/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * org.openecomp.aai * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.openecomp.aai.introspection; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.ClassUtils; import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DynamicException; import org.openecomp.aai.introspection.exceptions.AAIUnknownObjectException; import org.openecomp.aai.logging.ErrorLogHelper; import org.openecomp.aai.restcore.MediaType; import org.openecomp.aai.schema.enums.ObjectMetadata; import org.openecomp.aai.schema.enums.PropertyMetadata; import org.openecomp.aai.workarounds.NamingExceptions; import com.att.eelf.configuration.EELFLogger; import com.att.eelf.configuration.EELFManager; import com.google.common.base.CaseFormat; public abstract class Introspector implements Cloneable { private static final EELFLogger LOGGER = EELFManager.getInstance().getLogger(Introspector.class); protected String className; protected String uriChain = ""; protected Loader loader; protected final NamingExceptions namingException = NamingExceptions.getInstance(); private Set uniqueProperties = null; private Set indexedProperties = null; private Set allKeys = null; protected Introspector(Object obj) { } public abstract boolean hasProperty(String name); protected String convertPropertyName (String name) { return CaseFormat.LOWER_HYPHEN.to(CaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL, name); } protected abstract Object get(String name); protected abstract void set(String name, Object value); /** * * @param name the property name you'd like to retrieve the value for * @return the value of the property */ public T getValue(String name) { String convertedName = convertPropertyName(name); Object result = null; if (this.hasProperty(name)) { result = this.get(convertedName); } else { /* property not found - slightly ambiguous */ return null; } Class clazz = this.getClass(name); if (this.isListType(name) && result == null) { try { this.set(convertedName, clazz.newInstance()); result = this.get(convertedName); } catch (DynamicException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { } } return (T)result; } public Introspector getWrappedValue(String name) { String convertedName = convertPropertyName(name); Object value = null; if (this.hasProperty(name)) { value = this.get(convertedName); } else { /* property not found - slightly ambiguous */ return null; } Class clazz = this.getClass(name); if (this.isListType(name) && value == null) { try { this.set(convertedName, clazz.newInstance()); value = this.get(convertedName); } catch (DynamicException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { } } if (value != null) { return IntrospectorFactory.newInstance(this.getModelType(), value); } else { //no value return null; } } public List getWrappedListValue(String name) { String convertedName = convertPropertyName(name); Object value = null; List resultList = new ArrayList<>(); if (this.hasProperty(name)) { value = this.get(convertedName); } else { /* property not found - slightly ambiguous */ return null; } boolean isListType = this.isListType(name); if (!this.isListType(name)) { return null; } Class clazz = this.getClass(name); if (isListType && value == null) { try { this.set(convertedName, clazz.newInstance()); value = this.get(convertedName); } catch (DynamicException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { } } List valueList = (List)value; for (Object item : valueList) { resultList.add(IntrospectorFactory.newInstance(this.getModelType(), item)); } return resultList; } public Object castValueAccordingToSchema(String name, Object obj) { Object result = obj; Class nameClass = this.getClass(name); if (nameClass == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("property: " + name + " does not exist on " + this.getDbName()); } if (obj != null) { try { if (!obj.getClass().getName().equals(nameClass.getName())) { if (nameClass.isPrimitive()) { nameClass = ClassUtils.primitiveToWrapper(nameClass); result = nameClass.getConstructor(String.class).newInstance(obj.toString()); } if (obj instanceof String) { result = nameClass.getConstructor(String.class).newInstance(obj); } else if (!this.isListType(name) && !this.isComplexType(name)){ //box = obj.toString(); result = nameClass.getConstructor(String.class).newInstance(obj.toString()); } } } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) { ErrorLogHelper.logError("AAI_4017", e.getMessage()); } } return result; } public List castValueAccordingToSchema(String name, List objs) { List result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object item : objs) { result.add(this.castValueAccordingToSchema(name, item)); } return result; } /** * * @param name the property name you'd like to set the value of * @param