() { return Helper.INSTANCE; } /** * Adds the tree edge. * * @param aVertex the out vertex * @param bVertex the in vertex * @return the edge * @throws AAIException the AAI exception */ public Edge addTreeEdge(GraphTraversalSource traversalSource, Vertex aVertex, Vertex bVertex) throws AAIException { return this.addEdge(EdgeType.TREE, traversalSource, aVertex, bVertex, false); } /** * Adds the edge. * * @param aVertex the out vertex * @param bVertex the in vertex * @return the edge * @throws AAIException the AAI exception */ public Edge addEdge(GraphTraversalSource traversalSource, Vertex aVertex, Vertex bVertex) throws AAIException { return this.addEdge(EdgeType.COUSIN, traversalSource, aVertex, bVertex, false); } /** * Adds the tree edge. * * @param aVertex the out vertex * @param bVertex the in vertex * @return the edge * @throws AAIException the AAI exception */ public Edge addTreeEdgeIfPossible(GraphTraversalSource traversalSource, Vertex aVertex, Vertex bVertex) throws AAIException { return this.addEdge(EdgeType.TREE, traversalSource, aVertex, bVertex, true); } /** * Adds the edge. * * @param aVertex the out vertex * @param bVertex the in vertex * @return the edge * @throws AAIException the AAI exception */ public Edge addEdgeIfPossible(GraphTraversalSource traversalSource, Vertex aVertex, Vertex bVertex) throws AAIException { return this.addEdge(EdgeType.COUSIN, traversalSource, aVertex, bVertex, true); } /** * Adds the edge. * * @param type the type * @param aVertex the out vertex * @param bVertex the in vertex * @return the edge * @throws AAIException the AAI exception */ private Edge addEdge(EdgeType type, GraphTraversalSource traversalSource, Vertex aVertex, Vertex bVertex, boolean isBestEffort) throws AAIException { EdgeRule rule = this.getEdgeRule(type, aVertex, bVertex); Edge e = null; Optional message = this.validateMultiplicity(rule, traversalSource, aVertex, bVertex); if (message.isPresent() && !isBestEffort) { throw new EdgeMultiplicityException(message.get()); } if (!message.isPresent()) { if (rule.getDirection().equals(Direction.OUT)) { e = aVertex.addEdge(rule.getLabel(), bVertex); } else if (rule.getDirection().equals(Direction.IN)) { e = bVertex.addEdge(rule.getLabel(), aVertex); } this.addProperties(e, rule); } return e; } /** * Adds the properties. * * @param edge the edge * @param rule the rule */ public void addProperties(Edge edge, EdgeRule rule) { // In DbEdgeRules.EdgeRules -- What we have as "edgeRule" is a comma-delimited set of strings. // The first item is the edgeLabel. // The second in the list is always "direction" which is always OUT for the way we've implemented it. // Items starting at "firstTagIndex" and up are all assumed to be booleans that map according to // tags as defined in EdgeInfoMap. // Note - if they are tagged as 'reverse', that means they get the tag name with "-REV" on it Map propMap = rule.getEdgeProperties(); for (String key : propMap.keySet()) { String revKeyname = key + "-REV"; String triple = propMap.get(key); if(triple.equals("true")){ edge.property(key, true); edge.property(revKeyname,false); } else if (triple.equals("false")) { edge.property(key, false); edge.property(revKeyname,false); } else if (triple.equals("reverse")) { edge.property(key, false); edge.property(revKeyname,true); } } } /** * Checks if any edge rules exist between the two given nodes, in either A|B or B|A order. * * @param nodeA - node at one end of the edge * @param nodeB - node at the other end * @return true, if any such rules exist */ public boolean hasEdgeRule(String nodeA, String nodeB) { Filter aToB = filter( where("from").is(nodeA).and("to").is(nodeB) ); Filter bToA = filter( where("from").is(nodeB).and("to").is(nodeA) ); List results = rulesDoc.read("$.rules.