Handle more error scenarios for promql_api
[demo.git] / vnfs / DAaaS / microservices / collectd-operator / .gitignore
1 # Common
2 .DS_Store
3 .vscode
4 *-workspace
5 .tox/
6 .*.swp
7 *.log
8 coverage.html
9 docs/build
10 *.so
12 # Tests
13 *.test
14 *.out
16 # # Directories
17 target
18 vendor
19 src/github.com
20 src/golang.org
22 # Temporary Build Files
23 build/_output
24 build/_test
25 # Created by https://www.gitignore.io/api/go,vim,emacs,visualstudiocode
26 ### Emacs ###
27 # -*- mode: gitignore; -*-
28 *~
29 \#*\#
30 /.emacs.desktop
31 /.emacs.desktop.lock
32 *.elc
33 auto-save-list
34 tramp
35 .\#*
36 # Org-mode
37 .org-id-locations
38 *_archive
39 # flymake-mode
40 *_flymake.*
41 # eshell files
42 /eshell/history
43 /eshell/lastdir
44 # elpa packages
45 /elpa/
46 # reftex files
47 *.rel
48 # AUCTeX auto folder
49 /auto/
50 # cask packages
51 .cask/
52 dist/
53 # Flycheck
54 flycheck_*.el
55 # server auth directory
56 /server/
57 # projectiles files
58 .projectile
59 projectile-bookmarks.eld
60 # directory configuration
61 .dir-locals.el
62 # saveplace
63 places
64 # url cache
65 url/cache/
66 # cedet
67 ede-projects.el
68 # smex
69 smex-items
70 # company-statistics
71 company-statistics-cache.el
72 # anaconda-mode
73 anaconda-mode/
74 ### Go ###
75 # Binaries for programs and plugins
76 *.exe
77 *.exe~
78 *.dll
79 *.so
80 *.dylib
81 # Test binary, build with 'go test -c'
82 *.test
83 # Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE
84 *.out
85 ### Vim ###
86 # swap
87 .sw[a-p]
88 .*.sw[a-p]
89 # session
90 Session.vim
91 # temporary
92 .netrwhist
93 # auto-generated tag files
94 tags
95 ### VisualStudioCode ###
96 .vscode/*
97 .history
98 # End of https://www.gitignore.io/api/go,vim,emacs,visualstudiocode