obj the value to be set * @return */ public void setValue(String name, Object obj) throws IllegalArgumentException { Object box = this.castValueAccordingToSchema(name, obj); name = convertPropertyName(name); this.set(name, box); } /** * * @return a list of all the properties available on the object */ public abstract Set getProperties(); public Set getProperties(PropertyPredicate p) { final Set temp = new LinkedHashSet<>(); this.getProperties().stream().filter(item -> { return p.test(this, item); }).forEach(item -> { temp.add(item); }); final Set result = Collections.unmodifiableSet(temp); return result; } /** * * @return a list of the required properties on the object */ public abstract Set getRequiredProperties(); /** * * @return a list of the properties that can be used to query the object in the db */ public abstract Set getKeys(); /** * * @return a list of the all key properties for this object */ public Set getAllKeys() { Set result = null; if (this.allKeys == null) { Set keys = this.getKeys(); result = new LinkedHashSet<>(); result.addAll(keys); String altKeys = this.getMetadata(ObjectMetadata.ALTERNATE_KEYS_1); if (altKeys != null) { String[] altKeysArray = altKeys.split(","); for (String altKey : altKeysArray) { result.add(altKey); } } result = Collections.unmodifiableSet(result); this.allKeys = result; } result = this.allKeys; return result; } public Set getIndexedProperties() { Set result = null; if (this.indexedProperties == null) { result = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Set keys = this.getKeys(); result.addAll(keys); String altKeys = this.getMetadata(ObjectMetadata.INDEXED_PROPS); if (altKeys != null) { String[] altKeysArray = altKeys.split(","); for (String altKey : altKeysArray) { result.add(altKey); } } this.indexedProperties = Collections.unmodifiableSet(result); } result = this.indexedProperties; return result; } public Set getUniqueProperties() { Set result = null; if (this.uniqueProperties == null) { String altKeys = this.getMetadata(ObjectMetadata.UNIQUE_PROPS); result = new LinkedHashSet<>(); if (altKeys != null) { String[] altKeysArray = altKeys.split(","); for (String altKey : altKeysArray) { result.add(altKey); } } this.uniqueProperties = Collections.unmodifiableSet(result); } result = this.uniqueProperties; return result; } /** * * @param name * @return the string name of the java class of the named property */ public String getType(String name) { Class resultClass = this.getClass(name); String result = ""; if (resultClass != null) { result = resultClass.getName(); if (result.equals("java.util.ArrayList")) { result = "java.util.List"; } } return result; } /** * This will returned the generic parameterized type of the underlying * object if it exists * @param name * @return the generic type of the java class of the underlying object */ public String getGenericType(String name) { Class resultClass = this.getGenericTypeClass(name); String result = ""; if (resultClass != null) { result = resultClass.getName(); } return result; } /** * * @return the string name of the java class of the underlying object */ public abstract String getJavaClassName(); /** * * @param name the property name * @return the Class object */ public abstract Class getClass(String name); public abstract Class getGenericTypeClass(String name); /** * * @param name the property name * @return a new instance of the underlying type of this property * @throws AAIUnknownObjectException */ public Object newInstanceOfProperty(String name) throws AAIUnknownObjectException { String type = this.getType(name); return loader.objectFromName(type); } public Object newInstanceOfNestedProperty(String name) throws AAIUnknownObjectException { String type = this.getGenericType(name); return loader.objectFromName(type); } public Introspector newIntrospectorInstanceOfProperty(String name) throws AAIUnknownObjectException { Introspector result = IntrospectorFactory.newInstance(this.getModelType(), this.newInstanceOfProperty(name)); return result; } public Introspector newIntrospectorInstanceOfNestedProperty(String name) throws AAIUnknownObjectException { Introspector result = IntrospectorFactory.newInstance(this.getModelType(), this.newInstanceOfNestedProperty(name)); return result; } /** * Is this type not a Java String or primitive * @param name * @return */ public boolean isComplexType(String name) { String result = this.getType(name); if (result.contains("aai") || result.equals("java.lang.Object")) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean isComplexGenericType(String name) { String result = this.getGenericType(name); if (result.contains("aai")) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean isSimpleType(String name) { return !