[?]", aToB); results.addAll(rulesDoc.read("$.rules.[?]", bToA)); return !results.isEmpty(); } /** * Checks if any edge rules exist between the two given nodes, in either A|B or B|A order. * * @param aVertex - node at one end of the edge * @param bVertex - node at the other end * @return true, if any such rules exist */ public boolean hasEdgeRule(Vertex aVertex, Vertex bVertex) { String outType = aVertex.property("aai-node-type").orElse(null); String inType = bVertex.property("aai-node-type").orElse(null); return this.hasEdgeRule(outType, inType); } /** * Gets all the edge rules that exist between the given node types. * The rules will be phrased in terms of out|in, though this will * also find rules defined as in|out (it will flip the direction in * the EdgeRule object returned accordingly to match out|in). * * @param outType * @param inType * @return Map where edgeLabel is the label name * @throws AAIException */ public Map getEdgeRules(String outType, String inType) throws AAIException { Map result = new HashMap<>(); EdgeRule rule = null; for (EdgeType type : EdgeType.values()) { try { rule = this.getEdgeRule(type, outType, inType); result.put(rule.getLabel(), rule); } catch (NoEdgeRuleFoundException e) { continue; } } return result; } /** * Gets the edge rule of the given type that exists between A and B. * Will check B|A as well, and flips the direction accordingly if that succeeds * to match the expected A|B return. * * @param type - the type of edge you're looking for * @param nodeA - first node type * @param nodeB - second node type * @return EdgeRule describing the rule in terms of A|B, if there is any such rule * @throws AAIException if no such edge exists */ public EdgeRule getEdgeRule(EdgeType type, String nodeA, String nodeB) throws AAIException { //try A to B List> aToBEdges = rulesDoc.read("$.rules.[?]", buildFilter(type, nodeA, nodeB)); if (!aToBEdges.isEmpty()) { //lazily stop iterating if we find a match //should there be a mismatch between type and isParent, //the caller will receive something. //this operates on the assumption that there are at most two rules //for a given vertex pair return buildRule(aToBEdges.get(0)); } //we get here if there was nothing for A to B, so let's try B to A List> bToAEdges = rulesDoc.read("$.rules.[?]", buildFilter(type, nodeB, nodeA)); if (!bToAEdges.isEmpty()) { return flipDirection(buildRule(bToAEdges.get(0))); //bc we need to return as A|B, so flip the direction to match } //found none throw new NoEdgeRuleFoundException("no " + type.toString() + " edge between " + nodeA + " and " + nodeB); } /** * Builds a JsonPath filter to search for an edge from nodeA to nodeB with the given edge type (cousin or parent/child) * * @param type * @param nodeA - start node * @param nodeB - end node * @return */ private Filter buildFilter(EdgeType type, String nodeA, String nodeB) { if (EdgeType.COUSIN.equals(type)) { return filter( where("from").is(nodeA).and("to").is(nodeB).and("isParent").is("false") ); } else { return filter( where("from").is(nodeA).and("to").is(nodeB).and("isParent").is("true")).or( where("from").is(nodeA).and("to").is(nodeB).and("isParent").is("reverse") ); } } /** * Puts the give edge rule information into an EdgeRule object. * * @param edge - the edge information returned from JsonPath * @return EdgeRule containing that information */ private EdgeRule buildRule(Map edge) { EdgeRule rule = new EdgeRule(); rule.setLabel(edge.get("label")); rule.setDirection(edge.get("direction")); rule.setMultiplicityRule(edge.get("multiplicity")); rule.setIsParent(edge.get("isParent")); rule.setUsesResource(edge.get("usesResource")); rule.setHasDelTarget(edge.get("hasDelTarget")); rule.setServiceInfrastructure(edge.get("SVC-INFRA")); return rule; } /** * If getEdgeRule gets a request for