/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * ECOMP-PAP-REST * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.openecomp.policy.pap.xacml.rest.elk.client; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.openecomp.policy.rest.adapter.PolicyRestAdapter; import org.openecomp.policy.rest.adapter.YAMLParams; public class PolicyElasticData { private String scope; private String policyType; private String configPolicyType; private String configBodyData; private String policyName; private String policyDescription; private String ecompName; private String configName; private String configType; private String jsonBody; private Object jsonBodyData; private LinkedHashMap serviceTypePolicyName; private LinkedHashMap verticaMetrics; private LinkedHashMap description; private LinkedHashMap attributeFields; //Safe Policy private String policyScope; private String providerComboBox; private String riskType; private String riskLevel; private String guard; private String ttlDate; private Map matching; private ArrayList triggerSignatures; private ArrayList symptomSignatures; private String logicalConnector; private String policyStatus; public String gocServerScope; private String supressionType; //MicroSerice private String serviceType; private String uuid; private String location; private String priority; private String msLocation; //BRMS Policies private String ruleName; private Map brmsParamBody; private String brmsController; private ArrayList brmsDependency; private LinkedHashMap ruleData; private LinkedHashMap ruleListData; private Map drlRuleAndUIParams; //ClosedLoop private String clearTimeOut; private String trapMaxAge; private String verificationclearTimeOut; public Map dynamicLayoutMap; //FireWall private String fwPolicyType; private ArrayList fwattributes; private String parentForChild; private String securityZone; //Action & Decision private String ruleCombiningAlgId; private Map dynamicFieldConfigAttributes; private Map dynamicSettingsMap; private Map dropDownMap; private String actionPerformer; private String actionAttribute; private List dynamicRuleAlgorithmLabels; private List dynamicRuleAlgorithmCombo; private List dynamicRuleAlgorithmField1; private List dynamicRuleAlgorithmField2; private List dynamicVariableList; private List dataTypeList; private String actionAttributeValue; private String ruleProvider; private String actionBody; private String actionDictHeader; private String actionDictType; private String actionDictUrl; private String actionDictMethod; private YAMLParams yamlparams; public PolicyElasticData(PolicyRestAdapter policyData) { this.scope = policyData.getDomain(); this.policyType = policyData.getPolicyType(); this.configPolicyType = policyData.getConfigPolicyType(); this.configBodyData = policyData.getConfigBodyData(); this.policyName = policyData.getNewFileName(); this.policyDescription = policyData.getPolicyDescription(); this.ecompName = policyData.getEcompName(); this.configName = policyData.getConfigName(); this.configType = policyData.getConfigType(); this.jsonBody = policyData.getJsonBody(); this.jsonBodyData = policyData.getJsonBodyData(); this.serviceTypePolicyName = policyData.getServiceTypePolicyName(); this.verticaMetrics = policyData.getVerticaMetrics(); this.description = policyData.getDescription(); this.attributeFields = policyData.getAttributeFields(); //Safe Policy this.policyScope = policyData.getPolicyScope(); this.providerComboBox = policyData.getProviderComboBox(); this.riskType = policyData.getRiskType(); this.riskLevel = policyData.getRiskLevel(); this.guard = policyData.getGuard(); this.ttlDate = policyData.getTtlDate(); this.matching = policyData.getMatching(); this.triggerSignatures = policyData.getTriggerSignatures(); this.symptomSignatures = policyData.getSymptomSignatures(); this.logicalConnector = policyData.getLogicalConnector(); this.policyStatus = policyData.getPolicyStatus(); this.gocServerScope = policyData.getGocServerScope(); this.supressionType = policyData.getSupressionType(); //MicroSerice this.serviceType = policyData.getServiceType(); this.uuid = policyData.getUuid(); this.location = policyData.getLocation(); this.priority = policyData.getPriority(); this.msLocation = policyData.getMsLocation(); //BRMS Policies this.ruleName = policyData.getRuleName(); this.brmsParamBody = policyData.getBrmsParamBody(); this.brmsController = policyData.getBrmsController(); this.brmsDependency = policyData.getBrmsDependency(); this.ruleData = policyData.getRuleData(); this.ruleListData = policyData.getRuleListData(); this.drlRuleAndUIParams = policyData.getDrlRuleAndUIParams(); //ClosedLoop this.clearTimeOut = policyData.getClearTimeOut(); this.trapMaxAge = policyData.getTrapMaxAge(); this.verificationclearTimeOut = policyData.getVerificationclearTimeOut(); this.dynamicLayoutMap = policyData.getDynamicLayoutMap(); //FireWall this.fwPolicyType = policyData.getFwPolicyType(); this.fwattributes = policyData.getFwattributes(); this.parentForChild = policyData.getParentForChild(); this.securityZone = policyData.getSecurityZone(); //Action & Decision this.ruleCombiningAlgId = policyData.getRuleCombiningAlgId(); this.dynamicFieldConfigAttributes = policyData.getDynamicFieldConfigAttributes(); this.dynamicSettingsMap = policyData.getDynamicSettingsMap(); this.dropDownMap = policyData.getDropDownMap(); this.actionPerformer = policyData.getActionPerformer(); this.actionAttribute = policyData.getActionAttribute(); this.dynamicRuleAlgorithmLabels = policyData.getDynamicRuleAlgorithmLabels(); this.dynamicRuleAlgorithmCombo = policyData.getDynamicRuleAlgorithmCombo(); this.dynamicRuleAlgorithmField1 = policyData.getDynamicRuleAlgorithmField1(); this.dynamicRuleAlgorithmField2 = policyData.getDynamicRuleAlgorithmField2(); this.dynamicVariableList = policyData.getDynamicVariableList(); this.dataTypeList = policyData.getDataTypeList(); this.actionAttributeValue = policyData.getActionAttributeValue(); this.ruleProvider = policyData.getRuleProvider(); this.actionBody = policyData.getActionBody(); this.actionDictHeader = policyData.getActionDictHeader(); this.actionDictType = policyData.getActionDictType(); this.actionDictUrl = policyData.getActionDictUrl(); this.actionDictMethod = policyData.getActionDictMethod(); this.yamlparams = policyData.getYamlparams(); } public String getScope() { return scope; } public void setScope(String scope) { this.scope = scope; } public String getPolicyType() { return policyType; } public void setPolicyType(String policyType) { this.policyType = policyType; } public String getConfigPolicyType() { return configPolicyType; } public void setConfigPolicyType(String configPolicyType) { this.configPolicyType = configPolicyType; } public String getConfigBodyData() { return configBodyData; } public void setConfigBodyData(String configBodyData) { this.configBodyData = configBodyData; } public String getPolicyName() { return policyName; } public void setPolicyName(String policyName) { this.policyName = policyName; } public String getPolicyDescription() { return policyDescription; } public void setPolicyDescription(String policyDescription) { this.policyDescription = policyDescription; } public String getEcompName() { return ecompName; } public void setEcompName(String ecompName) { this.ecompName = ecompName; } public String getConfigName() { return configName; } public void setConfigName(String configName) { this.configName = configName; } public String getConfigType() { return configType; } public void setConfigType(String configType) { this.configType = configType; } public String getJsonBody() { return jsonBody; } public void setJsonBody(String jsonBody) { this.jsonBody = jsonBody; } public LinkedHashMap getServiceTypePolicyName() { return serviceTypePolicyName; } public void setServiceTypePolicyName(LinkedHashMap serviceTypePolicyName) { this.serviceTypePolicyName = serviceTypePolicyName; } public LinkedHashMap getVerticaMetrics() { return verticaMetrics; } public void setVerticaMetrics(LinkedHashMap verticaMetrics) { this.verticaMetrics = verticaMetrics; } public LinkedHashMap getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(LinkedHashMap description) { this.description = description; } public LinkedHashMap getAttributeFields() { return attributeFields; } public void setAttributeFields(LinkedHashMap attributeFields) { this.attributeFields = attributeFields; } public String