Show Templates popup when deploying from "SDC Catalog"
[vid.git] / vid-webpack-master / src / app / shared / components / genericFormPopup / instantiationTemplatesModal / instantiation.templates.modal.component.html
1 <div id="template-popup" class="modal-dialog">
2   <div class="modal-content">
3     <div class="modal-header">
4       <button type="button"
5               []="'closeModal'"
6               class="close"
7               (click)="closeModal()">&times;
8       </button>
9       <span []="'template-modal-title'"
10             class="modal-title">Templates
11       </span>
12     </div>
13     <div class="modal-body templateModalBody">
14       <div class="row description-section">
15         <div class="col-md-6">
16           <div []="'description-part-1'">The following list presents previous instantiations done for
17             this model in this version.
18           </div>
19           <div []="'description-part-2'">You may use one of them as a baseline for your instantiation
20             or start from scratch.
21           </div>
22           <div []="'description-part-3'">Once you selecting one allows you to change the data before
23             start instantiating.
24           </div>
25         </div>
26         <div class="col-md-6">
27           <div class="col-md-6">
28             <div class="details-item" style="text-align: center;">
29               <input type="checkbox"
30                      #filterByUserIdCheckbox
31                      id="filterByUserIdCheckbox"
32                      []="'filterByUserIdTestId'"
33                      [checked]="filterByUserId"
34                      (change)="filterByUserIdChanged(filterByUserIdCheckbox.checked)"
35                      data-toggle="toggle">
36               <label class="checkbox-label"
37                      for="'filterByUserIdTestId'">Show only mine</label>
38             </div>
39           </div>
40           <div class="col-md-6">
41             <input
42               class="filter-input form-control input-text"
43               placeholder="Filter..."
44               [(ngModel)]="filterText">
45           </div>
46         </div>
47       </div>
48       <div class="row table-container">
49         <table id="member-table" class="table table-bordered table-responsive" style="table-layout: fixed">
50           <thead class="thead-dark">
51           <tr>
52             <th class="header-title" id="header-userId">User ID</th>
53             <th class="header-title" id="header-createDate" style="width: 21ch;">Date</th>
54             <th class="header-title" id="header-instanceName" style="max-width: 50ch;">Instance Name</th>
55             <th class="header-title" id="header-instantiationStatus" style="width: 30ch;">Instantiation Status</th>
56             <th class="header-title" id="header-summary">Summary</th>
57             <th class="header-title" id="header-region">Region</th>
58             <th class="header-title" id="header-tenant">Tenant</th>
59             <th class="header-title" id="header-aicZone">AIC Zone</th>
60           </tr>
61           </thead>
62           <tbody>
63           <tr class="member-table-row"
64               *ngFor="let item of filterTableData | searchFilter: filterText;"
65               (click)="selectedInstantiation = item"
66               [ngClass]="{'selected' : selectedInstantiation && selectedInstantiation.jobId === item.jobId}"
67               []="'row-' + item.jobId">
68             <td>
69               <div>
70                 <custom-ellipsis
71                   [dataTestId]="'userId-' + item.jobId"
72                   [id]="item.userId"
73                   [value]="item.userId"
74                   [breakWord]="true">
75                 </custom-ellipsis>
76               </div>
77             </td>
78             <td style="width: 21ch;">
79               <div>
80                 <custom-ellipsis
81                   [dataTestId]="'createDate-' + item.jobId"
82                   [id]="item.createDate"
83                   [value]="item.createDate"
84                   [breakWord]="true">
85                 </custom-ellipsis>
86               </div>
87             </td>
88             <td style="max-width: 50ch;">
89               <div>
90                 <custom-ellipsis
91                   [showDots]="true"
92                   [dataTestId]="'instanceName-' + item.jobId"
93                   [id]="item.instanceName"
94                   [value]="item.instanceName"
95                   [breakWord]="true">
96                 </custom-ellipsis>
97               </div>
98             </td>
99             <td>
100               <div>
101                 <custom-ellipsis
102                   [showDots]="true"
103                   [dataTestId]="'instantiationStatus-' + item.jobId"
104                   [id]="item.instantiationStatus"
105                   [value]="item.instantiationStatus"
106                   [breakWord]="true">
107                 </custom-ellipsis>
108               </div>
109             </td>
110             <td>
111               <div>
112                 <custom-ellipsis
113                   [dataTestId]="'summary-' + item.jobId"
114                   [id]="item.summary"
115                   [value]="item.summary"
116                   [breakWord]="true">
117                 </custom-ellipsis>
118               </div>
119             </td>
120             <td>
121               <div>
122                 <custom-ellipsis
123                   [showDots]="true"
124                   [dataTestId]="'region-' + item.jobId"
125                   [id]="item.region"
126                   [value]="item.region"
127                   [breakWord]="true">
128                 </custom-ellipsis>
129               </div>
130             </td>
131             <td>
132               <div>
133                 <custom-ellipsis
134                   [showDots]="true"
135                   [dataTestId]="'tenant-' + item.jobId"
136                   [id]="item.tenant"
137                   [value]="item.tenant"
138                   [breakWord]="true">
139                 </custom-ellipsis>
140               </div>
141             </td>
142             <td>
143               <div>
144                 <custom-ellipsis
145                   [dataTestId]="'aicZone-' + item.jobId"
146                   [id]="item.aicZone"
147                   [value]="item.aicZone"
148                   [breakWord]="true">
149                 </custom-ellipsis>
150               </div>
151             </td>
152           </tr>
153           </tbody>
154         </table>
155       </div>
157     </div>
158     <div class="modal-footer row" style="padding: 0">
159       <div class="col-md-6">
160       </div>
161       <div class="col-md-6" style="padding: 15px;padding-right: 35px;">
162         <button
163           [disabled]="selectedInstantiation === null"
164           []="'LoadTemplateButton'"
165           type="button" class="btn btn-primary submit"
166           (click)="loadTemplate()"><span>Load Template</span>
167         </button>
168         <button
169           []="'startFromScratchButton'"
170           type="button" class="btn btn-success submit startFromScratchButton"
171           (click)="closeModal()"><span>Start from Scratch</span>
172         </button>
173       </div>
174     </div>
175   </div>
176 </div>