# pythonsdk-tests This project is a wrapper to use onapsdk toolkit to onboard and instantiate services on ONAP ## Temporary help section A basic example is implemented in the python file - run.py The global datas defined in these files (see input_datas) shall be adapted to your environment. In addition you must define your service in directory templates/vnf-services and create zip file for heat template templates/heat_files. See ubuntu16test as example ### Prepare your environment and run tests - Clone the project (using instantiation branch) ```shell git clone https://gerrit.onap.org/r/testsuite/pythonsdk-tests.git ``` - Create a virtual environment and clone the python-onapsdk ```shell virtualenv my_test source my_test/bin/activate git clone git@gitlab.com:Orange-OpenSource/lfn/onap/python-onapsdk. git -b develop cd python-onapsdk pip install -e . cd .. pip install -e . ``` - Set global settings configuration files with all required input datas including the dynamic forwarding port for ssh tunnel in src/onaptests/configuration/settings.py - Export the setting file in a environment variable ```shell export ONAP_PYTHON_SDK_SETTINGS="onaptests.configuration.settings" ``` - (optional) Open ssh tunnel towards your openlab setting a dynamic port forward (by default 1080): ```shell ssh user@onap.pod4.opnfv.fr -D 1080 ``` - Once the different input datas are updated in run\_\*.py files and that the templates files for your service are defined, start to run the different steps: ```shell python run.py ``` - By default, all the logs are stored in the file pythonsdk.debug.log. The file name and location can be set in the settings.py