getPolicyScope() { return policyScope; } public void setPolicyScope(String policyScope) { this.policyScope = policyScope; } public String getProviderComboBox() { return providerComboBox; } public void setProviderComboBox(String providerComboBox) { this.providerComboBox = providerComboBox; } public String getRiskType() { return riskType; } public void setRiskType(String riskType) { this.riskType = riskType; } public String getRiskLevel() { return riskLevel; } public void setRiskLevel(String riskLevel) { this.riskLevel = riskLevel; } public String getGuard() { return guard; } public void setGuard(String guard) { this.guard = guard; } public String getTtlDate() { return ttlDate; } public void setTtlDate(String ttlDate) { this.ttlDate = ttlDate; } public Map getMatching() { return matching; } public void setMatching(Map matching) { this.matching = matching; } public ArrayList getTriggerSignatures() { return triggerSignatures; } public void setTriggerSignatures(ArrayList triggerSignatures) { this.triggerSignatures = triggerSignatures; } public ArrayList getSymptomSignatures() { return symptomSignatures; } public void setSymptomSignatures(ArrayList symptomSignatures) { this.symptomSignatures = symptomSignatures; } public String getLogicalConnector() { return logicalConnector; } public void setLogicalConnector(String logicalConnector) { this.logicalConnector = logicalConnector; } public String getPolicyStatus() { return policyStatus; } public void setPolicyStatus(String policyStatus) { this.policyStatus = policyStatus; } public String getGocServerScope() { return gocServerScope; } public void setGocServerScope(String gocServerScope) { this.gocServerScope = gocServerScope; } public String getSupressionType() { return supressionType; } public void setSupressionType(String supressionType) { this.supressionType = supressionType; } public String getServiceType() { return serviceType; } public void setServiceType(String serviceType) { this.serviceType = serviceType; } public String getUuid() { return uuid; } public void setUuid(String uuid) { this.uuid = uuid; } public String getLocation() { return location; } public void setLocation(String location) { this.location = location; } public String getPriority() { return priority; } public void setPriority(String priority) { this.priority = priority; } public String getMsLocation() { return msLocation; } public void setMsLocation(String msLocation) { this.msLocation = msLocation; } public String getRuleName() { return ruleName; } public void setRuleName(String ruleName) { this.ruleName = ruleName; } public Map getBrmsParamBody() { return brmsParamBody; } public void setBrmsParamBody(Map brmsParamBody) { this.brmsParamBody = brmsParamBody; } public String getBrmsController() { return brmsController; } public void setBrmsController(String brmsController) { this.brmsController = brmsController; } public ArrayList getBrmsDependency() { return brmsDependency; } public void setBrmsDependency(ArrayList brmsDependency) { this.brmsDependency = brmsDependency; } public LinkedHashMap getRuleData() { return ruleData; } public void setRuleData(LinkedHashMap ruleData) { this.ruleData = ruleData; } public LinkedHashMap getRuleListData() { return ruleListData; } public void setRuleListData(LinkedHashMap ruleListData) { this.ruleListData = ruleListData; } public Map getDrlRuleAndUIParams() { return drlRuleAndUIParams; } public void setDrlRuleAndUIParams(Map drlRuleAndUIParams) { this.drlRuleAndUIParams = drlRuleAndUIParams; } public String getClearTimeOut() { return clearTimeOut; } public void setClearTimeOut(String clearTimeOut) { this.clearTimeOut = clearTimeOut; } public String getTrapMaxAge() { return trapMaxAge; } public void setTrapMaxAge(String trapMaxAge) { this.trapMaxAge = trapMaxAge; } public String getVerificationclearTimeOut() { return verificationclearTimeOut; } public void setVerificationclearTimeOut(String verificationclearTimeOut) { this.verificationclearTimeOut = verificationclearTimeOut; } public Map getDynamicLayoutMap() { return dynamicLayoutMap; } public void setDynamicLayoutMap(Map dynamicLayoutMap) { this.dynamicLayoutMap = dynamicLayoutMap; } public String getFwPolicyType() { return