A|B, and it finds something as B|A, the caller still expects * the returned EdgeRule to reflect A|B directionality. This helper method flips B|A direction to * match this expectation. * * @param rule whose direction needs flipped * @return the updated rule */ private EdgeRule flipDirection(EdgeRule rule) { if (Direction.IN.equals(rule.getDirection())) { rule.setDirection(Direction.OUT); return rule; } else if (Direction.OUT.equals(rule.getDirection())) { rule.setDirection(Direction.IN); return rule; } else { //direction is BOTH, flipping both is still both return rule; } } /** * Gets the edge rule of the given type that exists between A and B. * Will check B|A as well, and flips the direction accordingly if that succeeds * to match the expected A|B return. * * @param type - the type of edge you're looking for * @param aVertex - first node type * @param bVertex - second node type * @return EdgeRule describing the rule in terms of A|B, if there is any such rule * @throws AAIException if no such edge exists */ public EdgeRule getEdgeRule(EdgeType type, Vertex aVertex, Vertex bVertex) throws AAIException { String outType = aVertex.property(AAIProperties.NODE_TYPE).orElse(null); String inType = bVertex.property(AAIProperties.NODE_TYPE).orElse(null); return this.getEdgeRule(type, outType, inType); } /** * Gets the delete semantic. * * @param nodeType the node type * @return the delete semantic */ public DeleteSemantic getDeleteSemantic(String nodeType) { Collection semanticCollection = deleteScope.get(nodeType); String semantic = semanticCollection.iterator().next(); return DeleteSemantic.valueOf(semantic); } /** * Validate multiplicity. * * @param rule the rule * @param aVertex the out vertex * @param bVertex the in vertex * @return true, if successful * @throws AAIException the AAI exception */ private Optional validateMultiplicity(EdgeRule rule, GraphTraversalSource traversalSource, Vertex aVertex, Vertex bVertex) { if (rule.getDirection().equals(Direction.OUT)) { } else if (rule.getDirection().equals(Direction.IN)) { Vertex tempV = bVertex; bVertex = aVertex; aVertex = tempV; } String aVertexType = aVertex.property(AAIProperties.NODE_TYPE).orElse(null); String bVertexType = bVertex.property(AAIProperties.NODE_TYPE).orElse(null); String label = rule.getLabel(); MultiplicityRule multiplicityRule = rule.getMultiplicityRule(); List outEdges = traversalSource.V(aVertex).outE(label).where(__.inV().has(AAIProperties.NODE_TYPE, bVertexType)).toList(); List inEdges = traversalSource.V(bVertex).inE(label).where(__.outV().has(AAIProperties.NODE_TYPE, aVertexType)).toList(); String detail = ""; if (multiplicityRule.equals(MultiplicityRule.ONE2ONE)) { if (inEdges.size() >= 1 || outEdges.size() >= 1 ) { detail = "multiplicity rule violated: only one edge can exist with label: " + label + " between " + aVertexType + " and " + bVertexType; } } else if (multiplicityRule.equals(MultiplicityRule.ONE2MANY)) { if (inEdges.size() >= 1) { detail = "multiplicity rule violated: only one edge can exist with label: " + label + " between " + aVertexType + " and " + bVertexType; } } else if (multiplicityRule.equals(MultiplicityRule.MANY2ONE)) { if (outEdges.size() >= 1) { detail = "multiplicity rule violated: only one edge can exist with label: " + label + " between " + aVertexType + " and " + bVertexType; } } else { } if (!"".equals(detail)) { return Optional.of(detail); } else { return Optional.empty(); } } /** * Gets all the edge rules we define. * * @return Multimap */ public Multimap getAllRules() { Multimap result = ArrayListMultimap.create(); List> rules = rulesDoc.read("$.rules.*"); for (Map rule : rules) { EdgeRule er = buildRule(rule); String name = rule.get("from") + "|" + rule.get("to"); result.put(name, er); } return result; } }