(this.isComplexType(name) || this.isListType(name)); } public boolean isSimpleGenericType(String name) { return !this.isComplexGenericType(name); } public boolean isListType(String name) { String result = this.getType(name); if (result.contains("java.util.List")) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean isContainer() { Set props = this.getProperties(); boolean result = false; if (props.size() == 1 && this.isListType(props.iterator().next())) { result = true; } return result; } public abstract String getChildName(); public String getChildDBName() { String result = this.getChildName(); result = namingException.getDBName(result); return result; } public abstract String getName(); public String getDbName() { String lowerHyphen = this.getName(); lowerHyphen = namingException.getDBName(lowerHyphen); return lowerHyphen; } public abstract ModelType getModelType(); public boolean hasChild(Introspector child) { boolean result = false; //check all inheriting types for this child if ("true".equals(this.getMetadata(ObjectMetadata.ABSTRACT))) { String[] inheritors = this.getMetadata(ObjectMetadata.INHERITORS).split(","); for (String inheritor : inheritors) { try { Introspector temp = this.loader.introspectorFromName(inheritor); result = temp.hasProperty(child.getName()); if (result) { break; } } catch (AAIUnknownObjectException e) { LOGGER.warn("Skipping inheritor " + inheritor + " (Unknown Object)", e); } } } else { result = this.hasProperty(child.getName()); } return result; } public void setURIChain(String uri) { this.uriChain = uri; } public abstract String getObjectId() throws UnsupportedEncodingException; public String getURI() throws UnsupportedEncodingException { //String result = this.uriChain; String result = ""; String namespace = this.getMetadata(ObjectMetadata.NAMESPACE); String container = this.getMetadata(ObjectMetadata.CONTAINER); if (this.isContainer()) { result += "/" + this.getName(); } else { if (container != null) { result += "/" + container; } result += "/" + this.getDbName() + "/" + this.findKey(); if (namespace != null && !namespace.equals("")) { result = "/" + namespace + result; } } return result; } public String getGenericURI() { String result = ""; if (this.isContainer()) { result += "/" + this.getName(); } else { result += "/" + this.getDbName(); for (String key : this.getKeys()) { result += "/{" + this.getDbName() + "-" + key + "}"; } } return result; } public String getFullGenericURI() { String result = ""; String namespace = this.getMetadata(ObjectMetadata.NAMESPACE); String container = this.getMetadata(ObjectMetadata.CONTAINER); if (this.isContainer()) { result += "/" + this.getName(); } else { if (container != null) { result += "/" + container; } result += "/" + this.getDbName(); for (String key : this.getKeys()) { result += "/{" + this.getDbName() + "-" + key + "}"; } if (namespace != null && !namespace.equals("")) { result = "/" + namespace + result; } } return result; } public abstract String preProcessKey(String key); protected abstract String findKey() throws UnsupportedEncodingException; public abstract String marshal(MarshallerProperties properties); public abstract Object clone(); public abstract Object getUnderlyingObject(); public String marshal(boolean formatted) { MarshallerProperties properties = new MarshallerProperties.Builder(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE).formatted(formatted).build(); return marshal(properties); } public String makeSingular(String word) { String result = word; result = result.replaceAll("(?:([ho])es|s)$", ""); if (result.equals("ClassesOfService")) { result = "ClassOfService"; } else if (result.equals("CvlanTag")) { result = "CvlanTagEntry"; } else if (result.equals("Metadata")) { result = "Metadatum"; } return result; } protected String makePlural(String word) { String result = word; if (result.equals("cvlan-tag-entry")) { return "cvlan-tags"; } else if (result.equals("class-of-service")) { return "classes-of-service"; } else if (result.equals("metadatum")) { return "metadata"; } result = result.replaceAll("([a-z])$", "$1s"); result = result.replaceAll("([hox])s$", "$1es"); /* if (result.equals("classes-of-services")) { result = "classes-of-service"; }*/ return result; } public abstract String getMetadata(ObjectMetadata metadataName); public abstract Map getPropertyMetadata(String propName); public Optional getPropertyMetadata(String propName, PropertyMetadata metadataName) { final String resultValue = this.getPropertyMetadata(propName).getOrDefault(metadataName, ""); Optional result = Optional.empty(); if (!resultValue.isEmpty()) { result = Optional.of(resultValue); } return result; } public abstract Version getVersion(); public Loader getLoader() { return this.loader; } public boolean isTopLevel() { return this.getMetadata(ObjectMetadata.NAMESPACE) != null; } }