Helm charts for Distributed Edge Analytics.
[demo.git] / vnfs / DAaaS / rook-ceph / templates / role.yaml
1 {{- if .Values.rbacEnable }}
2 # The role for the operator to manage resources in the system namespace
3 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
4 kind: Role
5 metadata:
6   name: rook-ceph-system
7   labels:
8     operator: rook
9     storage-backend: ceph
10 rules:
11 - apiGroups:
12   - ""
13   resources:
14   - pods
15   - configmaps
16   verbs:
17   - get
18   - list
19   - watch
20   - patch
21   - create
22   - update
23   - delete
24 - apiGroups:
25   - extensions
26   resources:
27   - daemonsets
28   verbs:
29   - get
30   - list
31   - watch
32   - create
33   - update
34   - delete
35 {{- end }}