fwPolicyType; } public void setFwPolicyType(String fwPolicyType) { this.fwPolicyType = fwPolicyType; } public ArrayList getFwattributes() { return fwattributes; } public void setFwattributes(ArrayList fwattributes) { this.fwattributes = fwattributes; } public String getParentForChild() { return parentForChild; } public void setParentForChild(String parentForChild) { this.parentForChild = parentForChild; } public String getSecurityZone() { return securityZone; } public void setSecurityZone(String securityZone) { this.securityZone = securityZone; } public String getRuleCombiningAlgId() { return ruleCombiningAlgId; } public void setRuleCombiningAlgId(String ruleCombiningAlgId) { this.ruleCombiningAlgId = ruleCombiningAlgId; } public Map getDynamicFieldConfigAttributes() { return dynamicFieldConfigAttributes; } public void setDynamicFieldConfigAttributes(Map dynamicFieldConfigAttributes) { this.dynamicFieldConfigAttributes = dynamicFieldConfigAttributes; } public Map getDynamicSettingsMap() { return dynamicSettingsMap; } public void setDynamicSettingsMap(Map dynamicSettingsMap) { this.dynamicSettingsMap = dynamicSettingsMap; } public Map getDropDownMap() { return dropDownMap; } public void setDropDownMap(Map dropDownMap) { this.dropDownMap = dropDownMap; } public String getActionPerformer() { return actionPerformer; } public void setActionPerformer(String actionPerformer) { this.actionPerformer = actionPerformer; } public String getActionAttribute() { return actionAttribute; } public void setActionAttribute(String actionAttribute) { this.actionAttribute = actionAttribute; } public List getDynamicRuleAlgorithmLabels() { return dynamicRuleAlgorithmLabels; } public void setDynamicRuleAlgorithmLabels(List dynamicRuleAlgorithmLabels) { this.dynamicRuleAlgorithmLabels = dynamicRuleAlgorithmLabels; } public List getDynamicRuleAlgorithmCombo() { return dynamicRuleAlgorithmCombo; } public void setDynamicRuleAlgorithmCombo(List dynamicRuleAlgorithmCombo) { this.dynamicRuleAlgorithmCombo = dynamicRuleAlgorithmCombo; } public List getDynamicRuleAlgorithmField1() { return dynamicRuleAlgorithmField1; } public void setDynamicRuleAlgorithmField1(List dynamicRuleAlgorithmField1) { this.dynamicRuleAlgorithmField1 = dynamicRuleAlgorithmField1; } public List getDynamicRuleAlgorithmField2() { return dynamicRuleAlgorithmField2; } public void setDynamicRuleAlgorithmField2(List dynamicRuleAlgorithmField2) { this.dynamicRuleAlgorithmField2 = dynamicRuleAlgorithmField2; } public List getDynamicVariableList() { return dynamicVariableList; } public void setDynamicVariableList(List dynamicVariableList) { this.dynamicVariableList = dynamicVariableList; } public List getDataTypeList() { return dataTypeList; } public void setDataTypeList(List dataTypeList) { this.dataTypeList = dataTypeList; } public String getActionAttributeValue() { return actionAttributeValue; } public void setActionAttributeValue(String actionAttributeValue) { this.actionAttributeValue = actionAttributeValue; } public String getRuleProvider() { return ruleProvider; } public void setRuleProvider(String ruleProvider) { this.ruleProvider = ruleProvider; } public String getActionBody() { return actionBody; } public void setActionBody(String actionBody) { this.actionBody = actionBody; } public String getActionDictHeader() { return actionDictHeader; } public void setActionDictHeader(String actionDictHeader) { this.actionDictHeader = actionDictHeader; } public String getActionDictType() { return actionDictType; } public void setActionDictType(String actionDictType) { this.actionDictType = actionDictType; } public String getActionDictUrl() { return actionDictUrl; } public void setActionDictUrl(String actionDictUrl) { this.actionDictUrl = actionDictUrl; } public String getActionDictMethod() { return actionDictMethod; } public void setActionDictMethod(String actionDictMethod) { this.actionDictMethod = actionDictMethod; } public YAMLParams getYamlparams() { return yamlparams; } public void setYamlparams(YAMLParams yamlparams) { this.yamlparams = yamlparams; } public Object getJsonBodyData() { return jsonBodyData; } public void setJsonBodyData(Object jsonBodyData) { this.jsonBodyData = jsonBodyData; } }