Merge "Helm charts for Distributed Edge Analytics."
[demo.git] / vnfs / DAaaS / rook-ceph / templates / clusterrole.yaml
1 {{- if .Values.rbacEnable }}
2 # The cluster role for managing all the cluster-specific resources in a namespace
3 apiVersion:
4 kind: ClusterRole
5 metadata:
6   name: rook-ceph-cluster-mgmt
7   labels:
8     operator: rook
9     storage-backend: ceph
10 rules:
11 - apiGroups:
12   - ""
13   resources:
14   - secrets
15   - pods
16   - pods/log
17   - services
18   - configmaps
19   verbs:
20   - get
21   - list
22   - watch
23   - patch
24   - create
25   - update
26   - delete
27 - apiGroups:
28   - extensions
29   resources:
30   - deployments
31   - daemonsets
32   - replicasets
33   verbs:
34   - get
35   - list
36   - watch
37   - create
38   - update
39   - delete
40 ---
41 # The cluster role for managing the Rook CRDs
42 apiVersion:
43 kind: ClusterRole
44 metadata:
45   name: rook-ceph-global
46   labels:
47     operator: rook
48     storage-backend: ceph
49 rules:
50 - apiGroups:
51   - ""
52   resources:
53   # Pod access is needed for fencing
54   - pods
55   # Node access is needed for determining nodes where mons should run
56   - nodes
57   - nodes/proxy
58   verbs:
59   - get
60   - list
61   - watch
62 - apiGroups:
63   - ""
64   resources:
65   - events
66   # PVs and PVCs are managed by the Rook provisioner
67   - persistentvolumes
68   - persistentvolumeclaims
69   verbs:
70   - get
71   - list
72   - watch
73   - patch
74   - create
75   - update
76   - delete
77 - apiGroups:
78   -
79   resources:
80   - storageclasses
81   verbs:
82   - get
83   - list
84   - watch
85 - apiGroups:
86   - batch
87   resources:
88   - jobs
89   verbs:
90   - get
91   - list
92   - watch
93   - create
94   - update
95   - delete
96 - apiGroups:
97   -
98   resources:
99   - "*"
100   verbs:
101   - "*"
102 - apiGroups:
103   -
104   resources:
105   - "*"
106   verbs:
107   - "*"
108 ---
109 # Aspects of ceph-mgr that require cluster-wide access
110 kind: ClusterRole
111 apiVersion:
112 metadata:
113   name: rook-ceph-mgr-cluster
114   labels:
115     operator: rook
116     storage-backend: ceph
117 rules:
118 - apiGroups:
119   - ""
120   resources:
121   - configmaps
122   - nodes
123   - nodes/proxy
124   verbs:
125   - get
126   - list
127   - watch
128 {{- if ((.Values.agent) and .Values.agent.mountSecurityMode) and ne .Values.agent.mountSecurityMode "Any" }}
129 ---
130 apiVersion:
131 kind: ClusterRole
132 metadata:
133   name: rook-ceph-agent-mount
134   labels:
135     operator: rook
136     storage-backend: ceph
137 rules:
138 - apiGroups:
139   - ""
140   resources:
141   - secrets
142   verbs:
143   - get
144 {{- end }}
145 {{- if .Values.pspEnable }}
146 ---
147 apiVersion:
148 kind: ClusterRole
149 metadata:
150   name: rook-ceph-system-psp-user
151   labels:
152     operator: rook
153     storage-backend: ceph
154     chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}"
155 rules:
156 - apiGroups:
157   - extensions
158   resources:
159   - podsecuritypolicies
160   resourceNames:
161   - 00-rook-ceph-operator
162   verbs:
163   - use
164 {{- end }}
165 {{- end }}